suzenebl-HardcoreDed_Modpack icon

HardcoreDed Modpack

A hardcore modpack designed for fun. RightSoundPack is recommended for full immersion


Changelog: v1.0.0:

Initial release of the modpack named "start." v1.5.0:

Increased difficulty for a more challenging and fun gameplay experience. v1.5.1:

Emphasizes that "All emotions are free," potentially enhancing the overall gaming experience. V1.7.0:

Fixed a bug with the terminal. Improved performance. Doors can only be opened and closed by pressing buttons, introducing a new gameplay mechanic. 2.8.2:

Removed features: lethalThings and voicehud. 3.1.0:

Removed mods that were causing issues or disruptions in the game. 3.2.0:

Maximized optimization for improved overall performance. Improved text communication for each update.