
Updated a year ago


Card Description Effect Rarity
3.0 Droid Engineering 3.0 droids are normal droids engineered to be even stronger than they already are. Engineering yourself with 3.0 technology will multiply all of your stats by x2. This includes things like reload time and block cooldown though, so this card is not all upsides. x2 all stats Exotic
Adamantite Armor This armor is very good you should consider picking this card +550% health, normalized size Legendary
Adrenaline Rush Increases all speed related stats at the cost of reducing your health +50% all speed stats, -25% health Uncommon
Advanced Training This level of training may have unwanted side effects +110% health, +120% damage, +70% movement speed, +30% reload time, +70% block cooldown Rare
Aerogel Bullets Very light aerogel bullets travel faster and can be loaded into the gun faster +25% bullet speed, +25% attack speed, -25% reload time Common
Afton I ALWAYS COME BACK +2 revives, -70% health Rare
Air Become the wind itself Rare
All or Nothing Anything that doesnt kill you in one hit deals no damage to you at all -60% health, infinite regen Legendary
Amazon Package What even is the Amazon slogan, do they even have one? +15% damage, +15% health, +2 ammo Common
Ammo Grid Expand and improve your ammo supply +6 ammo, -30% reload time Uncommon
Ampersand And per say and +1 bullets, +20 ammo, -50% reload time Rare
Arcane Resonance Intensive study of the arcane arts has greatly improved your use of blocks and their abilities but has degraded your body -70% block cooldown, -40% health Exotic
Archivist The archivist is a rare and powerful shotgun that fires nine projectiles at once +8 bullets, +35% spread, -70% damage Exotic
Armageddon There's no turning back infinite ammo, x5 damage, x2 attack speed, x2 bullet speed Legendary
Assault Rifle Wield a fast attacking assault rifle x2 attack speed, +12 ammo, -30% damage Uncommon
Average Droid The most basic droid out of all droids +35% damage, +35% health, +0.5s reload time Common
Balloon You slowly float upwards -105% gravity Uncommon
Bananas At least they aren't TOO healthy +3 regen, +3% lifesteal, +3 healing on block, +15% health Common
Bandages Recover from injuries quicker by increasing all forms of healing +5 regen, +5% lifesteal, +5 healing on block, +25% health Uncommon
Basic Training Some basic training +40% health, +40% damage, +20% movement speed Common
Bicycle Greatly increase your movement speed x2 movement speed Uncommon
Big Bullet V2 Actually increases the size of your bullets x2 bullet size Uncommon
Blitzkrieg Fire powerful bursts of bullets but significantly reduce your ammo capacity +150% attack speed, -12 ammo Uncommon
Block-a-Bullet Convert bullets to blocks +1 blocks, -6 ammo Uncommon
Blood Armor Gain a set of armor that regenerates itself by extraction of blood +30% lifesteal, -30% block cooldown Uncommon
Bloodstock Use your own blood as ammunition +9 ammo, -33% health Uncommon
Blue Energy Drink Provides some defensive bonuses while reducing your damage +25% health, +5 regen, -20% block cooldown, -20% damage Common
Bolt Action Wield a strong bolt action rifle that only holds one ammo but can be reloaded quickly +50% damage, +75% bullet speed, set ammo to 1, -50% reload time Uncommon
Bouncy Blue Coating Coat your bullets and your shoes with bouncy blue coating +1 bounces, +1 jumps Common
Bucket Armor Put a bucket on your head to protect yourself +1 blocks, +15% block cooldown Common
Bulk Up N/A x2 health, +15% player size Common
Carpet Bomber Become a carpet bomber that flies around and rains destruction upon the map x5 damage, x2 attack speed, -90% health, x2 movement speed, +10 jumps Rare
Chainmail Basic chainmail that makes you take less damage from enemy bullets +70% health, normalized size Uncommon
Chaos Orb N/A -85% block cooldown Legendary
Charge Rifle Holding down the mouse before shooting allows you to do a charged shot that deals double damage and travels faster x2.5 damage and bullet speed at full charge Uncommon
