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slayer6409-Emergency_Dice_Updated-1.4.8 icon

Emergency Dice Updated

Last ray of hope in a hopeless situation?

Date uploaded 11 hours ago
Version 1.4.8
Download link
Downloads 739
Dependency string slayer6409-Emergency_Dice_Updated-1.4.8

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Evaisa-HookGenPatcher-0.0.5 icon

Generates MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.HookGen's MMHOOK file during the BepInEx preloader phase.

Preferred version: 0.0.5
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.15.1 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.15.1


Emergency Dice

This mod adds new items (equipment and scrap)

Emergency Die

Updated version of: Their Github Repo:

Check out that mod if you don't want my changes!

This is an item you can buy from the store. It is a one time use only die, which teleports you to the ship with all your items. But, not always.

  • Rolling 6 will return you to the ship with all the crewmates standing near you (they need to be very close).
  • Rolling 4 or 5 will return you to the ship.
  • Rolling 3 will cause a mixed effect.
  • Rolling 2 will cause something bad to happen.
  • You don't want to roll a 1.

The Gambler

A new scrap item with rolling outcomes similar to the Emergency die, but with a larger pool of postivie effects and a bigger chance for a bad outcome.

  • Rolling 6 will cause a Great effect.
  • Rolling 5 will cause a Good effect.
  • Rolling 4 will cause either a Good or a Mixed effect.
  • Rolling 3 will cause a Bad effect.
  • Rolling 2 will cause either a Bad or an Awful effect.
  • Rolling 1 will cause an Awful effect.

You can either sell it, or use it.


Similar to The Gambler. Has a higher chance of getting a great effect, but the outcomes change when the time passes. As the night comes, the chances to roll a bad/awful effect increase.

It's probably better to use it earlier in the day, but this can make your whole day troublesome.

  • Rolling 6 will cause a Great effect.
  • Rolling 5 will cause a Good or a Great effect.
  • Rolling 4 will cause either a Bad, Good or a Great effect.
  • Rolling 3 will cause a Bad effect.
  • Rolling 2 will cause either a Bad or an Awful effect.
  • Rolling 1 will cause an Awful effect.

You can either sell it, or use it.

The Sacrificer

Guarantees a return to the ship, and a bad/awful effect.

  • Rolling 6 will cause a Bad effect.
  • Rolling 5 will cause a Bad effect.
  • Rolling 4 will cause a Bad effect.
  • Rolling 3 will cause a Bad or an Awful effect.
  • Rolling 2 will cause an Awful effect.
  • Rolling 1 will cause two Awful effects.

The Saint

This one will never roll a bad or an awful effect. It's the rarest die in this mod, so don't expect to see it a lot.

  • Rolling 6 will show you a menu from which you can select any Effect.
  • Rolling 5 will cause a Great effect.
  • Rolling 4 will cause a Good effect.
  • Rolling 3 will cause a Good effect.
  • Rolling 2 will cause a Good effect.
  • Rolling 1 will waste the die.


Spawns scrap. Only scrap. Higher rolls mean more scrap. Has negative outcomes.

  • Rolling 6 will spawn 7-8 scrap.
  • Rolling 5 will spawn 5-6 scrap
  • Rolling 4 will spawn 3-4 scrap.
  • Rolling 3 will spawn 1-2 scrap.
  • Rolling 2 will cause a Bad effect.
  • Rolling 1 will cause an Awful effect



  • Gives you Pathfinding Blobs - a new item which shows everyone the way to the main entrance when used
  • Increases company's item selling rate for the current quota
  • Gives everyone infinite stamina
  • Makes all the living enemies explode and die
  • Teleports you and anyone near you to the ship with items
  • Revives every dead player
  • Spawns about 3-9 (random) scrap items beneath you with a lower weight.
  • Gives you a shotgun with ammo
  • Gives you the ability to fly with your sprint key
  • Allows you to pick any effect (both good and bad ones)
  • Spawns 2-4 random items from the shop
  • Duplicates your inventory on the ground
  • Gives you a random dice as a "Reroll"
  • Gives you a masterball (Needs LethalMon)
  • Gives you one of every dice


