skitfaced-The_SkitPack icon

The SkitPack

More like Lethal unless you have the shotgun Company



VERY IMPORTANT Versions with "!" have modified configs, so you will need to make a new profile before downloading this update.
If this is your first time downloading skitpack, then you don't have to worry about this!

Version 1.5.X

! Version 1.5.3
  • Added InputUtils
  • Added GoAwayModList
  • Removed CreepyBrackens
  • Removed HideModList
  • Adjusted configs for Lategame_Upgrades: changed Value of an exorcism contract reward from 1600 to 1000
  • Adjusted configs for KarmaForBeingAnnoying: changed Airhorn Probability from 0.05 to 0.1
  • Adjusted configs for KarmaForBeingAnnoying: changed Clownhorn Probability from 0.1 to 0.2
! Version 1.5.2
  • Adjusted configs for LethalThings: PouchyBelt set to true
  • Adjusted configs for FacilityMeltdown: DisallowedEnemies changed from Centipede,Hoarding Bug to Centipede,Flowerman
  • Adjusted configs for LethalProgression: Hand Slots Enabled set to false
  • Adjusted configs for VoiceHUD: Colors enabled set to true
  • Removed Herobrine again... I think Note: Due to added custom configs you will need to create a fresh profile for this release
Version 1.5.1

Fixed format on changelog markdown

! Version 1.5.0

This might be the last Major release for the modpack unless something crazy comes out. The mod count is getting pretty high and everything feels optimized to my liking.

  • Added FacilityMeltdown
  • Added CupboardFix
  • Added MyLeg
  • Added CustomSounds
  • Added NoiseSuppression
  • Added RocketWorm
  • Added CustomTranslatorCharLimit
  • Added KarmaForBeingAnnoying
  • Added Lock_Doors_Mod
  • Added Skinwalkers
  • Added CSync
  • Added TooManyEmotes
  • Added LethalProgression
  • Removed Infinite_Running due to redundancy with LethalProgression
  • Adjusted configs for Skinwalkers: Baboon Hawk set to false
  • Adjusted configs for Skinwalkers: Bracken set to false
  • Adjusted configs for Skinwalkers: Bunker Spider set to false
  • Adjusted configs for Skinwalkers: Centipede set to false
  • Adjusted configs for Skinwalkers: Coil Head set to false
  • Adjusted configs for Skinwalkers: Forest Giant set to false
  • Adjusted configs for Skinwalkers: Ghost Girl set to false
  • Adjusted configs for Skinwalkers: Giant Worm set to false
  • Adjusted configs for Skinwalkers: Hoarding Bug set to false
  • Adjusted configs for Skinwalkers: Hygrodere set to false
  • Adjusted configs for Skinwalkers: Jester set to false
  • Adjusted configs for Skinwalkers: Nutcracker set to false
  • Adjusted configs for Skinwalkers: Spore Lizard set to false
  • Adjusted configs for Skinwalkers: Thumper set to false
  • Adjusted configs for Skinwalkers: Other Enemies (Including Modded) set to false
  • Adjusted configs for CustomTranslatorCharLimit: changed MaxCharLength from 10 to 26
  • Adjusted configs for CustomTranslatorCharLimit: changed MinSecondsToWait from 0.7 to 0.5
  • Adjusted configs for CustomTranslatorCharLimit: changed MaxSecondsToWait 2.7 to 1.25
  • Adjusted configs for Lategame_Upgrades: Enable Fast Encryption set to false
  • Adjusted configs for Lategame_Upgrades: changed Value of an exterminator contract reward from 500 to 1500
  • Adjusted configs for Lategame_Upgrades: changed Value of an exorcism contract reward from 500 to 1600
  • Adjusted configs for Lategame_Upgrades: changed Value of an defusal contract reward from 500 to 1000
  • Adjusted configs for Lategame_Upgrades: changed Value of an extraction contract reward from 500 to 1000
  • Adjusted configs for Lategame_Upgrades: changed Value of a data contract reward from 500 to 1250
  • Adjusted configs for KarmaForBeingAnnoying: changed General Delay from 0.5 to 0.2
  • Adjusted configs for KarmaForBeingAnnoying: UseOnRemote set to false
  • Adjusted configs for KarmaForBeingAnnoying: changed General Kill Range from 10 to 5
  • Adjusted configs for KarmaForBeingAnnoying: changed Airhorn Probability from 0.1 to 0.05
  • Adjusted configs for KarmaForBeingAnnoying: changed Cashregister Probability 0.1 to 0
  • Adjusted configs for KarmaForBeingAnnoying: changed Hairdryer Probability 0.1 to 0
  • Adjusted configs for LethalThings Audio Volume: changed Maxwell from 100 to 50
  • Adjusted configs for LethalThings: PouchyBelt set to false due to redundancy with LethalProgression
  • Updated mods to latest version (as of 2:58am PST 2024-02-06)
  • Updated README to reflect changes
    Note: Due to added custom configs you will need to create a fresh profile for this release

