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Bengimi-BensCosmetics-1.4.1 icon


This is a collection of models I had laying around, plus some that friends threw at me, hopefully people like them, will try my best to give credit.

By Bengimi
Date uploaded a week ago
Version 1.4.1
Download link
Downloads 62466
Dependency string Bengimi-BensCosmetics-1.4.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

YMC_MHZ-MoreHead-1.3.0 icon

Customizable cosmetics. 简单好玩的装饰模组,提供unitypackage,供玩家自行导入模型。

Preferred version: 1.3.0


Bens Cosmetics

200+ models made into cosmetics, will do my best to give credit. Check out my junk mod too!

if you have issue with your list being too long, try sorting for what your are looking for; HEAD, CHEST, ECT... Thanks to Cosmiic for the tip!


Special Thanks

Huge ups to YMC_MHZ for his easy to follow tutorial and mod MoreHead
Shoutout to Graybird & Zab for helping and testing.
Thanks to Mr.White and his mod morehead+ for unity advice!
For suggestions or feedback, find the mod release post on the R.E.P.O. Modding Discord


Thekibblemeister - brainslug
Worried - Flamingo
Burritony - Penguin backpack (and other backpack straps)
BluieChuie - Minecraft Chicken
MinakoTheOnly - Mario hats
medicin3seller - Air Pods
djanky - C_ck Hats
Mojion - Hotline Miami Masks
Remori - birds
haru_3s & its_sasha - boykisseramogus
kaliber8022 - toughertimes
panman - glorp plush
fishyviolet - Fruitloop
voidoftheaggadboingyboofhash6426 - Orange
evactouch - Bomb
embox - gwacat
tammasun - Dinkle
its_sasha - Floppa & Bingus
dr.bob - FNAF Roxy Plush
misskatsune - Murder Drones Plushies
ujmeade & anonymousmeat - Roblox Bloxy-Cola
anonymousmeat - Monster energy drink
dr.bob - Stalker Monolith Badge
dr.bob - Brimstone Elemental
fluffluff - Wizard Hats
kazoo7420 - Weewr
roboshark1019 - Dipper Hat
widowz - Seal Plush
darian_00 - Kerfur Plushies
tammasun - Meowsic Synth
roboshark1019 - Physics & Gravity guns
Peardian - pikmin colossal skull
BillyBnMOfficial - Curious George Hat & Lego Yoda Head & Spyro head
Grounder - Garfield head & Megaman Helm & Clone helmet
Commander_J_Ducky - Crash Team Rumble Hats (65 hats o.o)
GameFam - Roblox Sonic cosmetics
Shadowth117 - Halo3 Banshee
Koei Tecmo - AOT ODM
Veil & Grif. - Sonic, silver, & shadow back spikes
Key0808 - Digmon
G.Salmon - Dragon Slayer
Trikeboy - Phantom Helmet
stormygaret15 - Mizutsune
Shadowth117 - Apeman & Shotgun
Candescence - Masaru's Digivice
Dazz - Classic Digivice
Random Talking Bush - BMO
Ecelon - GEARS of War 1 Baird & Marcus
Centrixe the Dodo - Doge & Canadian Beanie
Nonhuman - NeerDoWell
BillyBnMOfficial - SuperSmashBros Kirby Hats
Slipsy & Electropolitan & Telespentry - TF2 hats
bombzyz - DHMIS plushies
ExoticMudkipz - Lunchly & Prime
ZekromVale - RayquazaHat
PeachesCastle - MooMoo Plushies
Scout and friend - thirstblood & hat with no name

Most(90%) models were from one of these following sites, I am unaware of how 'safe' these are, so click at your own risk;
Model Resource
EternityDev github
EternityDev Discord Channel