  • Makes all flashlights brighter
  • Heals all alive players and restores their batteries in every item
  • Gives you infinite stamina
  • Teleports you to the ship with your items
  • Spawns a random item from the shop
  • Makes everything in your inventory a bit lighter
  • Spawns a bunch of pokeballs of different tiers (Needs LethalMon)
  • Spawns Crystal Rays Inside (Needs LethalThings)


  • Swaps places with another player
  • Sends Everyone to a random player
  • Makes Everyone a bit drunk (TZP)
  • Delayed Roll
  • Spawns A few Lasso men inside


  • Makes you emit an annoying sound periodically
  • Spawns spiders and makes them faster
  • Spawns an armageddon outside
  • Spawns a lot of bugs inside
  • Makes the ship door malfunction
  • Creates a lot of fake fire exits
  • Blocks all fire exits
  • Closes all open doors and locks them
  • Jumpscares you (can be changed in the settings to be mild)
  • Spawns a lot of mines inside
  • Changes your speech, and makes it harder to communicate
  • Teleports you inside
  • Turns off all lights permanently
  • Makes you periodcally shake a lot
  • Makes the ship lever moving
  • Halves the battery percentage of all items in your inventory
  • Makes everything in your inventory a bit heavier
  • Spawns a bunch of Teleporter traps inside (Needs LethalThings)
  • Spawns Teleporter traps and makes all Teleporter traps move around (Needs LethalThings)
  • Makes your head spin
  • Spawns a bunch of hoarding bugs outside
  • Teleports everyone and every enemy back to the ship
  • Removes the Terminal


  • Spawns a lot of bee hives outside
  • Detonates a random player
  • Spawns a jester in a popped state, and pops all already existing jesters.
  • Spawns landmines and makes them move
  • Spawns a coilhead outside
  • Causes coilheads to sometimes ignore your stare, which allows them to move while being watched.
  • Creates turrets near the ship
  • Spawns invisible mines inside
  • Creates a lot of turrets inside which shoot instantly
  • Spawns a lot of worms outside
  • Spawns a lot of zombies inside
  • Teleports you to the ship, but leaves a zombie in your place
  • Spawns a lot of mines outside
  • Breaks a neck of a random player
  • Spawns a bunch of teleporter traps outside(Needs Lethal Things installed)
  • Spawns a bunch of invisible teleporter traps(Needs Lethal Things installed)
  • Spawns a giant Inside
  • Spawns a bunch of Shrimp Inside (Needs LCOffice)
  • Spawns a few Spike traps outside
  • Spawns a few Barbers
  • Spawns an invisible random enemy

More to come!


Be sure to check out the plugin's config file. It is called EmergencyDice.cfg and it should be generated when you run the game with the mod for the first time.

You can modify which effects you want or not, or change some other settings.

The [Allowed Effects] tab in the config syncs with all the clients, meaning that only server needs to disable/enable effects.

Spawn rates are also serverside only, so no need to worry about having everyone syncing up their values with the host.

Emergency die shop alias

Some mods (like Lethal Things mod) might use conflicting item names in the shop. To solve this I added few aliases for the emergency die in the shop.

Try these aliases in the shop:

  • emergencydie
  • dice
  • die
  • edie

Chat commands

I included some chat commands in the mod, mainly for myself to ease debugging. If you want to use them you have to set

"Allow chat commands = true"

in the config.

To spawn dice use:

  • ~edice dice num

where num is an id of the die. ID's start from 1.

If you want to force an effect, use

  • ~edice effect effectName or
  • ~edice menu

Special thanks

Thanks to everyone who participates on github - for the suggestions, and bug reporting!

