Decompiled source of FearOverhauled v1.1.1


Decompiled 11 months ago
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using FearOverhauled.Patches;
using GameNetcodeStuff;
using HarmonyLib;
using LethalConfig;
using LethalConfig.ConfigItems;
using LethalConfig.ConfigItems.Options;
using UnityEngine;

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[assembly: AssemblyTitle("FearOverhauled")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("FearOverhauled")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2024")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("060ddf36-7d3b-4285-bc40-c173497782c4")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace FearOverhauled
	public class Logger
		public enum LogLevelConfig

		internal ManualLogSource MLS;

		public string modName = "No-Name";

		public string modVersion = "No-Ver";

		public void Init(string modGUID = "")
			MLS = Logger.CreateLogSource(modGUID);

		public bool LogLevelAllow(LogLevelConfig severity = LogLevelConfig.Important, LogLevelConfig severity2 = LogLevelConfig.Everything)
			if (severity2 == LogLevelConfig.None)
				return false;
			if (severity == LogLevelConfig.Everything)
				return severity2 == LogLevelConfig.Everything;
			return true;

		public void Log(string text = "", LogLevel level = 16, LogLevelConfig severity = LogLevelConfig.Important)
			//IL_0044: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			_ = FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.logLevel;
			bool flag = false;
			if (!flag)
				flag = LogLevelAllow(severity, FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.logLevel);
			if (flag)
				string text2 = $"[{modName} v{modVersion}] - {text}";
				MLS.Log(level, (object)text2);
	[BepInPlugin("", "Fear Overhauled", "1.0.0")]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	public class FearOverhauledMod : BaseUnityPlugin
		public static class ConfigValues
			public static bool doSpeed;

			public static bool doSprintTime;

			public static bool doClimbSpeed;

			public static bool doAdrenaline;

			public static Lang.AvailableLang lang;

			public static Logger.LogLevelConfig logLevel;

		public static class ConfigBinds
			public static ConfigEntry<bool> doSpeed;

			public static ConfigEntry<bool> doSprintTime;

			public static ConfigEntry<bool> doClimbSpeed;

			public static ConfigEntry<bool> doAdrenaline;

			public static ConfigEntry<Lang.AvailableLang> lang;

			public static ConfigEntry<Logger.LogLevelConfig> logLevel;

		public static class Sounds
			public static AudioClip[] panicAttackWarning = HUDManager.Instance.warningSFX;

			public static AudioClip panicAttackRecovery = HUDManager.Instance.reachedQuotaSFX;

		public static class VanillaValues
			public static float speed = 4.6f;

			public static float sprintTime = 11f;

			public static float climbSpeed = 3f;

			public static float limpMultiplier = 0.2f;

			public static float staminaRegen = 0f;

			public static bool dontLimp = false;

		public interface IFearProperties
			float fearNeeded { get; }

			float speed { get; }

			float sprintTime { get; }

			float staminaRegen { get; }

			float climbSpeed { get; }

			bool dontLimp { get; }

		public class StressedProperties : IFearProperties
			public float fearNeeded { get; } = 0.01f;

			public float speed { get; } = 0.25f;

			public float sprintTime { get; } = 1f;

			public float staminaRegen { get; } = -0.005f;

			public float climbSpeed { get; } = 1f;

			public bool dontLimp { get; } = false;


		public class ScaredProperties : IFearProperties
			public float fearNeeded { get; } = 0.25f;

			public float speed { get; } = 0.6f;

			public float sprintTime { get; } = 2f;

			public float staminaRegen { get; } = -0.01f;

			public float climbSpeed { get; } = 2f;

			public bool dontLimp { get; } = false;


		public class HorrifiedProperties : IFearProperties
			public float fearNeeded { get; } = 0.5f;

			public float speed { get; } = 0.9f;

			public float sprintTime { get; } = 4f;

			public float staminaRegen { get; } = -0.025f;

			public float climbSpeed { get; } = 3f;

			public bool dontLimp { get; } = true;


		public class PanicAttackProperties : IFearProperties
			public float fearNeeded { get; } = 0.85f;

			public float speed { get; } = 1.1f;

			public float sprintTime { get; } = 6f;

			public float staminaRegen { get; } = -0.0425f;

			public float climbSpeed { get; } = 4f;

			public bool dontLimp { get; } = true;


		public static class Lang
			public enum AvailableLang

			public interface ILangProperties
				string panicAttackWarningMSG { get; }

				string panicAttackRecoveryMSG { get; }

			public class EN : ILangProperties
				public string panicAttackWarningMSG { get; } = "WARNING: High heartbeat detected. Find a place to rest ASAP.";

