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RoRRModdingToolkit-RoRR_Modding_Toolkit-1.1.5 icon

RoRR Modding Toolkit

Friendly abstractions of the game's internal functions for easier modding.

Date uploaded 2 weeks ago
Version 1.1.5
Download link
Downloads 834
Dependency string RoRRModdingToolkit-RoRR_Modding_Toolkit-1.1.5

This mod requires the following mods to function

ReturnOfModding-ReturnOfModding-1.0.41 icon

Lua Mod Loader for Risk of Rain Returns

Preferred version: 1.0.41
MGReturns-ENVY-1.1.1 icon

A plugin to allow ReturnOfModding plugins greater control of their environment.

Preferred version: 1.1.1


Friendly abstractions of the game's internal functions for easier modding.
Documentation can be found here.

To use, include RoRRModdingToolkit-RoRR_Modding_Toolkit-1.1.5 as a dependency, and place the following line in your code:

mods.on_all_mods_loaded(function() for _, m in pairs(mods) do if type(m) == "table" and m.RoRR_Modding_Toolkit then for _, c in ipairs(m.Classes) do if m[c] then _G[c] = m[c] end end end end end)

Current Functionality

  • General-purpose helper functions
  • GameMaker structure wrapping (arrays and ds_lists)
  • Instance finding
  • Callback setup
  • Network syncing
  • Custom content
    • Buffs
    • Items and Equipment
    • Objects
    • Survivors, Skills, and States
    • etc.

Installation Instructions

Install through the Thunderstore client or r2modman (more detailed instructions here if needed).
Join the Return of Modding server for support.



  • Actor
    • add_skill_override
    • remove_skill_override
    • refresh_skill
  • Instance : Fixed reported error in onHit callback.
  • Wrap : Is now a public reference again (whoops).
  • Removed accidentally-left debug logging from last patch.


  • Helper
    • log_hook now logs struct variables if self and other are structs.
    • log_struct now adds borders above and below it.
  • Actor : Added set_default_skill.
  • Skill
    • Fixed onStep callback (by making custom ones; now replaced with onPreStep and onPostStep).
    • Fixed callback args[3] being incorrectly wrapped as a Skill object when it is a struct.


  • Resources : sprite_load now returns the existing sprite of a given namespace-identifier if it already exists.
  • pairs now works properly when iterating over proxy tables.
  • Skill : Added is_unlocked, add_achievement, and progress_achievement.


  • Initialize : Forgot to add the error catching to new initialize calling lmao (only the legacy support had it).
  • ReturnOfModding version number change in manifest.


  • Now using ENVY to make own global variables private to self, and for new class ref import methods.
  • Internal restructuring to make all classes read-only (does not affect end-user functionality as listed on the docs).
    • Previously, a user could write = "abc" and brick every item mod for example.
  • Changed required one-line (for auto-adding class refs) and initialize call.
    • Legacy support : If __initialize or __post_initialize are detected, then the classes will be automatically added to the mod's _G.
  • Initialize : Will now print a message to console if a mod's initialize/post_initialize fails to run.
    • They will also now run in mod load order.
  • Added wrappers for remaining classes in the global class_ arrays.
  • Added Proxy class.
  • Language : Fallback to english.json if the language file in a mod doesn't exist for the current language.
    • Added register_autoload (automatically called if importing with .auto()).
  • Difficulty : allow_blight_spawns renamed to set_allow_blight_spawns to avoid name conflict with class_array property.
  • Stage : set_index cap is now equal to the size of stage_progression_order.
  • Player : Added remove_callback and callback_exists.
  • Alarm
    • If an error is thrown from an alarm function, the source of the alarm will now be logged.
    • Fixed errors arising from starting a new run before previously added alarms were executed.


  • Instance : get_data tables and Instance callbacks are no longer instantly deleted for players on-death.
  • Player : Added add_callback, which automatically assigns Instance callbacks to the local player on run start.
  • Stage : clear_rooms now removes environment logs properly.
  • Language : translate_token now returns the input if the associated text cannot be found.


  • Instance : Added callback system for an individual instance.
    • Callbacks are removed on the instance's destruction.


  • Added Difficulty class
  • Added Ending class
  • Added Gamemode class
  • Actor : Added callback_exists
  • Stage : Added clear_rooms
  • Initialize : Other mod __initialize calls will no longer be affected by one failing.


  • [!] Interactable class will be changed or deprecated soon.
  • Added Mod class
  • Added Interactable_Card class
  • Added Monster_Card class
  • Added Stage class


  • Object : create now defaults to position (0, 0) if none is specified.
  • Skill : Now wraps and unwraps when getting/setting properties.
  • Survivor_Log : Now wraps and unwraps when getting/setting properties.
  • Fixed error when pressing the equipment use key without an equipment item.


  • Return values from GM class are now wrapped when applicable.


  • Actor : Added tracer argument to fire_bullet
  • Damager : Added TRACER enum
  • Resources : Added namespace and identifier arguments to sfx_load
  • Added GM class
    • Allows for calling gm functions with wrapped arguments, which will automatically unwrap.
    • Additionally, can call with : syntax using wrapped Instance objects (e.g., actor:skill_util_unlock_cooldown(skill), with actor being a wrapped Actor object).
      • Basically there is no longer a need to do .value.
    • Removed dedicated actor:recalculate_stats.


