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Karma Mod Abuse

Abuse admin powers for your own entertainment.

Last updated 2 years ago
Total downloads 1839
Total rating 3 
Categories Mods Server-side Language: EN
Dependency string x3Karma-Karma_Mod_Abuse-1.2.8
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package


Admin Abuse Mod

This is a mod for Titanfall 2's Northstar Client.

This mod allows you to abuse various commands within your hosted servers for shenanigans.


1: Download the latest release from the GitHub Release page.

2: Extract the zip file and move the folder "Karma.Abuse" to ~\Titanfall2\R2Northstar\mods\

Common Game Install Locations:

Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Titanfall2

Origin: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Titanfall2


Firstly, you'll need to add yourself or others as admins.

1: Go to ~/Titanfall2/R2Northstar/mods/Karma.Abuse/mod.json


2: Change the Default Values of "grant_admin" to your name or UID

  • You can see your own UID by going into the Northstar lobby and typing sv_cheats 1; print(GetPlayerArray()[0].GetUID())
  • To add multiple admins, write their UID and add a comma in between the UIDs without spaces.
  • Ex : DefaultValue: "12032103911321,10293021931,10920329139"

3: Optionally, change the autoannounce messages and color which plays during the start of every match.

4: Optionally, to utilize chat hooks, insert -enablechathooks in your ns_startup_args.txt


To use this mod, type commands into the your client console.

There are a ton of commands available to use with this mod. But here's an example:

  • gift predator all smart will gift everyone a Predator Cannon with Smart Core
  • gift plasma imc instant will gift TEAM_IMC a Plasma Railgun with Instant Charge
  • rpwn all spawn titan respawns all dead players at their respective spawn points via a Titanfall
  • freeze/unfreeze someone to freeze someone by locking them in place, as well as unfreezing them.

Here are the full list of commands for now (v1.2.8; Last updated: 17/7/2022)

  • slay someone/imc/militia/all
  • switchteam/st someone/imc/militia/all
  • respawn/rpwn someone/imc/militia/all someone/spawn/BLANK pilot/titan/BLANK
  • gift <weaponId> <someone/imc/militia/all> <mods1> <mods2> <mods3> // gives selected person a weapon
  • rearm someone/imc/militia/all // refill tacticals/abilities/cores
  • fly someone/imc/militia/all to noclip
  • titanfall/tf <someone/imc/militia/all>
  • teleport <someone/imc/militia/all> <someone/crosshair> // teleport everybody to your crosshair, teleport someone to another person, teleport everyone to you, teleport one team to your crosshair
  • removeweapon/rw someone/team/all main weapons
  • freeze someone/team/all
  • unfreeze someone/team/all
  • hp/health someone/team/all <value> to change max hp, 100 for base pilot, 2500 per bar for titans
  • announce someone/team/all <word1> <word2> <word3>
  • getteam someone
  • shuffleteam/shuffleteams there's a better one in #northstar-server-mods on the Discord called AutoBalance.
  • v/vanish someone/imc/militia/all
  • uv/unvanish someone/imc/militia/all
  • sonar someone/imc/militia/all <duration>
  • prop someone/imc/militia/all <duration> <modelpath>
  • unprop someone/imc/militia/all
  • getmod/gm/getmods <weaponId>
  • fgetmod/fgm/fgetmods <weaponId>
  • bubbleshield/bs someone/imc/militia/all <duration>
  • unbubbleshield/unbs someone/imc/militia/all
  • airaccel/aa someone/imc/militia/all <value> [save]
  • spawnturrettick

v1.2.8 Gift Update

Now you can save what weapons to gift to players so they will have the same weapons/abilities upon respawning!

By inserting the word "save" anywhere after the 3rd argument, the weapon and mods you've given to any player will now save.

For example, to respawn with an Amped Smart Pistol from now on, you can type: gift smart karma burn save which will always give an Amped Smart Pistol to the player(s) that contains the name "karma" after they respawn.

Any loadouts will reset after map change.

To clear a player's loadout, you can type: gift clear karma which will clear all pre-existing loadouts for that player, if any.


  • gift <weaponId> <playername/imc/militia/all> [mods1] [mods2] [mods...] [mods99] [save]
  • gift <clear> <playername/imc/militia/all>

Additional Information

If you require any assistance, or encounter any bugs in this mod, message me on the Northstar Discord Server (x3Karma#6984)

Link to the GitHub Repo.