theZofhistory-Zees_Moons icon

Zees Moons

Adds 2 moons, Analysis and Reception. Reception is still a WIP. Built using LethalSDK by HolographicWings



  • added more to Reception, including increasing the Fog, adding a sign, and a pathway of lights to the main door, and making the area around the main door less shiny
  • changed some textures/materials. This will be most notable on Reception, with the ground no longer looking like fabric.
  • testing/adjustments made to ensure fixes from previous patch were working correctly.


  • Fixed major errors on both maps: Suns missing texture, days not progressing, drop ship not dropping, etc. (updated to most recent LethalSDK)
  • Fixed moon object in orbit not having any texture (giant purple spheres)
  • updated required version of lethal expansion to current version


  • Fixed outside NavMesh for Reception


  • Added new map "Reception"


  • Fixed error causing outside fog/weather effects happening when inside
  • Moved fire door light to make slightly more sense again.
  • Dropped height of back wall again.


  • Moved fire door light to make slightly more sense.
  • Dropped height of back wall to prevent players getting booted off the ship during takeoff.


  • Initial Version, Added lights to both signs to make them legible