A new desert/jungle moon featuring a custom weather effect!
[1.4.1] - 2024-09-03
Bugfix (v62 support)
- Fixed interior lightning
- Fixed missing sounds on the bridge ?
[1.4.0] - 2024-08-31
Improvements (v62 support)
- Updated to v62 (new interior, monster and scrap support)
- Fixed culling issues for fireflies
- Reverted desert footstep sounds due to LLL bugging out
- Brought back quicksand
- Slightly resized the main entrance
- Monsters spawn slightly earlier now
- A bit more scrap spawns now
- Removed bloom
[1.3.1] - 2024-07-29
Optimization (v56 support)
- Fixed NavMesh issues
- Changed fog on the level, now it will be thick only during Dust Clouds weather
- Reduced number of baboons
- Increased volume of sand footstep sounds
[1.3.0] - 2024-07-28
Optimization (v56 support)
- Updated to v56
- Reduced mod size by a factor of 3 (now only 27MB!)
- Destructable trees
- Sand footstep sounds
- New main facility entrance
- Added a small chance of Old Birds spawning randomly
[1.2.2] - 2024-07-20
The Layout Update
- Made quciksand a bit darker
- Shrunk quicksand triggers to align with the texture better
[1.2.1] - 2024-07-14
The Layout Update
- Fixed heatwave zone bugs and reenabled the effect
- When you're in a car heating will still take place, but 66% slower
- Fixed wrong footstep sounds and quicksand layer
- Added custom logs
- Added a video reel to moon info
- Adjusted spawn curves
- Increased amount of scrap and facility size (1.3 -> 1.35)
[1.2.0] - 2024-07-10
The Layout Update
- Changed the layout of the map to bring the main entrance closer to the ship
- Smoothed out some of the dunes to make the map driveable
- Added fireflies to the green dome
- Fixed sun animation not changing brightness
- Changed spawn curves and power to actully make the moon B+ difficulty
- Bridge is even more sturdier now!
- Temporarily disabled heatwave effect due to a buggy interaction with the cruiser
- Reduced file size
- Simplified terrain mesh for better performance
- Reduced number of particles for performance
- New dependency before I update the project to the new version
[1.1.3] - 2024-06-18
- Fixed heatstroke effect snapping back to the previous value when leaving and entering heatwave zones
- Enemies now spawn a bit later in the day
- Added metal sounds to some objects
[1.1.2] - 2024-06-16
- Fixed desync for custom spawners and NullReferenceExceptions related to this
- Now heat exhaustion is local to each player
- Made the bridge a bit sturdier
- Fixed collider of dome entrance causing players to get stuck
[1.1.1] - 2024-06-15
Balancing update
- Made quicksand darker again
- Fixed wrong reverb presents
- Added audio sfx for the dome and the dust storm
- Made terrain textures appear smoother
- Bumped up max scrap value by 50
- Decreased daytime enemy power by 2
- Old Bird can no longer go inside the intact dome
- Forest giants will no longer be able to leave or enter the dome (depending on their original spawn point)
- You can fly over the heatwave zone with a jetpack without getting heatstroke
- Adjusted duststorm animations
[1.1.0] - 2024-06-14
Balancing update
- Made quicksand significantly darker.
- Fixed NavMesh in the ship
- Added a bridge to the jungle dome for easier traversal
- Added new scan node to make finding the entrance easier
- Reduced probability of Sand Worms and Forest Keepers
- Made Jesters and Nutcrackers extremely rare (<0.6%)
- Made Baboon Hawks less frequent, Tulip Snakes more frequent
- Reduced outside monster power by 3
- Bumped up the price of the moon to 125
- Reduced facility size (1.4 -> 1.3)
- Increased max scrap value and amount by ~30 %
- Fixed heatstroke effect not being removed on death and after teleportation
- Added a config option to remove special spawns on the moon
- Increased time to reach maximum heatstroke effect from 30 to 60 seconds
[1.0.1] - 2024-06-13
- Added quicksand.
- Adjusted NavMesh and AI nodes
- Fixed sun clippping into terrain
- Eclipses are a bit darker
[1.0.0] - 2024-06-11
- Initial release of 31-Arcadia.