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Date uploaded | 4 months ago |
Version | 1.0.0 |
Download link | |
Downloads | 379 |
Dependency string | Team036-FrontierDefenseCallback-1.0.0 |
I almost got g100 in this game, and may stop modding then, download the mods you like in advance.
This mod provides some useful functions on FD in client.
You should not install this until you are told.
entity function FD_GetHarvester() // valid check on it before call
FD_File function GetFDFile()
void function UseHarvesterShieldBoost( entity player )
bool function PlayerHasCoreOverloadReady( entity player )
bool function PlayerHasArcTrapReady( entity player )
bool function PlayerHasSentryTurretReady( entity player )
bool function PlayerHasHarvesterShieldBoost( entity player )
void function AddCallback_OnHarvesterShieldDamaged( void functionref(entity harvester, int oldShield, int newShield) callbackFunc )
void function AddCallback_OnHarvesterHealthDamaged( void functionref( entity harvester, int oldHealth, int newHealth ) callbackFunc )
global struct FD_File
bool wantToCloseStore = false
bool canToggleStore = false
array<var> waveRuis
table<string, var> waveAwardRuis
bool showWaveIntro = false
var harvesterRui
entity harvester
entity droz = null
entity davis = null
array<string> drozDropshipAnims = [ "commander_DLC_flyin_Droz_finally", "commander_DLC_flyin_Droz_everytime", "commander_DLC_flyin_Droz_brother" ]
array<asset> drozDropshipProps = [ FD_MODEL_DROZ_TABLET_PROP, FD_MODEL_DROZ_TABLET_PROP, DATA_KNIFE_MODEL ] //Make sure this lines up in the same order as Droz's animations!
array< string > davisDropshipAnims = [ "commander_DLC_flyin_Davis_finally", "commander_DLC_flyin_Davis_everytime", "commander_DLC_flyin_Davis_brother" ]
array< array <FD_RespawnDropshipIntroStruct> > respawnDropshipIntroData
table<entity,var> boostStoreRuis
array<var> turretRuis
var scoreboardIconCover
var readyUpRui
var superRodeoRui
var harvesterShieldRui
var tutorialTip
int dropshipIntroAnimIndex = -1
bool useHintActive = false
array<FD_PlayerAwards> playerAwards
var scoreSplashRui
var scoreboardWaveData
array<var> scoreboardExtraRui
bool usingShieldBoost
array<int> validTutorialBitIndices
float nextAllowReadyUpSoundTime
// custom
bool useCustomIconForMinions = false
array < void functionref(entity harvester, int oldShield, int newShield) > onHarvesterShieldDamagedCallbacks
array<void functionref( entity harvester, int oldHealth, int newHealth )> onHarvesterHealthDamagedCallbacks
// end custom