Chicken Feed I don't think chickens can eat bullets but okay +24 ammo, -60% damage Uncommon
Cloak of Swiftness Put on a cloak that protects you and enchances your agility +30% health, +50% movement speed Uncommon
Colossus N/A x7.5 knockback, x2.5 health, +40% player size Rare
Concentrated Fire Improved accuracy and attack speed -50% spread, +30% attack speed Common
Cryo Droid A droid that uses ice powers rather than traditional combat. The icicles it shoots are heavy and have more gravity. +75% bullet slow, +50% bullet simulation speed, +50% bullet size Uncommon
Cursed Ammunition N/A +100% damage on bounce, -5 bounces Exotic
Deep Space Lose absolutely all of your player and bullet gravity -100% player and bullet gravity, +40% health Exotic
Defense Starterpack Complete starterpack for defensive traits +10% health, +5 regen, -10% block cooldown Common
Dimension Shift Due to the physics of the dimension you have shifted to, you and your projectiles are less affected by gravity +25% damage, -33% player gravity, -67% bullet gravity Uncommon
Divide Split your bullets to increase your ammo count and make reloading easier, at the cost of having weaker bullets +2 ammo, -0.5s reload time, -35% damage Common
Double Shot Fire an extra bullet with each shot +1 bullets, +10% spread Common
Downwards Reflection Increase your bullet gravity by 50% while decreasing your player gravity by 50% +50% damage, -33% player gravity, +50% bullet gravity Uncommon
Duck Man Everything in the universe is either a duck or not a duck +25% damage, +25% health, +25% lifesteal, +3 jumps Exotic
Earth Bullets that hit with the force of the entire Earth x20 damage, -90% attack speed, unblockable bullets Rare
Fast Reload Not as fast as quick reload but its good enough -50% reload time Common
Floppy Disk Good for storing data but is, well, floppy +2 revives, -55% health, -65% attack speed Rare
Forward Dash Blocking launches you forward +10 block force, +0.25s block cooldown Common
Friend Day July 17 x2 health, -30% damage Common
Frisbee Golf Throw floating, bouncing frisbee disks +1 bullet bounces, -25% bullet gravity Common
Frostburn Your bullets burn and freeze the enemy, slowing them and dealing extra damage +25% damage, +70% bullet slow Uncommon
Geppo The ability to kick hard enough to jump off air +6 jumps Uncommon
Godspeed Godspeed, Spiderman! x7 movement speed, +40 regen Legendary
Granola Bar A light snack +5 regen, +15% health Common
Grapes The rotten ones taste like apple juice +4 bullets, -50% damage, +50% spread, +25% projectile size, +50% lifesteal Exotic
Gravity Manipulation Device Reduce your gravity to zero, giving you full control over your vertical movement, at the cost of having reduced life regeneration -100% player gravity, -5 regen Uncommon
Greater Lifesteal Deal an additional 75% of your gun damage as lifesteal damage +75% damage, +60% lifesteal Exotic
Grenade Launcher Projectiles lose speed on bounce x2 damage, +1 bounce, +35% bullet gravity, -25% speed on bounce Uncommon
Grimace FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DRINK THE GRIMACE SHAKE +10s decay time, x4 damage, x2 reload time, -50% attack speed, x2 block cooldown Rare
Grimace Shake This strange shake combines the benefits of both the red and blue energy drink, at the cost of losing a life +25% damage, +30% attack speed, +35% bullet speed, +25% health, +5 regen, -20% block cooldown, -1 revives Common
Gun Attachments Add attachments to your gun to make it better +10% damage, -10% reload time, +10% bullet speed, +10% attack speed Common
Gunner Droid A droid with technological upgrades allowing for ranged combat, but less mobility to gain better accuracy +1 bullets, +50% bullet speed, -30% movement speed Exotic
Harden Generally technically probably actually really defensively more stats +30% health, normalized size Common
