Overhaul Maps
Adds 69 maps; Unique 8-player compatible maps that tend to have fun gimmicks and dynamic elements that encourage map-centric play. Use included mods to reduce screen shake effects. More information at Thunderstore site.
Version 2.1.0:
Phase 2 of Overhaul Maps 2.0. Every other map was touched up in some way. I did not include large scale reworks for some maps like initially intended due to moving on to other projects while ROUNDS modding is transitioning to the new update. Once this process is complete, I will then invest more into ROUNDS projects again. (For now I'm doing lots of Lethal Company modding projects). Henceforth I am also switching to a cleaner changelog format I picked up.
- Added some more platforms for manueverability
- Reworked the orbiting saw mechanism to utilize a force engine outside of the map instead of one inside
- Added a galaxy background to the whole map
- Added space backgrounds to the actual zero gravity zones to help distinguish them
- Added a mechanical backgroun
- Tweaked arrow opacity
- Added a danger sign
- Added an Anubis themed background
- Tweaked the scale visuals a tiny bit
- Added ankhs and scarabs for cover and manueverability
- Added a mechanical background
- Added a danger sign
- Added water background to water areas
- Added ocean themed background to whole map
- Reduced the glow on some parts
- Added danger sign
- Added a fitting background
- Added more cover at top
- Made fire hazards more obvious
- Added danger sign
- Added background for all elemental liquids
- Tweaked positioning of various elements
- Adjusted the yellow area to be more managable
- Added more cover and manueverability
- Lifted dynamic boxes in red zone
- Reduced green box sizes
- Reduced glow
- Added a cavelike background
- Added colored bars to help distinguish sink rate and height
Flip Flop:
- Made ropes invisible
- Made platforms thicker
- Added mechanical background
- Tweaked layout slightly to be more balanced and centralized
- Tweaked spawns to be more spread out
- Added some destructible cover
- Added background to acid area
- Added fitting background
- Made ropes invisible
- Made platforms more opaque
- Lowered water level
- Added oceanic background
- Added water background to water area
- Added blocks to top and bottom for extreme cases where modded late game builds may cause ships to fly out
- Added cave background
- Changed outer wall color
- Removed punctuation in name
- Added arcade background
- Added danger sign
- Replaced saws with platforms for manueverability
- Added fair background
- Made bottom piston mechanisms much slower
- Added mechanical background
- Added mechanical background
As Above:
- Reduced unbreakable box size
- Added bridge background
- Made boxes more opaque
So Below:
- Added bridge background
- Added blue background images to windmill sections instead of background walls, water, and space zones
- Reworked windmill blade mechanism and swapped to an image
- Added gold background
- Added danger sign
- Made some sprites more opaque
- Made golf cart floor an actual platform
- Made golf balls less glowy
- Added a fitting background that flips and changes color to fit the map's mechanic
- Removed the flip indicator at the top of the map since the background now does the same thing
Rising Up:
- Added a fitting background
No Internet:
- Added a fitting background
Criss Cross:
- Added a fitting background
- Added background to water columns
- Added a Celeste background
Down Under:
- Added Australian background
- Fixed koala feet
- Made map wider and shorter
- Added an opera house platform
- Moved a spawn to the new platform
- Slightly repositioned some level elements
- Added backgrounds to the liquids and elemental zones
- Made text more opaque
- Added a landscape background
- Connected the furnace room to the lever room to not have one dead end area
- Fixed viewport height
- Made background more prevalent
- Added floating controllers for manueverability
Version 2.0.2:
Hotfix 2 for update 2.0 Phase 1. Very similar changes to hotfix 1.
