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seechela-MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus-1.5.6 icon


Balanced modpack that makes game harder and funnier! [V49]

Date uploaded 6 months ago
Version 1.5.6
Download link
Downloads 1384
Dependency string seechela-MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus-1.5.6

This mod requires the following mods to function

seechela-MoreBrutalLethalCompanyMain-2.0.6 icon

It contains all main mods to work for MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus! Highly recommended to download MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus!

Preferred version: 2.0.6
seechela-MoreBrutalLCCosmetics-2.0.2 icon

For better experience download MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus! It contains all cosmetic mods for MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus!

Preferred version: 2.0.2
seechela-MoreBrutalLCMoons-2.0.5 icon

It contains all moons mods for MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus! Highly recommended to download MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus!

Preferred version: 2.0.5
seechela-CustomLogoForMBLCP-1.0.7 icon

Replaces default Lethal Company logo to custom [For MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus]

Preferred version: 1.0.7
seechela-MoreBrutalLCPosters-1.0.1 icon

It contains all posters to for MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus! Search up MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus and download it!

Preferred version: 1.0.1



Join my discord server and write to the support channel if you have any problems playing with my modpack.

[ v1.5.6 ] Balanced modpack that has 100+ mods that makes game harder and funnier!

  • Recommended to play with 2 to 8 people!

  • Enemies spawn a bit often!

  • Has 100+ suits!

  • Has 50+ cosmetics!

  • More items to buy!

  • 100+ emotions!

  • 3 modded moons!

  • 2 new dungeons

  • New sounds!

  • More scrap!

    And much more!


  • Automaticly landing at company building when deadline reaches 0 days

  • Turn on flashlight with key [ F ]

  • Reworked masked enemy

  • Masked enemy learned how to mimic the voices of your friends

  • Your coworkers or you may disappear into the Backrooms

  • Maybe now taking the apparatus out isn't such a great idea

  • Moons with active weather will contain scrap with higher value

  • New insanity mechanics

  • There's a ghost in the terminal and it's sending random broadcast codes to mess with the facility

  • Flashlights get dimmer as the battery gets low

  • Monsters can die on landmines

  • Your friends cry for help as they get dragged away by the Bracken

  • You can see total value of all scrap in ship

    Not all game changing mechanics/features are listed.


  • Kast [ Is not seen in terminal but it works, just type it in terminal ]
  • SecretLabs
  • Wateridge [ Is not seen in terminal but it works, just type it in terminal ]


  • Flashlight [ F ]
  • BetterEmotes [ T ]
  • TooManyEmotes [ Y ] or [ ` ]
  • TooManySuits | Next Page [ N ] | Back Page [ B ]
  • AdvancedCompany | Nightvision [ F ] | Headmounted [ F ]


Download r2modman, in r2modman choose game Lethal Company and make profile named however you want, go to section Online and type in search bar MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus and download!


DO NOT UPDATE MODS! Updating mods can break your game a little so wait when i update modpack!


MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v3.3.1 Release Notes


  • Fixed manifest.
  • Fixed crashing. sowwy(


  • StoreRotationConfig


  • EladsHUD 1.3.0
  • CustomStoryLogs 1.4.4

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v3.3.0 Release Notes


  • Fixed issue with PintoBoy screens overlapping.
  • PintoBoy camera can only see PintoBoy assets now. This should fix the bugs with seeing ship UI in the PintoBoy's screen.
  • Fixed ship door texture.
  • Fixed button to join a LAN lobby not being aligned properly.
  • Fixes for dogs:
    • Fixed overlapping breathing sounds coming from the same dog.
    • Fixed breathing sound stopping sometimes after killing players.
    • Added hit sound.
  • Fixes for tulip snakes:
    • Fixed "scurrying" sounds continuing after latching to a player's head.
    • Fixed randomized pitch for scurry sounds.
    • Fixed some edge cases where dead tulip snakes would still make noise.
    • Added hit sound.
  • Fixed thumpers playing thunder sounds from their voice when de-aggroing.
  • Enemies no longer play hit sounds if another enemy hits them after they are dead.
  • Fixed knife damage not registering for thumpers or spiders.
  • Fixed knife damage being blocked by dead bodies.
  • Optimized shovel hit fix for better performance.
  • Data chips now disappear for all players once they have been picked up.
  • Fixed a logic error with the tinnitus effect from a shotgun being fired nearby.
  • Fixed some enemy variables not resetting when you quit mid-day and rehost:
    • Fixes hoarder bugs aggroing automatically without stealing items from them.
    • Fixes baboon hawks trying to reach an inaccessible nesting point.
  • Mimic fixes:
    • Mimics stop moving on the map screen after they die.
    • Mimics imitate player appearance much closer.
    • Badges now update to match the player they converted (Intern, Employee, Leader, etc.).
    • Costume attachments (like from bee and bunny suits) now appear properly.
    • Tragedy masks will no longer turn into Comedy when it attaches to your face.
    • Tragedy mimics now actually wear Tragedy (previously, they would wear Comedy, but make Tragedy's crying noises).
  • Fixed whoopie cushion displaying a red box on the scrap collection screen.
  • Fixed snare fleas and tulip snakes opening doors while attached to a player's head.
  • Fixed issue with Back Muscles leading to additional 100lb being added to the player due to negative weight countermeasures.
  • Fixed an issue with ChangeMidDay allocating absurd amounts of memory every TimeOfDay update.
  • Fixed HUDS most of the aliasing.


  • Decreased memory usage.
  • Wallet and money were removed.
  • Improved Weather performance.
  • Improved meteor spawning location.
  • Added a border around the healthbar.
  • Game will not close immediately so it could write all logs.
  • Improved load times by stopping configs saving too many times.
  • Quicksand color on some moons has been changed.
  • Reduced stuttering during level loading.
  • Added a command to cancel an undelivered order and get your credits back 'Refund'.
  • Player cannot no more click the centipede to remove it from other players head.
  • Player cannot no more fracture/break Leg or Arm.
  • Player cannot no more bleed.
  • Removed Night Vision feature when spectating, you can still use Flashlight feature.
  • Added to the list DATA CORRUPTED and Gloom moon that reduce giants vision.
  • Inverse Teleporter cooldown was reduced to 60 seconds.
  • Ladders, jetpack, keys, radar booster, shovel, signs, TZP inhalant, knives and zap guns will not attract lightning.
  • Reduced chance of shower to stop ghost girl chasing.
  • Added new scrap 'Yippee'
  • Replaced Warehouse interior with Sector-0 interior. [ More info in README. ]
  • Returned back Gordion Sector-0 moon. [ More info in README. ]
  • Returned back CozyOffice interior. [ More info in README. ]
  • Players cannot no more push each other.
  • Players will always drop items on death.
  • Disabled opening ship doors in space.
  • Added new weather Cloudy.
  • Added new weather Tornado.
  • Added new weather Impossible.
  • Weather chances have been balanced.
  • Added an alternative way to choose suits through terminal by typing 'suits'.
  • There is a chance now that regular door can start malfunctioning:
    • Regular door has a small chance to eat your key if you try to unlock it.
    • Regular door has a very small chance to explode.
  • Added some new scrap from BONELAB & BONEWORKS.
  • Separated the radar map within the terminal from the radar map displayed on the screen at the front of the ship so that they can monitor the perspectives of different players/radar boosters.
  • The spring that's holding the Jester shut is a little loose, if you hit it hard enough, it might pop.
  • Maximum distance the dropship can land away from its normal position was reduced.
  • Extra seconds added to the dropship's stay timer.
  • Increasedd Mantle enemy spawn chance.
  • Balanced modded enemy spawn chance.
  • Reduced modded giant spawn chance.
  • Changed Sector-0 and Ganimedes cost.
  • Added puffers poison substance warning.
  • In shop if you type 'reserved' you can purchase reserved slot for walkie-talkie for 350 credits.
  • darmuhsTerminalStuff:
    • Better syncing of the terminal between players.
    • Improved Always On Display handling:
    • Added better handling for Always On Dynamic, may see slight performance increase.
    • Improved Terminal Clock feature, will now display on terminal when screen is on:
    • Improved handling of terminal clock feature, may see slight performance increase.


  • Added fences around the whole map.
  • Added grass.
  • Retextured the bushes texture to be snowy.
  • Added Silos.
  • Resized the Wood Pallets to be vanilla size.
  • Fixed Siabudabu Info not showing up.


  • Optimization.
  • Texture improvements.
  • Post processing.


  • TestAccountCore
  • ImmovablePlayers
  • Gordion Sector-0
  • Sector-0 Interior
  • CozyOffice
  • ReservedWalkieSlot
  • ReservedItemSlotCore
  • YippeeScrap
  • LooseJesterSpring
  • suitsTerminal
  • StaticNetcodeLib
  • MalfunctioningDoors
  • TwoRadarMaps
  • VoidLeak
  • BepInEx MonoMod Debug Patcher
  • Terbium
  • QuickSandColor
  • LoadstoneNightly
  • AdditionalNetworking Experimental


  • TerminalDisplaySync [ replaced with darmuhsTerminallStuff ]
  • TerminalApi
  • SaveStealer
  • LethalApi Terminal
  • StarlancerWarehouse
  • AdditionalNetworking
  • MeteoMultiplier


  • BepInEx Faster Load AssetBundles Patcher 0.6.4
  • AsyncLogger 1.6.3
  • ToilHead 1.7.0
  • CodeRebirth 0.1.6
  • WeatherRegistry 0.1.7
  • Argent 0.4.2 [ M ]
  • LoaforcsSoundAPI 1.1.6
  • EladsHUD 1.3.0
  • EchoReach 0.9.9
  • AutoCompanyBuilding 1.2.1
  • SCP-966 1.1.4
  • AutomaticSignals 1.3.2
  • Mirage 1.7.3
  • EnemySoundFixes 1.4.0
  • StarlancerWarehouse 1.6.5 [ I ]
  • WeatherRegistry 0.1.10
  • TestAccountFixes 1.3.2
  • StarlancerEnemyEscape 2.4.2
  • Piggys Variety Mod 1.1.29
  • PoisonPuffer 1.3.0
  • MrovLib 0.0.10
  • ButteryFixes 1.4.1
  • MeleeFixes 1.2.0
  • Siabudabu 3.1.1 [ M ]
  • Lategame Upgrades 3.8.1
  • PintoBoy 2.0.2
  • DarmuhsTerminallStuff 3.1.0
  • Piggys Variety Mod 1.1.30
  • ShipWindows 1.3.7
  • OpenBodyCams 2.2.1
  • ScarletDevilMansion 1.3.17 [ I ]
  • Affliction-59 2.1.1 [ M ]
  • Mantle 1.0.2
  • EGypt 1.1.30 [ M ]
  • BetaWeatherTweaksBeta 0.20.6

