Callbacks and funcs
Updated a year ago一些回调New callbacks
Ignore this part if you dont want to develop.
was modified. 3 callbcacks added.
AddCallback_Obituary( array<string> functionref( entity, entity, array<string> ) callbackFunc )
Added with Obituary( entity attacker, string attackerClass, entity victim, int scriptDamageType, int damageSourceId, bool isHeadShot, bool victimIsOwnedTitan = false, bool forceDisplay = false )
Obituary is created in that function.
This mod use this to modify the attacker/victim names.
void function AddCallback_Obituary( array<string> functionref( entity, entity, array<string> ) callbackFunc )
AddCallback_PrintObituary( void functionref( ObitStringData ) callbackFunc )
Added with void function Obituary_Print( string attackerDisplayName, string weaponDisplayName, string victimDisplayName, vector attackerColor, vector weaponColor, vector victimColor, weaponIcon = null, string attackerPetDisplayName = "", string victimPetDisplayName = "" )
Actually I don’t know what this function used for. If you wanna modify the obituary, don’t use this.
void function AddCallback_PrintObituary( void functionref( ObitStringData ) callbackFunc )
AddCallback_PrintObituaryLocalized( string functionref( string ) callbackFunc )
Added with void function Obituary_Print_Localized( string localizedPrint, vector altColor1 = <255, 255, 255>, vector altColor2 = <255, 255, 255>, vector altColor3 = <255, 255, 255>, vector backgroundColor = <255, 255, 255>, float backgroundAlpha = 0.0 )
The Obituary(...) will call Obituary_Print_Localized(...). The obituary string will be localized here.
If you wanna modify the weapon names in obituary, may you can use this.
void function AddCallback_PrintObituaryLocalized( string functionref( string ) callbackFunc )
新的别的函数New Functions
I dont know why these func sometimes get error. There should be only ascii chars in the names. Did I get wront with this?
// 返回字符的Ascii码
// Return the ascii code of a char in string. Return -1, if the string.len() != 1
int function Ord(string c)
// 从Ascii码得到字符
// Return the char.
string function Chr(int code)