  • Fixed Survivor add_skin and add_skill
  • Changed Survivor set_stats_* functions' arguments to a table.
  • Fixed another sfx issue related to setting maxshield in onPostStatRecalc.
    • onPostStatRecalc should now run on the same frame as onStatRecalc now instead of the next one.
  • Fixed small error with internal require and some classes.


  • Fixed Survivor clear_callbacks removing the automatic onInit callback used for setup.


  • Fixed some internal stuff in Actor.
    • fire_direct now has optional x and y arguments.
  • All .new() methods (that didn't already do this) will now return the existing custom content if they already exist, instead of nil.


  • Actor class
    • fire_direct now has an optional direction argument.
    • Callbacks now require an ID, and can be removed.
    • Fixed onSkillUse not seeming to work properly (idk if this was an issue previously or not).
  • Added clear_callbacks method to:
    • Item
    • Equipment
    • Buff
    • Object
    • Survivor
    • Skill
    • State
  • General Callbacks can now be removed.


  • Changed RMT's required line of code so that manually updating is no longer required.


  • Added Object.PARENT enum
  • Survivor class
    • Fixed some instances of Survivor get_skill and add_skill not being changed to 0-based.
    • Fixed callbacks not wrapping return arguments.
  • Actor class
    • Replaced take_damage with fire_direct.
    • Reduced argument counts for Actor fire_ methods.
  • Added Damager class
    • Moved all Actor enums to Damager.


  • Rewrote most of the code base
  • Rewrote the Survivor module
    • Added Skill, State, Survivor Log modules for Survivor creation
  • Added Color module
  • Complete rewrite of the wiki
    • Added a custom sidebar
    • Changed the changelog to show latest releases first


  • Fixed Actor.damage displaying "0" for damage number.
  • Fixed potential memory leak in Net module.


  • Fixed Actor.find_skill_id throwing an error at skill 186 when looping (which seems to be invalid).
  • Fixed memory leaks in several places caused by iterating over GameMaker arrays with ipairs, as well as accessing them with lua syntax.
    • For anyone reading this, get array sizes with gm.array_length and access elements with gm.array_get instead.
  • Added Class module, containing references to the global class arrays.


  • Added alarm module
    • Added Alarm.create, in an early state
  • Fixed Survivor module


  • Added Item.toggle_loot
  • Added Equipment.toggle_loot


  • Item.spawn_drop now works correctly with vanilla items.


  • Fixed callback tables not populating correctly in certain circumstances and crashing.


  • Optimized onStep/onDraw callback lag for real.
  • Added 2 more projectiles to the Instance.projectiles table.
  • Fixed literal memory leak with Buff.find when calling it a lot.
  • RMT will now run its own __initialize before all other mods (not sure why this wasn't already the case).


  • Added Helper.log_toolkit_stats
  • Changed how onStep/onDraw callbacks work internally for several modules, heavily reducing lag.
    • EDIT: Once again I prematurely released a patch.


  • Added achievement functions for Equipment
    • Equipment.add_achievement
    • Equipment.progress_achievement
  • Custom Equipment item logs now appear after all the vanilla ones.


  • Added Item callbacks
    • onHeal
    • onShieldBreak
  • Item onBasicUse callback now works with Sniper's Snipe properly.
  • Added achievement functions for Item
    • Item.add_achievement
    • Item.progress_achievement
  • Added Actor callback system
  • Added Actor.find_skill_id
  • Added Equipment module
    • Equipment.find
    • Equipment.create
    • Equipment.set_sprite
    • Equipment.set_cooldown
    • Equipment.set_loot_tags
    • Equipment.add_callback


  • Fixed apply_buff_internal error for custom buffs when an actor turned into another one (e.g., Lemurian rider being dismounted).
  • Added Buff onChange callback


  • Fixed Item onAttack callback error for real.
    • Item.get_stack_count will now return "0" if the actor is invalid or not a child of pActor.
  • Object.is_colliding : Now works with a custom RMT Object instance as "other".
  • Object.get_collisions : Now works with a custom RMT Object as "index".


  • Added Instance.projectiles table
  • Fixed Item onAttack callback throwing error sometimes.


  • Added hitbox system for custom objects
    • Object.set_hitbox
    • Object.is_colliding
    • Object.get_collisions
    • Object.get_collision_box


  • Added Actor.fire_explosion
  • Added Buff onDraw callback
  • Buff.get_stack_count : Now returns "0" if it returned "nil" previously
  • Item.spawn_drop : Now returns the dropped instance, and spawns on the exact y position
  • Added Object module
    • Object.find
    • Object.create
    • Object.spawn
    • Object.add_callback
  • Instance.find, Instance.find_all : Now work with custom RMT Objects
  • Added Instance.number


  • Buff.remove : Can now remove a specified number of stacks.
  • Buff.PROPERTY.stack_number_col : Now defaults to a size 1 array with the color 16777215 (pure white).
  • Helper.log_hook
    • Fixed error when self/other was nil.
    • result now shows expanded arrays/structs.
  • Added Actor module
    • Actor.fire_bullet
    • Actor.damage
    • Actor.heal
    • Actor.add_barrier
    • Actor.set_barrier
  • Item.set_tier : Now positions the log at the end of the correct tier group when viewing in Logs and Unlockables.
  • Added Item.spawn_drop


  • Initial release