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v3.2.0 Release Notes


  • More explicit networking for things like selected slot and inventory [less de-syncs].
    • Current Held Slot [use explicit slot id instead of forward/backward].
    • GrabbedObject Slot [stream the entire inventory snapshot instead of relying on other clients to guess where items are].
    • Shotgun Ammo [Owner will broadcast the explicit ammo amount].
    • Shotgun safety [Owner will broadcast explicit safety status instead of toggling].
    • Shotgun status [Clients will request shotgun status from host at spawn].
    • Boombox playing [Owner will broadcast explicit track id and playing status].
    • Boombox Status [Clients will request boombox status from host upon spawn.]
    • Player Username [Owner will synchronise the name of their PlayerObject].
  • Fixed a sound issue that occurred when doors tried to kill an immortal enemy.
  • Dogs no longer continue breathing after they die.
  • Fixed dogs using the wrong voice pitch after they finish eating a player.
  • Fixed fog on planets.
  • Fixed a sound issue that occurred when doors tried to kill an immortal enemy.
  • Fixed shovels becoming unusable if the player holding it died in the middle of swinging.
  • Fixed shovels and knives dealing double damage to players.
  • Fixed a bug that caused non-ascii file paths to fail to load. This means players with non-english usernames will finally be able to hear their own voices.
  • Fixed bug with Driftwood throwing people off the map.
  • Fixed some animation de-syncs/bugs with Driftwood and Redwood.
  • Fixed some Redwood bug with movement.
  • Fixed players being critically injured while not under 20 HP.
  • Hopefully fixed all issues with items becoming invisible.
  • lime will no longer camp the main entrance or fire exit.
  • ButteryFixes:
    • The dropship's inventory will now be remembered when rehosting a save.
    • Only applies if the file was both saved & loaded with this mod active.
    • Fixed spike trap spawns not being spaced out properly on Rend.
    • "CRITICAL INJURY" popup on HUD now only displays when you have actually been critically injured (limping, unable to sprint).
    • "Most profitable" is now, like the other titles, awarded to the player who collected the most scrap that round, rather than combining all previous rounds.
    • The casualties/bodies recovered screen now displays accurate fee percentages.
    • Fixes to local player rendering
    • Your shadow no longer has two helmets (removed the bigger one that didn't animate)
    • Can no longer see floating "V.I.P. Employee" and rank badges when reeling up a shovel
    • Bee hat and bunny ears now display correctly on your shadow
    • Fixed masked players subtracting from "outdoor power level" on death (allowing more dogs, giants, etc. to spawn).
    • Fixed Old Birds still spawning after all "dormant" Old Birds on the moon wake up (causing them to instantly appear in a random location).
    • Fixed the broken "global clock" for nutcrackers (they are now more likely to "inspect" in sync with each other).
    • Fixed bracken enraging on players immediately when shot by a nutcracker.
    • Fixed error when spider is shot by a nutcracker.
    • Fixed buggy interactions with tulip snakes and jetpacks cancelling each other out.
    • Fixed Old Birds stomps dealing damage while you are inside the ship.
    • Fixed butlers skipping their random attack chance when bumping into them while they are passive.
    • Fixed slimes still dealing damage while "tamed" by a boombox if they haven't been "angered" by attacking them at least once.
    • Restored v49's visual effect where blood fills your visor when a masked player is converting you.
    • Added a failsafe to protect against masked players sometimes turning invisible and causing extreme lag.
  • Shotgun fixes:
    • Fixed inventory icons disappearing for all players whenever another player reloads.
    • Fixed shotgun dealing damage to the same enemy multiple times in the same shot.
    • The shotgun will now consistently hit up to 10 targets (vanilla's limit) in one shot.
      • Dead bodies no longer take up "slots", and monsters with multiple colliders also won't use up more than a single slot.
    • Fixed shell being visible through the barrels when standing far away from the gun.
    • Shells now sync for all clients during the reload animation (when another player or nutcracker is reloading).
  • Fixed certain items being audible when they hit the floor no matter where you are on the map.
    • This affected large axles, plastic fish, easter eggs, bee hives, zap guns, sticky note, and clipboard.
  • Fixed kitchen knives not showing "Value: $35" on scan until the save file is reloaded.
  • Fixed boombox pitch being incorrect if you charge it after it reaches low battery.
  • Fixed Doppler effect erroneously applying to your own jetpack when you are flying with one.
  • Fixed TZP effects persisting after you are fired or change save files.
  • LC Office mod version was reverted and now bugs with elevator should be fixed.


  • New shutter voice lines when opening/closing the window shutters.
  • Added planet transition animation
  • Added starmap during planet transition
  • Added door windows.
  • Enemies have ability to watch through the ship windows.
  • Disabled possession on company level to prevent it from activating if player dies by the tentacle.
  • Added more lore to goldfish.
  • Grand Armory interior entrance turrets are removed.
  • Turrets in Toy Store interior should no longer spawn in walls or objects.
  • Enemies should no longer walk through containers or walls on Grand Armory & Toy Store.
  • Remnant changes:
    • Night Vision goggles, Wheelbarrow, Geiger counter, Enemies scanner, Extension ladder, Jetpack, Lockpicker, Radar-Booster won't be found as scrap in facilities.
    • Minimum and Maximum remnant items spawn on a moons values were decreased.
    • Bodies that can spawn inside facility will be not as a scrap, but as a prop.
  • Body camera is disabled on the ship when the target is onboard the ship to reduce the performance hit of rendering a large number of items. [ It's an old change. But just in case you didn't know. ]
  • Tesla gate spawn chance decreased.
  • Interior changes:
    • Interior chances reworked.
    • Sector-0 interior was replaced with Starlancer Warehouse.
    • Some interiors were removed or added to the moon. [ More info in README. ]
  • Scrap spawn chances were reworked.
  • Removed Sector-0 moon due to performance issues.
  • Removed Sector-0 interior due to elevator bug and softlock.
  • Removed Cozy Office due to blocking entrance causes de-sync.
  • Disabled Diversity speaker voice lines and replaced them with vanilla ones. [ Discord vote ]
  • New B E A U T I F U L menu.
  • New crosshair.
  • Reduced chance of random buyable items that could be in present.
  • Balanced weather chances.
  • Deleting temp files on game start up.
  • Deleting assetbundle metadata if uncompressed bundle was deleted.
  • Item dropship will land in a random place each time it is called.
  • Removed some other moons. [ Although "Add more moons" won in the discord vote, I removed them anyways, sorry to those who voted for adding more moons. There was a reason for that. ]
  • Added new enemy Mantle.
Mantle SPOILER Mantle
- The Mantles are "aggressive" creatures that will only appear indoors.
- They can be quite problematic if you are in an area with hazards such as voids, mines, turrets, or if you are trying to escape from a larger threat.
- They often appear in small groups.
- Mantle will spawn on all moons.


  • Performance optimization.
  • De-synchronisation issues fixed.
  • AudioReverbTrigger spam fixed.
  • OutsideAIPoints adjustment.
  • Fixed ambient sounds in dungeons.


  • ShipWindows [TestAccounts]
  • WeatherRegistry
  • AdditionalNetworking
  • ScaledFallDamage
  • StarlancerWarehouse
  • DisplayHiddenRoutesAfterTraveling
  • ProblematicPilotry
  • Emblem
  • LC FastStartup
  • Mantle
  • AntiSlimeCamp
  • NestFix
  • JetpackFixes
  • ButteryFixes
  • AutoCompanyBuilding


  • ShipWindows [veri]
  • LethalWeight
  • AnnounceMoonAndWeatherChange
  • IntroTweaks
  • StarshipDeliveryMod
  • Men Stalker
  • Sector0 Interior [ I ]
  • Sector-0 [ M ]
  • Celestria [ M ]
  • PsychSanctum [ M ]
  • Harloth [ M ]


  • ToilHead 1.6.0
  • BetaWeatherTweaksBeta 0.20.5
  • MeleeFixes 1.1.1
  • Celestial Tint 1.5.1
  • LethalCompany InputUtils 0.7.7
  • Gratar 3.0.11
  • Asteroid-13 3.0.9
  • WesleysInteriors 1.1.17
  • Infernis 4.0.5
  • Junic 2.0.8
  • Gloom 2.0.5
  • Acidir 5.0.6
  • ViewExtension 1.2.2
  • Aquatis 2.2.3
  • Celest 1.1.4
  • TestAccountFixes 1.2.0
  • EnemySoundFixes 1.3.0
  • Remnants 1.3.2
  • CustomStoryLogs 1.4.4
  • MaskTheDead 1.0.6
  • Selene Choice 1.5.7
  • LethalNetworkAPI 2.2.0
  • Lethal Doors Fixed 1.0.10
  • FeedFish 1.3.4
  • TooManySuits 1.1.0
  • BarchLib 1.0.2
  • WeatherRegistry 0.1.1
  • TheGiantSpecimens 2.1.5
  • AutomaticSignals 1.3.1
  • Mirage 1.7.1
  • BepInEx Faster Load AssetBundles Patcher 0.6.1
  • LC Office 1.1.29 [ Reverted ]

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v3.1.1 Release Notes


  • Fixed Office interior elevator bug.
  • Butler corpses no longer buzz.
  • Fixed other players reloading a shotgun making the item you have in the same hotbar slot that they had their ammo in invisible.
  • Fixed an issue with routes showing up multiple times after reloading lobby.


