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YMC_MHZ-MoreHead-1.2.3 icon


Customizable cosmetics. 简单好玩的装饰模组,提供unitypackage,供玩家自行导入模型。

Date uploaded 20 hours ago
Version 1.2.3
Download link
Downloads 63279
Dependency string YMC_MHZ-MoreHead-1.2.3

This mod requires the following mods to function

nickklmao-MenuLib-1.0.5 icon

A library for creating UI!

Preferred version: 1.0.5


All models were created by Yuri's cat Calypso, specifically for this mod :3

Introduction 简介

A simple and fun decoration mod that provides a unitypackage for players to import custom models.
Currently, only a few decorations are available, but more updates are planned.
nickklmao-MenuLib mod is required as a prerequisite.

简单好玩的装饰模组,提供 unitypackage,供玩家导入自定义模型。
需安装 nickklmao-MenuLib 前置模组。

*The chicken beak in the screenshot comes from EvenMoreHead.

⚠️ Compatibility Notice 兼容性说明 ⚠️

With MenuLib updated to 1.0.3, MoreHead must be updated to 1.1.8 or later to function properly.

⚠️ If you are still using MoreHead 1.1.7 or earlier, please keep MenuLib at 1.0.2 to avoid compatibility issues.

For the best experience and stability, we recommend always using the latest version.

MenuLib 已更新至 1.0.3,因此 MoreHead 需升级至 1.1.8 或更高版本才能正常运行。

⚠️ 如果您仍在使用 MoreHead 1.1.7 或更早版本,请确保 MenuLib 仍为 1.0.2,否则可能会出现兼容性问题。


How to Use 如何使用

  1. Install this mod and enter any game match.
  2. Press ESC > Find "MoreHead" in the bottom left > Click to switch components.

  1. 安装本模组,进入游戏战局。
  2. ESC > 在左下角找到 "MoreHead" > 点击切换部件。

How to Add Models 如何添加模型

Click to expand for detailed instructions.


Click to see 点击展开

English Tutorial

  1. Set up Unity (2022.3* recommended, the game uses built-in render pipeline, please pay attention to the corresponding model materials), import MoreHead-Asset-Pack_v1.1.unitypackage.

    📥 Download unitypackage

  2. Import your model and drag PlayerAvatar prefab into the scene.

    Make sure your model is compatible with Unity and properly rigged if animated.

  3. Find the following parts in PlayerAvatar, where models will be placed:

    Name Description Tag
    Head decoration (Do Not Move) Head part that raises when speaking head
    Neck decoration (Do Not Move) Chin/chest area neck
    Body decoration (Do Not Move) Body body
    Hip decoration (Do Not Move) Hip/lower body area hip
    World decoration (Do Not Move) Follows character position but maintains horizontal orientation world

    ⚠️ These positions are anchor references. DO NOT modify coordinates, or your model will be misaligned in-game.
    💡 The world tag is useful for decorations that should maintain their horizontal orientation regardless of character movement.

  4. Create an empty object under the target part (referred to as A) and name it.

    This name will be displayed in-game as your decoration's name.

  5. Place your model inside A and adjust to a suitable position.

  6. Drag A to the Project window to create a prefab.

  7. Run Tools → Head Decorations Builder, drag your A prefab (or more, batch export is supported) into the script panel, and select the corresponding part from step 3, then click Add Model to List.

    Make sure to select the correct body part (head/neck/body/world) that matches where you placed your decoration.

  8. Click Build All AssetBundle, then locate the [your decoration name].hhh file in the AssetBundles folder.

    Only the .hhh file is needed for installation. Other generated files can be ignored.

  9. Move the .hhh file to BepInEx\plugins (the game will load all .hhh files in the plugins folder. If you're not sure where to put it, you can place it in \MoreHead\Decorations for better organization).

    ⚠️ For multiplayer visibility: You and your friends must have the same .hhh file installed to see the correct decorations.
    ⚠️ Do not package the MoreHead.dll file into your Mod, only the .hhh file and this mod are needed to enjoy the decorations.

  10. Start the game and enjoy!

    Press ESC in-game and find "MoreHead" in the bottom left to access your new decoration.


  1. 部署 Unity(推荐 2022.3* 版本,游戏使用的是内置渲染管线,请注意对应的模型材质),导入 MoreHead-Asset-Pack_v1.1.unitypackage

    📥 下载 unitypackage

  2. 导入模型,并将 PlayerAvatar 预制体拖入场景


  3. 找到 PlayerAvatar 中的以下部位,对应模型将会摆放的位置

    名称 描述 标签
    Head decoration (Do Not Move) 说话时会上抬的头部 head
    Neck decoration (Do Not Move) 下巴/胸口 neck
    Body decoration (Do Not Move) 身体 body
    Hip decoration (Do Not Move) 臀部/下半身 hip
    World decoration (Do Not Move) 跟随角色位置移动但保持水平方向 world

    ⚠️ 这些位置是坐标锚点参考。请勿修改坐标,否则您的模型在游戏中会错位。
    💡 world 标签适用于需要保持水平方向的装饰品,无论角色如何移动。

  4. 在目标部位下创建一个空对象(称为A),并命名


  5. 将模型放入A,并调整到合适位置

  6. 拖动A到Project窗口,创建预制体

  7. 运行Tools → Head Decorations Builder,拖入A预制体(或更多,支持批量导出),并选择第3步中对应的部位,随后点击Add Model to List


  8. 点击Build All AssetBundle,然后在AssetBundles文件夹中找到[你的装饰品名].hhh文件。


  9. .hhh文件移动至BepInEx\plugins(启动游戏会加载plugins下所有的.hhh文件。如果不知道往哪放,可以放入\MoreHead\Decorations便于管理)。

    ⚠️ 多人游戏可见性:您和您的朋友必须安装相同的.hhh文件才能互相看到正确的装饰。
    ⚠️ 不要打包MoreHead.dll文件到您的Mod中,只需.hhh文件和该mod就能畅玩饰品。

  10. 启动游戏,享受装饰!


