All mods

Increased Resource Spawns BZ
Mod to increase the spawn of resources in the world.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Creatures Flee Less BZ
When attacking creatures it makes them not run away at the smallest damage meaning hostile creatures care less about your silly little butter knife.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Increased Chunk Drops BZ
Allows you to set how many items will drop while breaking things like limestone, sandstone, etc.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Customize Your Spawns BZ
Allows you to change what and where creatures/chunks/deposits/fragments are spawned in the world base on biomes.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Charge Required BZ
Makes it so that when crafting things that require a battery as an ingredient to craft they will fail when trying to use a dead battery.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Tech Pistol BZ
Advanced Multipurpose Energy Pistol.
Last updated: 2 years ago
No Oxygen Warnings BZ
The game no longer will warn you when running out of O2 even in survival or freedom modes.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Power Order BZ
This mod allows you to prioritize types of power sources over others.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Custom Commands BZ
Adds some extra commands to the game.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Extra Options BZ
Some visual options from the F3 menu put into the mod menu, as well as a few extra to allow for clearer water and clearer surface occlusion.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Tool Inspection BZ
This mod allows you to press the i key while holding a tool and if the tool has an animation for the first time it is equipped then it will replay that animation for you.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Configurable Chunk Drops BZ
This mod allows to configure What drops from the different chunks in the game.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Persistent Commands BZ
Saves active status commands like and 'fastgrow' or 'fog' to your save file so you do not have to type them in every time you start your game.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Random Creature Size BZ
Randomize fishy sizes based on menu config min/max
Last updated: 2 years ago
Fabricator No Auto Close BZ
Stops the fabricator from closing while crafting so you can more easily select a follow up craft. Same thing as holding shift while crafting but automatic.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Improved Power Network BZ
Overhauls the power transmitter.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Gravtrap Storage BZ
This mod adds a few new features to the Gravtrap.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Base Deconstruct Fix BZ
Fix for Recipes when Deconstructing Corridor parts.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Base Legs Removal BZ
Very Basic mod with ingame config to disable certain base parts from making legs.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Base Kits BZ
This makes a new fabricator to make kits for base parts that can be used to build base parts from the single item kit instead of hauling all the mats.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Darker World BZ
Immersion mod to remove the annoying ability of every single thing to be seen in the dark including rocks.
Last updated: 2 years ago
No Mask BZ
Automatically removes the mask texture from around the screen that annoys some people. pretty much auto f6.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Pridenautica BZ
Rainbow all the fishies.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Extravagant Gifts
Makes the monkey thiefs bring you better stuff when you have a recipe pinned, and makes it so they are not limited in what they are allowed to bring (i.e. Ion Cubes)
Last updated: 2 years ago