  • Reverted Office change that was made in v3.1.0.
  • Reworked Lethal Quantities from the ground:
    • New modded scrap that was added in v3.0.0 is on all moons.
    • Football enemy was added to risk level B and A moons.
    • Scrap amount was decreased.
    • Scrap cost was increased.
    • Balanced enemy spawn and scrap spawn, more moon cost = more enemies = more scrap.
    • Moons that cost 1000+ scrap cost is increased a lot more.
  • Rolling Giant changes:
    • Rolling Giant will not go outside from facility.
    • Rolling Giant will spawn with small chance on risk level B and higher.
  • Redwood and Driftwood giants changes:
    • Redwood speed decreased.
    • Redwood and Driftwood moon spawn was changed.
    • Redwood footstep colour was changed.
  • Starship Delivery:
    • Dropship model was replaced with Spacex's Starship.
    • New starship sound effects.
    • Starship landing position has been changed.
    • Purchased items can be found inside a door on the bottom of the Starship.
    • When the Starship enters the atmosphere, a sonic bang can be heard all over the map.
  • The maximum seconds for the worm to emerge has been increased to 3 seconds.
  • Price of Night Vision was decreased to 380 credits.
  • When joining a save that is not brand new, the ship will not auto route to the "safety moon", it will remain on the moon you left off on.
  • Added SCP-966 enemy:
    • In order to see it, the player must purchase the night vision goggles from the shop.
    • You will be able to see the enemy briefly each time you scan.
- It will move around until it detects a player. If the player's stamina is above *10*, it will enter the Tiering Phase. If the player's stamina is below 10, it enters the Chase Phase.
- It will follow the player around, adding 52 lbs to the player's weight, and when the player's stamina drops below 20%, SCP-966 will enter the Chase Phase.
- When in the Chasing Phase, it will hunt down the player until they are dead or leave the building. Then, it will go back into the Roaming Phase.
- SCP-966 will spawn on Risk level *B+, A, S, S+, SS, SSS*


  • StarshipDeliveryMod
  • EnhancedIcons
  • CustomWormTiming
  • SCP-966
  • LethalBestiary


  • TestAccountFixes 1.1.1
  • TerminalFormatter 0.2.13
  • LethalFixes 1.1.3
  • EnemySoundFixes 1.2.4
  • Remnants 1.3.0
  • Asteroid-13 3.0.7
  • Gratar 3.0.10
  • WesleysInteriors 1.1.15
  • LethalLib 0.16.0
  • StoreRotationConfig 2.2.0
  • Selenes Choice 1.5.0

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v3.1.0 Release Notes


  • Game should use less RAM, that means less crashes. i hope ? :D
  • Fixed bracken.
  • AnnounceMoonAndWeatherChange fix compatibility with WeatherTweaks.
  • Fixed the console being spammed with warnings.
  • Fixed an error that would occur when loading into a save the second time.
  • Fixed already collected log events not being called on game/save reload.
  • Fixed stormy weather only working for the first stormy day of each session if items are left outside.
  • Fixed the main menu buttons not being aligned properly.
  • Fixed old birds being desynced on clients after the first flight.
  • Fixed nutcrackers not moving whilst aiming for clients.
  • New installing method in README.


  • Increased scrap minimum and maximum values on some big map moons.
  • Made enemies spawn more frequently on moons that were added in 3.0.0.
  • The moons will reshuffle only after a new quota is assigned, not daily.
  • New step sounds.
  • New upgrade 'Scavenger Instincts' which increase the average amount of scrap it can spawn in a given level.
  • Disabled camera shake for Tesla Gate.
  • LiminalPools interior weight changes on moons.
  • Giants have reduced vision on Auralis.
  • Abandoned TZP and Abandoned Flashlights are able to spawn in dungeon.
  • If a apparatus is removed from Office interior, the elevator will not operate until the apparatus is inserted into the elevator's emergency power unit.
  • Regeneration has limit in a round per player.
  • Weather change warning will show up on the screen.
  • Changed goldfish name. big change :D
  • Peepers changes:
    • Peepers weight was reduced to 8 lb.
    • Peepers will not spawn on Dine, Rend, Infernis, Titan and Embrion.
  • Mimic door is easier to recognise.
  • Small changes made to Spray Paint.
  • Balanced StarlancerEnemyEscape:
    • Some monsters cooldown increased.
    • Some monsters chance decreased.


  • TestAccountFixes


  • DoNotEatItems
  • Backrooms
  • RealBackroomsPatch
  • AutomaticInventoryFixPlugin
  • SpiderWebFix
  • Aerona [ M ]


  • CSync 5.0.1
  • LCMaxSoundsFix 1.2.0
  • Lategame Upgrades 3.7.2
  • Interactive Terminal API 1.1.2
  • CustomStoryLogs 1.3.3
  • Piggy Variety Mod 1.1.27
  • HotbarPlus 1.6.8
  • VileVendingMachine 1.0.12
  • TooManyEmotes 2.1.18
  • Selenes Choice 1.4.5
  • LethalLib 0.16.0
  • LethalPipeRemoval 1.7.5
  • Remnants 1.3.0
  • ToilHead 1.4.2
  • Lethal Doors Fixed 1.0.9
  • LethalResonance 4.4.0
  • JetpackHMD 1.2.1
  • LethalFixes 1.1.2
  • TerminalFormatter 0.2.12
  • InsanityDisplay 1.2.2
  • AnnounceMoonAndWeatherChange 2.0.5
  • TooManyEmotes 2.1.19
  • CullFactory 1.1.3
  • Argent 0.4.1 [ M ]
  • Harloth 0.5.2 [ M ]
  • Echelon 0.4.2 [ M ]
  • Acidir 5.0.5 [ M ]
  • Asteroid-13 3.0.6 [ M ]
  • Gloom 2.0.4 [ M ]
  • Gratar 3.0.9 [ M ]
  • Infernis 4.0.4 [ M ]
  • Junic 2.0.7 [ M ]
  • Siabudabu 3.0.0 [ M ]
  • WesleysInteriors 1.1.14 [ I ]
  • LC Office 1.1.30 [ I ]

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v3.0.0 Release Notes


  • Fixed client replication issues with the apparatus room elevator.
  • Possible fix for lag when the ship lands on or leaves the moon and damage from ship doors should be more reliable for both players and enemies.
  • Fixed BetterEmotes Knife Animation.
  • Fixed mask items and enemies not playing laugh/cry noises as often as they are supposed to.
  • Fixed enemies being able to be assigned to vents that were already occupied during the same hour.
  • Increased some performance when weather is Rainy
  • Fixed some culling issues with Liminal Pools interior.
  • Lamps and apparatus will be disabled on ship to improve FPS.
  • Fixed bug when dropping apparatus in the ship and it was making sound.
  • Fixed buggy collision with shovels and knives, causing invisible walls to make hit sounds and/or block damage.
  • Narrowed down terminal conflicts if more letters match one word than another [This solves issues like "teleporter" buying a television if you input it partially (like "telep"), and conflicts between modded terminal commands.]
  • Fixed FPS dramaticly dropping when turning on flashlight by removing BetterFlashlight mod.
  • Fixed bug when being slowed by spider web even though you're not even near one. [maybe]
  • Fixed issue with the game not wanting to save or the map just not wanting to load.
  • Fixed stutters caused by the AI of Brackens, Spore Lizards, and Snare Fleas.