				public string panicAttackRecoveryMSG { get; } = "INFO: Heartrate slowing down to normal levels.";


			public class DE : ILangProperties
				public string panicAttackWarningMSG { get; } = "WARNUNG: Hoher Herzschlag wurde festgestellt. Suchen Sie sich jetzt einen Platz zum Ausruhen.";

				public string panicAttackRecoveryMSG { get; } = "INFO: Die Herzfrequenz kehrt zur normalen Geschwindigkeit zurück.";


			public class RUS : ILangProperties
				public string panicAttackWarningMSG { get; } = "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Обнаружено учащенное сердцебиение. Выздоравливайте скорее.";

				public string panicAttackRecoveryMSG { get; } = "Информация: Пульс возвращается к нормальной скорости.";


			public static AvailableLang curLang;

			public static ILangProperties GetLangClassFromEnum(AvailableLang langEnum = AvailableLang.En)
				return langEnum switch
					AvailableLang.De => new DE(), 
					AvailableLang.Rus => new RUS(), 
					_ => new EN(), 

		private const string modGUID = "";

		private const string modName = "Fear Overhauled";

		private const string modVersion = "1.0.0";

		private readonly Harmony harmony = new Harmony("");

		private static FearOverhauledMod Instance;

		public static Logger fearLogger = new Logger();

		public void InitConfigValues(Logger fearLogger)
			fearLogger.Log("Initialising config values...", (LogLevel)16);
			ConfigValues.doSpeed = ConfigBinds.doSpeed.Value;
			ConfigValues.doSprintTime = ConfigBinds.doSprintTime.Value;
			ConfigValues.doClimbSpeed = ConfigBinds.doClimbSpeed.Value;
			ConfigValues.doAdrenaline = ConfigBinds.doAdrenaline.Value;
			ConfigValues.lang = ConfigBinds.lang.Value;
			ConfigValues.logLevel = ConfigBinds.logLevel.Value;
			fearLogger.Log("Config values initialised.", (LogLevel)16);

		public void InitAllConfigBinds(Logger fearLogger)
			//IL_0159: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_015e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_016b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0198: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_019d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01aa: Expected O, but got Unknown
			fearLogger.Log("Initialising config binds...", (LogLevel)8);
			string text = "";
			ConfigBinds.doSpeed = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "Speed changes", true, "Determines if your speed will increase while scared");
			text = $"doSpeed initialised. (Value: {ConfigBinds.doSpeed.Value})";
			fearLogger.Log(text, (LogLevel)8);
			ConfigBinds.doSprintTime = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "Stamina changes", true, "Determines if your stamina will increase while scared");
			text = $"doSprintTime initialised. (Value: {ConfigBinds.doSprintTime.Value})";
			fearLogger.Log(text, (LogLevel)8);
			ConfigBinds.doClimbSpeed = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "Climb speed changes", true, "Determines if your climb speed will increase while scared");
			text = $"doClimbSpeed initialised. (Value: {ConfigBinds.doClimbSpeed.Value})";
			fearLogger.Log(text, (LogLevel)8);
			ConfigBinds.doAdrenaline = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "Adrenaline", true, "Determines if you won't limp while scared");
			text = $"doAdrenaline initialised. (Value: {ConfigBinds.doAdrenaline.Value})";
			fearLogger.Log(text, (LogLevel)8);
			fearLogger.Log("Initialising LethalConfig items...", (LogLevel)16);
			ConfigBinds.lang = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<Lang.AvailableLang>("Misc", "Language", Lang.AvailableLang.En, "Doesn't affect config");
			EnumDropDownConfigItem<Lang.AvailableLang> val = new EnumDropDownConfigItem<Lang.AvailableLang>(ConfigBinds.lang, new EnumDropDownOptions
				RequiresRestart = false
			ConfigBinds.logLevel = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<Logger.LogLevelConfig>("Misc", "Log Level", Logger.LogLevelConfig.Important, "Console logging level");
			EnumDropDownConfigItem<Logger.LogLevelConfig> val2 = new EnumDropDownConfigItem<Logger.LogLevelConfig>(ConfigBinds.logLevel, new EnumDropDownOptions
				RequiresRestart = false
			fearLogger.Log("LethalConfig items initialised.", (LogLevel)8);
			fearLogger.Log("Config binds initialised.", (LogLevel)8);