Reworked Coalesce: Same scenario as Magmatic and Brickwork changes in 2.0.1; Removed the saws; Made OH logo dynamic component of level; Made platforms taller and adjusted spacing; Slowed down movement of platforms; Attached more ropes between platforms for stability and made ropes invisible; Added a mechanical themed background; Changed platform color
Reworked Weave: Replaced mechanical saw system with consistent animation system; Saws now fall in a straight line over 2 seconds and then pause for 2 seconds; Saws alternate between center and perimeter drops; Saws are all the same size now; Tweaked platform positioning; Moved hazard signs to top and increased opacity; Moved 2 spawns to have less immediate line of sight on enemies;
Fixed Cavernous: Forgot to add an OH logo
Tweaked Monsoon: Reduced color intensity of background, which should make it less faded and even slightly transparent, to improve map clarity; Further improvements to map clarity will be made across the board when image opacity bug is fixed
Tweaked Overhaul: Made level image opacity just a tad lower and increased the definition of the "M"'s legs a bit
Adjusted README images to reflect the minor visual changes made in hotfixes
Version 2.0.1:
Hotfix to the big 2.0 Phase 1 update - this is not Phase 2. Fixing some issues and adding in one map rework that was delayed due to a bug in a dependency mod (I removed a minor feature to work around it).
Renamed Tic-Tac-Toe to Criss Cross (I forgot how on-the-nose this name was when doing my other naming scheme changes.)
Reworked Magmatic: Swapped out blocks for magmatic rock sprites; Added a fitting volcanic background; Added a lava background to make the lava more clear; Added more platforms; Added a danger sign; Made tweaks to platform positioning and eruption mechanism
Fixed Brickwork: Note that this was going to be a delayed rework due to the same issues as Magmatic, but I am partially releasing it now having removed several planned features in order to hotfix an issue; Fixed the old image not loading in and replaced it with a brand new level image with much less clutter
Tweaked Herpetology: Lowered the bottom platforms and removed an oddly positioned "food" platform
Fixed Rotational: Background image was a tad too small
Tweaked Overhaul: Made level image brighter to outline all map elements better
Tweaked Kaleidoscopic: Removed bottom right lasers from level image as it was confusing
Tweaked Arachnophobia: Removed UI elements from level image
Tweaked Geometric: Removed UI element from level image
Tweaked Improvisation: Removed central text from level image
Restructured README
Version 2.0.0:
This is phase one of Overhaul Maps 2.0, where I plan to revamp all my existing maps and add tons of new ones over the course of a couple updates. I would like to thank everyone that has done playtesting for me during this process as well as anyone who generally gave feedback or support.
Added 20 new maps: Aethereal, Arachnophobia, Cavernous, Entomology, Geometric, Improvisation, Inspired, Kaleidoscopic, Last Resort, Monsoon, Necrosis, Progenitor, Purple Rain, Quackrobatics, Romantik, Styxian, Terrafic, Underwhelm, Vendetta, and Zuology (with many more to come in the future)
Renamed 3 maps to better fit current naming scheme: Holy Mountain -> Brickwork; Hyper Tubes -> Pneumatic; Pinball Machine -> Pinballin'
Reworked Oscillating: Swapped out existing components with more illusionary and mystical sprites; Replaced moving platform with two moving platforms that go in opposite directions and no longer move off the map; Added much more cover and ways to manueveer; Added a fitting background
Reworked Overhaul: Map is now square shaped via map boundary changes; Changed background to something morea akin to the (old) mod icon; Removed lettering and swapped in new letters from sprites and logos of various games (that are either represented or soon to be represented in the mod); Instead of one row reading "OVERHAUL", it is now a 4x3 grid reading "OVER HAUL MAPS"
Tweaked Pneumatic: Added a futuristic background; Added more force to downward force zones so they can't be easily bypassed
Tweaked Recursion: Added more cover; Added a recursive background; Tweaked some platform sizes a tiny bit
Tweaked Weave: Added more platforms for better manuevering; Added a factory-like background; Added some hazard signs
Tweaked Falling Down: Added a fitting background; Reduced the alpha of all platforms to remove the glow
Tweaked Pipe Dream: Added a fitting background; Added a friend to dodge pipes with you; Made pipes more opaque and slightly tweaked colors
Tweaked Rotational: Added destructible boxes to bottom as cover; Made map rotate slower; Made boxes black instead of brown; Added a fitting background;
Tweaked Origins: Added CRT scan lines
Tweaked Title: Added a background resembling the main menu
Tweaked Poltergeist: Moved one of the spawns to a less crowded area; Added a spooky background
Reworked Emulation: Increased size of all level elements; Broke the TV and increased map dimensions so that players can manuever to more areas; Added a error background to the TV and a living room background to the overall level
Tweaked Herpetology: Added a fitting background
Tweaked Homestead: Added a forests background; Reduced the opacity of existing background elements
Tweaked Ruins: Added a ruined city background; Shifted the position of the rightmost box
Tweaked Laboratory: Added a lab background
Fixed Wipout: Fixed minor visual error; Not revamped... yet!
