theNon-Reduced_Tracers icon

Reduced Tracers

Removes tracers from most hitscan and some projectiles weapons

By theNon
Last updated 2 months ago
Total downloads 144
Total rating 0 
Categories Mods Client-side
Dependency string theNon-Reduced_Tracers-1.0.0
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package



This mod removes most bullet tracers; both first person and world effects, from hitscan weapons with exception of LMGs, also removes tracer from Wingman Elite, Kraber, 40mm Cannon and Softball.

Make it slightly harder to immediately know where you're being shot from. Pairs well with my other mod: Immersive Bullet Flyby

Keyvalues modified:

For hitscans: WeaponData { "tracer_effect_first_person" "" "tracer_effect" "" }

For projectiles: WeaponData { "projectile_trail_effect_0" "" }

Weapons affected:

Titan Weapons:

-40mm Cannon

Pilot Weapons:

-Alternator, Car, Volt, R-97, RE-45, P2016, Wingman, Wingman Elite, DMR, Kraber, Hemlok, R101, R201, Flatline, G2, Softball

I guess this mod can also be considered performance mod because it removes the tracer effects lol