steelwirecage-SoothingClassicalEscapeMusic icon


Plays soothing classical music when the early ship leave alert appears to calm your nerves



Mod is now dependent on FacilityMeltdown for real.

Previous version fixed the ship leaving early music and the death music but not the apparatus music, so i changed Default.json to what it was before.


Removed FacilityMeltdown plugin and PizzaTowerEscapeMusic plugin from the mod and made them dependencies. I suspect that the .dll file refuses to run properly if not in the correct folder or something...

I also changed some names, edited Default.json and made it as similar to the example custom mod as possible. Replaced the part of my butchered Frankenstein Default.json that makes the apparatus music play with an additional edited Apparatus.json file.

If this doesn't work then I am being deliberately sabotaged. I swear...


Removed the DefaultScripts and DefaultMusic folders from the mod. Hopefully it's actually fixed now.


Fixed changelog (i put 1.0.1 for previous version instead of 1.1.0)

Added note to README telling people to change their configs


Hopefully fixed

Music was not playing after I downloaded it with a mod manager. This was probably because I also had PizzaTowerEscapeMusic downloaded as well, since I tested it with the fresh file and it worked fine. Added that as a note in the README.

Replaced Lacrimosa with Ave Maria because the former was too quiet and I couldn't get it louder without adding lots of clipping. I also increased the volume of most of the songs because they were too quiet.

Also I forgot to add the dependencies so now that should be fixed.


Initial release There could be an issue with the escape music continuing to play after death, but I don't know yet because I need an assistant for that. All my "assistants" are asleep...