Tweaked Elementary: Removed the saws; Not revamped... yet!
Changed mod icon and tweaked README
More to come!
Version 1.6.2:
Moved OH logo (mostly) to places that won't affect gameplay so that saws can be removed (they are loud); affected maps are: As Above, Balance, Broadside, Cyclic, Down Under (did not have one before), Flip Flop, Lurch, Origins, Rotational, Serpentine, Sinkhole, So Below, and Wipeout
Tweaked Serpentine: added ground under snake and to sides
Tweaked Cyclic: made central platforms colored
Tweaked Lurch: made central platforms colored
Tweaked Broadside: OH logo is now underwater cover
Tweaked Sinkhole: OH logo is now a physics object in center
Tweaked Flip Flop: OH logo is now 2 stable platforms at bottom to fight over
Tweaked Wipeout: OH logo is now a physics object in center
Tweaked Galleons: removed saws
Tweaked As Above: OH logo is now platform at bottom to fight over/shoot blocks from
Tweaked So Below: OH logo is now physics object that floats at bottom
Tweaked Pipe Dream: kept OH logo since it provides to tactical advantage, but still removed saw
Tweaked Emulation: fixed README image
Various tweaks and updates to README and manifest files
Preparing something big...
Version 1.6.1:
Tweaked HolyMountain: used new MapImageObjects features to manually add collision to an upscaled, non-edited version of the level image
Migrated all README images from Discord to Github
Version 1.6.0:
Added BetterChat as a dependency for chat legibility on enlarged maps
Added MapImageObjects as a dependency for Holy Mountain and more future maps
Added Antechamber, Herpetology, Holy Mountain, Homestead, Laboratory, Locomotive, and Ruins
Reworked Pinball Machine: added some platforms and a force zone for improved manueverability and added a pinball moving light effect
Tweaked Down Under: made the camera size bigger and no longer upside-down and increased map size
Tweaked Emulate: made it slightly bigger
Tweaked Probability: removed the destructible box at the top now that spawns are consistent
Fixed Cyclic: removed a number of unused map components off screen
Version 1.5.1:
MapsExtended 1.3.1 means border and screen alignment issues on non-1920x1080-resolutions should be fixed (accidentally slipped through while doing QA whoops)
Added Down Under (sort of made this map on accident yesterday)
Fixed Nostalgia: viewport height was too large - settings were leftover from testing
Version 1.5.0:
MapsExtended 1.3.0 means animated maps are compatible with MapEmbiggener now
Added Emulation (uses new map/camera size functions)
Tweaked Enginery: improved spacing on platform and swapped from physics-based reciprocating motion boxes at top to animation based movement
Tweaked Hyper Tubes: made blocks much less bright, tweaked some block positioning/sizes to improve manueverability, and tweaked force zone placement
Fixed Elementary: minor static animation visual errors
Fixed Serpentine: moved top ropes higher to prevent rare instances of clipping
Tweaked Origins: made central dividing line more transparent to not confuse players into thinking they're in the foreground
Reworked Ghastly: added some platforms to outer sides and tweaked positioning of sprites there to improve manuever and give better spawn points
Tweaked Poltergeist changed map logo area to platform to fix minor visual bug
Tweaked Lurch: moved indicator arrows to center for better visibility
Tweaked Nostalgia: moved unsightly force zones and fixed rare instance of barrel getting stuck at top girder
Various Changes to Map Bottoms: fixed instances of rarely clipping under the map on Ghastly, Origins, Miniature, Nostalgia, Pipe Dream, and Recursion
Version 1.4.2:
Added Celestial (Happy Overhaulloween)
Tweaked Nostalgia: cleaned up all ladders and made them animation based; removed a ladder up top to give that area more space
Tweaked Rotational: made outer wall rotation ~67% slower to reduce cases of clipping and to make getting to the center (same speed as before) more manageable
Version 1.4.1:
Added Poltergeist
Changed Ghastly: made the side areas of the map accessible to make the map less restrictive and lowered the text to accomodate this playstyle; tweaked spawn locations
Tweaked Elementary: made water and space zones more visible via background walls, increased platform lengths, and reoriented the right yellow triangle
Tweaked Cyclic: moved the holes around to make manuevering the map easier
Tweaked Magmatic: moved off-screen ball that was rarely affecting player spawns
Tweaked Trenches: fixed minor animation issue
Version 1.4.0:
Added Title, No Internet, Ghastly and Tic Tac Toe
Tweaked Hyper Tubes: filled in empty spaces to fix clipping and weird spawn issues
Tweaked Falling Down: made walls ~40% taller to improve manueverability
Tweaked Division: reduced saw sizes to fix rare instances of players being damaged through floors and doubled divider speeds to promote faster gameplay
Tweaked Origins: added platforms below the paddles to make up for their unpredictable nature causing early deaths
Thanks for 100k downloads!
