Decompiled source of BPTracker v2.0.1


Decompiled 7 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using BPTracker;
using Il2CppRUMBLE.Interactions.InteractionBase;
using Il2CppRUMBLE.Social.Phone;
using Il2CppSystem;
using MelonLoader;
using UnityEngine;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: MelonInfo(typeof(BPTrackerClass), "BPTracker", "2.0.1", "Baumritter", null)]
[assembly: MelonGame("Buckethead Entertainment", "RUMBLE")]
[assembly: VerifyLoaderVersion(0, 6, 4, true)]
[assembly: MelonColor(200, 0, 200, 0)]
[assembly: MelonAuthorColor(200, 0, 200, 0)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("BPTracker")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("BPTracker")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2024")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("caa17032-5000-4195-b343-c26492084360")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("2.0.1")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace BPTracker;

internal class Delay
	private readonly bool debug = false;

	private DateTime debugTime;

	private object CRObj;

	public string name;

	private bool Running = false;

	public bool Done = false;

	private DateTime StartTime;

	private double Wait;

	public void Delay_Start(double WaitTime, bool AllowRetrigger = false)
		if (!Running || AllowRetrigger)
			if (Running)
			Done = false;
			Wait = WaitTime;
			StartTime = DateTime.Now;
			debugTime = DateTime.Now;
			CRObj = MelonCoroutines.Start(WaitLoop());
			if (debug)
				MelonLogger.Msg(name + " - Started");

	public void Delay_Stop(bool Done = false)
		if (Done)
			this.Done = true;
		if (Running)
		Running = false;
		if (debug && Done)
			MelonLogger.Msg(name + " - Done");
		if (debug && !Done)
			MelonLogger.Msg(name + " - Stopped");
		TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - debugTime;
		if (debug && Done)
			MelonLogger.Msg(name + " - " + timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds);

	private IEnumerator WaitLoop()
		WaitForFixedUpdate waitForFixedUpdate = new WaitForFixedUpdate();
		Running = true;
		while (true)
			if (DateTime.Now >= StartTime.AddSeconds(Wait))
				Delay_Stop(Done: true);
				yield return null;
			yield return waitForFixedUpdate;
internal class Folders
	private readonly bool debug = false;

	private string UserData = "UserData";

	private string ModFolder;

	private List<string> SubFolders = new List<string>();

	public void SetModFolderCustom(string ModName)
		ModFolder = ModName;
		if (debug)
			MelonLogger.Msg("Set ModFolder to " + ModFolder);

	public void SetModFolderNamespace()
		ModFolder = GetType().Namespace;
		if (debug)
			MelonLogger.Msg("Set ModFolder to " + ModFolder);

	public void AddSubFolder(string FolderName)
		if (debug)
			MelonLogger.Msg("Added Subfolder " + FolderName);

	public void RemoveSubFolder(string FolderName)
		if (debug)
			MelonLogger.Msg("Removed Subfolder " + FolderName);

	public void CheckAllFoldersExist()
		if (SubFolders.Count <= 0)
		foreach (string subFolder in SubFolders)

	public void RemoveOtherFolders()
		if (debug)
			MelonLogger.Msg("Folder Removal: Start");
		string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(GetFolderString("", IgnoreList: true));
		string[] array = directories;
		foreach (string text in array)
			if (debug)
			string text2 = text.Split(new char[1] { '\\' })[^1];
			if (CheckIfFolderInList(text2))
				Directory.Delete(GetFolderString(text2, IgnoreList: true), recursive: true);
				if (debug)
					MelonLogger.Msg("Deleted: " + GetFolderString(text2, IgnoreList: true));
		if (debug)
			MelonLogger.Msg("Folder Removal: End");

	private string GetFolderString(string SubFolder = "", bool IgnoreList = false)
		string text = UserData + "\\" + ModFolder;
		if (SubFolder != "" && (SubFolders.Contains(SubFolder) || IgnoreList))
			text = ((!IgnoreList) ? (text + "\\" + SubFolders.FirstOrDefault((string x) => x.Contains(SubFolder))) : (text + "\\" + SubFolder));
			if (debug)
				MelonLogger.Msg("Generated Path: " + text);
		else if (debug)
			MelonLogger.Msg("Generated Path with no SubFolder: " + text);
		return text;

