Crone-SecureDoors icon


Hooks up the keypad protected doors to the alarm system to prevent break ins.

By Crone
Last updated a month ago
Total downloads 542
Total rating 0 
Categories Mods Patch
Dependency string Crone-SecureDoors-1.0.1
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_IL2CPP-6.0.667 icon

BepInEx pack for IL2CPP Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 6.0.667


Crone's SecureDoors

Doors locked by keypad now trigger the security systems alarms when barged through.

Use the config file to set:

If every barge attempt, whether succesful or not, sets off the alarms.
If tresspassing is required. IE: for only internal doors.

Manual Installation

  • Ensure you have BepInEx BE installed
  • Extract the mod to ".\BepInEx\plugins", so you should have ".\BepInEx\plugins\SecureDoors\SecureDoors.dll"
  • Or just install through mod manager