Version 1.3.2:
Tweaked As Above: fixed spawn issue, lowered the platform, and widened spawn boxes
Tweaked Falling Down: cut platform speed in half to fix cases of clipping through and tweaked platform placement
Tweaked Lurch: added more holes and platforms for improved manueverability
Tweaked Miniature: fixed cases of balls being stuck, added platform to right of map, added tunnel in windmill center, added lips to windmill fans to improve ball launching, and improved ball distribution to land on more platforms
Tweaked Origins: made small changes to ball animation to be more fluid
Tweaked Pipe Dream: made pipes ~25% wider
Tweaked Recursion: added platforms to improve map manueverability
Version 1.3.1:
Tweaked Orbitals: added various background walls to outline walls and space zones for better readibility
Tweaked Revolution: made platforms 50% slower, made static platforms shorter, and removed the walls
Tweaked So Below: made background walls static and removed many ropes to reduce shaking on some clients; increased the amount of debris that can fall off the bridge
Tweaked Mini Golf: removed the white golf ball and made the magenta ball purple for better readibility
Tweaked Pinball Machine: removed two pinballs
Tweaked Elementary: added clear dividing lines using background walls for readibility
Tweaked Weave: made the green boxes invisible instead so they are not distracting or misleading
Tweaked Galleons: reduced the amount of physics objects on the map in an attempt to remove shaking on some clients
Tweaked Overhaul: slighty changed map colors and positions and made them static to remove shaking on some clients
Tweaked As Above: made background walls static and removed ropes
Tweaked Balance: made central stand more transparent to reduce any confusion
Added Map Logo to Rotational, Pipe Dream, and Origins
Version 1.3.0:
Added Rising Up, Origins, Pipe Dream, and Rotational
Tweaked Broadside: made lower boxes thinner to fix spawns, and made destructible boxes yellow to stick out more
Tweaked Cyclic: slowed hazard to be more managable and added indicator arrows to choreograph its movement
Tweaked Lurch: slowed hazard to be more managable and added indicator arrows to choreograph its movement
Version 1.2.8:
Changed Trenches: added more boxes that are smaller as to not disrupt spawns
Changed Oscillating: replaced the lower moving platform with an animated one
Changed Falling Down: now uses wider, slower, more evenly spaced boxes for better gameplay and spawn fixes
Changed Division: now uses animated moving boxes that are wider and alternate for consistency and reduced lag
Tweaked Coalesce: made platforms closer together and centered and split the OH logo
Tweaked Flipside: changed the platform colors for one map state and added an indicator to the top of the map that shows when the map changes
Tweaked Lurch, Serpentine, Cyclic, Revolution, Miniature, and Nostalgia: slightly tweaked platform length, position, size, or quantity
Changed the Overhaul (OH) logo on most maps to use a saw instead of lava/acid to prevent people from playing on it
Version 1.2.7:
Misc. tweaks to Cyclic, Lurch, Oscillating, Revolution, Pinball Machine, Miniature, Flipside, Magmatic, Hyper Tubes, So Below, and Broadside in an attempt to make spawns more consistent
Tweaked Nostalgia: minor fix to an animation
Tweaked Serpentine: made changes to prevent the ball from clipping through
Tweaked Coalesce: moved the map up due to seeing the platforms drop below the boundary in some games
Tweaked Division: made the engine a bit stronger due to it not properly starting in rare cases
Changed Trenches: made all boxes animation based so they float; made all passages connected to fix spawns; misc. adjustments
Changed Orbitals: various position and sizes changes to platforms to make the map more balanced and manueverable
Version 1.2.6:
Tweaked Falling Down: moved a spawn to help with consistency
Tweaked Miniature: moved outer walls to make side map boundaries proper hazards
