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zealsprince-Locker-1.2.8 icon


A new and unique enemy that acts as a situational threat, praying on player's perception

Date uploaded 5 hours ago
Version 1.2.8
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Downloads 3559
Dependency string zealsprince-Locker-1.2.8

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Evaisa-HookGenPatcher-0.0.5 icon

Generates MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.HookGen's MMHOOK file during the BepInEx preloader phase.

Preferred version: 0.0.5
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.16.1 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.16.1



The Locker

In darkness it lurks, seeks light and sense and only responds with hunger.

A new and unique enemy/hazard that responds to player's vision much like a coilhead but with a few twists.

Video Preview / Spoiler


The locker is a bit of a different enemy in that it represents more of a possible future obstacle when encountered as an experienced player. At the same time its purpose is to bring back an extra element of surprise and dynamic to the gameplay through unannounced encounters, similar to a coil head without the permanent danger and caveats that come with it.

Just like the hydrogene is not much of a threat, having it coupled with other enemies increases its difficulty. Additionally, I want to create new and dynamic situations much like those found in the base game caused by coil heads, spiders and hydrogenes roaming. As such this enemy is designed with that in mind.

Further details about its behaviour can be found below - keep in mind if you're looking for something new to be surprised, these are a spoiler

Behavior Details:
  • The locker activates and charges at a player if they scan it having a clear line to the player up to a range of 90 meters
  • Activating from a scan has to propagate to the locker and matches the scan wave you see in game
  • At a maximum range of 90 meters it will take 3 seconds before activating
  • The locker responds to player flashlights when aimed at it and will charge at players even if the flashlight is lit in an offhand slot
  • The locker responds to player touch meaning getting stuck with it in a corner is generally a death sentence
  • The locker responds to held light sources in a 15 meter range
  • Crouching past the locker will not alert it
  • The locker can be stood on without activating it
  • Players caught in the charge are instantly killed
  • The locker can not be killed/destroyed by regular means
  • The locker can kill enemies while chasing
  • The locker can crush and destroy doors while chasing
  • Crashing two lockers together will cause an explosion
  • The locker has a chance to reactivate after a chase and close in on the closest player - the chance of this happening is 50% by default and can be configured


  • Make Locker material not visible in pure darkness


Want to suggest new features or tweaks for this mod? Feel free to open up a suggestion issue on the GitHub repository!

Furthermore there is an official mod release thread on the Lethal Company Modding Discord!




  • Bump version number to indicate v66 compatibility


  • Bump version number to indicate v65 compatibility


  • Bump version number to indicate v64 compatibility


  • Patch for v61


  • Patch for v60


  • Fix player scan searching over all GameObjects instead of just Lockers possibly causing performance issues in large levels


  • Patch for v56
  • Improve performance by only getting doors on spawn not during chase


  • Patch for v55


  • Rewrote state management to be mounted on the game's EnemyAI system to improve stability and mod compatibility
    • Thanks Xu Xiaolan for the initial rewrite and motivation as well as good feedback!


  • Add reaction to hit events
  • Fix Locker pathfinding getting stuck
  • Fix path calculation if off navmesh


  • Patch for v50


  • Add corpse deletion behavior in line with the consume animation
  • Fix reactivating for another chase if not moved during last


  • Add spawn configuration options
  • Add volume adjustment configuration option
  • Adjust eye collider to make it trigger even if something is in direct line-of-sight
  • Adjust navigation checks to make movement more reliable
  • Add new post-chase mechanic to make chases more dynamic and dangerous
  • Fix doors on custom levels not destroying causing infinite explosions
  • Fix fear effect triggering on all players on death
  • Slightly adjust scanner linecast to avoid thin obstacles
  • Confirmed compatibility on the following custom interiors
    • Scoopy's Variety Mod: Dungeon
    • Scoopy's Variety Mod: Sewer
    • Dantors Mental Hospital
    • MoreInteriors: Bunker


  • Fix unkillable enemies getting stuck if hit by the locker


  • Add normal map to model
  • Add more detail to the side of the model
  • Add overshooting again but only on scan and touch interactions
  • Add rotating in the direction of movement when turning corners


  • Add killing other enemies mid chase
  • Add exploding if destroyed / killed
  • Add screen shake to close encounter with player
  • Add destruction of doors during chases
  • Fix lights line of sight
  • Fix chasing infinitely if stuck



  • Make kill trigger less forgiving by adding a distance check which should fix getting squished into walls but not being killed
  • Reduce the height of enemy agent to make light detection more likely


  • Fix non host players not being killed
  • Fix non host players holding lights not activating the enemy
  • Implement enemy re-targeting the previous target if it's activated again


  • Switched to using nav mesh for traversal to better avoid obstacles
  • Adjusted spawn curves to have highest probability at the start of a day


  • Held objects with lights will trigger while disregarding the viewing angle
    • Flashlights are still checked to have the 30 degree viewing angle
  • Activation by scanning now disregards viewing angle
  • Change chasing logic to overshoot initial target position


  • Fix map marker not being visible
  • Improve flashlight detection logic and make normally held flashlights work too
  • Implement player proximity detection and crouching to evade
  • Change player kill animation
  • Change colors and alignment of some textures
  • Add bestiary entry


  • Correctly patch networking methods to fix RPCs


  • Implement reverse ping delay
  • Implement map screen marker
  • Implement scan node
  • Improve reverse ping audio
  • Reduce texture brightness and tweak materials
  • Retopologize major parts of the Locker model
  • Add fear effect if Locker closes or consumes near a player


  • Finalize Locker behavior and connect to in-game spawns
  • Fix scan activation being relative to the Locker's forward transform


  • Add sound effects to individual states
  • Add LockerAI to handle various states of player interaction
  • Allow targeting of players holding flashlights in 45 degree field of view
  • Add blood effect and consume state


  • Add sparks animation
  • Rig and import model into Unity and set up basic animation controller


  • Create model in Blender


  • Initial project setup