(Early Access) Adds The Deputy as a playable survivor. The Deputy is a hyper-aggressive speed demon who dispenses justice via her twin revolvers and lethal kick attacks.
Date uploaded | a year ago |
Version | 0.3.0 |
Download link | Bog-Deputy-0.3.0.zip |
Downloads | 274748 |
Dependency string | Bog-Deputy-0.3.0 |
This mod requires the following mods to function

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library
Preferred version: 5.4.2117

API for modifying the language localisation of the game
Preferred version: 1.0.1

API for Prefab creation, networking and duplication
Preferred version: 1.0.4
API for adding custom achievements and unlockables
Preferred version: 1.0.2

Known issues
Animation smoothing is currently jank. This isn't something that will affect gameplay, but under certain conditions you may see weird snapping between animations. It is something I am actively working on.
It appears that under certain conditions, Brilliant Behemoth will not work with her. If you run into this bug, please contact me and send me a log report.
This survivor is still in active development, and thus is still lacking quite a lot of polish. Thank you for your understanding.
The Deputy
The Deputy is an extremely mobile run-and-gun survivor who whittles enemies down with her revolvers before finishing them off with massive burst damage from her Special.
• Use Shooting Star immediately after Crashing Comet to quickly traverse long distances.
• Get a Wax Quail.
• Gun Sling can be used to cancel your downwards momentum.
This survivor was inspired by the Ranger from Dungeon & Fighter.
Contact Me
For feedback and bug reports, please reach out to Bog#4770
on Discord. You can also find me on the official Risk of Rain 2 modding server.
• https://twitter.com/Abstrabby
- Character design + concept art
- Default skin model
• rob + TheTimeSweeper
- Providing the Henry character base template
• Mary
- Early dev build testing
• Bog
- Coding
- Rigging
- Animation
- Skill icons
Planned Updates
• Mastery skin
• Logbook entry
• Fix animation smoothing issue
• Add more VFX for pretty much everything
• Add more custom SFX
• Remake icons for Gun Sling and Shooting Star
• Add SFX to lobby intro animation
• General animation polishing
Unless I get a sudden flash of inspiration, I have no plans to make additional alt skills.
In the case that this mod becomes deprecated or unplayable, and I have completely disappeared for an extended period of time and cannot be contacted, I grant full permission to update and maintain this mod to anybody who wishes to do so, as long as proper credit is given to myself and all others who have worked on Deputy. I will do my best to keep the github repo updated with all the latest project files.
Change Log
Latest Patch
• No longer uses Embedded Assets
• Removed warning spam during loading
• Slightly changed in-air idle animation
• Slightly increased the size of her ass
• Updated R2API dependencies
• Added config file that allows editing some (but not all) of her values
Previous patches
• Added CustomEmotesAPI support
• Added item displays
• Changed a tooltip in the survivor overview
• Fixed issue causing her to get stuck in the Bullet Heaven looping animation
• Changed Trigger Tap SFX (Thank you Moffein for the suggestion!)
• Crashing Comet's hidden invincibility buff will now extend for 0.3 seconds after the dash is done
• Gun Sling's gunshot SFX should now only play for the client that owns the projectile
• Initial release
Latest Patch
• Fixed some projectile bug that was breaking the whole mod
Previous patches
• Publicized all entity states as well as RevolverProjectileBehavior component
• Updated for Seekers of the Storm
• Updated bepinex and mmhook dependencies for the Devotion patch
This update was kindly contributed by Moffein
• No longer uses Embedded Assets
• Removed warning spam during loading
• Slightly changed in-air idle animation
• Slightly increased the size of her ass
• Updated R2API dependencies
• Added config file that allows editing some (but not all) of her values
• Added CustomEmotesAPI support
• Added item displays
• Changed a tooltip in the survivor overview
• Fixed issue causing her to get stuck in the Bullet Heaven looping animation
• Changed Trigger Tap SFX (Thank you Moffein for the suggestion!)
• Crashing Comet's hidden invincibility buff will now extend for 0.3 seconds after the dash is done
• Gun Sling's gunshot SFX should now only play for the client that owns the projectile
• Initial release