Version 1.4.X

! Version 1.4.1 - The Cosmetic Patch
  • Added WackyCosmetics
  • Added MoreHead
  • Added JigglePhysicsPlugin
  • Added SaiCosmetics
  • Added SimpleHats
  • Added Nintendo_Hats
  • Added JesterStompShake
  • Added SignalTranslatorAligner
  • Added ScannableCodes
  • Added Motion_Tracker_V2
  • Replaced JesterFree with ThomasTheJankEngine
  • Changed The icon to something cheeky
  • Adjusted configs for More_Suits: Ignore !less-suits.txt set to false
  • Adjusted configs for JesterStompShake: changed Shake Intensity from 2 to 3
  • Updated mods to latest version (as of 7:45pm PST 2024-01-22)
  • Updated README to reflect changes
  • New formatting on changlog for easier reading (I'm getting better at markdown!)
    NOTE: Due to added custom configs you will need to create a fresh profile for this release
Version 1.4.0 - Now with More Company!
  • Added the long awaited MoreCompany mod. Tell your friends, SKITPACK IS GOING WORLDWIDE BABY
  • Updated mods to latest version (as of 1:28am PST 2024-01-22)

Version 1.3.X

! Version 1.3.1 - hotfix
  • "in the next release don't forget to add that the readme and changelog have been reformatted because I suck at markdown"
  • actually changed the custom configs this time
    NOTE: Due to added custom configs you will need to create a fresh profile for this release
Version 1.3.0
  • Added BetterTeleporter
  • Added Terminal_TP
  • Adjusted configs for Lategame_Upgrades: changed Discombobulator initial level of dealing damage from 2 to 1
  • Adjusted configs for Lategame_Upgrades: changed Damage Increase on Purchase from 1 to 5 so a fully upgraded Discombobulator can kill eyeless dogs
  • Adjusted configs for Lategame_Upgrades: enable the walkie talkie gps upgrade set to false
  • Updated mods to latest version including LGU (as of 11:30pm PST 2024-01-17)
  • Removed DynamicDeadline due to issues getting stuck on day 2
  • Updated README to reflect changes
    NOTE: Due to added custom configs you will need to create a fresh profile for this release

Version 1.2.X

Version 1.2.0
  • Added DynamicDeadline
  • Updated bunch of mods to latest version
  • Rollback Lategame_Upgrades to 2.8.8 due to audio issues in 3.0 releases, will update when issue is patched
  • Updated README to reflect new changes to mod list

Version 1.1.X

Version 1.1.1
  • Removed LethalRebinding
  • Updated ReservedItemSlotCore to 1.8.8
  • Updated README file to reflect changes
! Version 1.1.0 - The I Want MORE update
  • Added LethalThings by Evaisa
  • Added FasterItemDropship by FlipMods
  • Added BoomBoxNoPower by TV23
  • Added LethalRebinding by Bobbie
  • Added CreepyBrackens by J_Mods
  • Added LandminesForAll by Sakura
  • Added ShootableMouthDogs by AgentRev
  • Added JesterFree by AriDev
  • Added a changlog (the one you're reading right now!)
  • Adjusted configs for LethalThings: changed Boomba spawn rate from 20 to 5 (less common)
  • Adjusted configs for LethalThings: changed PouchyBeltPrice from 290 to three fiddy
  • Adjusted configs for LethalThings: changed RocketLauncherPrice from 300 to 400 for balancing
  • Adjusted configs for LethalThings: RemoteRadar set to false, that's why we have terminal duty
  • Adjusted configs for LethalThings: HackingTool set to false, that's why we have terminal duty
  • Adjusted configs for LethalThings: Pinger set to false for balancing
  • Adjusted configs for LethalThings: changed GlizzySpawnChance from 5 to 10 because hotdogs should be more common than GUNS
  • Adjusted configs for LethalThings: changed Revolver spawn rate from 10 to 5 because HOTDOGS SHOULD BE MORE COMMON THAN GUNS
  • Updated LethalLib by Evaisa to version 0.11.2
  • Updated MoreItems by Drakorle to version 1.0.2
  • Updated README file to include new mods
  • Removed Custom Music folder from modpack because it doesn't patch
  • Removed Herobrine
  • NOTE: Due to added custom configs you will need to create a fresh profile for this release

Version 1.0.X

Version 1.0.0
  • Release version