usb-Anticheese icon


Prevent petty players from ending the game early by pulling the lever

Last updated 9 months ago
Total downloads 5648
Total rating 0 
Categories Misc Server-side
Dependency string usb-Anticheese-1.1.0
Dependants 7 other packages depend on this package



For LC hosts that have issues with people pulling the lever too early.


  • Only the host can land the ship on a planet.
  • Only the host can vote to leave early (when dead).
  • Only the host can leave from the Company building (unless dead).
  • 75% of players must be present on or near the ship to leave (unless you are the host).


This mod patches the following methods.

  • StartMatchLever.__rpc_handler_2406447821 (PlayLeverPullEffectsServerRpc)
  • StartOfRound.__rpc_handler_1089447320 (StartGameServerRpc)
  • StartOfRound.__rpc_handler_2028434619 (EndGameServerRpc)
  • TimeOfDay.__rpc_handler_543987598
  • TimeOfDay.SetShipLeaveEarlyServerRpc