	private void CreateFolderIfNotExisting(string Path)
		if (debug && !Directory.Exists(Path))
			MelonLogger.Msg("Path doesn't exist: " + Path);
		else if (debug && Directory.Exists(Path))
			MelonLogger.Msg("Path does exist: " + Path);
		if (!Directory.Exists(Path))

	private bool CheckIfFolderInList(string FolderName)
		bool flag = false;
		string folderString = GetFolderString(FolderName, IgnoreList: true);
		if (!SubFolders.Contains(FolderName) && Directory.Exists(folderString))
			flag = true;
		if (debug && flag)
			MelonLogger.Msg("Folder not in List " + folderString);
		else if (debug && !flag)
			MelonLogger.Msg("Folder in List " + folderString);
		return flag;
public static class BuildInfo
	public const string ModName = "BPTracker";

	public const string ModVersion = "2.0.1";

	public const string Description = "Tracks BP";

	public const string Author = "Baumritter";

	public const string Company = "";
public class PlayerInfo
	private readonly string listseparator = ",";

	public string Username { get; set; }

	public string BattlePoints { get; set; }

	public string Platform { get; set; }

	public string UserID { get; set; }

	public string BPChangeTime { get; set; }

	public string ReturnFileString()
		return BattlePoints + listseparator + Username + listseparator + Platform + listseparator + UserID + listseparator + BPChangeTime + Environment.NewLine;

	public void SanitizeName(string Input)
		bool flag = false;
		char[] array = Input.ToCharArray();
		string text = "";
		if (Input.Contains("<u>"))
			Input.Replace("<u>", "");
		if (Input.Contains(","))
			Input.Replace(",", "");
		for (int i = 0; i < Input.Length; i++)
			if (array[i] == '<' && i != Input.Length && (array[i + 1] == '#' || array[i + 1] == 'c'))
				flag = true;
			if (!flag)
				text += array[i];
			if (array[i] == '>')
				flag = false;
		Username = text;
public class BPTrackerClass : MelonMod
	private const double SceneDelay = 5.0;

	private const double RecentDelay = 5.0;

	private const string LogFilePath = "UserData\\BPTracker\\Logs\\BPList.csv";

	private const string FriendList = "/Telephone 2.0 REDUX special edition/Friend Screen/Player Tags/";

	private const string PageDown = "/Telephone 2.0 REDUX special edition/Friend Screen/Friend Scroll Bar/PageDownButton/Button";

	private const string PageUp = "/Telephone 2.0 REDUX special edition/Friend Screen/Friend Scroll Bar/PageUpButton/Button";

	private const string ScrollDown = "/Telephone 2.0 REDUX special edition/Friend Screen/Friend Scroll Bar/ScrollDownButton/Button";

	private const string ScrollUp = "/Telephone 2.0 REDUX special edition/Friend Screen/Friend Scroll Bar/ScrollUpButton/Button";

	private const string RecentList = "/Telephone 2.0 REDUX special edition/Recent Screen/Player Tags/";

	private const string SlidingObject = "/Telephone 2.0 REDUX special edition/Recent Screen";

	private const string ParkPrefix = "________________LOGIC__________________ /Heinhouwser products";

	private const string GymPrefix = "--------------LOGIC--------------/Heinhouser products";

	private const string Leaderboard = "--------------LOGIC--------------/Heinhouser products/Leaderboard/Player Tags/";

	private readonly bool debug = false;

	private bool friendlistbuttonstate = false;

	private bool friendlistbuttonwait = false;

	private bool scenechanged = false;

	private bool recentleverlockout = false;

	private bool prefixlockout = false;

	private bool logfileerror = false;

	private string currentScene = "";

	private string objprefix = "";

	private PlayerInfo InfoObj;

	private PlayerTag playertag;

	private PhonePage phonepage;

	private InteractionButton b1;

	private InteractionButton b2;

	private InteractionButton b3;

	private InteractionButton b4;

	private Delay Delay_SceneLoad = new Delay
		name = "LoadDelay"

	private Delay Delay_RecentBoard = new Delay
		name = "RecentDelay"

