Config Options

Updated a year ago

Configuration Options

Drop Items on Snatch

If a player is dragged, should their items drop on the ground?

Ignore Turrets on Snatch

If a player is dragged, should they be ignored by turrets?

Brackens Behave More Naturally

If enabled, the Bracken will kill consecutively (multiple kills) faster than usual.

Stuck Force Kill

If enabled, when the Bracken maintains the same position more than 5 seconds, it will kill the player. This is specifically to help alleviate locked doors being in the way of the favorite spot.

Ignore Mines on Snatch

If enabled, players will not activate mines as they're being dragged.

Seconds Until Auto Kill

The maximum amount of seconds a Bracken can hold on to a player before it kills.

Seconds Until Next Attempt

The minimum amount of time a Bracken must wait until they can drag another player.

Do Gradual Damage

If enabled, this will completely negate the minimum distance & seconds required to kill. Deaths will only be performed solely through the incremented damage. To give more context, if they take you to their favorite spot while this is enabled, this will not autokill you immediately. This also auto-negates the stuck option.

Damage Dealt At Interval

How much damage should the player be given every second while being dragged? Relies on 'Do Gradual Damage' set to true. Players have 100HP.

Instakill When Alone

If enabled, if a player is the last alive and they are taken by the Bracken, they will be killed immediately.