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scoopy-Scoopys_Variety_Mod-0.6.4 icon

Scoopys Variety Mod

Adds a new dungeon-themed interior, and some scrap items. This mod aims to add some variety to the base game of lethal company through new content.

By scoopy
Date uploaded 8 months ago
Version 0.6.4
Download link
Downloads 102982
Dependency string scoopy-Scoopys_Variety_Mod-0.6.4

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.14.2 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.14.2
IAmBatby-LethalLevelLoader-1.1.4 icon

A Custom API to support the manual and dynamic integration of custom levels and dungeons in Lethal Company.

Preferred version: 1.1.4
Evaisa-HookGenPatcher-0.0.5 icon

Generates MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.HookGen's MMHOOK file during the BepInEx preloader phase.

Preferred version: 0.0.5


Scoopy's Variety Mod (formerly LethalExtension)


This mod now requires LethalLevelLoader as a dependency

Currently, the mod adds one new interior, which is dungeon themed, and some new scrap items. This interior is comprised of custom assets and is intended to add some variety to the interiors in the base game.

The dungeon interior is in an almost complete state, with some bugs. There will likely be more content added to this dungeon in the near future, in addition to fixing some of the remaining issues.

The dungeon interior is a sprawling and dark crypt style interior with a high degree of verticality compared to the base interiors.

If you encounter any bugs you'd like to report, please post them in the LethalExtension thread located in the "mod-releases" section of the Lethal Company modding discord (


  1. Dungeon (Interior)

    1. Sprawling interior made from custom assets with high degree of verticality.
    2. Spawning parameters can be customized using the config file located in BepInEx/config.
  2. Scrap Items

    1. Guitar: Plays funny weezer riff on use
    2. Fire Axe: Defensive weapon, hits significantly harder than shovel. Can't be purchased. Spawns on all (vanilla) paid planets.

More features and improvements to come in the near future.

To avoid issues in multiplayer, ensure all players have the same settings in their individual config files.


Installation (manual)

  • Ensure you have all listed dependancies installed.
  • Download and unzip the mod.
  • Place the contents of the 'plugins' folder into the 'plugins' folder located in your BepInEx install (Lethal Company\BepInEx\plugins`)
  • Launch the game once to generate a config file if you would like to edit config parameters.

Known issues

  • All players must have matching config values or sync issues will occur.
  • Spray cans don't currently work on dungeon assets.
  • The weezer guitar can currently cause desync issues when players other than the host pick it up.
  • Some enemies have pathing issues.
  • Some lighting bleedthrough issues.
  • Very rarely on large maps (such as Titan), if the interior generation is too vertical, the player can be teleported to the entry door after travelling too far up or down.




  • Reworked sewer water to now use a seperate HDRP Water Shader, rather than inheriting the game one
    • This should fix issues with flood water desync
  • Added some tiles to the piping section of the Sewer interior
  • Added staircase to sewer entry room, to allow leaving with two-handed objects through the front door
  • Added config option for fireaxe damage
  • Significantly improved enemy pathing around obstacles in the Sewer
  • Removed turret spawns from the sewer section of the map
  • Fixed fire exit door sometimes not spawning prefab
  • Fixed lockpicker being positioned incorrectly on doors
  • Altered the position of some AI nodes to improve enemy pathing
  • Changed some room layouts to improve enemy pathing
  • Changed doorway colliders to improve enemy pathing through doorways
  • Added cube colliders to pipe jump room to make the jump more forgiving
  • Reduced frequency of pipe jump room
  • Enhanced compatibility with CullFactory by adjusting door socket sizing
  • Added compatibility with newest LethalLevelLoader version
  • Other bug fixes and tweaks


  • Added lights in the death-jump room to make it less treacherous without a torch
  • Added some lights to the piping to make it easier to navigate
  • Reduced brightness of lights in the sewer slightly
  • Fixed vent placement to line up with the walls better
  • Fixed enemies being able to walk through walls surrounding doorways


  • Fixed an issue that would cause planets and the ship to flood after visiting the sewer interior
  • Fixed turrets being able to shoot through doorways


  • Added a new interior: Sewer
  • Added 2 new tiles to the dungeon interior
    • One of these acts as a generator equivalent, with a loot item equivalent to the apparatus. Picking this item up does not turn off the lights however.
  • Increased lighting in dungeon interior, and lighting is now randomly generated
  • Dungeon Props now spawn randomly, to add variety to room layouts
  • Fixed doors pushing the player when opened
  • Fixed spray paint not working on dungeon interior walls
  • Fixed various graphical issues / tile misalignment issues
  • Fire exits can no longer spawn inside the entry room of the dungeon
  • Removed some troublesome vents which caused enemies to get stuck behind props on spawning
  • Various other bug fixes/small improvements


  • Minor lighting changes to improve visibility and increase overall brightness in the Dungeon interior
  • Removed some vents which were placed behind objects, causing enemies to get stuck


  • Updated depenency to LethalLevelLoader 1.05
    • This should make string matching moon names using 'list' in the config more forgiving, and fix a bug with march


  • Updated depenencies to LethalLevelLoader 1.04 and LethalLib 0.11.0
    • This should fix issues with March


  • Fixed config not accepting 'list' as a valid value


  • Fixed issue with MinCastleSizeMultiplier config value.