  • BepInEx console will open together with Lethal Company.
  • LocalFlashlight was removed.
  • Ganimedes moon has v50 entities and Spike Roof Trap.
  • Game will close Instantly instead of Waiting for all logs to be written.
  • Braken will have Personal Space.
  • FullDarkness intensity has been reduced due to removal of LocalFlashlight.
  • Amount of the scrap will be multiplied if you will be on these weather moons:
    • DustClouds, Foggy, Rainy, Stormy, Flooded, Eclipsed and Meteor Shower.
  • Teleporter malfunction chance has been reduced.
  • Terminal was replaced to the left side of the wall.
  • Giants on Snowy or Foggy moons (Dine, Rend, Titan, Auralis) will have their vision range divided by 3.
  • Old beat up equipments can now be found in facility.
  • Some of the enemies can escape or go inside the facility for a small time and limited range.
  • Certain log messages have been blocked to don't show up. [for devs]
  • New Weather: Meteor Shower.
  • Money can be found as scrap inside the facility. You can only take it with a wallet, which you can buy in the shop for 150 credits.
  • New enemy Cutiefly or Butterfly which is harmless.
  • Presents now can give buyables or better value scrap.
  • Moving around the planet outside the ship will consume Oxygen, which can be refilled automatically inside the ship.
    • On green planets with grass and trees, no Oxygen is consumed. Vow, March, Adamance, Celest, PsychSanctum, Argent, Acidir, Junic, Sanguine, Gloom, Secret Labs, Aquatis, Gratar].
    • The new buyable item OxyBoost costs 70 credits and will increase a player's oxygen level.
    • Oxygen will decrease in the facility.
    • The oxygen level can be seen on the HUD.
    • When the helmet's crack level is at 2, it will additionally start decreasing oxygen.
  • Lobby names with offensive text will be hidden.
  • You can sprint on the ladder.
  • One handed item will be hidded while climbing a ladder.
  • New turrets Missile Turrets:
    • Missile turrets will rotate slowly.
    • Speed of missile is slow.
    • Rotation range is 90 degrees.
    • Reload time is 8.5 seconds.
  • The maximum of characters that you can fit on the transmitting messages is increased to 30 characters.
  • Cord that was comming out of the keyboard on the terminal was removed.
  • File cabinets, Bunkbeds and tube which is was the floor were removed.
  • New lore-friendly scrap were added.
  • Added 16 new moons which you can check in README.
  • As now we have 27 modded moons, moons inside the terminal will shuffle everyday with 5 free moons, 5 paid moons and 2 extra moons. So everyday you can see some of the new other moons.
  • 5% of Quota will increase per dead player that was not retrived.
  • 10% of current credits will be taken for each dead player.
  • 0% Fine for each dead player on Gordion
  • New scrap Groan Tube was added which makes funny sounds. (AAAAEEEEEEEUUUU)
  • Now will count required votes for Ship to Leave Early based on total amount of players in lobby instead of amount of dead players.
  • TZP will make you run faster and jump higher.
  • Clock will show up while you are spectating.
  • You can use Flashlight while spectating by clicking [ F ].
  • You can toggle Nightvision while spectating by clicking [ N ]
  • It takes 15 seconds (vanilla was - 30) to open locked door using Lockpicker.
  • Bracken will grab you instead of instantly killing you.
    • Bracken will insta kill when the player is alone.
    • Players will drop their items when Bracken grabs them.
    • Players will be ignored by turrets when being dragged.
    • Bracken will force kill when stuck in the same place for at least 5 seconds.
    • Bracken will have their favourite room (back room).
    • Bracken will (sometimes) take you to Bracken's favourite room.
    • Players can be rescued by teleporting while Bracken is dragging them.
    • Bracken will ignore mines on Snatch.
    • Other enemies will ignore players while Bracken is dragging them.
    • There is a 20% chance that Bracken will Instakill.
    • Players will be automatically killed after 30 seconds.
    • Players will take gradual damage while being dragged.
  • New Tesla Gate has a chance to spawn instead of secure doors.
  • Added UI when using Jetpack.
  • Added Scavanger Plushie inside the facility.
  • Disabled sounds coming from items while they're in your pockets.
  • Painting with spray paint was improved:
    • You can erase paint by clicking [ E ] + [ LMB ].
    • You can change colors by clicking [ C ].
    • You can change size by clicking [ + ] and [ - ].
  • When changing moon route, on the screen will show up routing info.
  • When player is speaking, above them will be voice-activity indicator.
  • Weather can be combined:
    • The ability for multiple weather conditions to be present at the same time
  • Progressing weathers:
    • The ability for weather conditions to change during the day.
  • Fog is less dense.
  • Signal Translator was improved:
    • There is 15% chance that a blast door will open if player will look at it.
    • There is 35% chance that a blast door will close if player will look at it.
    • You can be warned about enemy:
    • Chance of getting name of enemy about which you have warned is 5%.
    • Chance of instead of saying enemy name it will say 'Red Dot' is 30%.
    • Chance of instead of saying 'Red Dot' it will say 'Blue Dot' is 10%.
    • Player can be teleported while he is being eaten by Giant with 5% chance.
    • Player can be if player is being torched by Old Bird with 15% chance.
  • The player will take damage from Spore Lizards poisonous spores.
  • Items that normally were not scannable now are.
  • Furniture's position are being saved.
  • Added ability to feed dead bodies to the ship's goldfish.
  • Added grabbable emote props as scrap to moons.
    • Will be removed any emotes related to the grabbable emote props from being purchased in the emote store.
  • Removed transmit limitation that removed punctuation.
  • Added ability to create additional saves and rename them. Theres no limit!
  • Added ability to copy save files even if you are not the host of the game.
  • Added 20 music cassettes that can be found in facility.
    • Listen to them with the new Walkman item that can be bought in the store.
  • Added button to host and invite Only lobby.
  • Player can be automatically regenerated in the ship only.
    • It takes time.
  • You can carry two handed items when using Jetpack.
  • Added insanity meter to the hud.
  • Player will Always drop their items on death.
  • In Company Building with very low chance can spawn enemies.
  • You can remove hud by clicking [ 0 ].
  • Bees can no more open doors.
  • Added new visuals when in orbit.
  • Interior's unique stinger music track will replay under certain circumstances.
  • You can decline teleport by clicking [ H ].
  • Added variety entities by giving them a chance to spawn in alternate colorations.
  • Attacks with the knife now is in perfect intervals while holding down attack so no hits are wasted.
  • Store items can be found as scrap in facilities.
    • Electric scrap battery levels can vary.
  • Dead bodies can be found inside facilities.
  • Added some new upgrades in 'lgu'.
  • Added some new ship items.
  • Updated posters in the ship.
  • Player can open ship doors in orbit.
  • daaamn this big changelog, I hope i didn't miss something.


  • FairGiants
  • Abandoned Company Assets
  • EnemySkinKit
  • EnemySkinRegistry
  • StarlancerEnemyEscape
  • StarlancerMusic
  • LogNeuter
  • CodeRebirth
  • BuffedPresents
  • Oxygen
  • LobbyOffensiveNames
  • RecentlyPlayedWith
  • BetterLadders
  • AutoCompanyBuilding
  • MissileTurrets
  • SignalTranslatorUpgrade
  • LethalPipeRemoval
  • Groan Tube Scrap
  • MajorityVote
  • EnhancedTZP
  • EnhancedSpectator
  • EnhancedLockpicker
  • ImmersiveScrap
  • Selenes Choice
  • CustomDeathPenalty
  • SnatchinBracken
  • StoreRotationConfig
  • Piggys Variety Mod
  • JetpackHMD
  • Scavenger Plushie
  • LightsOut
  • NoPocketSounds
  • BetterSprayPaint
  • ApparatusFix
  • MeleeFixes
  • TerminalConflictFix
  • AnnounceMoonAndWeatherChange
  • NameplateTweaks
  • MeteoMultiplier
  • AutomaticSignals
  • PoisonPuffer
  • ScannableTools
  • SpiderWebFix
  • UnlockOnStart
  • UnlockableDefaults
  • FeedFish
  • PathfindingLagFix
  • LethalAPI Terminal
  • TooManyEmotesScrap
  • TransmitPunctuation
  • SaveStealer
  • LootableMusicTapes
  • LobbyInviteOnly
  • LethalRegeneration
  • LCBetterSaves
  • JetpacksCarryBigItems
  • DoNotEatItems
  • NavMeshInCompany
  • NoHud
  • StopBeesOpeningDoors
  • Celestial_Tint
  • JustLandAlready
  • RevisitStingers
  • TeleportDecline
  • CustomStoryLogs
  • ColorfulEnemyVarietyWIP
  • AutoKnifeAttack
  • Remnants
  • BetaWeatherTweaksBeta
  • LCBetterClock


  • Siabudabu [ M ]
  • Infernis [ M ]
  • Acidir [ M ]
  • Asteroid-13 [ M ]
  • Gratar [ M ]
  • Junic [ M ]
  • Gloom [ M ]
  • Celestria [ M ]
  • Affliction-59 [ M ]
  • Argent [ M ]
  • Sanguine [ M ]
  • Aerona [ M ]
  • EchoReach [ M ]
  • Aquatis [ M ]
  • Harloth [ M ]
  • Echelon [ M ]
  • WesleysInteriors [ I ]
  • WesleysInteriorsAddon [ I ]
  • Sector-0 Interior [ I ]


  • LocalFlashlight
  • FriendPatches
  • DiscountAlert
  • CompanyBuildingEnhancements
  • IsThisTheWayICame
  • BetterFlashlight
  • MaskedAIRevamp
  • LethalUtilities
  • LethalFashion
  • Possessed Masks
  • SniffinFarts
  • ShipWindows 4K Skybox
  • Scoopys Variety Mod
  • LethalPhones
  • Runtime Netcode Patcher
  • BetterEmotes
  • BunkbedRevive
  • WeatherTweaks


  • SCPFoundationDungeon 4.3.0
  • ScarletDevilMansion 1.3.16
  • EnemySoundFixes 1.2.3
  • HotbarPlus 1.6.7
  • OpenBodyCams 2.2.0
  • Lethal Doors Fixed 1.0.8
  • FacilityMeltdown 2.6.11
  • GeneralImprovements 1.2.8
  • ToilHead 1.4.0
  • LethalResonance 4.3.4
  • CullFactory 1.1.2
  • BetterEmotes 1.5.0
  • Ganimedes 2.3.1
  • LethalFixes 1.0.9
  • LCMaxSoundsFix 1.2.0
  • CSync 5.0.1
  • LethalLevelLoader 1.2.4
  • TerminalFormatter 0.2.11
  • Interactive Terminal API 1.1.1
  • Lategame Upgrades 3.7.1
  • PsychSanctum 1.0.0
  • LethalFixes 1.1.1

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.3.2 Release Notes


  • Ship doors are more reliable in killing enemies and desync issues have been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue with displaying moon groups when there aren't many moons present.
  • Locker is more stable and mod compatible.
  • Fixed a bunch of common bugs. More info here.
  • Fixed numerous issues with missing sound effects, or SFX playing when they shouldn't.
    • Hoarding bugs:
      • Fixed missing death sound effect.
    • Snare fleas:
      • Fixed shrieking when hitting its dead body.
      • Fixed chasing "footsteps" and suffocation noises not looping.
      • Fixed footsteps continuing while dead or clinging to a player's head.
      • Fixed improperly pitched scream when dropping from the ceiling after being damaged.
    • Baboon hawks:
      • Fixed screaming when hitting its dead body.
      • Fixed missing death sound effect.
    • Nutcrackers:
      • Fixed "marching music" playing endlessly after death if you kill it right as it fires its gun.
      • Fixed missing death sound effect.


  • Increased performance by about 5 FPS. (Different pc's may have a different increase in fps.)
  • New enemy 'Football':
Football SPOILER Football
- She wants to play Simon Says.
- She will only spawn on Risk Level 'S', Risk Level 'S+' and Risk Level 'S++' moons with small spawn chance.
- Streamer Mode is enabled if you are a streamer.
- New scrap 'Toy Train', costs a lot but not recommended to pick it up.
  • Tweaked sanity level percentages.
  • OpenBodyCams monitor framerate was reduced to 15 FPS.
  • Men Stalker now is more easier to spot.
  • LocalFlashlight changes:
    • Will flicker for a while and then turn off when the battery is completely drained.
    • Will start to flicker for a bit when haunted by a ghost girl.
    • Light intensity will dim down to a certain battery level.
    • Shake cooldown reduced to 0.3 seconds.
  • You can stun enemies by aiming the flashlight at the enemy or the player. Players will not be stunned, but will be blinded for a short time.
    • The flash time required to stun an enemy and a player is 3 seconds.
    • Enemies are stunned for 2 seconds.
  • Terminal displayed text will be the same for everyone.
  • Radar Booster changes:
    • Radar Booster range on map monitor increased x1.5
    • Radar Booster can be teleported back to ship via teleporter.
    • Radar Booster can be teleported to a random location in the facility using the Inverse Teleporter.
    • If Radar Booster is selected on ship monitor and Inverse Teleporter is enabled, player will be teleported to selected Radar Booster.
    • Remote scrap can trigger Radar Booster Flash in its range.
  • Due to the Radar Booster teleport feature, balance tweaks have been made, the Inverse Teleport cooldown has been increased to 180 seconds.
  • If you have read the entire changelog, send a :heart: emoji to the chat.