	private Folders folders = new Folders();

	private string[] Tags = new string[6];

	private string[] Tags2 = new string[6];

	public override void OnLateInitializeMelon()
		Tags[0] = "Player Tag 2.0";
		Tags[1] = "Player Tag 2.0 (1)";
		Tags[2] = "Player Tag 2.0 (2)";
		Tags[3] = "Player Tag 2.0 (3)";
		Tags[4] = "Player Tag 2.0 (4)";
		Tags[5] = "Player Tag 2.0 (5)";
		Tags2[0] = "HighscoreTag/";
		Tags2[1] = "HighscoreTag (1)/";
		Tags2[2] = "HighscoreTag (2)/";
		Tags2[3] = "HighscoreTag (3)/";
		Tags2[4] = "HighscoreTag (4)/";
		Tags2[5] = "PersonalHighscoreTag/";

	public override void OnUpdate()
		if (logfileerror)
			if (!(currentScene == "Gym") && !(currentScene == "Park"))
			if (!(friendlistbuttonstate | scenechanged | Delay_RecentBoard.Done) || !Delay_SceneLoad.Done)
			if (scenechanged && currentScene == "Gym")
				for (int i = 0; i < Tags.Length; i++)
					InfoObj = GetFromBoardList("--------------LOGIC--------------/Heinhouser products/Leaderboard/Player Tags/" + Tags2[i] + Tags[0]);
					if (InfoObj != null)
						if (logfileerror)
				scenechanged = false;
				if (debug)
					MelonLogger.Msg("Leaderboard Checked.");
			if (friendlistbuttonstate)
				for (int j = 0; j < Tags.Length; j++)
					InfoObj = GetFromBoardList(objprefix + "/Telephone 2.0 REDUX special edition/Friend Screen/Player Tags/" + Tags[j]);
					if (InfoObj != null)
						if (logfileerror)
				friendlistbuttonstate = false;
				if (debug)
					MelonLogger.Msg("Friend Board Checked.");
			if (Delay_RecentBoard.Done)
				for (int k = 0; k < Tags.Length; k++)
					InfoObj = GetFromBoardList(objprefix + "/Telephone 2.0 REDUX special edition/Recent Screen/Player Tags/" + Tags[k]);
					if (InfoObj != null)
						if (logfileerror)
				Delay_RecentBoard.Done = false;
				if (debug)
					MelonLogger.Msg("Recent Board Checked");
			if (debug)
				MelonLogger.Msg("Something evaluated.");
			if ((friendlistbuttonstate | scenechanged | Delay_RecentBoard.Done) && Delay_SceneLoad.Done && debug)
				MelonLogger.Msg("Try Failed.");

	public PlayerInfo GetFromBoardList(string TagString)
		PlayerInfo playerInfo = new PlayerInfo();
		playertag = GameObject.Find(TagString).GetComponent<PlayerTag>();
		if (playertag.UserData != null && ((Behaviour)playertag).isActiveAndEnabled)
			playerInfo.BattlePoints = playertag.UserData.battlePoints.ToString();
			playerInfo.UserID = playertag.UserData.playFabId.ToString();
			switch (playertag.UserData.platformId)
			case 'O':
				playerInfo.Platform = "Oculus";
			case 'S':
				playerInfo.Platform = "Steam";
				playerInfo.Platform = "Unknown";
			playerInfo = null;
		return playerInfo;

	public void GetFriendListButtonStatus()
		b1 = GameObject.Find(objprefix + "/Telephone 2.0 REDUX special edition/Friend Screen/Friend Scroll Bar/ScrollUpButton/Button").GetComponent<InteractionButton>();
		b2 = GameObject.Find(objprefix + "/Telephone 2.0 REDUX special edition/Friend Screen/Friend Scroll Bar/ScrollDownButton/Button").GetComponent<InteractionButton>();
		b3 = GameObject.Find(objprefix + "/Telephone 2.0 REDUX special edition/Friend Screen/Friend Scroll Bar/PageUpButton/Button").GetComponent<InteractionButton>();
		b4 = GameObject.Find(objprefix + "/Telephone 2.0 REDUX special edition/Friend Screen/Friend Scroll Bar/PageDownButton/Button").GetComponent<InteractionButton>();
		if (!b1.isPressed && !b2.isPressed && !b3.isPressed && !b4.isPressed && !friendlistbuttonwait)
			friendlistbuttonwait = true;
			if (debug)
				MelonLogger.Msg("No Button pressed.");
		if ((b1.isPressed || b2.isPressed || b3.isPressed || b4.isPressed) && !friendlistbuttonstate && friendlistbuttonwait)
			friendlistbuttonwait = false;
			friendlistbuttonstate = true;
			if (debug)
				MelonLogger.Msg("Button pressed.");

