List of all cards

Updated 2 months ago

List of all cards


  • Amalgamation: Good luck figuring this one out, nobody knows... 🤷
  • Bouncing Block: You have a reduced block cooldown, but when you block you are flung upwards.
  • Cursed Bullets: You gain increased bullet stats, but gain a random curse.
  • Unguarded: Your block takes longer to cooldown, but you don't need that unreliable tech anyways.
  • Vampirism: You attack with your fangs! You heal off the damage you do, but your damage and health suffer.


  • Acceleration: You get extra bullet bounce and your bullets speed up on bounce!
  • Auto Block: You have a significantly reduced block cooldown, but you can't control it!
  • Anal Fissure: You take damage over time, but receive multiple buffs! End it quickly!
  • Grabby Bullets: Your bullets have increased negative knockback. Causes them to yoink players not push!


  • Damage Sponge: Gives you a lot of decay, but you deal no damage and have reduced max hp. You will need to find alternative ways to win!

Conversion Kits:

  • Laser - Converts your weapon into a long range laser that deals small, but constant damage.
  • Laser Beam - Converts your weapon into a very short range beam. Deals decent damage quickly and ignores walls and blocking.
  • Shotgun - Converts your weapon into a shotgun with decent spread. Great close-up, but worse with range.
  • Sniper - Converts your weapon into a single shot rifle with high damage, but slow reload. A solid base weapon.