  • ShootableMouthDogs
  • PizzaTowerEscapeMusic


  • BetterFlashlight
  • EnemySoundFixes
  • LethalFixes
  • EnhancedRadarBooster
  • TerminalDisplaySync
  • Football


  • StarlancerMoons 2.2.1
  • LiminalPools 1.0.8
  • FacilityMeltdown 2.6.10
  • VileVendingMachine 1.0.11
  • Men Stalker 1.4.0
  • GeneralImprovements 1.2.7
  • Locker 1.2.0
  • Lethal Doors Fixed 1.0.7
  • HotbarPlus 1.6.6
  • OpenBodyCams 2.0.6
  • WeatherTweaks 0.5.7
  • LocalFlashlight 1.3.1
  • MrovLib 0.0.9
  • TerminalFormatter 0.2.10

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.3.1 Release Notes


  • Fixed bug with the MoreCompany patch that, while emoting, caused all players not wearing a cosmetic to appear to be wearing your cosmetics.
  • Fixed bug where the player could scan the plushie in VileVendingMachine while its in their hand.
  • Fixed credits being wasted when bought upgrades and disconnecting after.
  • Fixed bugs with DriftWood lags.
  • Fixed a bug that softlocked the game in certain situations if a client tried to start the game before the host
  • Fixes an issue where the chat character limit would not increase for clients.
  • Fixed a bug that caused monsters to try to mimic disconnected players
  • Fixed modpack's custom keybind not working and making them default.


  • Increased performance by about +10 to +20 FPS. (Different pc's may have a different increase in fps.)
  • Removed some not themed suits.
  • New meter shows how loud you or things around you are.
  • Drama Mask has been removed due to some bugs with it and incompatibility.
  • New secret moon which cost [ 2xxx ].
  • There are now some secrets on Solace, Triskelion and Auralis. Points of Interest now matter!
  • New enhanced XP system. You will now gain "BetterXP" (BXP) primarily based on scrap collected, and your ability to fully clear the facility of scrap. making it more satisfying and reflective of a player’s true experience.
    • Custom player notes. Up to 3 notes can be shown consistently with corresponding stats.
  • The full darkness intensity has been increased to 0.8, as the LocalFlashlight is already given to the player for free.
  • Enemies that are close to you will hear flashlight sounds.
  • To recharge LocalFlashlight you will need to shake it by clicking [ Q ] (Enemies will hear the shake sound!)
  • Diversity poster was removed from the ship.
  • Braken fully anger time was decreased to from 90 seconds to 60 seconds to make taking the Apparatus slightly easier.
  • Fractured leg time was decreased from 60 to 55 seconds.
  • The Minimum amount of time in between voice playback was decreased from 7 to 5 seconds.
  • The Maximum amount of time in between voice playback was decreased from 12 to 10 seconds.
  • Players can be recorded while dead for masked players to imitate.
  • The spawn rate of the VileVendingMachine has been increased to a rate of 40.
  • VileVendingMachine can spawn at Fire Exit.
  • Man Stalker spawn chance weight was increased to 35.
  • Ships external cam fps was limited to 10 fps.
  • Any extra money you have left after selling things to the company will roll it over to the next quota.
  • Players and Masked enemy will be scannable.
  • The item drop ship is scannable.
  • After being fired, all default ship furniture positions and storage states are not reset.
  • The ship's camera will rotate so that it faces north evenly, rather than showing everything at an angle.
  • DriftWood Giant scream range was slightly increased.
  • Whistle cost increased to 100 credits.
  • Toil-Head spawn chances on moons changed.
  • Lowered Auralis routing cost to 850 credits.
  • Limited OpenBodyCams FPS to 20


  • MaskedEnemyOverhaulFork -> GI has this function.
  • DisplayHiddenRoutesAfterTraveling -> GI has this function.
  • Drama Mask


  • LethalLoudnessMeter
  • BetterEXP


  • ScarletDevilMansion 1.3.15
  • StarlancerMoons 2.2.0
  • PsychSanctum 0.9.5
  • SimpleCompany 0.5.1
  • Interactive Terminal API 1.1.0
  • Lategame Upgrades 3.6.5
  • LocalFlashlight 1.3.0
  • ToilHead 1.3.6
  • TheGiantSpecimens 2.1.2
  • TerminalFormatter 0.2.9
  • GeneralImprovements 1.2.5
  • NiceChat 1.2.5
  • TooManyEmotes 2.1.17
  • LC Office 1.1.29
  • SCPFoundationDungeon 4.1.2
  • Men Stalker 1.2.3
  • VileVendingMachine 1.0.8
  • Mirage 1.7.0
  • FacilityMeltdown 2.6.7

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.2.5 Release Notes


  • Fixed the Braken and its room.
  • Fixed all players being stuck whenever the Braken kidnapped someone.
  • Fixed the Walker not able to use doors on custom interiors.
  • LethalRichPresence is now compatible with LobbyCompatibility.


  • New enemy called the Watcher.
  • Full darkness intensity was slightly increased.
  • LGU Upgrades changes:
    • Back Muscles upgrade price was reduced to 455 credits.
    • Beekeeper upgrade price was reduced to 500 credits.
    • Bigger Lungs upgrade price was reduced to 500 credits.
    • Climbing Gloves upgrade price was reduced to 200 credits.
    • DiscomBOBulator cooldown was increased to 160 seconds.
    • Efficient Engines upgrade price was reduced to 800 credits.


  • Diversity 2.0.3
  • GeneralImprovements 1.2.4
  • LethalRichPresence 0.5.9

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.2.4 Release Notes


  • Fixed bug when dying, clients have black screen on spectating by removing DontBlink.
  • Fixed bug where sometimes save are being corrupted by removing LCBetterSaves.


  • Added back ship door malfunctions.
  • New music in main menu.
  • New interior Cozy Office which looks similiar to Office.
    • Spawns on the same moons as Office but has smaller chance.
      • Assurance, Offense, Titan, Embrion.
  • New window on the floor.
  • Some LGU changes.
  • New dungeon enemy named Men-stalker
Men-stalker SPOILER Men-stalker
  • It will spawn once per day with power level 3.
  • It takes the apparence of a tall, slender, rough looking human.
  • When it finds a player, it will begin to stalk himfrom a distance, while trying to hide from scavengers as much as possible.
  • When stalking, Men-stalker makes no sound (except when opening door), and will continue to stay passive and stalk the player for a considerable amount of time.
  • However when it is finally done stalking, it will seemingly run away, before finally deciding to transition into an explosive chase phase, chasing the closest player until either all scavengers are out of the dungeon, or whenever there isn't any scavenger nearby after some time.
  • However, It can be killed, and you can lose it during the stalking phase by running far enough from it.
  • When they are chasing you, remember that they don't do much damage per attack and struggle to open door.


  • LCBetterSaves
  • DontBlink
  • PathfindingLagFix
  • NoSellLimit
  • Fov Adjust


  • Interactive Terminal API
  • Lethal Doors Fixed
  • Matty Fixes
  • CozyOffice
  • Men Stalker
  • AmbientPackMusic


  • StarlancerMoons 1.7.1
  • ToilHead 1.3.1
  • VileVendingMachine 1.0.6
  • CullFactory 1.1.1
  • TooManyEmotes 2.1.15
  • ToilHead 1.3.0
  • PsychSanctum 0.6.0
  • Lategame Upgrades 3.6.4
  • WeatherTweaks 0.5.5
  • DramaMask 2.0.6
  • TheGiantSpecimens 2.1.1
  • SmartItemSaving 1.2.2
  • TooManyEmotes 2.1.14
  • CSync 5.0.0
  • TerminalFormatter 0.2.7
  • Peepers 1.0.2
  • RealBackroomsPatch 1.3.1
  • GeneralImprovements 1.2.4
  • ScarletDevilMansion 1.3.13
  • loaforcsSoundAPI 1.0.12
  • Mirage 1.6.1

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.2.3 Release Notes


  • Fixed scrap errors when joining save files.
  • Fixed manifest.


  • Balanced LocalFlashlight:
    • If the LocalFlashlight will turn off due to low battery, it will cooldown longer.
    • Battery life reduced.
    • Slightly reduced recharge speed.
    • Light intensity slightly reduced.
    • Light angle slightly reduced.
    • Battery hud is slightly smaller.
    • Battery hud is coloured blue.
  • Reworked all LethalQuantities settings for each moon. For example:
    • The indoor enemy animation curve has been modified and enemies now spawn significantly more. [ will be more balance in future. ]
    • Hitting Crawler [ Thumper ] or Bunker Spider will slow them down less than it was doing.
    • Crawler HP increased by 1.
    • Scrap rarity balanced.
    • Max power is slightly higher.
    • Scrap min and max balanced.
    • Enemy rarity balanced.
    • Cats spawn rarity decreased.
    • Plushies rarity changed.
    • Shrimp won't spawn at all.
  • Shy Guy will only spawn outside on the highest difficulty/modded moons.
  • Butler can mimic voices.
  • Terminal command < Cameras, Cams > was removed.
  • Terminal command < link2 > was changed to < discord >.
  • Terminal command < link > was changed to < modpack >.
  • After travelling to invisible moons, such as Embrion, Artifice, Liquidation, they will appear in the terminal.
  • Added custom posters in the ship. Recommended to read them.
  • Late game upgrades have been added to the game. At the moment, only some of the upgrades are allowed, shop items will be added in the future.
  • Customized LethalRichPresence.
  • New enemy The Vile Vending Machine
    • Spawns only on vanilla moons outside at the entrance.