Tweaked Pinball: reverted last change; it fixed nothing and made more issues
Fixed Serpentine: made various tweaks that allowed the lowered mass ball to move the snake again
Changed Lurch: made the map hazard take up less of the map when stationary and reworked upper half to fix spawns and balance both halves
Version 1.2.5:
Misc. tweaks to Lurch, Nostalgia, Falling Down, Oscillating, Revolution, Pinball Machine, and Orbitals in an attempt to have more consistent spawns
Changed Probability: everyone spawns on a nice flat platform that breaks right away to hopefully fix spawns
Changed Trenches and As Above: added small boxes to spawn on to hopefully fix spawns
Tweaked Cyclic: changed saw positioning to be more consistent
Tweaked Division: made changes to reduce the chances of stopping the mechanism of the map
Tweaked Broadside: made cannons easier to activate and made sea mines stop bouncing around
Version 1.2.4:
Tweaked Coalesce: now partially animation based now that ball engine mechanisms don't function as well (the reciprocating motion platforms were too fast when fixed); moves a bit slower overall
Fixed Division: still uses a ball engine, but just added a lot more force zones
Changed Enginery: lower ball engine broke, so the mechanism was changed to 2 platforms that move with animations; the upper ball engine that uses reciprocating motion platforms was fixed; the breakable boxes were made bigger and break to the saws now; added lots of cover
Tweaked Magmatic: ball distribution should be more even between left and right
Tweaked Miniature: changed the golf club and a few other minor areas to compensate for new ball mass in Maps Extended
Tweaked Nostalgia: barrels should roll more smoothly and set on fire more evenly
Tweaked Pinball: made bumpers thinner to compensate for new ball mass; fixed issue with pinballs rarely clogging up
Changed Revolution: platforms now animation based (platforms were formerly attached to a ball engine which again now act odd with reduced ball mass)
Version 1.2.3:
- Attempt to fix more spawn points
Version 1.2.2:
Tweaked Serpentine: tongue thickness increased to prevent clipping through
Tweaked Miniature: minor misc. changes for consistency
Tweaked Oscillating: all spinning blocks now use animations to avoid inconsistency and ropes failing to load; lower platform moves faster; made map more symmetrical
Tweaked Cyclic: saw size and positon changed so that players are no longer safe on the main platform
Tweaked spawn points for several maps to avoid faulty spawns
Version 1.2.1:
Fixed Balance: now properly sways again
Fixed Coalesce: platforms no longer go too far off screen
Tweaked Elementary: very minor tweaks to positioning
Fixed Pinball Machine: saws static again
Fixed So Below: duplicate box removed
Changed Weave: saw sizes reduced, saw colors made more distinct, and 4 saws replaced with harmless green background blocks
Updated some map images in README
Version 1.2.0:
Got maps fixed so that they (should) no longer have missing components
Removed BossSloth's ExtraMapObjects since their color blocks are now redundant; all old color blocks have been swapped to the new ones
Added Falling Down
Visual updates to As Above, Balance, Broadside, Coalesce, Cyclic, Division, Elementary, Enginery, Hyper Tubes, Lurch, Magmatic, Miniature, Nostalgia, Orbitals, Oscillating, Overhaul, Pinball Machine, Revolution, Sinkhole, and So Below
Changed Broadside: sea mines and cannon balls are now deadlier
Changed Cyclic: hazard now uses animation instead of physics for consistency and map balance between upper and lower levels
Tweaked Elementary: had some very minor layout changes
Changed Lurch: hazard now uses animation instead of physics for consistency and map balance between upper and lower levels and even distribution
Tweaked Magmatic: minor changes to how hazards are delivered
Tweaked Miniature: very minor layout changes
Tweaked Nostalgia: various tweaks and some fun additions
