
Updated 9 months ago


Backup Shotgun


(Projectile Augment)

Strap a 6 shot shotgun onto your pistol for close range combat

This card adds 6 additional short range shots when you fire. Like the other Projectile augments in this mod, it does not effect your base projectile.

  • Designed by Tessy

Blood Bullets


By using your blood as firepower, you can exchange some of your health to gain ammo.

-25% Health

+25 Ammo

  • Designed by Lilith

Contract Of Souls


So many contracts, so many souls signed away. They all belong to me now.

Self Damage is partially redirected to nearby opponents

This card can only be obtained by first taking the card Lilith's Deal The math on this card is a bit complicated, but the basics is that when you deal self damage (This includes the damage from Lilith's Deal) a percentage of that damage will also be dealt to near by opponents, the percentage decreases the farther away they are from you. Then a soul orb will spawn and travel towards you, healing you for the damage dealt once it reaches you

  • Designed by Lilith

Cursed Rune


Damage partially reduces the targets max HP

+50% Damage

The HP reduction is equal to 30% of damage dealt and stacks multiplicative. The reduction also wears off after each fight but persists between revives.

  • Designed by Tessy

The Dark Queen


Guns are tools of mere mortals. I have no need for them.

(Attack button now tries to teleport to your cursor, costs 30% hp each time.)

This is the last card in the contract upgrade path, requiring you to have Contract Of Souls first. It replaces your gun with a red teleport crystal that can teleport you to any empty space on the map at which point the crystal will disappear until it recharges (about 2.5 seconds). The hp lost from teleporting counts as self damage so it will trigger Contract Of Souls. This card also provides perfect flight, making you immune to knock-back.

  • Designed by Lilith

Drop Grenade


Your bullets create a small trap where they land.

+5 Bounces

+50% Damage per Bounce

-75% Bullet Speed per Bounce

  • Designed by Tessy



Ask and ye shall receive.

+1 Wish

-Nothing .........Yet

There was a time when that negative really did mean that nothing would happen. When the card was made the user simply had to type a card name into chat and the Genie would give it, Even if the player couldn't normally get the card the wished for. Now the negative is a threat. Upon picking up the Genie, at the end of the pick phase a menu will open showing every card in the game. You can pick any card from it, and the Genie will usually give it to you. But try not to be greedy, as rarer cards come with worse and worse penalties from the Genie. this is because the intended use for the card is to get a common card (and Lilith can be an evil monster sometimes)

  • Designed by Lilith

Fractured Cake

Trinket, Common, Scarce, Uncommon, Exotic, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical, Divine

On the 25th of August, 1999 our system was born. This card is to celebrate this anniversary.

Stats very based on rarity.

Each of the 10 raritys of the card can only be obtained once per player. It follows in the tradition that Angle Moon set of mod devs making a cake card for their birthday. Ours is both a refrnce to our system hood, and the fact that we created the custom rarity library.

  • Designed by Lilith

Garlic Powder


Lace your weapons with garlic to make them more effective against vampires.

Deal bonus damage to players based on their lifesteal stat.

This was sujested to us about a year ago by someone who loves garlic almost as much as me, I finally got around to making it.

  • Designed by Tessy

Tactical Inversion


Swap your heath with your damage

  • Designed by Tessy

Johnson's Ingenuity


Your gun now fires the entire bullet. Thats 65% more bullet per bullet!

+65% Damage

+65% Bullet Size

Extra Bullet Drag

Bullet drag is a weird unused stat from the base game that effectively adds air resistance to a bullet. This card adds 2 to that variable, but we never bothered to figure out exactly what that means

  • Designed by Tessy

Lilith's Deal


You know it is tempting; what could posibly go wrong?

+35 Regeneration

+Painful attacks

This is the first part of the 3 card "Contract" upgrade tree, required to get the more powerful cards. It cause any damage you deal to other players to also be dealt to you in the form of self damage.

  • Designed by Lilith

(Old) Poison


Bullets deal damage over 3 seconds

+60% DMG

+30% Reload speed

This is the original version of Poison from ROUNDS before it was nerfed in an update.

  • Designed by LandFall

One Hit Wonder


+Lethal Damage

-All Your Health

1 Max Ammo

1 Max Bullets

  • Designed by Tessy

Partical Wave


Blocking generates a high powered Partical Wave on a 15 second coolwdown.

This card is like EMP, but the bullets it makes are much slower moving, have insane knock back, and are bouncy

  • Designed by Tessy

Quick Shield


Replaces your shield with a faster but weaker shield

-75% Block Cooldown

-50% Block Efectiveness

Lowered block effectiveness means that a portion of blocked damage will still be dealt to you

  • Designed by Lilith

Stay Hungry


Your damage grows with every shot (Cap of 30X damage), reseting when you hit someone.

-80% Damage

This card was made as a joke after seeing the cards Drive and Power.

  • Designed by Tessy

Stun Dart


(Projectile Augment)

Adds a dart to your gun that stuns people based on damage

The stun dart has half gravity and does no damage. Like the other Projectile augments in this mod, it does not effect your base projectile.

  • Designed by Tessy

Time Loop


Every five seconds, travel three seconds back in time.

Endless Looped Time

I've Come to Bargain

This card is a direct reference to Dr. Strange When the time loops back around, it resets your position and most stats, including HP and block cooldown, making you nearly unkillable if used right.

  • Designed by Tessy



I'm Down here. Or is it Up here? Wait. Which is which?

+?? "Jumps"

-50% Gravity

Unstable Gravity

Originally called DownUpHere Makes it so that Jumping will flip your gravity.

  • Designed by Tessy

Box Of Used Ammo


An old box of ammo; looks like some of it is still good.

Some Additional Ammo

This card gives a random amount of ammo between 7 and 25

  • Designed by Lilith

Witch Time


Blocking your opponent's bullets slows the world around you.

+10 Seconds Witch Time

  • Designed by Lilith