  • Celest moon cost changed from 0 to 150 credits.
  • Auralis moon cost changed from 800 to 900 credits.
  • Ganimedes moon cost changed from 900 to 1000 credits.
  • Sector-0 moon cost changed from 1000 to 1200 credits.
  • Secret Labs moon cost changed from 550 to 800 credits.
  • Interior rarity have been changed slighltly.
  • ScarletDevilMansion interior has been added back


  • LethalToolbox
  • Lategame Upgrades
  • DisplayHiddenRoutesAfterTraveling
  • VileVendingMachine
  • ScarletDevilMansion
  • LethalPosters
  • ShyGuyPatcherPatcher


  • PsychSanctum 0.5.3
  • StarlancerMoons 1.6.1
  • LC Office 1.1.28
  • LethalLevelLoader 1.2.2
  • MrovLib 0.0.6
  • WeatherTweaks 0.5.4
  • TerminalFormatter 0.2.3
  • LethalConfig 1.4.2
  • Mirage 1.6.0
  • CullFactory 1.1.0
  • GeneralImprovements 1.2.3
  • FacilityMeltdown 2.6.4
  • LocalFlashlight 1.2.21
  • Celest 1.1.2
  • TerminalApi 1.5.4
  • DramaMask 2.0.3
  • ShipWindows 2.0.6
  • TooManyEmotes 2.1.13
  • TheGiantSpecimens 2.0.8
  • Mimics 2.6.0
  • ViewExtension 1.2.0
  • HotbarPlus 1.6.4

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.2.1 Release Notes


  • Fixed manifest.


  • RollingGiant 2.6.0
  • Locker 1.1.2
  • CullFactory 1.0.4
  • Malfunctions 1.8.5
  • Possessed_Masks 2.1.1
  • Horrifying_Bracken 2.0.0
  • LethalCompany_InputUtils 0.7.4
  • LethalFashion 1.0.7
  • AlwaysHearActiveWalkies 1.4.5
  • Mimics 2.5.0

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.2.0 Release Notes

This version will work with the latest Lethal Company V50 update, but you may still experience issues.


  • Now you can blink again by clicking bind [ Z ]


  • Skills can be upgraded in the terminal using the lgu command.
  • The inside of the facilty is very dark without a flashlight and now you can use the flashlight that you get on the start by clicking [ J ] [ of course its worser than the default one's that is on the shop ].
  • A new mask called Drama Mask has been added, which will hide you from masked enemies for a short time.
  • CoilHeads can sometimes spawn with a turret on their head.
  • All players have phones at the start which can be used by pressing [ 5 ]. You need to hold down [ X ] and click and drag your mouse to dial the phone.
  • You will start blinking for a little time after seeing any enemy.
  • Inside the ship you can also see the loot count by clicking [ RightClick ].
  • You can use the reboot command in the terminal to fight back against GhostCodes by rebooting the terminal.
  • GhostCodes will be able to mess with the normal and inverse teleporter.
  • GhostCodes are able to drain the battery of all item in your inventory as long as they're not on the ship.
  • There's a chance that ghostCodes will start flickering lights inside the ship.
  • There's a chance that ghostCodes will start closing ships doors.
  • GhostCodes can display messages on the ship's monitor.
  • Taking a shower may prevent the ghost girl from chasing you.
  • Mimic spawn rate has been changed to be more balanced.
  • Bunkbed revive percent of quota was decreased by 5%.
  • Whistle cost was reduced to 85 credits.
  • Inverse teleporter cooldown was increased to 60 seconds.
  • Free Rotate key changed to [ LeftShift ]
  • Counter clockwise key changed to [ LeftAlt ].
  • Spawn rarity of all modded enemies have been changed.

A lot of configs have been changed with small changes that are not in this list.


  • LobbyControl
  • LobbyCompatibility
  • BetterEmotes
  • BepInEx Faster Load AssetBundles Patcher
  • FixPluginTypesSerialization
  • DramaMask
  • ToilHead
  • LethalPhones
  • ShipLootPlus
  • MrovLib
  • LethalModDataLib
  • LocalFlashlight
  • EquipmentCompany
  • SimpleCompany
  • AutomaticInventoryFixPlugin


  • LateCompany
  • InsanityRemastered
  • MoreItems
  • LC Masked Fix
  • LethalLevelLoaderFixed
  • NutcrackerFixes
  • More Emotes
  • FairGiants
  • JetpackFallFix
  • EnemyFix
  • MoreBlood
  • LCSpawnOnPlayerFix
  • RankFix
  • FlashlightFix
  • ModlistHashChecker
  • FlashlightToggle
  • MoreHead
  • JigglePhysicsPlugin
  • Lethal Doors
  • ShipLoot
  • TerminalConflictFix
  • CarpetSound
  • DynamicFallDamage
  • ScarletDevilMansion [ temporarily ]


  • SuitSaver 1.2.0
  • MoreCompany 1.9.1
  • TooManyEmotes 2.1.11
  • TooManySuits 1.0.9
  • CSync 4.1.0
  • TheGiantSpecimens 2.0.5
  • RollingGiant 2.6.0
  • Locker 1.1.2
  • Peepers 0.9.7
  • TerminalFormatter 0.1.5
  • CullFactory 1.0.4
  • Malfunctions 1.8.5
  • MaskedEnemyOverhaulFork 3.3.0
  • Possessed Masks 2.1.1
  • Batteries 1.1.0
  • FacilityMeltdown 2.6.3
  • ghostCodes 2.0.5
  • Horrifying Bracken 2.0.0
  • InputUtils 0.7.4
  • LethalFashion 1.0.7
  • AlwaysHearActiveWalkies 1.4.5
  • Mimics 2.5.0
  • GeneralImprovements 1.2.1
  • Arachnophilia 1.8.1
  • Mirage 1.5.3
  • ShipWindows 2.0.5
  • LethalConfig 1.4.1
  • TerminalApi 1.5.3
  • HotbarPlus 1.6.4
  • MonsterPlushies 1.2.9
  • PizzaTowerEscapeMusic 2.4.0
  • LethalSnap 1.5.7
  • StarlancerAIFix 3.6.0
  • RealBackroomsPatch 1.3.0
  • LethalNetworkAPI 2.1.7
  • WeatherTweaks 0.5.0
  • LiminalPools 1.0.7
  • LC Office 1.1.26
  • PsychSanctum 0.3.4
  • LethalLevelLoader 1.2.0
  • LethalQuantities 1.2.9

Versions under 2.1.6 will not work on V50!

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.1.5 Release Notes


  • Shrimp was fixed.


  • Added back MoreEmotes and BunkbedRevive.
  • Teleporter and inverse teleporter will keep held items instead of dropping all on teleporting.
  • Monitor displays have been changed.
  • Time to start switching slots when mask has been picked up has been slighly decreased.
  • Minimum time between possessions were slighly increased.
  • Minimum time between switching slots when mask has been picked up has been slighly decreased.
  • Scrap value has been slighly changed.
  • Ghost Girl breaker flip chance has been increased slightly.
  • Minimum ghost codes has been slightly increased.
  • Level1, Level2, Level3 and MAX percentage of maximum sanity required to reach the next level has been changed for GhostCodes.
  • Balanced Redwood and DriftWood giants spawns rarity.
  • Shrimp spawn weight has been reduced to the default value.
  • Liminal Pools interior can only be found on Experimentation, Assurance, Vow, Triskelion, Rend, Dine, Titan and Auralis.
  • You can now make a lot of money by taking pictures of modded monsters with polaroid camera.
  • Chat is completely hidden when inactive.

A lot of configs have been changed with small changes that are not in this list.


  • AsyncLogger
  • Runtime Netcode Patcher
  • BunkbedRevive
  • MoreEmotes


  • FixRPCLag
  • BepInUtils
  • Cabinet Item Storage
  • HidePlayerNames
  • LCBetterClock
  • HideChat


  • CullFactory 1.0.3
  • PsychSanctum 0.3.3
  • darmuhsTerminalStuff 3.0.4
  • TooManyEmotes 2.1.2
  • TooManySuits 1.0.8
  • LC Office 1.1.24

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.1.4 Release Notes


  • Fixed configs. Console is no more launching with the game.

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.1.3 Release Notes


  • Fixed the logo in the main menu by lowering it slightly.
  • Fixed (i hope) error 'An error occured' when trying to join friend.


  • In build mode, objects snap at 45 degrees.
    • Free rotate key [ H ]
  • You can now store bulk items in the drawers of the file cabinet.
  • Standing in Spore Lizard's fart cloud will heal your HP. :D
  • In store you can buy Enemies Scanner which allows to scan the nearby enemies only inside the facility.
    • Enemies Scanner price in the store is 185 credits.
    • Scanner refreshes every 3 seconds.
    • The scanner may overheat, which means the scanner is temporarily disabled. The heat will decrease when the scanner is turned off.
    • A maximum of 4 enemies can be seen in the scanner.
    • Scanner will work continuously for 25 seconds without overheating.
    • The scanner cools down 50 seconds after overheating.
    • The scanning radius of the scanner is limited to 50 metres.
    • The scanner works for 2 and a half minutes.
  • MoreEmotes has been removed from the modpack due to its dependency Runtime Netcode Patcher has been deprecated.


  • Removed Solace moon.
  • Added back Gordion Sector-0 moon.
Gordion Sector-0
  • POPULATION: Abandonded?

  • RISK SCORE: S+++

  • CONDITIONS: No land masses. Continual storms.

  • FAUNA: Bioweapons, genetically modified species...

  • HISTORY: Before [REDACTED], Gordion was home to a facility, named the Midae sector, otherwise known as Sect-0. This testing facility held and created biological weapons. When these biological weapons inevitably broke out of their testing chambers, it led to the abandonment of Midae.


