Made it just for fun. Contains 100% of stupidity. Not really targeted at everyone since it's mainly just for me and my friends. c:
V2.2.0 (25.11.2024)
Removed DeepBass.ogg temporarily, atleast from the config. Sound stays in the folder.
Yippee is now a Terraria Calamity boss. I had this idea for months already. DM Dokuro is the goat.
V2.1.9 (29.09.2024)
Added another VentOpen sound and one more thumper sound, lol
V2.1.8 (29.09.2024)
Added a new VentOpen sound
V2.1.7 (26.08.2024), been a while, eh?
Few new giant sounds
Dog now yells GOOOOOOOOL
Ghost girl has one more laugh sound
V2.1.6 (12.06.2024)
New ambient sound
Ghost girl laugh sounds added
Player landing sounds replaced
New neck crack sound added
V2.1.5 (same day patch)
Yippee flying sound now plays "It has to be this way", can be toggled on and off (on by default)
Thumper now slams through the doors with the moyai sound effect
V2.1.4 (04.06.2024)
Thumper now goes tyler1 mode
Slightly edited lever pull sound
V2.1.3 (24.05.2024)
2 new sounds for bracken (one was suggested by a friend lmao), baboon hawk sound (bird up) and an ambient sound.
V2.1.2 (20.05.2024)
Probably fixed game using vanilla sounds sometimes, especially with butlers, so basically nothing new other than a fix
Fix for baboons not using custom sounds, might occasionally still play them
V2.1.0 (17.05.2024)
Converted to be used with loaforcsSoundAPI
All players dead sounds added; random metal pipe, black mesa music for eclipsed music and terminal winxp typo sounds were integrated as well (also my mods, available separately).
V2.0.0 (03.05.2024)
"beeg" update cuz converted every single sound file to .ogg, making them a lot smaller than older versions (10.7mb > 112mb)
added butler blow up, idle ambience and murder theme sounds
V1.1.80 (29.04.2024)
have to use this stupid kind of version format atm because of v1.1.61 but oh well
few ambient tracks replaced along with some sounds
old bird's dial up sound volume was lowered by about 50%
moved the boombox music to my other boombox music related mod
adjusted the volume of warning sound
V1.1.7 (27.04.2024)
cba, old bird related sounds replaced, first v50 update btw
Replaced few baboon hawks sounds just so they wont spam just one line for most of the time
V1.1.6 (05.04.2024)
Actually replaced baboon hawk's sounds
Changed player dying by slime sound
Missing turret shooting sound fixed
V1.1.5 (not tested)
Replaced Baboon Hawk's EnterFight, TakeDamage, Screech, death and stab sounds.
Replaced the warning sound where you're trying to land on a moon when the deadline is 0 days.
V1.1.4 (04.04.2024)
Replaced Bracken's angered, found and added another kill sound
Forgor to mention that I also added in turret sounds from a mod called I_Need_More_Bullets by SnoopCave. Link: https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/SnoopCave/I_need_more_Bullets/
V1.1.2 (03.04.2024)
too lazy to list everything but basically readjusted volume for boombox music
replaced music2 and 4 tho they still play
enter/exit terminal sounds, global notification, jester stomping sounds, nut kick, coilhead player kill, nut hit eye, more coilhead sounds and vent open sounds were updated/replaced
V1.1.1 (31.03.2024)
Removed the 50% chance of playing the portal tracks and replaced music1 instead of 4
Removed the 33% chance of shotgun shooting sounds and replaced them with one sound instead to see if it fixes sometimes using the vanilla sound
V1.1.0 (29.03.2024)
kinda went nuts with this one, anyways
Added Portal radio music
Lootbug dying sounds replaced
CrackNeck sound added (fren's request)
Snare flea dying sounds replaced
Reduced the amount of FinalDayBeforeDeadline sounds and added a new one
Spore lizards sounds replaced
HeightDamage sound replaced
Lockpicker sound replaced
New profit quota sound replaced
Nutcracker dying sound replaced
Radar Booster flash sound replaced (with the flashbang one)
Reached Quota sound replaced
Spider death sounds replaced
VoiceCry2 sounds replaced
V1.0.10 (28.03.2024)
Replaced shotgun reload and shot sounds
Updated CriticalInjury sound
Updated FlashbangExplode sound
V1.0.9 (23.03.2024)
Replaced Thumper's roar sounds
Replaced VoiceHey
V1.0.8 (12.03.2024)
Replaced player dying by coilhead sound with TF2 crit sound
V1.0.7 (12.02.2024)
Updated few TentacleAttack sounds
V1.0.6 (23.01.2024)
Changed flashbang explosion sound
Added second intro speech (it's still the same kinda, just the intro itself is different)
Changed Jester's screaming sound
Replaced few StrangeNoise sounds (might replace with something else later if it's too annoying)
V1.0.5 (15.01.2024)
Rearranged the speaker voicelines at the company building
Replaced company monster's angry sounds
V1.0.4 (13.01.2024)
Replaced the speaker voicelines at the company building
New fired voiceline
Critical Injury SFX edited
Tentacle Attack SFX replaced
V1.0.3 (12.01.2024 again, lol)
Updated CrackNeck SFX :)
Updated PlayerHitSFX
Reduced volume of DaysLeftSFX
Replaced Jester's pop SFX
V1.0.2 (12.01.2024)
Updated Jester's music
V1.0.1 (09.01.2024)
Replaced the dying by fall damage sound
Replaced the sound for when there's few days left until deadline
Replaced the intro sound
V1.0.0 (05.01.2024)
Replaced shovel hits with bonks
Replaced Thumper biting a player sfx
New cash register sfx :)
Slightly modified neck crack sfx
The blue deadline window sfx replaced
Giant eating a player sfx replaced
Fired voiceline sfx replaced
Jester's wind up music replaced (may be replaced again in the future)
Landmine beep sfx replaced
ShotgunBlastFail sfx replaced
Coilhead's stopping sfx replaced
Turret seeing a player sfx replaced
TakeDamage sfx replaced