Adds the 'Private Eye License' sync disk to the Weapons Locker. Allows for canvasing crime scenes without trespassing.
- Bugfix: the player should no longer become very tall and fall through the floor on the second upgrade of PrivateEye. (Fingers crossed. That one was weird)
- A new downside side-effect has been added to the Private-Eye sync disk. If you are persued while you have active fines, you will lose social credeit.
- The amount of social credit you will lose is a small percentage of your current fines, capping at 100 social credit.
- A player cannot go below 0 social credit.
- A configuration option has been added to the BepInEx config to be disable the new side-effect
- Previous functionality moved to the "upgrade 1" slot.
- Main Effect changed: The Enforcer guard on duty at a crime scene can be asked for a guest pass.
- Higher social credit affects the odds of success up to a 75% success rate.
- The "guard" is usually found standing against a wall after crime scene tape has been put up.
- A configuration option has been added to the BepInEx config to be able to change the price of the PrivateEye sync disk.
- A configuration option for the SocialCreditLevel for the max success rate of asking a guard for a pass has also been added.
- Fixed mod overwriting all other instances of sync disks.
- GuestPass will now generate upon walking into the crime scene. This allows it to work even if the sync disk was purchased after a murder was reported.
- Fixed folder structure of DDS content. SyncDisk text should now render.
- Initial Release