  • Gordion Sector-0

  • EnumUtils
  • EnemiesScanner
  • MaskRemover
  • SniffinFarts
  • Cabinet Item Storage
  • BepInUtils [ Dependency for CIS ]
  • NC LC API [ Dependency for CIS ]


  • BetterSprayPaint
  • Runtime Netcode Patcher [ Deprecated ]
  • More Emotes [ Dependency Runtime Netcode Patcher has been deprecated and is temporarily not included in the modpack. ]
  • ImmersiveCompany [ Dependency Runtime Netcode Patcher has been deprecated and is temporarily not included in the modpack. ]
  • BunkbedRevive [ Dependency Runtime Netcode Patcher has been deprecated and is temporarily not included in the modpack. ]
  • DontBlink [ *Not working with InsanityRemastered ]


  • StarlancerMoons 1.4.2
  • StarlancerAIFix 3.4.0
  • HotbarPlus 1.6.1
  • TerminalFormatter 0.0.15
  • loaforcsSoundAPI 1.0.10
  • LethalStats 0.9.5
  • Mirage 1.3.2
  • Crosshair 1.1.2
  • TooManyEmotes 2.0.11
  • Celest 1.0.7
  • PsychSanctum 0.3.2
  • LethalLib 0.15.1
  • TheGiantSpecimens 1.8.1
  • TooManySuits 1.0.7

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.1.0 Release Notes


  • Fixed Green, black screen when people try to join host by removing new moon that was added in previous update (HOW DOES THAT WORK).


  • Moon Solace is back.
  • The cost of Tragedy and Comedy masks has been increased due to Possession Mechanic, and comedy masks cost slightly less than tragedy masks, but are seen more often.
  • Masked enemy will reveal mask permanently when try to attack someone.
  • Some little changes with spawning weight.


  • IntroTweaks by Owen3H


  • Gordion Sector-0
  • IntroTweaks by mrov [ Deprecated ]
  • SomePriceMod


  • TerminalFormatter 0.0.14
  • Scary Coil Head 1.0.1
  • loaforcsSoundAPI 1.0.8

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.0.9 Release Notes


  • Bunker interior will be no more culled by CullFactory temporarily to fix issues with invisible walls.
  • Interior desync should be less or perhaps even completely not.


  • Rolling Giant spawn chances reduced.
  • Enemy spawning on modded moons has been re-balanced.
  • Bracken can mimic other people's voices.
  • Some of the Monster Plushies scrap can only spawn on a specific moon where the enemy of plush is.
  • Masked enemies will no longer be able to emote when they encounter players, making it a little harder to figure out is it your friend or not.
  • The connected player can pull the ship lever to start the game.


  • The cost of modded moons has been balanced.
    • New cost of modded moon you can check in README.
  • Moon Solace was removed and replaced with Gordion Sector-0.
Gordion Sector-0
  • INTERIOR: Has custom interior.
  • POPULATION: Abandonded?
  • RISK SCORE: S+++
  • CONDITIONS: No land masses. Continual storms.
  • FAUNA: Bioweapons, genetically modified species...
  • HISTORY: Before [REDACTED], Gordion was home to a facility, named the Midae sector, otherwise known as Sect-0. This testing facility held and created biological weapons. When these biological weapons inevitably broke out of their testing chambers, it led to the abandonment of Midae.


  • Bunker interior was removed from some moons and can only be on:
    • March - 50 weight.
    • Atlas Abyss - 80 weight.
    • Celest - 120 weight.
  • ScarletDevilMansion interior was removed from some moons and can only be on:
    • Solace - 99999 weight.
    • Egypt - 200 weight.
    • Rend - 100 weight.
    • Dine - 100 weight.
    • Titan - 150 weight.
    • Auralis - 30 weight.
  • Castle interior spawn chance on moons was changed:
    • Atlas Abyss - 150 weight.
    • Titan - 150 weight.
    • Ganimedes - 150 weight.
    • Dine - 100 weight.
    • Rend - 100 weight.
  • Sewer interior was removed from some moons and can only be on:
    • Vow - 40 weight.
    • March - 50 weight.
    • Celest - 120 weight.


  • CSync 4.0.2
  • Mirage 1.3.1
  • Monster Plushies 1.2.8
  • LC InputUtils 0.7.3
  • TooManyEmotes 2.0.10
  • PintoBoy 2.0.0
  • Arachnophilia 1.8.0
  • GeneralImprovements 1.1.12
  • FacilityMeltdown 2.4.8
  • TerminalFormatter 0.0.13

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.0.8 Release Notes


  • Removed LethalSanity and replaced it back with Forked InsanityRemastered for slower sanity loss.
  • Fixed camera lean.
  • Disabled refraction on the glass shader to increase some fps.


  • You will no longer be able to teleport to the Backrooms when you have taken damage, but only when you have taken fatal damage.
  • The chances of being teleported to the Backrooms have been reduced to 3%.
  • The teleportation chance of annoying people [people using horns] has been reduced to 1%.
  • Removed SpaceShipDoors because why would you need it if you have 2 big windows? :D
  • Removed Celestial Tint due to buggy transition between moons and temporarily replaced it with 4K Skybox which does the skybox in 4K, Celestial Tint will be added back when fixed!


  • InsanityRemastered
  • ShipWindows 4K Skybox


  • LethalSanity
  • LethalSex (-_-)
  • SpaceShipDoors
  • Celestial Tint

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.0.7 Release Notes


  • Manifest fix.


  • Monster Plushies 1.2.7

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.0.6 Release Notes


  • Replaced LethallyWide back to LCUltraWide because of breaking UI...
  • Fixed low fps with disabling mesh version of visor rim.


  • Some scrap was added to modded moons.


  • LCUltraWide


  • LethallyWide


  • LC Office 1.1.23
  • FrostySuits 1.1.14
  • More Suits 1.4.3
  • Monster Plushies 1.2.7
  • MoreMaterials 1.3.2
  • LethalLib 0.15.0
  • TheGiantSpecimens 1.7.2

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.0.4 Release Notes


  • Fixed a bug where the player wouldn't blink when seeing Coil-Head and Ghost Girl.
  • Replaced LCUltrawide with LethallyWide to fix some UI bugs.
  • Fixed a bug where Eyeless Dog or Forest Giant would spawn directly on top of you.


  • Slightly changed the main menu logo.
  • Rebalanced all enemy spawn chances.
  • Ship doors can be opened in space.
  • Replaced InsanityRemastered with LethalSanity.
  • Player can now manually blink on bind [ Z ] again.
  • Hoarding Bug has a chance to pick you up and hold you for a while.
  • New enemy outside RedWood Giant that can eat the standard giant and you.
  • New scrap RedWood Giant plushie.
  • Paycheck UI is more readable and organised.
  • Replaced PoolRooms interior with a better version of it LiminalPools.
    • Can be on March, Rend, Dine, Titan, Vow, Ganimedes and Auralis.
  • When you are under the fear status [seeing a dead body or enemy] you will be able to run slighty faster, have a bigger sprint gauge, and depending on the Fear State be immune to limping.


  • The Coil Head has a chance to teleport when you look away or blink.
  • Coil Head has a chance of attacking you if too many people are looking at it for too long.


  • Masked's radar movement has been improved and now it doesn't spin like crazy.


  • Bunker interior can only be on March, Offense, Atlas Abyss, Celest,Rend, Dine, Titan, Auralis and Ganimedes
  • Scarlet Devil Mansion interior can be only on Assurance, Vow, March, Solace, Egypt, Rend, Dine, Titan, Auralis and PsychSanctum
  • Office interior can be only on Experimentation, Assurance, March, Offense, Solace, Celest, Triskelion, Titan, Auralis, Ganimedes and PsychSanctum
  • Dungeon interior can be only on Egypt, Atlas Abyss, Titan and Ganimedes
  • Sewer interior can be only on Vow, March, Solace, Celest, Dine, Titan, Auralis and Ganimedes
  • LiminalPools interior can be only on Experimentation, Assurance, Vow, Solace, Celest, Triskelion, Rend, Dine, Titan, Auralis, Ganimedes and PsychSanctum


  • Rolling Giant can act randomly every 2 hours like Coilhead AI, InverseCoilhead, RandomlyMoveWhileLooking, LookingTooLongKeepsAgro, FollowOnceAgro and OnceSeenAgroAfterTimer.
  • [AI] LookingTooLongKeepsAgro
    • Look time before agro has been reduced to 8 seconds.
  • [AI] OnceSeenAgroAfterTimer
    • The minimum duration the Rolling Giant waits before chasing the player has been reduced to 10 seconds.
    • The maximum duration the Rolling Giant waits before chasing the player has been increased to 35 seconds.
  • [AI] RandomlyMoveWhenLooking
    • The minimum duration that the Rolling Giant waits before moving again has been reduced to 0.8 seconds.
    • The maximum duration that the Rolling Giant moves for has been increased to 5 seconds.


  • SpaceShipDoors
  • MolesterLootBug Fork
  • TheGiantSpecimens
  • LethallyWide
  • LethalSanity
  • LethalSex Core
  • Scary Coil Head
  • CoilHeadMod
  • FearOverhauled
  • MaskedAIRevamp
  • BetterPaycheck
  • LCSpawnOnPlayerFix


  • LiminalPools


  • PoolRooms


  • LCUltrawide
  • InsanityRemastered


  • ShipWindows 2.0.4
  • Immersive Visor 0.5.2
  • loaforcsSoundAPI 1.0.5
  • TooManyEmotes 2.0.9
  • MonsterPlushies 1.2.6
  • Celestial Tint 1.1.8
  • LethalStats 0.9.3
  • LC Office 1.1.22
  • More Suits 1.4.3

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.0.3 Release Notes


  • Fixed Shrimp spawning on some moons in default interiors, even though the Shrimp should only spawn in the Office interior.
  • Modded custom scrap can now be spawned on modded and vanilla moons.
  • Store prices have been changed to the previous AdvancedCompany prices.


  • Enemy The Fiend has been removed as it does not fit into the game and is buggy.
  • Battery scrap spawn rarity has been slightly reduced.
  • You can no longer blink manually, you blink automatically only when you see the Coil Head.
  • New Pool Rooms is an interior whose layout is based on the classic swimming pool aesthetic, with a touch of liminality.
    • Only can be on Vow, Ganimedes and Auralis.
  • Spray paint color change bind has been changed to [ V ].
  • New enemy has been added DarkMist.
DarkMist spoiler It won't attack you, but that doesn't make it any less deadly


  • Use the number keys to quickly select an item from the hotbar.
  • Hotbar scroll direction has been inverted.
  • The scale of the hotbar has been reduced slightly.


