Version 1.1.0
- moved half of the code around to fix many issues
- fix and improved cosmetic
- fixed for game update 0.4.X
Version 1.0.2
- added a failsafe to avoid gym/pit unloading but no map loading
- added a check to avoid an error when no mutual maps are found
- fixed maps always being active in ModUI each time the game is opened
- structures will now automatically kill when under Y = -100, this is to avoid falling structures causing lag
- fancied up the logs a bit in the harmony patches to make it more obvious what's mine and what isn't, plus a few extra logs
Version 1.0.1
- added 2 failsafes incase PhysicMaterial is null when trying to use it
- added failsafe for gym multiload bug
- moved some loading into the Loader scene to hopefully fix GetPhysicsMaterial returning null
- removed unnecessary logs
- added some more smaller checks to avoid log spam/errors
- changes bounciness combine in PrimitivePhysicsMaterial
- code changes can be found over at https://github.com/Elmishhh/CustomMapLib/commit/32d6fcf4ede932bde89026b98c7fa06120a227ff
Version 1.0.0
- Created
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