Overhaul ModPack
An overhaul modpack that includes mods that enhance just about every aspect of the game. SEE WEBSITE OR README FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION SUCH AS SETTINGS AND FAQ.
NOTE: Since some updates may remove mods, you should use a fresh profile on such updates to avoid having unwanted mods while you play.
Version 1.9.1:
Added DamageTracker, MapImageObjects and ClientSideBlock
Removed DamageIndicators
Disabled the Fovea Peturbation curse
Made Lag Compensator off by default
Updated dependencies
Version 1.9.0:
Added ChaosPoppysCards
Removed PickupsPlus (It's neat but doesn't fit the gameplay style I'm aiming for in this pack)
Removed SuperSmashMaps, XeddarMaps, BPP Maps, EggFriedMaps, FishMaps, and WillsWackyMaps (An attempt to remove all old non-updated maps to avoid issues)
Removed CardsPlus and EXC (A mix due to them adding small amounts of cards, some problematic, and being older mods that likely won't see updates; will help reduce bloat)
Updates dependencies and tweaked outdated README lines
Version 1.8.0:
Updated several dependencies
Removed StickFightMaps (historically problematic)
Added Port of FFC
Version 1.7.2:
- Oops forgot to also remove Rarity/Theme Toggle (depreciated)
Version 1.7.1:
Removed Anymaps (bloat, not a lot of maps)
Updated so many dependencies
Version 1.7.0:
- Added RoundsWithFriendsSettingsUI, PickupsPlus (30 second spawn intervals), RikusCards & Extensions, RSClasses, and HDC
Version 1.6.3:
- Removed PlayerMarkers (bloat), removed ForceStatNumbers (bloat), and ControllerSupport (breaks local play)
Version 1.6.2:
Removed Duargra's maps, poppys_bigger_maps, URLFaceItems, FaceExporter, and ReducePostFX to remove bloat and issues once more
Added new Abra map expansions, Cursor Lock, and ToggleEffectsMod
Version 1.6.1:
- Removed MapNameDisplay (depreciated), TimeToGrindMaps, MapsPlus, and LMI in an attempt to remove more bloat and issues
Version 1.6.0:
Added TimeToGrind_Cards, FaceExporter, MapNameDisplay, and ControllerSupport
Card Draw delay 0.1s -> 0.05s
Version 1.5.1:
Removed UltimateChickenHorseMaps, CustomizationInSandbox, and all map editor mods in an attempt to remove bloat from the pack
RoundStartTimer delay from 0.5s -> 1s
Version 1.5.0:
Added AbrasMagicMaps, AttackLevelPatch, WillsWackyGameModes, and ZOMC
Removed RACD (had huge bias towards rarities with small card pools)
Mod now uses default card rates with decreased odds for Trinket cards
RoundStartTimer delay from 1.5s -> 0.5s
Version 1.4.1:
Removed TabIn
Made Card Bar more compact
Version 1.4.0:
Added Arcana and GearUpCards
Added EggFriedMapPack, TTGMaps, AnyMaps, and UltimateChickenHorseMaps
Added LMI, CatInfo, TabIn, and CustomizationInSandBox
Added ProjectilesToSpawnNumber, PlayerTimeScale, RarityBundle, SimulationChamber, RACD, StopShootingYoureDead, GunBodyRecoilPatch, and AllThePatch
Removed PlayerColors
Made card rates default (RACD should do the job for me)
Version 1.3.0:
Added PickTimer (disabled by default)
Added ReducePostFX as a faster way to do recommended settings for Overhaul Maps (please use this)
Added CursorLock
Added CardMagnifier
Added XeddarsMaps, Duargra's Maps, NiMaps, and FishmanMaps
Added NullManager, GunChargePatch, and PlayerInputManager
Changed number of cards drawn from 7 -> 8, reduced draw time from 0.2s -> 0.15s
Version 1.2.2:
Removed Root Maps (issues syncing in multiplayer)
Disabled Glitch cards (some issues and also not popular card picks)
Added Overhaul Maps (please for the love of God reduce your screen shake and chromatic abberations)
Version 1.2.1:
Missed some dependencies, whoops. Should all be good now.
Removed CM Maps (Not really the right vibe for the pack).
Version 1.2.0:
FIXED THE LAG (Removed Statistics Mod)
Added Root Cards and Root Maps
Added Root Vanilla Maps
Added BPP Cards and BPP Maps
Added RSCards
Changed rounds per match from 8 -> 5 (default)
Tweaked card rates
Version 1.1.1:
Added GravityPatch, RegenPatch, VanillaCardsPatch, and ThemeToggle
Enabled WWM cards (Reroll & Table Flip)
Redid card rates; now all cards have equal rates of appearing because the bias was too strong
Reduced card picks from 3 to 2 for a smoother progression curve
Version 1.1.0:
Added CM Maps
Added Cards+
Added Rarity Toggle
Added Map Shuffler
Added BossSlothCards
Added WillsWackyCards
Tweaked Card Rates, Rarity, Available Cards, and Card Picks per round.
Overhauled README
Version 1.0.3:
- Okay I think I got it this time
Version 1.0.2:
- Fixed issue with manifest file (whoops)
Version 1.0.1:
Added DefaultConfigs; the modpack should properly work as intended now.
Added CrosshairForAll; quality of life for controller users and allows extra customization.
Added URL-Face-Items; additional customization
Added ForceStatNumbers; a patch for consistency between mod stat numbers