• 1.0.0

    • Released
  • 1.1.0

    • Added new effects
    • Added new functionality to the Emergency Die (rolling 6 now teleports you and your crewmates)
    • Bug Fixes
  • 1.1.2

    • New effects
    • Bug fixes
  • 1.1.3

    • New negative effects
    • Bug fixes
  • 1.1.4

    • New effect
    • Restored an
  • 1.1.5

    • New negative effects
    • New positive effect (spawns a shotgun)
    • bugfixes?
  • 1.1.6

    • Forgot to turn off the debug mode again
  • 1.1.7

    • God help me. Made new effect in 1.1.5 and forgot to add it to the die pool, so it was essentially useless.
  • 1.1.8

  • 1.2.0

    • I have temporarily ported this to v55 with a few changes
    • Neck Break can go further
    • Config options for changing the force of Hypershake
    • Config option for random dice spin time
    • Config option for use of Gambler and Cronos outside
    • Maybe something else, I honestly don't remember, it is 8am and I need sleep
  • 1.2.1

    • Some bugfixes
    • Added new Event "Random Item from Shop"
      • Might make it multiple events where great variant gives 2-4 items and good variant gives 1
  • 1.2.2

    • Added a new event "Random Items from Shop" as a great variant that gives 2-4 items
    • Moved Random Item from shop to Good instead of great
    • Alarm Text :D
  • 1.2.3

    • Possible fix for dice not working for clients
    • Switched the GUID back so Brutal Company Minus Events can work again
  • 1.2.4

    • Removed the config option for random dice spin time in hopes that it was that that broke the dice networking
  • 1.2.5

    • Turns out I am a bit dumb and didn't know how netcode worked in regards to modding.
    • Added back the random dice spin time
  • 1.2.7

    • Added 8 new Dice Rolls
    • Added integration with Lethal Things for Teleporter Traps
  • 1.2.8

    • Fixes a few things
    • Added a config option to change how rolls are shown to you
  • 1.2.9

    • Added a Invisible Teleporter Trap Event


    • Changed Readme to add the original creator's plugin github