All players need this mod


  • 1.4.8

    • Fixed Null Reference error with EntranceTeleportPatch (I hope)
  • 1.4.7

    • Possible fix for dice not rendering when going through the facility doors
    • Added a new config option for displaying the results of dice rolls in chat
    • Possible fix for Item Duplicator errors
  • 1.4.6

    • Possible Fix for not spawning scrap from rusty again (hopefully it works this time lol)
  • 1.4.5

    • Possible Fix for not spawning scrap
    • Fixed Display Results not showing up if ALL was selected
    • Added new random tooltips for dice effects
  • 1.4.4

    • Possible Fix for Shotgun not spawning (in a kind of weird way)
  • 1.4.3

    • Made the SFX of Emergency Meeting not so loud
    • Fixed the sprite for Emergency Meeting
  • 1.4.2

    • Added Emergency Meeting SFX and Sprite
  • 1.4.1

    • Changed how the visor is toggled to account for other mods
  • 1.4.0

    • Changed how the config variables were handled
    • Added a compatability for LethalConfig
    • Possible Fix for shotgun not appearing for everyone
    • Possible better config syncing (It worked fine in lan mode on 2 pcs, so hopefully there isn't any trouble)
  • 1.3.7

    • Added new events: Invisible Enemies, Emergency Meeting, Terminal Lockout
    • Possible fix for purge not killing enemies
    • Added a config option for Become Small that allows different ways to revert
  • 1.3.6

    • Fixed size not reverting on leave
  • 1.3.5

    • Added new events: Meteors and Become Small
  • 1.3.4

    • Added a new event Barbers
    • Fixed an line of code that accidentally got deleted (woops)
  • 1.3.3

    • Fixed a blank config issue with lethal performance
  • 1.3.2

    • Fixed Heavy and Light burden to not bug your weight/movement
    • Added config options to make NeckSpin and NeckBreak less Awful
  • 1.3.1

    • Fixed NeckSpin to actually work not based on framerate (I forgot to multiply by Time.DeltaTime xD)
  • 1.3.0

    • Added a bunch of new Rolls and Rolls with other mods, LCOffice and LethalMon
    • Possible fix for hud disappearing when revived pt.2
    • Fixed Item Dupe event not working right
    • Fixed/Replaced a lot of code that dissapeared for some reason
    • Optimized a bit of code (especially with spawning in Teleporter traps cuz I am still learning lol)
  • 1.2.11

    • Possibly fixed Shotgun not spawning for people
    • Added a new effect Headspin
    • Possible fix for hud disappearing when revived
  • 1.2.10

    • Changed Readme to add the original creator's plugin github
  • 1.2.9

    • Added a Invisible Teleporter Trap Event
  • 1.2.8

    • Fixes a few things
    • Added a config option to change how rolls are shown to you
  • 1.2.7

    • Added 8 new Dice Rolls
    • Added integration with Lethal Things for Teleporter Traps
  • 1.2.5

    • Turns out I am a bit dumb and didn't know how netcode worked in regards to modding.
    • Added back the random dice spin time
  • 1.2.4

    • Removed the config option for random dice spin time in hopes that it was that that broke the dice networking
  • 1.2.3

    • Possible fix for dice not working for clients
    • Switched the GUID back so Brutal Company Minus Events can work again
  • 1.2.2

    • Added a new event "Random Items from Shop" as a great variant that gives 2-4 items
    • Moved Random Item from shop to Good instead of great
    • Alarm Text :D
  • 1.2.1

    • Some bugfixes
    • Added new Event "Random Item from Shop"
      • Might make it multiple events where great variant gives 2-4 items and good variant gives 1
  • 1.2.0

    • I have temporarily ported this to v55 with a few changes
    • Neck Break can go further
    • Config options for changing the force of Hypershake
    • Config option for random dice spin time
    • Config option for use of Gambler and Cronos outside
    • Maybe something else, I honestly don't remember, it is 8am and I need sleep
  • 1.1.8

  • 1.1.7

    • God help me. Made new effect in 1.1.5 and forgot to add it to the die pool, so it was essentially useless.
  • 1.1.6

    • Forgot to turn off the debug mode again
  • 1.1.5

    • New negative effects
    • New positive effect (spawns a shotgun)
    • bugfixes?
  • 1.1.4

    • New effect
    • Restored an
  • 1.1.3

    • New negative effects
    • Bug fixes
  • 1.1.2

    • New effects
    • Bug fixes
  • 1.1.0

    • Added new effects
    • Added new functionality to the Emergency Die (rolling 6 now teleports you and your crewmates)
    • Bug Fixes
  • 1.0.0

    • Released