Palomar-CrappyOddBall icon


Adds a simple OddBall mode that replaces FFA. Hold the Battery for the set amount of time to win!

By Palomar
Last updated 2 years ago
Total downloads 796
Total rating 1 
Categories Language: EN
Dependency string Palomar-CrappyOddBall-1.4.0
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package


Adds OddBal.

Win by holding the battery for the set amount of time without losing it!


Scorelimit = Time to hold the Battery in Seconds.

Enable OddBall: Enable the OddBall mode.

Battery-Timeout-Length: Amount of time people get to search for the battery (30 secs by default)

Carrier-Exclusive-Melee: Wether or not only the Player carrying the battery can melee.