Healthy Bananas Focus your entire existence on health. The only reason you can still do damage is because you got the banana gun zero damage, infinite reload time, infinite block cooldown, zero movement speed, x438.82 health Legendary
Heavy Shells Fire stronger but slower heavy shells +70% damage, -15% bullet speed, -10% movement speed Uncommon
Highly Suspicious Green Liquid N/A +50% damage, +50% health, -4 ammo Common
Hitman Hitting an enemy temporarily boosts your movement speed +50% damage, +50% bullet speed, +50% movement speed for 3s after dealing damage Uncommon
Hitscanner Fire very fast hitscan bullets that can reach their target in an instant x10 bullet speed, -50% attack speed, +0.5s reload time Uncommon
Holy Armor Gain a set of regenerating holy light armor +15 regen, -40% block cooldown, +60% movement speed, +2 jumps Rare
Hunter Droid A droid with impeccable movement & attack speed, but is considered annoying to many x2 movement speed, x2.5 attack speed, -25% damage Exotic
Ice Armor Some cool ice armor that provides good defense and allows you to slide around the battlefield -30% block cooldown, +30% movement speed Common
Iceberg Lettuce Premium lettuce is healthier but is very cold +80% health, +10 regen, -50% movement speed Exotic
Insatiable Hunger You may lack regeneration, but you will be able to EAT EVERYTHING +100% lifesteal, +150% health, -10 regen Rare
Insta Reload You reload instantly infinite ammo, -33% attack speed Rare
Ion Cannon Fire a high power ion cannon +150% damage, +40% attack speed, +40% reload time Rare
Jetpack Equip a jetpack that allows you to fly temporarily. Land on the ground to restore your fuel +10 jumps, +25% health, -15% movement speed Uncommon
Juggernaut chonk +120% health, -40% movement speed Uncommon
Jupiter Become much more powerful while also having a lot more gravity imposed upon yourself x2 health, x2 damage, x3 player gravity Exotic
KFC It's finger lickin' good +30% damage, +8 regen, -25% health Common
Knockback Triples the knockback of your bullets x3 knockback, +40% damage Uncommon
Lava Armor Molten rock provides very good defense but the heat makes it harder to move -60% block cooldown, -30% movement speed Common
Leg Day You decided to not skip it this time +40% health, +1 jumps, +30% movement speed Common
Legionary FOR SPARTA!!!!!!! x3.5 damage, x3.5 health Legendary
Lesser Lifesteal Deal an additional 25% of your bullet damage as lifesteal damage +25% damage, +20% lifesteal Common
Lettuce Eat an ENTIRE lettuce +5 regen, +50% health Common
Life Orb Blocking heals you to full health +7s block cooldown, infinite block healing Legendary
Life Potion A potion made from liquified life essence. Enhances and strengthens all healing +15% lifesteal, +15 regen, +15 block healing, +40% health Exotic
Life Steel Turn your lifesteal into Life Steel -35% block cooldown, +100% health, -50% lifesteal Exotic
Lifesteal Do an additional 50% of your gun damage as lifestealing damage +33% lifesteal, +50% damage Uncommon
Longevity OUTLASTED +20% health, +2s decay time Common
Low Gravity Lowers your gravity -90% player gravity, +40% health Common
Magnetic Rounds Hitting an enemy pulls them towards you -200% knockback, x2 projectile size, +2 bounces Uncommon
Makeshift Shield Upgrade A small upgrade to your shield +2 blocks, +30% block cooldown Uncommon
Matrix Bullets Time is relative -50% bullet speed, -75% bullet gravity, +60% damage Common
Matte Rifle Exchange your bounces for damage and bullet speed +80% damage, +80% bullet speed, -5 bounces Exotic
Medkit Heal 30 hp on block +30 block healing, +0.25s block cooldown Uncommon
Mega Nerf Nerf but bigger and slightly more annoying but still not very painful +75% bullet slow, +6 ammo, -20% damage Uncommon
Melee Combat Punch your opponents from up-close infinite ammo, +40% attack speed, -85% bullet speed Exotic
Milk Based on actual milk nutrition facts +10 regen, +10% health, +10% movement speed, +10% damage, -15% block cooldown, x2 bullet speed, -10% reload time Uncommon
