SoftSleeper-Attrition_Extended_Overhaul icon

Attrition Extended Overhaul

Based on Attrition Extended, with bit gameplay tweak


Full changelog can be seen in docs folder

Recent Changes


  • Includes all changes implemented by later GruntMode Overhaul, with following exceptions:

    • bt_titan_server_effects and gunship_server_effects are enabled by default, due that this mod don't have client-side fixes( although GruntModeOverhaul_ClientModelEffects works when server hosting this mod )
    • Reaper health is increased from 5500 to 6500, their knockdown-resist also gets stronger
    • Won't give score to players if a npc steals the kill because pilot players should be easier to secure kills, and npc titans need kills to charge their core ability
    • Increase max_players value over 10 is not recommended. Pilot player has titan and many other stuffs that takes up server load, too many players may result in server lag

    NPC spawn settings change:

      modaitdm_reaper_count 2 -> 3
      modaitdm_pilot_count 3 -> 4
      modaitdm_stalker_spawn_score 230 -> 380
      modaitdm_reaper_spawn_score 350 -> 600
    • Recommend playing with scorelimit 1000 to have best experience. You can still change their value as you want


  • Disable buggy boss titan spawns


  • By default, titans now starts to deploy at the beginning of each match for each team, prevents the team that reaches titan score level first from snowballing to victory

    All of adjusted playlist variables:

      modaitdm_spectre_spawn_score 80 -> 120
      modaitdm_stalker_spawn_score 150 -> 230
      modaitdm_reaper_spawn_score 230 -> 350
      modaitdm_titan_spawn_score 330 -> 0
    • You can still change their value as you want
  • Fix ronin aegis upgrade phase dash bug. This breaks vanilla behavior but... we're hosting a modded server right?


  • Fix ticks, drones and turrets killing a titan will not award assist score to players

  • Players no longer get assist when dealing 0 damage( eg. damage titan armor with bullet weapons )


  • Lower titan meter earn from killing titans

  • Add assist score to player when npcs killing each other


  • Remove gunship spawns by default, since there're many maps they can't hover properly. Can be added back using playlistvar settings

  • Reduce default prowlers per team from 4 to 3


  • Fix ticks sometimes detonate themselves unexpectly fast

  • Ticks now have constant explosion delay, instead of having a random delay when chain exploding


  • Fix smart pistol one-shot grunt variants with higher health


  • Add more actively eject for titans: eject when enemy is close, or when health below certain fraction

  • Fix killing a nuke boss titan not awarding score correctly


  • Add nuke explosions on boss titan death, unless they're killed by termination. Due to that, modaitdm_boss_replace_chance's default value has been lowered to 0.2

( I know there're already many explosive stuffs... It's unbalanced but looks funny, I guess... )


  • Fix issues with player rodeo animation

  • Add playlistvar modaitdm_rare_specialist_chance to allow modifying turret grunt/shiled captain's spawn


  • Fix player vortex shield damage


  • Add turret grunt