LordAshes-LordAshesLicenseAgreement icon


Outlines what users can expect from Lord Ashes plugins and allows them to accept or reject those terms.

Last updated 2 months ago
Total downloads 88
Total rating 0 
Categories Tweaks Client-side Tools Integration
Dependency string LordAshes-LordAshesLicenseAgreement-1.0.0
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

LordAshes-FileAccessPlugin-1.7.2 icon

Provides standardized methods for accessing both local file and url resources. Automatically handles searching local folders for assets.

Preferred version: 1.7.2
LordAshes-LoggingPlugin-1.0.1 icon

Provides unified logging functionality

Preferred version: 1.0.1


Lord Ashes License Agreement (LaLa) Plugin

This unofficial Talespire plugin displays the License Agreement for Lord Ashes plugins and allows the user to either accept the terms or reject them. If the terms are accepted the acceptance is stored and Lord Ashes plugins are allowed to run. If the terms are disabled then Lord Ashes plugins are disabled.

Sorry to all users who already understood these terms and did not need this License Agreement to express the terms. This is needed for those users that go on a rampage or have a heart attack when plugins play pranks on them for violating the terms of their agreement.

As always, Lord Ashes plugin are always free but if you want to donate go to: http://lordashes.ca

Change Log

1.0.0: Initial release.


Use R2ModMan to install this plugin.

Note: Once the agreement is accepted, the plugin can be uninstalled. However, the plugin will do nothing (except check if the agreement has been signed on start) and then exit so leaving it installed should not create any issues.


If the agreement has not been previously accepted for the user, the agreement will come up. Press the next button after reading each page and then select either the Accept or Reject options.

Accept: You will need to restart Talespire but then you will get access to Lord Ashes plugins.

Reject: Your Talespire sesson will resume with Lord Ashes plugins disabled.

Note: Acceptance is based on Windows User Name (not Steam user). Each Windows User will need to accept the agreement, individually, to get the benefits.