		public void InitConfig(Logger fearLogger)
			fearLogger.Log("Initialising config...", (LogLevel)8);
			fearLogger.Log("Config initialised.", (LogLevel)8);

		private void Awake()
			if ((Object)(object)Instance == (Object)null)
				Instance = this;
			fearLogger.modName = "Fear Overhauled";
			fearLogger.modVersion = "1.0.0";
			fearLogger.Log("fearLogger Initialised!", (LogLevel)16, Logger.LogLevelConfig.Everything);
			fearLogger.Log("Patching FearOverhauledMod...", (LogLevel)16, Logger.LogLevelConfig.Everything);
			fearLogger.Log("Patched FearOverhauledMod.", (LogLevel)16, Logger.LogLevelConfig.Everything);
			fearLogger.Log("Patching PlayerControllerBPatch...", (LogLevel)16, Logger.LogLevelConfig.Everything);
			fearLogger.Log("Patched PlayerControllerBPatch.", (LogLevel)16, Logger.LogLevelConfig.Everything);
			fearLogger.Log("Patching RoundManagerPatch...", (LogLevel)16, Logger.LogLevelConfig.Everything);
			fearLogger.Log("Patched RoundManagerPatch.", (LogLevel)16, Logger.LogLevelConfig.Everything);

		public static IFearProperties GetPropertyClassFromName(string property = "")
			return property switch
				"scared" => new ScaredProperties(), 
				"horrified" => new HorrifiedProperties(), 
				"panicAttack" => new PanicAttackProperties(), 
				_ => new StressedProperties(), 

		public static string GetFearString(float fear = 0f, float minFear = 0f)
			PanicAttackProperties panicAttackProperties = new PanicAttackProperties();
			float fearNeeded = panicAttackProperties.fearNeeded;
			if (fear >= fearNeeded || minFear >= fearNeeded)
				return "panicAttack";
			HorrifiedProperties horrifiedProperties = new HorrifiedProperties();
			fearNeeded = horrifiedProperties.fearNeeded;
			if (fear >= fearNeeded || minFear >= fearNeeded)
				return "horrified";
			ScaredProperties scaredProperties = new ScaredProperties();
			fearNeeded = scaredProperties.fearNeeded;
			if (fear >= fearNeeded || minFear >= fearNeeded)
				return "scared";
			StressedProperties stressedProperties = new StressedProperties();
			fearNeeded = stressedProperties.fearNeeded;
			if (fear >= fearNeeded || minFear >= fearNeeded)
				return "stressed";
			return "calm";
namespace FearOverhauled.Patches
	internal class RoundManagerPatch
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(RoundManager), "Start")]
		private static void PostStart()
			FearOverhauledMod fearOverhauledMod = new FearOverhauledMod();
	internal class PlayerControllerBPatch
		private static string fearState = "calm";

		private static float logTimer = 0f;

		private static float messageTimer = 0f;

		private static bool playedWarningSound = false;

		private static bool showAfterPanicAttackMessage = false;

