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YMC_MHZ-MoreHead-1.0.0 icon


Customizable cosmetics. 简单好玩的装饰模组,提供unitypackage,供玩家自行导入模型。

Date uploaded 21 hours ago
Version 1.0.0
Download link
Downloads 2596
Dependency string YMC_MHZ-MoreHead-1.0.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

nickklmao-MenuLib-1.0.2 icon

A library for creating UI!

Preferred version: 1.0.2


Introduction 简介

A simple and fun decoration mod that provides unitypackage for players to import models themselves.
Currently only offers several small decorations, will continue to update in the future.
Make sure you have installed nickklmao-MenuLib-1.0.0 to provide in-game switching.


How to use it 如何使用它

1.Install this mod and enter any game match
2.ESC > Find "MoreHead" in the bottom left corner > Click to switch the component you want to enable


How to Add Models 如何添加模型

To avoid reading anxiety, click to expand for detailed instructions

Click to see 点击展开

English Tutorial

1.Set up Unity environment and import development package MoreHead-Asset-Pack_v1.0.unitypackage
*unitypackage download link
*Unity 2022.3 environment recommended
2.Import your prepared model
3.Drag the PlayerAvatar prefab into the scene
4.Search for the following parts in PlayerAvatar, corresponding to where models will be placed:

Name Description Tag
code_head_top Head part that raises when speaking head
code_head_bot_side Chin/chest area neck
code_body_top_side Body body

*Please do not adjust the XYZ positions of these parts
5. After selecting the appropriate part, create a new empty subset at that position (referred to as A), and name A (this will become the name displayed for the object in-game)
6. Place your model under A, now you can adjust your model to the appropriate position
*Note that you should adjust your model's position; it's recommended not to adjust the positions of the part and A
7. After adjusting the model, drag the parent containing your model (A) to any location in the project window, at which point A will become a prefab
*It's recommended to standardize naming and directories for easy finding and modification
8. Run the Tools → Head Decorations Builder script
9. Drag the A prefab you just saved to the prompt location in the script panel, and select the part you bound in step 4 from the dropdown menu
10. Click Build AssetBundle, and a folder will automatically open when the process completes
11. Find the AssetBundles folder in the automatically opened folder, and locate the file named [your decoration name.hhh]
*Only the file with the .hhh extension is needed
12. Copy your .hhh decoration to the game's root directory REPO\BepInEx\plugins\MoreHead\Decorations
*Both you and your friends must have the corresponding .hhh file, otherwise it won't display
13. Start the game and enjoy the praise or mockery


1.部署unity环境并导入开发包 MoreHead-Asset-Pack_v1.0.unitypackage

名称 描述 标签
code_head_top 说话时会抬起的头部 head
code_head_bot_side 下巴/胸口 neck
code_body_top_side 身体 body

5. 选好部位后,在部位处新建一个空子集(以下称A),填写A的名字(这会成为在游戏中物体显示的名字)
6. 将模型放置到A下面,此时您可以调节您模型到合适位置
8.运行Tools→Head Decorations Builder脚本
10.点击Build AssetBundle,运行完毕后会自动为您打开一个文件夹

Future Update Plans 未来更新计划

More hats
Provide screenshots for decorations to help with selection (not guaranteed)


Author Information 作者信息

Masaicker 马赛克了:BILIBILI
YurisCat Calypso 尤里的猫·卡里普索:BILIBILI

For questions and suggestions, please submit issues through this link
如有问题和建议,请通过此链接提交 issues



  • 修复死亡时更换装饰品复活后不同步的问题
  • Fixed an issue where accessories changed upon death were not synchronized after revival.


  • 为Odradek奥卓德克添加了更加炫酷的灯光效果
  • Added more impressive lighting effects for Odradek


  • 添加了小丑鼻子、草帽、Odradek奥卓德克(带有灯光效果!)、竹蜻蜓(带有动画!)
  • Added clown nose, straw hat, Odradek (with lighting effects!), bamboo copter (with animation!)


  • 现在可以加载plugins文件夹下的所有.hhh
  • Now it is possible to load all .hhh files located in the plugins folder.


  • 优化了在多个物品出现时滚动条会出现的问题
  • Optimized the issue where scrollbars would appear when multiple items are displayed


  • 开发者包已经优化(v1.01),以方便制作者批量的打包模型
  • 添加了一根非常酷的,留有轨迹的雪茄
  • 吸烟有害健康,但游戏里不,不过说真的,现实世界还是别抽了
  • The developer package has been optimized (v1.01) to make it easier for creators to batch package models
  • Added a very cool cigar that leaves a trail
  • "Smoking is harmful to health, but not in games. However, seriously speaking, it's better not to smoke in the real world."


  • 提升了部分模组加载器的兼容性

  • 开发包已经优化(v1.01),以方便制作者更好的找到位置锚点

  • Improved compatibility with some mod loaders

  • The development package has been optimized (v1.01) to help creators better locate position anchors

  • Fixed bug


  • Initial release