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Sashimi-ROUNDS_With_XUnity_AutoTranslator-5.3.0 icon

ROUNDS With XUnity AutoTranslator

translator plugin

Date uploaded 2 weeks ago
Version 5.3.0
Download link
Downloads 339
Dependency string Sashimi-ROUNDS_With_XUnity_AutoTranslator-5.3.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_ROUNDS-5.4.1901 icon

BepInEx pack for ROUNDS. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.1901



All the basic information about the plugin is located here - XUnity.AutoTranslator

Plugin author - bbepis

To address the "Package rejected - Invalid submission." issue, please use this mod as a dependency and remove Xunity directly from the archive if you encounter errors when updating localization.

Since this mod only contains "core" and "plugins" files, please include "Mymod\BepInEx\config" and "Mymod\BepInEx\Translation" in your mod.

*We apologize if you cannot read the text because we use machine translation.