		private static void PostUpdate(ref StartOfRound ___playersManager, ref float ___movementSpeed, ref float ___sprintTime, ref float ___climbSpeed, ref float ___sprintMeter, ref bool ___isSprinting, ref Animator ___playerBodyAnimator, ref float ___limpMultiplier, ref bool ___isPlayerDead)
			if (___playersManager.fearLevel < 0f)
				___playersManager.fearLevel = 0f;
			float fearLevel = ___playersManager.fearLevel;
			float num = 0f;
			bool flag = false;
			FearOverhauledMod.StressedProperties stressedProperties = new FearOverhauledMod.StressedProperties();
			if (fearLevel >= stressedProperties.fearNeeded)
				FearOverhauledMod.IFearProperties propertyClassFromName = FearOverhauledMod.GetPropertyClassFromName(fearState);
				fearState = FearOverhauledMod.GetFearString(fearLevel, propertyClassFromName.fearNeeded);
				propertyClassFromName = FearOverhauledMod.GetPropertyClassFromName(fearState);
				if (fearState != "calm")
					if (FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.doSpeed)
						___movementSpeed = FearOverhauledMod.VanillaValues.speed + propertyClassFromName.speed;
					if (FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.doSprintTime)
						___sprintTime = FearOverhauledMod.VanillaValues.sprintTime + propertyClassFromName.sprintTime;
					if (FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.doClimbSpeed)
						___climbSpeed = FearOverhauledMod.VanillaValues.climbSpeed + propertyClassFromName.climbSpeed;
					if (FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.doAdrenaline)
						flag = propertyClassFromName.dontLimp;
					num = FearOverhauledMod.VanillaValues.staminaRegen + propertyClassFromName.staminaRegen;
				if (fearState == "panicAttack")
					showAfterPanicAttackMessage = true;
					playedWarningSound = false;
					messageTimer = 0f;
				if (!CheckIfStatsAreVanilla(___movementSpeed, ___sprintTime, ___climbSpeed, num, flag, ___limpMultiplier))
					if (FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.doSpeed)
						___movementSpeed = FearOverhauledMod.VanillaValues.speed;
					if (FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.doSprintTime)
						___sprintTime = FearOverhauledMod.VanillaValues.sprintTime;
					if (FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.doClimbSpeed)
						___climbSpeed = FearOverhauledMod.VanillaValues.climbSpeed;
					if (FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.doAdrenaline)
						___limpMultiplier = FearOverhauledMod.VanillaValues.limpMultiplier;
						flag = FearOverhauledMod.VanillaValues.dontLimp;
					num = FearOverhauledMod.VanillaValues.staminaRegen;
				fearState = "calm";
			if (!___isSprinting)
				___sprintMeter += num * Time.deltaTime;
			if (flag)
				___playerBodyAnimator.SetBool("Limp", false);
				___limpMultiplier = 1f;
			if (!___isPlayerDead)
				if (fearState == "panicAttack")
					showAfterPanicAttackMessage = false;
					if (!playedWarningSound)
						RoundManager.PlayRandomClip(HUDManager.Instance.UIAudio, FearOverhauledMod.Sounds.panicAttackWarning, false, 1f, 0, 1000);
						playedWarningSound = true;
						messageTimer = 0f;
					if (messageTimer <= 30f)
						FearOverhauledMod.Lang.ILangProperties langClassFromEnum = FearOverhauledMod.Lang.GetLangClassFromEnum(FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.lang);
				if (showAfterPanicAttackMessage)
					if (!playedWarningSound)
						playedWarningSound = true;
						messageTimer = 0f;
					if (messageTimer <= 30f)
						FearOverhauledMod.Lang.ILangProperties langClassFromEnum2 = FearOverhauledMod.Lang.GetLangClassFromEnum(FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.lang);
						playedWarningSound = false;
						showAfterPanicAttackMessage = false;
				messageTimer = 999f;
				showAfterPanicAttackMessage = false;
			messageTimer += Time.deltaTime;
			logTimer += Time.deltaTime;
			if (logTimer > 5f)
				logTimer = 0f;
				string text = $"Current Fear State: {fearState} (Cur Fear {fearLevel})";
				FearOverhauledMod.fearLogger.Log(text, (LogLevel)16, Logger.LogLevelConfig.Everything);
				text = $"Current Speed: {___movementSpeed})";
				FearOverhauledMod.fearLogger.Log(text, (LogLevel)16, Logger.LogLevelConfig.Everything);
				text = $"Current Sprint Time: {___sprintTime})";
				FearOverhauledMod.fearLogger.Log(text, (LogLevel)16, Logger.LogLevelConfig.Everything);
				text = $"Current ClimbSpeed: {___climbSpeed})";
				FearOverhauledMod.fearLogger.Log(text, (LogLevel)16, Logger.LogLevelConfig.Everything);
				text = $"Current StaminaRegen: {num})";
				FearOverhauledMod.fearLogger.Log(text, (LogLevel)16, Logger.LogLevelConfig.Everything);
				text = $"Current dontLimp: {flag}";
				FearOverhauledMod.fearLogger.Log(text, (LogLevel)16, Logger.LogLevelConfig.Everything);

		private static bool CheckIfStatsAreVanilla(float movementSpeed, float sprintTime, float climbSpeed, float staminaRegen, bool dontLimp, float limpMultiplier)
			if (movementSpeed != FearOverhauledMod.VanillaValues.speed && FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.doSpeed)
				return false;
			if (sprintTime != FearOverhauledMod.VanillaValues.sprintTime && FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.doSprintTime)
				return false;
			if (climbSpeed != FearOverhauledMod.VanillaValues.climbSpeed && FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.doClimbSpeed)
				return false;
			if (limpMultiplier != FearOverhauledMod.VanillaValues.limpMultiplier && FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.doAdrenaline)
				return false;
			if (dontLimp != FearOverhauledMod.VanillaValues.dontLimp && FearOverhauledMod.ConfigValues.doAdrenaline)
				return false;
			if (staminaRegen != FearOverhauledMod.VanillaValues.staminaRegen)
				return false;
			return true;