Minigun Does this need an explanation? x15 attack speed, +75 ammo, +3s reload time, +15% spread, -80% damage Rare
Missile Inbound Skyrocket upwards on block +25 vertical block force, +0.5s block cooldown, +70% bullet speed Uncommon
Monolith Become an immovable object -90% block cooldown, zero damage, zero movement speed Rare
More Damage N/A +25% damage Common
More Health N/A +25% health Common
More Speed N/A +25% movement speed Common
Musket Fire a strong but slow and innacurate musket x2 damage, x2.5 bullet speed, +25% reload time, -2 ammo, +10% spread Uncommon
Negative Integer Reduces your attack speed by 33%, damage by 50%, and bullet speed by 67%. Useful if your power is getting difficult to control. -50% damage, -67% bullet speed, -33% attack speed Common
Nerf Darts Your bullets may not deal very much damage, but they are definitely annoying! +50% bullet slow, +3 ammo, -30% damage Common
Ninja Become a swift ninja that can double jump +1 jumps, +5 regen, +50% attack speed, +40% movement speed Uncommon
Noclip Your bullets have noclip and can go through walls noclip bullets, -50% damage Exotic
Nope How about NO +9999% knockback, +99% damage Rare
Normalizer Helps normalize the size of a giant player -30% player size, +50% movement speed Common
Nothing N/A literally does nothing Common
Oppression Your damage is increased based on the amount of time your opponents spend picking their cards +0.67% per second, maxes out at +200% after 5 min Rare
Optimist Get a happier viewpoint on life, also making your gun safer +5 jumps, +75% movement speed, -15% damage, -33% attack speed Uncommon
Orange Juice Based on actual OJ nutrition facts +15% bullet speed, -30% block cooldown, +20% movement speed, -80% reload time Rare
Paper Airplane Throw sharp, gliding paper airplanes +60% damage, -40% bullet gravity Uncommon
Particle Accelerator Fire your bullets from a charged-up particle accelerator +60% damage, +120% bullet speed, -25% attack speed, +25% reload time Uncommon
Patrick You have to choose it x3 damage, x4 attack speed, +3 bullets, -75% reload time, +20% spread Legendary
Pessimist Get a more violent viewpoint of life, strengthening your gun to take others down with you +75% damage, +75% attack speed, -30% movement speed, -3 jumps Uncommon
Piercing Bullets Makes your bullets pierce through blocks, dealing damage through them unblockable bullets, -45% damage Uncommon
Pirate Become a thieving pirate crewmate +20% damage, +20% lifesteal, +20% bullet speed, +20% movement speed Common
Pirate Captain Become a powerful pirate captain x2 bullet speed, +80% damage, +60% movement speed, +75% lifesteal Rare
Plate Armor Armor of acceptably decent quality +100% health, normalized size Exotic
Pong Bullets NOW THATS A LOT OF BOUNCES +20 bounces, -75% attack speed Rare
Pyrotechnic Fire a never-ending stream of scorching hot flames infinite ammo, x7 attack speed, -95% damage, +50% health Rare
Quad-Barrel Wield a quad-barrel that shoots four projectiles at high spread +3 bullets, +18 ammo, -60% damage, +25% spread Uncommon
Quick Escape Launch backwards when blocking -15 block force, +0.25s block cooldown, +8 regen, +40% health Uncommon
Quick Revive Gain an extra life while suffering hindering side effects +1 revives, -30% health, -30% damage, +30% block cooldown, -30% movement speed Common
Ray of Purification Only the strongest and purest sorcerers can wield the ALMIGHTY RAY OF PURIFICATION x5 attack speed, infinite ammo, x3 bullet speed, -95% damage, -100% lifesteal Exotic
Reckless Retribution A reckless choice +70% damage, +70% bullet speed, -10 regen Uncommon
Red Energy Drink
Rocket Launcher
Rubber Bullets
Sandstorm in a Bottle
Shadow Siphon
Skill Gap
Slime Bullets
Soul Cleanse
Speed Limit
Statue Droid
Steel Armor
Strong Droid
Sun Travel
Super Dash
Suspicious Green Liquid
Tank Droid
The Chosen One
Thick Skinned
Time Lord
Titanium Alloy
Tornado Droid
Ultimate Juggernaut
Ultra Bananas
Upwards Reflection
Variety Box
Water Barrel
Water Jug
Weak Droid
Xero Droid
Yin Yang