CORE_API_TEAM-Configuration_Manager icon

Configuration Manager

An easy way to let user configure how a plugin behaves without the need to make your own GUI. [RUN BEPINEX ALONE ONCE BEFORE INSTALLING]

Last updated a day ago
Total downloads 71
Total rating 1 
Categories Tools Misc QOL
Dependency string CORE_API_TEAM-Configuration_Manager-18.3.2
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


Plugin / mod configuration manager for BepInEx

An easy way to let user configure how a plugin behaves without the need to make your own GUI. The user can change any of the settings you expose, even keyboard shortcuts.

The configuration manager can be accessed in-game by pressing the hotkey (by default F1). Hover over the setting names to see their descriptions, if any.

Configuration manager

How to use

There are two versions of this plugin, for BepInEx 5 (version 5.4.20 or newer, mono only) and BepInEx 6 (nightly build 664 or newer, IL2CPP only).

  • Install and configure the correct BepInEx version for your game (see above).
  • Download latest release for your BepInEx from the Releases.
  • Extract the plugin directly into your game directory, where the BepInEx folder is (the .dll should end up inside your BepInEx\Plugins folder).
  • Start the game and press F1.

Note: The .xml file include in the release zip is useful for plugin developers when referencing ConfigurationManager.dll in your plugin, it will provide descriptions for types and methods to your IDE. Users can ignore it.

How to make my mod compatible?

ConfigurationManager will automatically display all settings from your plugin's Config. All metadata (e.g. description, value range) will be used by ConfigurationManager to display the settings to the user.

In most cases you don't have to reference ConfigurationManager.dll or do anything special with your settings. Simply make sure to add as much metadata as possible (doing so will help all users, even if they use the config files directly). Always add descriptive section and key names, descriptions, and acceptable value lists or ranges (wherever applicable).

How to make my setting into a slider?

Specify AcceptableValueRange when creating your setting. If the range is 0f - 1f or 0 - 100 the slider will be shown as % (this can be overridden below).

CaptureWidth = Config.Bind("Section", "Key", 1, new ConfigDescription("Description", new AcceptableValueRange<int>(0, 100)));

How to make my setting into a drop-down list?

Specify AcceptableValueList when creating your setting. If you use an enum you don't need to specify AcceptableValueList, all of the enum values will be shown. If you want to hide some values, you will have to use the attribute.

Note: You can add System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute to your enum's items to override their displayed names. For example:

public enum MyEnum
    // Entry1 will be shown in the combo box as Entry1
    [Description("Entry2 will be shown in the combo box as this string")]

How to allow user to change my keyboard shorcuts / How to easily check for key presses?

Add a setting of type KeyboardShortcut. Use the value of this setting to check for inputs (recommend using IsDown) inside of your Update method.

The KeyboardShortcut class supports modifier keys - Shift, Control and Alt. They are properly handled, preventing common problems like K+Shift+Control triggering K+Shift when it shouldn't have.

private ConfigEntry<KeyboardShortcut> ShowCounter { get; set; }

public Constructor()
    ShowCounter = Config.Bind("Hotkeys", "Show FPS counter", new KeyboardShortcut(KeyCode.U, KeyCode.LeftShift));

private void Update()
    if (ShowCounter.Value.IsDown())
        // Handle the key press

Overriding default Configuration Manager behavior

You can change how a setting is shown inside the configuration manager window by passing an instance of a special class as a tag of the setting. The special class code can be downloaded here. Simply download the .cs file and drag it into your project.

  • You do not have to reference ConfigurationManager.dll for this to work.
  • The class will work as long as name of the class and declarations of its fields remain unchanged.
  • Avoid making the class public to prevent conflicts with other plugins. If you want to share it between your plugins either give each a copy, or move it to your custom namespace.
  • If the ConfigurationManager plugin is not installed in the game, this class will be safely ignored and your plugin will work as normal.

Here's an example of overriding order of settings and marking one of the settings as advanced:

// Override IsAdvanced and Order
Config.Bind("X", "1", 1, new ConfigDescription("", null, new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { IsAdvanced = true, Order = 3 }));
// Override only Order, IsAdvanced stays as the default value assigned by ConfigManager
Config.Bind("X", "2", 2, new ConfigDescription("", null, new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { Order = 1 }));
Config.Bind("X", "3", 3, new ConfigDescription("", null, new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { Order = 2 }));

How to make a custom editor for my setting?

If you are using a setting type that is not supported by ConfigurationManager, you can add a drawer Action for it. The Action will be executed inside OnGUI, use GUILayout to draw your setting as shown in the example below.

To use a custom seting drawer for an individual setting, use the CustomDrawer field in the attribute class. See above for more info on the attribute class.

void Start()
    // Add the drawer as a tag to this setting.
    Config.Bind("Section", "Key", "Some value" 
        new ConfigDescription("Desc", null, new ConfigurationManagerAttributes{ CustomDrawer = MyDrawer });

static void MyDrawer(BepInEx.Configuration.ConfigEntryBase entry)
    // Make sure to use GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true) to use all available space
    GUILayout.Label(entry.BoxedValue, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));

Add a custom editor globally

You can specify a drawer for all settings of a setting type. Do this by using ConfigurationManager.RegisterCustomSettingDrawer(Type, Action<SettingEntryBase>).

Warning: This requires you to reference ConfigurationManager.dll in your project and is not recommended unless you are sure all users will have it installed. It's usually better to use the above method to add the custom drawer to each setting individually instead.

void Start()
    ConfigurationManager.RegisterCustomSettingDrawer(typeof(MyType), CustomDrawer);

static void CustomDrawer(SettingEntryBase entry)
    GUILayout.Label((MyType)entry.Get(), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));

How to Install Mods:

Installing with a Mod Manager

This is the recommended way to install BepInEx to the game.

  1. Download and install Thunderstore Mod Manager or r2modman.
  2. Click the Install with Mod Manager button on the top of BepInEx's page.
  3. Run the game via the mod manager.

Installing Manually

  1. Install BepInEx or BepInEx by pressing 'Manual Download' and extract the contents into a folder. Do not extract into the game folder!
  2. Move the contents of the extracted folder into the game folder (where the game executable is).
  3. Run the game. If everything was done correctly, you will see the BepInEx console appear on your desktop. Close the game after it finishes loading.
  4. Place all Plugins into BepInEx/plugins in their own unique folder some zips contain a folder labeled Plugins at root, you need to go a folder in than put that into the plugins folder.

Mac & Linux:

  1. Follow the steps here first: Here
  2. Next do step 4 of the Manual Installation
  3. Your game should be setup for inscryption modding now

Installing on the Steam Deck (Note You may need to modify this setup if its found to be wrong, If it is, this file should be updated to cover such.)

  1. Download BepInEx
  2. Go to Installed Files click Browse to open the folder containing The Game's local files; Put the contents Of the zip in this folder.
  3. Download the mods you plan on using and their dependencies, You will need to unzip them.
  4. Make a folder for each plugin than place them in BepInEx/plugins.
  5. Enter Gaming Mode and check 'Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool' in the Properties menu under Compatibility.
  6. Go to the launch parameters and enter WINEDLLOVERRIDES=“winhttp.dll=n,b” %command%.
  7. Open the Game. If everything was done correctly, you should see a console appear on your screen.