  • Updated to be compatible with Lethal Company v47 and v48
  • Added LethalLevelLoader as a dependency
    • This fixes moons with multiple fire exits not working - March is now compatible with this mod
    • This enables compatibility with moon mods which also use LethalLevelLoader - though there may be issues in the early stages
    • This also enables a higher degree of customisability via the config
  • Reduced shadow draw distance to significantly improve performance
    • This should fix the performance issues encountered on larger maps/lower end systems and reduce lag spikes
    • If you continue to encounter significant performance issues please report it on the discord
  • Added 1 new tile
  • Updated config settings
    • CastleDungeonMoons: New value 'list' can be provided to allow more customisable moon configuration using CastleDungeonMoonsList config value.
    • CastleDungeonMoonsList: New config value which allows users to provide a comma seperated list of moon names and rarities. e.g. rend30, dine300, egypt100 which would register the dungeon on 'rend', 'dine' and 'egypt' at rarities 30, 300 and 100 respectively.
    • MaxCastleSizeMultiplier: New config value which allows users to specify the max size multiplier for the dungeon, capping map generation multipliers to this value.
    • MinCastleSizeMultiplier: This allows users to specify the min size multiplier for the dungeon, raising map generation multipliers to this value.
  • Fixed turrets shooting through the central pillar in the spiral staircase tile
  • Reduced reflectivity of dungeon surfaces
  • Enabled generation on March when 'vanilla' is selected
  • Various other bugfixes


  • Changed fire exit spawning to be more similar to the base game
    • No longer spawns in a 1x1 room, now on random door blockers
  • Changed guitar to be one-handed
    • While the desync issue may still occur, this should at least allow players who become desynced to still interact with the world
  • Some lighting changes to hopefully improve performance


  • Added a new room tile
  • Changed door sounds for opening/closing/unlocking wood doors
  • Changed dungeon interior moon config
    • You can now specify lists of individual moons instead of just pre-defined settings
    • You can specify modded moons aswell, though these are still unstable and may result in issues
    • If you have made any config changes you will likely need to update your config to match the new settings
  • Fixed an issue where turrets could see/shoot through doorways and some objects
  • Moved some torches to reduce lighting bleed-through
  • Increased scrap value of fire axe and weezer guitar


  • Added a new room tile
  • Fixed enemies being unable to navigate up the spiral staircase
  • Added a central pillar to the spiral staircase room
  • Fixed enemies being able to walk through some map objects
  • Adjusted map objects in some rooms


  • Renamed to "Scoopy's Variety Mod" to avoid confusion with similarly named mods
  • Fixed weezer guitar bugging out players games and being undroppable
    • Encountered no issues in my testing, please report if this issue persists
  • Fixed enemies not being able to enter the spiral staircase room
    • Spiral staircase itself is still not functional
  • Added config options to control scrap item rarities
  • Adjusted lighting to improve FPS drops caused by hitting shadow cap


  • Fixed dungeon spawning on March when not intended
    • This will disable dungeon spawning on modded moons for the short term - more permanent fix coming soon
  • Added some props to the dining room tiles
  • Moved the annoying table infront of one of the dining room door spawns
  • You can now specify specific planets other than titan in the config in a similar manner to titan ("vow", "rend", etc.)


  • Added fire axe as a scrap and useable weapon
    • Only found as a scrap spawn, can't be bought
    • Deals significantly more damage than the shovel, or can be sold for a good price
  • Significantly changed the generation parameters of the dungeon interior
    • Start room should no longer generate only a single path, and rather provide between 3-4 paths each time
    • Dungeon size has been reduced significantly, to improve navigation and bring it closer in-line to vanilla interiors
    • Overall dungeon generation should be more "branch-y" and less "depth-y"
  • Changed dungeon lighting to improve visibility
    • Increased brightness and radius of torches
    • Added and moved some torches in tiles
  • Changed dungeon footstep sounds to better suit the material
  • Significantly reduced likelihood of dungeon being too vertical and causing player to teleport to entrance
    • May still occur very rarely on titan
  • Fixed enemies being unable to path up and down normal staircases
    • Only tested extensively with masked enemies - some enemies may still not work
  • Fixed enemies not opening doors and walking through walls
    • Some enemies are still broken and unable to open doors, but none should walk through walls anymore
  • Fixed an issue where players could clip through the front door and fall out of the map
  • Changed cell-doors to fix server-wide syncing
  • Fixed locked cell doors not being able to be unlocked with a key
  • Minor changes to some dungeon tiles


  • Initial release
  • Added dungeon interior.
  • Added weezer guitar as two-handed scrap item.