A plugin for mass item collection with configurable settings and a debug mode.
v1.3.1 - Fix error when picking up a single item in the store
v1.3.0 - Pickup all trash at once Feature
- Added feature to pickup all trash at once, it's disabled by default, you can enable it in the config file
v1.2.1 - Fix collecting products when hitting thiefs
v1.2.0 - Mini Transporter product pickup
- Added support for picking up items using the Mini Transporter
v1.1.0 - Rightclick throw items
- Added rightclick to throw items around withouth picking them up
v1.0.1 - Update Readme
v1.0.0 - Initial Release
- Mass Item Collection: Enables players to sweep up multiple items at once.
- Configurable Options:
- Adjustable pickup radius and maximum items per sweep.
- Customizable pickup and spawn keys.
- Debug Mode: Adds special options for testing item spawning.
- Physical Feedback: Items are physically affected when collected.
- Debug mode is optional and can be toggled in the configuration.
- Includes compatibility with BepInEx 5.