Updated every map image in README
Version 1.1.0:
Now using MapEditor 1.0ish
Added Miniature and Flipside
Version 1.0.4:
Changed Division: added a lower route to increase map manuevering options and have alternate routes for slow players or
Tweaked Recursion: added access to map boundary in bottom corners to enable block jumping as an alternative manuevering option
Version 1.0.3:
Changed As Above: reduced the number of boxes by making dividing boxes tall and take up an entire row in order to make the map's gimmick more relevant
Changed Cyclic: lowered upper boxes and spawns to make it easier for lower spawns to break and allow for the saw to disrupt upper levels; misc. tweaks
Changed Hyper Tubes: made the force zones less powerful
Changed Nostalgia: made lava hazards larger and added visual indicators; several misc. tweaks
Changed Orbitals: replaced bottom arrow with 2 diagonal arrows to fix initial spin and make fights at bottom more interesting
Changed So Below: made destructible boxes larger and gray blocks smaller to make the map's gimmick more relevant
Changed Weave: adjusted off-screen force zones to hopefully fix the initial spin
Version 1.0.2:
- Replace ReducePostFX with ToggleEffects
Version 1.0.1:
Changed Oribitals force zones to be more balanced
Tweaked Galleons spawns
Slowed down Division and Weave dynamic elements to be less frustrating
Various minor tweaks to positioning in Pinball Machine to be more symmetrical
Made So Below visual elements of bridge less ugly
Updated some README images
Version 1.0.0:
Added Coalesce, Weave, Division, As Above, and So Below
Added all missing map images to README
Version 0.11.1:
- Removed unecessary dependencies
Version 0.11.0:
Added Recursion, Revolution, and Enginery
Made decorative barrels on Nostalgia static
Version 0.10.1:
Fixed Trenches; scaled up the map ~4x to reduce the amount of map objects needed to load and to make it easier to manuever the map
Reworked Pinball Machine; made both bumpers more stable, added a second route on right side for balls to come from, added lava to both tubes to make balls more hazardous, doubled ball amount, tweaked minor placements
Reinforced Serpentine; should hopefully not just fall apart easily now; also added more platforms
Changed the box "barrels" at top right of Nostalgia to more 8-bit inspired barrel objects
Version 0.10.0:
Added Galleons, Trenches, Hyper Tubes, and Pinball Machine
Added ReducePostFX
Added some map images to README
Version 0.9.0:
- Added Flip Flop and Wipeout
Version 0.8.1:
Made Sinkhole sink much slower
Added watermark to Elementary
Added some map images to README
Version 0.8.0:
- Added Elementary and Sinkhole V2 - will be keeping an eye on Sinkhole.
Version 0.7.1:
- Fixed some issues with barrels on Nostalgia
Version 0.7.0:
- Added Nostalgia
Version 0.6.4:
- Removed Sinkhole for being unstable
Version 0.6.3:
Tweaked Lurch lower platform height and Broadside left seamine
Added README GIFs and misc. adjustments
Version 0.6.2:
- Tweaked Magmatic spawns
Version 0.6.1:
- Updated map images
Version 0.6.0:
Added Overhaul, Broadside, Sinkhole, Probability, and Magmatic
Made all maps 8-player compatible
Version 0.5.1:
- Updated map images
Version 0.5.0:
Added Balance and Lurch
Reworked Orbitals
Tweaked Serpentine and Oscillating
Version 0.4.4:
Added map descriptions
Started actually using Markdown Preview
Version 0.4.3:
- Tweaked all 4 maps and added README changelog
Version 0.4.2:
Tweaked Oscillating and Serpentine
Fixed Discord Links
Version 0.4.1:
- Fixed README
Version 0.4.0:
Added Oscillating
Added README map images
Version 0.3.1:
- Tweaked README
Version 0.3.0:
Tweaked Serpentine
Added Performance Improvements mod for screen shake issues
Version 0.2.0:
- Reworked Orbitals and Serpentine
Version 0.1.1:
- Tweaked Orbitals and Cyclic
Version 0.1.0:
- Added Cyclic
Version 0.0.3:
Added Serpentine
Tweaked Orbitals
Added map watermarks
Version 0.0.2:
- Tweaked Orbitals and README
Version 0.0.1:
- Added Orbitals