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ThinkInvis-TILER2-7.0.1 icon


ThinkInvisible's Library of Extras for RoR2.

Date uploaded 2 years ago
Version 7.0.1
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Downloads 17903
Dependency string ThinkInvis-TILER2-7.0.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

bbepis-BepInExPack-5.4.2103 icon

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library

Preferred version: 5.4.2103
RiskofThunder-R2API_Core-5.1.1 icon

Core R2API module

Preferred version: 5.1.1
RiskofThunder-R2API_Items-1.0.3 icon

API for adding custom items

Preferred version: 1.0.3
RiskofThunder-R2API_Language-1.0.1 icon

API for modifying the language localisation of the game

Preferred version: 1.0.1
RiskofThunder-R2API_Networking-1.0.2 icon

Networking API around the Unity UNet Low Level API (LLAPI)

Preferred version: 1.0.2
RiskofThunder-R2API_Prefab-1.0.4 icon

API for Prefab creation, networking and duplication

Preferred version: 1.0.4




Use of a mod manager is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.

Seriously, use a mod manager.

If the versions of TILER2 (or possibly any other mods) are different between your game and other players' in multiplayer, things WILL break. If TILER2 is causing kicks for "unspecified reason", it's likely due to a mod version mismatch. Ensure that all players in a server, including the host and/or dedicated server, are using the same mod versions before reporting a bug.

While reporting a bug, make sure to post a console log (path/to/RoR2/BepInEx/LogOutput.log) from a run of the game where the bug happened; this often provides important information about why the bug is happening. If the bug is multiplayer-only, please try to include logs from both server and client.


TILER2 is a library mod. It won't do much on its own, but it may be required for some other mods.

User-Facing Features

TILER2 mostly contains features that are useful for mod developers, but it also adds some things that normal users can take advantage of.


The DebugUtil module adds the console commands evo_setitem and t2_stat.

  • evo_setitem itemIndexOrName count: Sets the count of the target item in the Artifact of Evolution item pool. Marked as a cheat command.


The NetConfig module automatically syncs important config settings from the server to any connecting clients, and kicks clients with critical config mismatches which can't be resolved (i.e. settings that can't be changed while the game is running, or client has different mods than server).

NetConfig also adds the console commands ncfg_get, ncfg_set, ncfg_settemp, and ncfg; and the convar ncfg_allowclientset.

  • ncfg_get "path1" "optional path2" "optional path3": Attempts to find a config entry. Path matches, in order: mod name, config section, config key. If you weren't specific enough, it will print all matching paths to console; otherwise, it will print detailed information about one specific config entry.
  • ncfg_set "path1" "optional path2" "optional path3" value: Attempts to permanently set a config entry (writes to config file AND changes the ingame value), following the same search rules as ncfg_get. Not usable by non-host players; will route to ncfg_settemp instead.
  • ncfg_settemp "path1" "optional path2" "optional path3" value: Attempts to temporarily set a config entry until the end of the current run, following the same search rules as ncfg_get. Can be blocked from use by non-host players via ncfg_allowclientset.
  • ncfg "cmd" ...: Routes to ncfg_get, ncfg_set, or ncfg_settemp (for when you forget the underscore).
  • ncfg_allowclientset (bool): If 1, any player on a server can use ncfg_settemp. If 0, only the host can use ncfg_settemp.


  • Items which players have but were disabled mid-run need a UI indicator for such.
  • If a client gets kicked by R2API mod mismatch, NetConfig will attempt to kick them again (to no effect) due to timeout.
  • See the GitHub repo for more!


The 5 latest updates are listed below. For a full changelog, see:

7.0.1 - Temporarily switched Item : CatalogBoilerplate to use ItemDef.deprecatedTier.

7.0.0 - BREAKING CHANGES: - Removed obsolete ItemStats and BetterUI support code. - Equipment : CatalogBoilerplate now adds restart-required config entries for isEnigmaCompatible and canBeRandomlyTriggered. Added setters to these properties, which were previously getter-only; may require a recompile. - Added RiskOfOptions integration to AutoConfig as a new category of attributes. Apply with e.g. [AutoConfigRoOCheckbox()]. - Implemented by default on T2Module.enabled, Item.itemIsAIBlacklisted, Equipment.isEnigmaCompatible, Equipment.canBeRandomlyTriggered, and Equipment.cooldown. - CatalogBoilerplate implementations now expose a substage for modifying the ItemDef/EquipmentDef/ArtifactDef before registration with R2API (public virtual void SetupModify[x]Def()). - CatalogBoilerplate now exposes a substage for firing an event when the catalog is ready (public virtual void SetupCatalogReady()). - Lots of behind-the-scenes VS warning/message cleanup. - Updated for latest RoR2 version.

6.3.0 - FakeInventory.ignoreFakes is now exposed to public API, and is now an int instead of a bool. - Increment FakeInventory.ignoreFakes whenever you enter a method where you don't want fake items to be considered as part of item count (e.g. while removing or upgrading items). Decrement it before leaving the method. - Added more sources of IgnoreFakes. FakeInventory should now have better interaction with Egocentrism, Benthic Bloom, Bulwark's Ambry (if player has fake artifact keys somehow), and ItemStealController.


  • Migrated some math/util methods from other mods.
    • MiscUtil.Remap: remaps a float from one range to another.
    • MiscUtil.CalculateVelocityForFinalPosition: calculates the initial velocity and final time required for a jump-pad-like trajectory between two points.
    • MiscUtil.TrajectorySphereCast: performs a spherecast over a parabolic trajectory.
    • MiscUtil.CollectNearestNodeLaunchVelocities: collects a specified number of launch velocities that will reach (without hitting anything else) the nearest free navnodes outside a minimum range.
    • MiscUtil.SteepSigmoid01: sigmoid-like curve as a function of x with fixed points at (0, 0), (0.5, 0.5), and (1, 1). Has flatter ends and steeper midpoint as b increases.
  • Some improvements to ItemWard.
    • No longer hard requires a TeamFilter component. Will instead try to find team from TeamFilter or TeamComponent on the same object, and default to TeamIndex.None otherwise.
    • Fixed a potential net message loop caused by setting radius.
    • Now exposes a stock indicator prefab based on the warbanner area indicator: TILER2.ItemWard.stockIndicatorPrefab. Will not be created by default if an ItemWard's indicator is unset.
    • Now exposes some extra fields to customize display:
      • displayRadiusFracH: horizontal distance at which displays will orbit as a fraction of radius.
      • displayRadiusFracV: vertical distance at which displays will orbit as a fraction of radius.
      • displayIndivScale: multiplies scale of individual display prefabs.
      • displayRadiusOffset: fixed offset applied to local position of each individual display prefab.
  • Updated R2API dependency to 4.3.5.


  • CatalogBoilerplate > Equipment now exposes canBeRandomlyTriggered on its EquipmentDef.
  • CatalogBoilerplateModule now updates Enigma and random-trigger equipment lists to remove disabled equipment.