Thrayonlosa-UncappedAttackSpeed icon


Makes certain attack speed skills scale linearly and without limit. Client-side.

Last updated 2 weeks ago
Total downloads 23430
Total rating 4 
Categories Client-side
Dependency string Thrayonlosa-UncappedAttackSpeed-2.0.3
Dependants 21 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

bbepis-BepInExPack-5.4.2115 icon

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library

Preferred version: 5.4.2115


In vanilla, time spent switching between states does not get affected by attack speed, leading to sub-linear scaling that caps out at either 20 or 30hz. Skills that do stay in one state attack in a way that gets limited by tick rate, capping out at 60hz.

This mod fixes both of these issues for the below skills, making them fully uncapped and linear. Additionally, extra attacks generated by this mod do not spawn visual effects or give recoil, letting extreme attack rates have less performance issues.

Details on vanilla's behaviour for skills fixed by this mod:

  • Commando's Double Tap. Vanilla: Very poor sub-linear scaling, immediately falling behind and capping out at 3.33 attack rate or 20hz.
  • Huntress' Strafe. Sub-linear, capping out at 15.5 attack rate or 30hz.
  • Huntress' Flurry. Sub-linear, and starts losing arrows at high attack speeds. Caps at 6.67 attack rate, or 30 arrows per second.
  • Void Fiend's Corrupted Drown. Non-linear, caps out at 8.0 attack speed or 60hz.
  • Mult's Nailgun. Linear, caps out at 4.8 attack speed or 60hz.

All fixes are clientside except for Huntress', which will cap out at 60hz if the server does not have this mod.

Disabled by default: Make Nailgun always automatically fire its final burst exactly once. Reload in-game with either uncapattackspeed_reloadconfig or RiskofOptions.