Pool Rooms is a Lethal Company interior featuring a layout all about the classic swimming pool aesthetic, with a hint of liminality.
Version 0.1.23
- Updated to latest LethalLevelLoader and other dependencies
- The Sauna room always has a light now and improved lighting
- Pool water added to the main pool and fixed the pool water in the bridges room
- Water in the main pool room is sinkable / drownable and will hinder the players movement. Other knee high water areas will no longer hinder the players movement
- Reduced dungeon generation path size which should improve loot distribution
- Reduced the number of bathrooms spawned
- Removed extra stalls in female bathroom for gameplay reasons
- Reduced package size by enabling crunch and ensuring textures stay at max 512
- Assigned surface tags to walkable surfaces for tiles, metal, and wood so proper footstep sounds play now
- Bathroom toilets are now the same as the ship toilets and are also flushable like the ship toilets
- The pool ball is now kickable
Version 0.1.22
- Update for LethalLevelLoader API updates
Version 0.1.21
- Size increase and details pass on the entrance
- Updated to the latest versions of support libraries (LethalLevelLoader, LethalLib)
- Fixed some misaligned vents
- Fixed some nav mesh in the walls of the wave room...
Version 0.1.20
- Overall dungeon size reduction
- Fire exits added to more tiles
- Upped to Evaisa 0.15.0
Version 0.1.19
- Fix for spraypaint by @drako1245
- Fix for water hindrance by @drako1245
Version 0.1.18
- Art improvement for the entrance
- Long lockers will no longer always have an openable locker door
- AI pathing improvements and fixes
- Fire exits will now only show up in a couple "room" types, no tunnels
- Loot distribution changes
Version 0.1.17
- Added collision to the props and trusses above the wave room, and it isn't so safe up there anymore...
- Pool lights turn red when pulling the apparatus
- Added some more extra/random details
- New long room
Version 0.1.16
- Changed "all", "custom", "modded", and "vanilla" configMoons to use dynamicLevelTagsList which should fixing the interior spawning on Custom moons
- More art details
- Reduced the dungeon main path length and branching lengths a bit
- Detecting teleports out of water and stopping the water splashing behavior when noticed
- Added radar rendering blockers on hallway blockers and to mask out 4 way and labyrinth non-traversable areas
Version 0.1.15
- Truss details added to all large rooms
- Details pass in locker rooms
- Connections will now be generated between rooms more often
- General generation tweaking based on feedback and testing
Version 0.1.14
- Updated LLL dependency to 1.1.6
- Minimum value of MaxGenerationScale set to 1.0
- Added a Nav mesh obstacle component with carve to all tile blockers just in case two rooms are close enough that nav mesh would be generated between them
Version 0.1.13
- Wet floor sign scrap
- Bathrooms
- Pool Area art and design pass
- New Labyrinth tunnel room type
Version 0.1.12
- Pool Rooms will now defer to Lethal Level Loaders moon configuration by default (generateAutomaticConfigurationOptions). You can turn this off by setting UsePoolRoomsMoonsConfig to true.
- Pool Rooms configuration now supports "Custom" moons. You can still name them individually if you choose but you can include "Custom:100" for example in the comma sep list and it will tell Lethal Level Loader to add all custom moons with a weight of 100. The "All" identifier has had "Custom" added to it as well so by default the mod adds all vanilla moons and now all custom moons.
Version 0.1.11
- Hopeful fix for the incompatibility with LethalThings (Index out of range exception)
- Added tuning for the Interiors custom scrap. Can now set each scraps weight, if it shows up at all, and if it should show up in all maps not just PoolRooms
Version 0.1.10
- Added a bit of extra room depth to the entrance outward from the entrance door so other rooms wont be generated on the other side of the entrance door
- All prefabs are now setup to be fixed by LethalLevelLoader instead of my own scripts, not including RandomMapObject spawners
- Improvements to level weight parsing from config
- Dungeon fire escape counts are handled by LethalLevelLoader now
- Improvements to setting up item groups for scrap and adding the custom items
Version 0.1.9
- Setting Dungeon min / max to default clamped 1.0 to 2.5 respectively.
Version 0.1.8
- Fixed sounds playing everywhere
Version 0.1.7
- Fixed splashing sounds playing outside of the facility if teleporting from a fire escape while standing in water
- Reduced the volume on splashing sounds
- Fixed fire escape teleport triggers not properly aligned to the doors
- Added controlling the Min and Max scale applied to the dungeon generation. Defaults to 1.0
Version 0.1.6
- Hopeful fix for the console spam
Version 0.1.5
- Fix for incorrect LethalLevelLoader version in the manifest
Version 0.1.4
- Thunderstore Release
Version 0.1.3
- Initial Thunderstore release
- Now using Lethal Level Loader
- Highly customizable settings for which moons to show Pool Rooms
- First appearance dungeon music
- General Tweaks and fixes
Version 0.1.2
- Sauna room end cap room will show up off of locker rooms
- The apparatus room will always have doors to it giving an even higher chance of a locked door
- More tweaks to the generation
Version 0.1.1
- Pit fall / Mechanical room now has geometry and a proper skill testing jump to make. No textures yet but they are coming.
- General tuning to try and push the fire exit more into the level
Version 0.1.0
- The plugin has reached a pretty far stage of development and just needs polish now.
- Added player water interaction. As the player moves through water rooms they make splashes and wading sounds and particles to show their movement.
- Numerous bug fixes and improvements during testing
- Added lockers to blocked paths in the pump room. The room itself is getting an art pass next.