	public void GetRecentPageStatus()
		phonepage = GameObject.Find(objprefix + "/Telephone 2.0 REDUX special edition/Recent Screen").GetComponent<PhonePage>();
		if (!phonepage.pagePositionIsUpdating && !phonepage.pageActivated && recentleverlockout)
			Delay_RecentBoard.Done = false;
			recentleverlockout = false;
		if (!phonepage.pagePositionIsUpdating && phonepage.pageActivated && !Delay_RecentBoard.Done && !recentleverlockout)
			recentleverlockout = true;

	public void SwapPrefix()
		if (!scenechanged || prefixlockout)
		string text = currentScene;
		string text2 = text;
		if (!(text2 == "Gym"))
			if (text2 == "Park")
				objprefix = "________________LOGIC__________________ /Heinhouwser products";
				prefixlockout = true;
				scenechanged = false;
				if (debug)
					MelonLogger.Msg("Prefix changed to Park.");
			objprefix = "--------------LOGIC--------------/Heinhouser products";
			prefixlockout = true;
			if (debug)
				MelonLogger.Msg("Prefix changed to Gym.");

	public void SearchandReplaceInFile(PlayerInfo Input)
		//IL_00a8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		//IL_00ad: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
		int num = -1;
		int num2 = 0;
		if (File.Exists("UserData\\BPTracker\\Logs\\BPList.csv"))
			string[] array;
				array = File.ReadAllLines("UserData\\BPTracker\\Logs\\BPList.csv");
				logfileerror = true;
			string[] array2 = array;
			foreach (string text in array2)
				if (text.Contains(Input.UserID))
					num = num2;
			if (num != -1)
				if (!array[num].Contains(Input.BattlePoints))
					DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
					Input.BPChangeTime = ((object)(DateTime)(ref now)).ToString();
					array[num] = Input.ReturnFileString();
					File.WriteAllLines("UserData\\BPTracker\\Logs\\BPList.csv", array);
					if (debug)
						MelonLogger.Msg("Changed: " + Input.UserID + " " + Input.Username + " " + Input.BattlePoints + " in Line: " + num);
				else if (debug)
					MelonLogger.Msg("Changed Nothing in Line " + num);
				Input.BPChangeTime = "New Entry";
				File.AppendAllText("UserData\\BPTracker\\Logs\\BPList.csv", Input.ReturnFileString());
				if (debug)
					MelonLogger.Msg("Appended: " + Input.UserID + " " + Input.Username + " " + Input.BattlePoints);
			Input.BPChangeTime = "New Entry";
			File.AppendAllText("UserData\\BPTracker\\Logs\\BPList.csv", "BP,Name,Platform,UserID,LastChange" + Environment.NewLine);
			File.AppendAllText("UserData\\BPTracker\\Logs\\BPList.csv", Input.ReturnFileString());
			if (debug)
				MelonLogger.Msg("NF Appended: " + Input.UserID + " " + Input.Username + " " + Input.BattlePoints);

	private void RemoveEmptyLinesFromFile()
		File.WriteAllLines("UserData\\BPTracker\\Logs\\BPList.csv", from l in File.ReadAllLines("UserData\\BPTracker\\Logs\\BPList.csv")
			where !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(l)
			select l);

	public override void OnSceneWasLoaded(int buildIndex, string sceneName)
		((MelonMod)this).OnSceneWasLoaded(buildIndex, sceneName);
		currentScene = sceneName;
		scenechanged = true;
		prefixlockout = false;
		logfileerror = false;
		if (debug)
			MelonLogger.Msg("Scene changed to " + currentScene.ToString() + " = " + scenechanged);