  • It has been enabled.
  • Emote wheel - [ T ]
  • Middle Finger - [ F3 ]
  • The Griddy - [ F6 ]
  • Shy - [ F5 ]
  • Clap - [ F4 ]
  • Twerk - [ F7 ]
  • Salute - [ F8 ]
  • Prisyadka - [ F9 ]
  • Sign - [ F10 ]


  • DarkMist
  • HotbarPlus
  • SomePriceMod
  • Celestial Tint


  • PoolRooms


  • The Fiend


  • LC Office 1.1.19
  • Ganimedes 2.2.0
  • Immersive Visor 0.5.0
  • Mirage 1.2.1
  • CullFactory 0.14.4
  • LateCompany 1.0.13
  • PsychSanctum 0.3.1
  • loaforcsSoundAPI 1.0.1
  • ShipLoot 1.1.0
  • LethalConfig 1.4.0
  • ShipWindows 2.0.3
  • Monster Plushies 1.2.2

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.0.2 Release Notes

This version may be buggy because AdvancedCompany has been deleted, don't hesitate to join our Discord Server and post your queries in the support channel.


  • Removed LC API and GoAwayModList to fix some issues where people couldn't join lobbies and some networking issues.
  • The "lever" terminal command was enabled because it is sometimes useful when the ship's lever is bugged.
  • Fixed a bug where the flashlight would toggle when it shouldn't.


  • One of the main mods has been removed from Thunderstore and these features have been removed:
    • You can't choose which preset to play.
    • Store items such as the helmet lamp and tactical helmet have been removed.
    • You don't have perks to upgrade.
  • You can select Cosmetics from the main menu at the bottom right.
  • On visor you can see raindrop and blood effect.
  • The percentage chance of a masked enemy spawning on player death has been reduced.
  • While orbiting any moon, other players can join in.
  • Enemy and scrap system spawning has been completely redesigned from the ground up.
  • The starting credit is now 60.


  • Reduced basic emote audio volume.
  • Reduced the maximum volume that emote audio can reach.
  • Reduced the distance from an emote audio source where the audio is no longer audible.
  • Masked Enemy will not always trigger an emote when encountered.


  • Office interior is only available on Titan, Ganimedes, Triskelion, Auralis, Rend, Dine and Experimentation.
  • The volume of the lift music has been reduced.
  • Camera FPS has been slightly reduced.
  • Halt spawn propability has been slightly increased.


  • LateCompany
  • FlashlightFix
  • CustomLogoForMBLCP
  • LethalQuantities
  • FlashlightToggle


  • LC API
  • GoAwayModList
  • AdvancedCompany [ Discontinued ]


  • SmartItemSaving 1.2.1
  • LC Office 1.1.17
  • Locker 1.1.0
  • LethalSnap 1.5.5
  • DarmuhsTerminallStuff 3.0.3
  • TooManyEmotes 2.0.6
  • TerminalFormatter 0.0.11
  • ShipWindows 2.0.2
  • CullFactory 0.9.2
  • TerminalConflictFix 1.2.2
  • LethalCompany InputUtils 0.7.1
  • Immersive Visor 0.4.4
  • ScarletDevilMansion 1.3.7
  • PsychSanctum 0.3.0
  • Dantors Mental Hospital 1.2.2
  • LethalLib 0.14.4
  • FriendPatches 1.0.4
  • Mirage 1.1.1

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.0.1 Release Notes


  • Monster Plushies mod has been added back into the game.
  • Due to bugs and compatibility issues, SnatchinBracken has been removed.
  • The “lever” terminal command has been disabled to fix issues related to moon landing.
  • MainMenuVersion has been replaced with a forked version of IntroTweaks.
  • A bug preventing some modded enemies from spawning at certain moons has been fixed.


  • Castle interior is only available on Atlas Abyss, EGypt, Titan, Dine, Rend, and Ganimedes.
  • Sewer interior is only available on Celest, March, and Auralis.
  • Office interior is only available on Titan, Ganimedes, Triskelion, and Experimentation.
  • SCP interior is only available on Secret Labs.
  • Bunker interior is only available on March, Offense, Celest, and EGypt.


  • Secret Labs: 500 credits.
  • Auralis: 800 credits.
  • EGypt: 100 credits.
  • Triskelion: 300 credits.
  • Celest: 0 credits.
  • Rend: 600 credits.
  • PsychSanctum: 400 credits.
  • Ganimedes: 1000 credits.


  • The Uncertain and Uncertain5050 weather mechanics have been removed, leaving only the Unknown weather mechanic.
  • The terminal now displays moon costs without having to select it.
  • The terminal section moon is now filtered by price.
  • The rates at which sanity is gained and lost have been adjusted for better game balance.
  • The spawn rate of cats has been slightly decreased.
  • Enemy spawning has been increased for a more challenging experience.
  • The XP multiplier has been increased to 150.
  • Adjusted malfunction chances.
  • Increased the maximum number of codes that Ghost can send.
  • Meltdown will happen with a 100% chance.


  • Forked IntroTweaks
  • Monster Plushies
  • LethalLevelLoaderFixed


  • MainMenuVersion
  • LethalModManager
  • SnatchinBracken
  • Meltdown Chance


  • AdvancedCompany 1.1.11
  • FacilityMeltdown 2.4.7
  • Arachnophilia 1.7.0
  • Coroner 1.6.2
  • InsanityRemastered 1.2.1
  • NeedyCats 1.2.1
  • LethalSnap 1.5.4
  • TooManyEmotes 2.0.3
  • TakeThatMaskOff 2.1.6
  • DarmuhsTerminallStuff 3.0.1
  • FriendPatches 1.0.3
  • ScarletDevilMansion 1.3.4
  • StarlancerMoons 1.3.0
  • PsychSanctum 0.2.5
  • LC Office 1.1.12
  • MoreMaterials 1.3.2

MoreBrutalLethalCompanyPlus v2.0.0 has released!


  • Removed the clock in the HUD, now only the terminal shows the clock.
  • Added Monster Plushies that adds new scrap items:
    • Bracken plushie.
    • Coilhead plushie.
    • Masked plushie.
    • Bunker spider plushie.
    • Lootbug plushie.
    • Jester plushie.
  • Added 2 more presets.
    • Addition - All perks
      • All perks are enabled and you can use them.
    • Addition - Sandbox
      • You can change any setting you want, but you can also break the game.
  • CSync was deprecated and replaced with forked CSync.
  • SmartItemSaving mod improves the way items are saved, trying to prevent mods that are update/removed/added from replacing other modded items on the ship.
  • Replace InsanityRemastered with forked InsanityRemastered that fixes some of the bugs.
  • If you are picked up by Bracken, you will be automatically killed in 20 seconds.
  • Mirage changes:
    • Penalty behaviour will be vanilla.
    • Recordings will be deleted after closing the game.
    • You now can't hear your own boice from mimicking enemies while you are alive, but others can.
    • Bracken can mimic voices.
  • Skybox resolution was increased from 2K to 4K.
  • Updated RealBackroomsPatch config.
  • The cost of perks is reduced.
  • Added enemies:
    • A new and unique enemy Locker that acts as a situational threat, praying on player's perception.
    • Rolling Giant enemy that is very unpredictable and may appear unexpectedly.

Locker spoiler

In darkness it lurks, seeks light and sense and only responds with hunger.

The Locker is a slightly different enemy in that it represents more of a possible future obstacle to be encountered by the experienced player. At the same time, its purpose is to add an element of surprise and dynamism to the gameplay through unannounced encounters, similar to a coil-head without the constant danger and caveats that come with it.

Rolling Giant spoiler

Enemy with the unique ability to change its behaviour every time it lands on a moon, making it a very unpredictable and dynamic enemy.

  • Added 2 new interiors:
    • New interior Dantors Mental Hospital themed as a psyquiatric institution to explore and get lost.
    • New interior Scarlet Devil Mansion from Touhou as a possible dungeon to the snow maps.
  • 3 new moons added:
    • New moon PsychSanctum.
      • DESIGNATION: PsychSanctum

      • RISK LEVEL: A

      • POPULATION: Once filled with tormented souls, now abandoned, lost to the encroaching forest.

      • CONDITIONS: PsychSanctum stands as a decaying monument to human suffering, its corridors echoing with the whispers of the past. The walls are stained with the memories of those who were confined within its confines, their anguish seeping into every crack and crevice.

      • FAUNA: Shy woodland creatures hide among the overgrowth, their presence hinted at by fleeting glimpses and rustling leaves.

      • HISTORY: PsychSanctum was once a place of refuge for the mentally ill, a sanctuary where they could seek solace from a world that had cast them aside. But as the years passed, it became a prison, its patients subjected to cruel and inhumane treatments in the name of science.

      • POSSIBLE WEATHER: Storms rage, rain pours, fog blankets

      • ROUTING COST: 410

    • New moon Solace.
      • DESIGNATION: 74-Solace

      • RISK LEVEL: B

      • POPULATION: Abandoned, yet a large villa still stands.

      • CONDITIONS: Normally tranquil, extreme weather has recently become more common.

      • FAUNA: The company has received reports of both large and small dogs.

      • POSSIBLE WEATHER: Mild, Rainy, Stormy, Foggy, Flooded, Eclipsed

      • ROUTING COST: 0

    • Added Celest moon back.


  • StarlancerAIFix
  • SmartItemSaving
  • Locker
  • ViewExtension
  • RollingGiant
  • Forked InsanityRemastered
  • Forked CSync


  • Celest
  • Solace
  • PsychSanctum
  • ScarletDevilMansion *
  • Dantors Mental Hospital *


  • CSync
  • InsanityRemastered


  • Malfunctions 1.8.2
  • OpenBodyCams 1.3.0
  • GeneralImprovements 1.1.11
  • ShipWindows 1.3.6
  • StarlancerMoons 1.1.1
  • LC Office 1.0.25
  • SnatchinBracken 1.4.2
  • Mirage 1.1.0
  • StarlancerAIFix 3.3.0
  • StartlancerMoons 1.2.0
  • Celest 1.0.5
  • Dantors Mental Hospital 1.1.1
  • FacilityMeltdown 2.4.3
  • Coroner 1.6.1
  • Arachnophilia 1.6.1
  • TerminalFormatter 0.0.8