v1.4.7 Added; Dorumon, ZeedMillenniummon, and 2 Lucemon Shadowlords. All animated.
v1.4.6 Added; MedicGatsby, MedicGlasses, MedicPipe, MedicGonzila, MedicHanka, 2 Medic helmets, 2 Medic MTG helmets, 2 Medic Tyroleans, 2 Medic Masks, Mighty Pirate, Milk hat, Mining hat.
v1.4.5 Added; 2 Hachi hats, hwn scout, hwn sniper, hwn spy, icepack, 2 blighted beaks, 2 engineer eyes, Jag Shadow, 2 Japan hats, Jarate hat, jumpers jeep cap, msbsf spy, msbsf engineer, and 2 larkin robins. around 300 cosmetics btw...
v1.4.4 Added; 2 fly heads, Generous hat, GhostlyGibus, Hero acadamy demo, 2 Hero acady scouts, 2 heavy rags, 2 hallmarks, 2 GRFS scout hats, 5 hard hats, and heavy officer.
v1.4.3 Added; 2 Demomen hoods (will color them more later) and generous hat, same diff, will color later. Mainly updating to the new morehead version.
v1.4.2 Added; 3d glasses, biovoxhood colours, corkhat, cranial, diguisedhat, inspector, medichelm, stethiscope, provision, and scout cap.
v1.4.1 Readme fix oops.
v1.4.0 Added; Buckaroos red and blue, Thirstblood red and blue, Tophat red and blue, Hat with no name, SashHat, Cowboy.
v1.3.9 Added; Brain, ColouredLights, Dueler, Dustmask, 2 Fez's, 2 headphones, and a train conductor hat.
v1.3.8 Optimized the backpacks, all 21 again, as well as brimstone elemental, odm swords, flamingo, and a bunch of other things..... smaller mod achieved.
v1.3.7 Added; Rayquaza hat, moomoo hats x4, shogun, Sultan red and blue, Tricorne, DerbyHat, Brainiac, Desert Marauder.
v1.3.6 Added; BrinkHood and BrutalHair (worked on them last night but forgot). Changed Sombrero, ScotchBonnet to add red and blue variants. Changed crown to have propper gems. Added 3 other Dreads varriants, 216 cosmetics now
v1.3.5 Added; CaveHat, C_O_H, Dreads, BoneHat, Crown, Sombrero, ScotchBonnet (up/down). 208 cosmetics now
v1.3.4 Fixed all the script or missing object errors, also once again redid the backpacks to give every strap a unique colour, cuz I needed to optimize them more anyways. :P
v1.3.3 Added; BonkHelm B&R, BerlinersBucker R&Bl&Bk, BioDemoMan, BioSniperHat, BioVoxHood, Charizard hat, Pikachu hat, Nintendo hat, ChilledChaos hat. Also removed my sonic bakpacks, oops didn't see mr.white had some made already :P
v1.3.2 Added; Lonestar hats red and blue plus beard, Batter red and blue, Beanie red and blue, and MedicCloud.
v1.3.1 Added; CanadianBeanie, NeerDoWell, Doge, Sonic - Amy - Tails Backpacks.
v1.3.0 Forgot to add BMO backpack. despite crediting the creator in the readme oops. Bmo Backpack added.
v1.2.9 Added digivice_classic, Marcusdewrag, bairdgoggles, and cogarmour.
v1.2.8 Added digivice, and moved ODMGear/Swords to the hip mount.
v1.2.7 Added tip for dealing with large cosmetic lists to the readme. *also added shotgun but forgot to mention.
v1.2.6 Added Mizutsune, and apeman.
v1.2.5 Added Koromon, Tsunomon, Biyomon, Salamon, Upamon, and Gomamon animated cosmetics. 166 o.o
v1.2.4 Added Agumon, Betamon, and Lalamon animated cosmetics.
v1.2.3 Added Phantom Helm and Dragon Slayer for a friend. 157 woo.
v1.2.2 Added Patamon(more in the works). 155 total cosmetics now.
v1.2.1 Added Changed Bloxy Colas, and Monsters to hip mount. Added links to model sources in readme.
v1.2.0 Added Backquills for Sonic, Silver, & Shadow. Also Added AOT ODM/Swords, And a banshee follower (WIP)
v1.1.9 On my journey to learn animations I made a small AI generated lugia and rigged it, still trying to figure out possibilities of varriable options.... but atleast they fly.
v1.1.8 Renamed the sonic hats to "RobloxName' to avoid making duplicates with other mods :P. Also added lights to the eyes of Yipes and Ben. Also changed BrimstoneElemental and Weewr to 'World' mounts, hopefully they look good, haven't got a way to really test them alone XD
v1.1.7 Actually Added; Sonic, Metalsonic, Shadow, Knuckles, Tails, Silver, and Amy hats. oops
v1.1.6 Added; Sonic, Metalsonic, Shadow, Knuckles, Tails, Silver, and Amy hats. shoutout to Eren Jaeger lol
v1.1.5 Added; Tan wizard hat, Ben, and Vipes. Just messing around with some things while making something someone wanted :P.
v1.1.4 updated Brimstone elemental, fatcat, genieous, gladiator, jed, pagoda, space marine, wildwest, grav and phys guns with proper lights now and emissions if they were missing them, more to come. Also added Fireflies and WeewrFlies cosmetics.
v1.1.3 updated Amogus, and the kerf backpacks, plus the brimstone elemental, weewr, physics & Gravity guns to all have emissions(glow). Also Fixed the positioning of the megaman helmet and material for honkhonk2(less shiny/smooth). plus on top of that added bassic particles to weewr and brimstone elemental. Thanks to Mr.White and his mod morehead+ for letting me know whats more available in unity and the morehead mod.
v1.1.2 updated dependancy, and fixed changelog, oops. Also rearanged some of the screenshots in the readme.
v1.1.1 Debloated all the backpacks (removed the almost invisible tiny penguin inside each backpack, lol). Laughably made the whole mod smaller.
v1.1.0 Added; 65 more hats.... lol... now with 133 cosmetics, I may stop until something really strikes the fancy.
v1.0.9 Added; Ted Hat, Yoda Head, Spyro head, Garfield head, Megaman Helm, And Clone helmet. 68..
v1.0.8 Added; Seal Plush Backpack, Kerfur Plushy Backpacks, Meowsic Synth, Physics & Gravity guns, and skull hat. 62 cosmetics and counting.
v1.0.7 Added; Roblox Bloxy-Cola, Monster energy drink, Monolith Badge, Brimstone Elemental, Wizard Hats, Weewr, and Dipper Hat. Now there are 54 cosmetics... should I stop? lol
v1.0.6 Added; foxy backpack and murder drones backpack, and some new screenshots to the page.
v1.0.5 Added; Bigfloppa, Bingus, BombBackpack, DinkleBackpack, Gwacat, and Orange.
v1.0.4 readme fixed.. something about pictures too... Should have just read up on markdown first rather than bruteforce it. oh well
v1.0.3 readme fixed... for real this time, with pictures hopefully to.
v1.0.2 readme fixed... again... Backpacks fixed, and added fruitloop backpack, and can now focus on adding more cosmetics.
v1.0.1 readme+changelog fixed. Working on fixing the backpacks, and adding more cosmetics.
v1.0.0 Mod uploaded