Future Update Plans 未来更新计划

  • More hats

  • Screenshots for decorations to assist selection (not guaranteed)

  • 更多的帽子

  • 为装饰物提供截图,方便选择 (不保证)

Author Information 作者信息

Masaicker 马赛克了:BILIBILI
YurisCat Calypso 尤里的猫·卡里普索:BILIBILI

For questions and suggestions, submit issues:
如有问题和建议,请提交 Issues:GitHub Issues

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Donate on Ko-Fi

Whispering, we are making an indie game!



  • 添加"hip"父级标签,支持在臀部/下半身位置添加装饰品
  • 优化body部位装饰品,现在会随角色变矮而同步压缩
  • 优化world装饰品位置,避免在第一人称视角中看到
  • Added "hip" parent tag for decorations on hip/lower body area
  • Improved body decorations to scale with character height
  • Optimized world decorations to be invisible in first-person view


  • 添加标签筛选功能,可按类型查看装饰品
  • Added tag filtering to view decorations by type


  • 添加"world"父级标签,装饰品跟随角色位置但保持水平方向
  • 更新AssetBundleBuilder工具支持"world"标签
  • Added "world" parent tag for horizontal orientation
  • Updated AssetBundleBuilder tool for "world" tag support


  • 更改装饰品数据保存位置
  • 添加清空所有装饰按钮
  • Changed cosmetic data save location
  • Added clear all accessories button


  • 添加了十六夜的发型和一把小旗子。
  • 1.1.9的readme文件出了点问题,我们重新上传了一份。
  • Added Sakuya Izayoi's hairstyle and a small flag
  • There was an issue with the readme file for version 1.1.9, so we re-uploaded a new one.


  • 优化部分代码,略微提升一点点性能
  • Optimized some code for a slight performance improvement.


  • 依赖 MenuLib 1.0.3,本版本及以后不再兼容 MenuLib 1.0.2
  • Now requires MenuLib 1.0.3. Starting from this version, MenuLib 1.0.2 is no longer supported.


  • 添加了创可贴、特殊的头发和"盲视"
  • Added band-aids, special hair, and blind vision.


  • 优化了README
  • Optimized the README.


  • 修复加载问题
  • 临时优化了UI显示,但导入模型过多仍可能导致部分按钮被遮挡,无法选中。未来可能会更换饰品选择方案。
  • Fixed loading issues.
  • Temporarily improved UI display, but excessive model imports may still cause selection issues. A new accessory selection method may be considered in the future.


  • 优化了README
  • Optimized the README.


  • 修改了数据保存方案,以防止更新后饰品配置数据丢失
  • 恢复了Odradek奥卓德克灯光
  • 优化了README
  • Modified the data saving method to prevent accessory configuration data loss after updates.
  • Restored Odradek's lighting.
  • Optimized the README.


  • 优化部分代码
  • Optimized some code.


  • 更加明显的 ON/OFF 区别
  • More distinct ON/OFF differentiation.


  • 为Odradek奥卓德克添加了动画
  • Added animations for Odradek.


  • 优化了UI界面
  • Optimized the UI interface.


  • 修复死亡时更换装饰品复活后不同步的问题
  • Fixed an issue where accessories changed upon death were not synchronized after revival.


  • 为Odradek奥卓德克添加了更加炫酷的灯光效果
  • Added more impressive lighting effects for Odradek


  • 添加了小丑鼻子、草帽、Odradek奥卓德克(带有灯光效果!)、竹蜻蜓(带有动画!)
  • Added clown nose, straw hat, Odradek (with lighting effects!), bamboo copter (with animation!)


  • 现在可以加载plugins文件夹下的所有.hhh
  • Now it is possible to load all .hhh files located in the plugins folder.


  • 优化了滚动界面中按钮被遮挡的问题
  • Optimized the issue where buttons were obscured in scrolling interfaces.


  • 开发者包已经优化(v1.01),以方便制作者批量的打包模型
  • 添加了一根非常酷的,留有轨迹的雪茄
  • 吸烟有害健康,但游戏里不,不过说真的,现实世界还是别抽了
  • The developer package has been optimized (v1.01) to make it easier for creators to batch package models
  • Added a very cool cigar that leaves a trail
  • "Smoking is harmful to health, but not in games. However, seriously speaking, it's better not to smoke in the real world."


  • 提升了部分模组加载器的兼容性

  • 开发包已经优化(v1.01),以方便制作者更好的找到位置锚点

  • Improved compatibility with some mod loaders

  • The development package has been optimized (v1.01) to help creators better locate position anchors

  • Fixed bug


  • Initial release