Decompiled source of ContainerResizer v1.0.2


Decompiled a year ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using ContainerResizer.Assets;
using ContainerResizer.Components;
using ContainerResizer.Network;
using ContainerResizer.Objects;
using ContainerResizer.Systems;
using HarmonyLib;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Mirror;
using Mirror.RemoteCalls;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using VLB;

[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: Guid("3D348066-65A5-4A6D-9281-03F13F85F052")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2024")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("ContainerResizer")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Resize individual chests on-the-fly to restrict how a chest can hold.")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("ContainerResizer")]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Vapok Gaming")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace ContainerResizer
	[BepInPlugin("com.vapok.ContainerResizer", "ContainerResizer", "1.0.2")]
	public class ContainerResizer : BaseUnityPlugin
		private const string MyGUID = "com.vapok.ContainerResizer";

		private const string PluginName = "ContainerResizer";

		private const string VersionString = "1.0.2";

		public static ManualLogSource Log = new ManualLogSource("ContainerResizer");

		public static readonly TTModAssets Assets = new TTModAssets();

		private static ContainerResizer _instance;

		private static Harmony _harmony = new Harmony("com.vapok.ContainerResizer");

		private string _saveFolder = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "ContainerResizer");

		public MachineInstanceList<ChestInstance, ChestDefinition> ChestManager;

		public static ContainerResizer Instance => _instance;

		private void Awake()
			((Object)((Component)this).gameObject).hideFlags = (HideFlags)61;
			_instance = this;
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"ContainerResizer [1.0.2] is loading...");
			Log = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger;

		private void LoadAssets()
			AssetBundle val = Utils.LoadAssetBundle("vapokttmods");
			Assets.LabeledSlider = val.LoadAsset<GameObject>("LabeledSliderWithValue");
	public static class Utils
		public static AssetBundle LoadAssetBundle(string filename, bool loadFromPath = false)
			if (loadFromPath)
				string assetPath = GetAssetPath(filename);
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath))
					return AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(assetPath);
			Assembly callingAssembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
			return AssetBundle.LoadFromStream(callingAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(callingAssembly.GetName().Name + ".Assets." + filename));

		public static string GetAssetPath(string assetName)
			string text = Path.Combine(Paths.PluginPath, "ContainerResizer", assetName);
			if (!File.Exists(text))
				text = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(ContainerResizer).Assembly.Location) ?? string.Empty, assetName);
				if (!File.Exists(text))
					ContainerResizer.Log.LogError((object)("Could not find asset (" + assetName + ")"));
					return null;
			return text;

		public static Sprite LoadNewSprite(string filePath, float pixelsPerUnit = 100f, SpriteMeshType spriteType = 1)
			//IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Texture2D val = LoadTexture(filePath);
			return Sprite.Create(val, new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)((Texture)val).width, (float)((Texture)val).height), new Vector2(0f, 0f), pixelsPerUnit, 0u, spriteType);

		public static Texture2D LoadTexture(string filePath)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0017: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (File.Exists(filePath))
				byte[] array = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
				Texture2D val = new Texture2D(2, 2);
				if (ImageConversion.LoadImage(val, array))
					return val;
			return null;
namespace ContainerResizer.Systems
	public static class ContainerManager
		private static readonly Dictionary<uint, ContainerRecord> _containerRegistry = new Dictionary<uint, ContainerRecord>();

		private static string _saveFolder = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "ContainerResizer");

		public static bool TryGetContainer(uint instanceId, out ContainerRecord record)
			record = null;
			if (!_containerRegistry.ContainsKey(instanceId))
				return false;
			record = _containerRegistry[instanceId];
			return true;

		public static bool AddContainer(uint instanceId, int index, ChestInstance chest, out ContainerRecord record)
			//IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			record = null;
			if (_containerRegistry.ContainsKey(instanceId))
				record = _containerRegistry[instanceId];
				return false;
			record = new ContainerRecord(instanceId, index, chest);
			_containerRegistry.Add(instanceId, record);
			return true;

		public static bool RemoveContainer(uint instanceId)
			if (_containerRegistry.ContainsKey(instanceId))
			return !_containerRegistry.ContainsKey(instanceId);

		public static bool IsInContainerRegistry(uint instanceId)
			return _containerRegistry.ContainsKey(instanceId);

		public static int RegistryCount()
			return _containerRegistry.Count;

		public static bool TryResizeChest(uint instanceId, int newSlotSize, out int newMinimumSlots)
			bool result = false;
			newMinimumSlots = 0;
			if (TryGetContainer(instanceId, out var record))
				result = TryResizeChest(record.IndexId, newSlotSize, out var _);
			return result;

		public static bool TryResizeChest(int machineIndex, int newSlotSize, out int newMinimumSlots)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return TryResizeChest(MachineManager.instance.GetMachineList<ChestInstance, ChestDefinition>((MachineTypeEnum)3).GetIndex(machineIndex), newSlotSize, out newMinimumSlots);

		public static bool TryResizeChest(ChestInstance chest, int newSlotSize, out int newMinimumSlots)
			//IL_0003: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0004: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0026: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0027: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0031: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0032: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0067: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0094: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0095: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00af: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00e0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00e1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00f7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00f8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_010d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_010e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			newMinimumSlots = 0;
			if (chest.commonInfo.instanceId == 0)
				return false;
			if (!TryGetContainer(chest.commonInfo.instanceId, out var record))
				AddContainer(chest.commonInfo.instanceId, chest.commonInfo.index, chest, out record);
			if (chest.commonInfo.inventories[0].numSlots == newSlotSize)
				return false;
			chest.commonInfo.inventories[0].numSlots = newSlotSize;
			Array.Resize(ref chest.commonInfo.inventories[0].myStacks, chest.commonInfo.inventories[0].numSlots);
			Array.Resize(ref chest.commonInfo.inventories[0].customSlotOverrides, chest.commonInfo.inventories[0].numSlots);
			((Inventory)(ref chest.commonInfo.inventories[0])).SortAndConsolidate();
			newMinimumSlots = chest.commonInfo.inventories[0].numSlots - ((Inventory)(ref chest.commonInfo.inventories[0])).GetNumberOfEmptySlots();
			if (ContainerNetwork.IsServer)
				ContainerNetwork.Instance.UpdateContainerFromServer(record.InstanceId, record.SlotCount);
			return true;

		public static List<ContainerRecord> ExportRegistry()
			List<ContainerRecord> list = new List<ContainerRecord>();
			foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, ContainerRecord> item in _containerRegistry)
			return list;

		public static void ImportRegistry(List<ContainerRecord> importedRecords)
			foreach (ContainerRecord importedRecord in importedRecords)
				_containerRegistry.Add(importedRecord.InstanceId, importedRecord);

		public static void ImportRegistry(List<string> importedRecords)
			foreach (string importedRecord in importedRecords)
				ContainerRecord containerRecord = new ContainerRecord(importedRecord);
				_containerRegistry.Add(containerRecord.InstanceId, containerRecord);

		public static void SaveRegistry(string worldName)
			if (_containerRegistry != null)
				string path = Path.Combine(_saveFolder, worldName + ".bin");
				BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
				FileStream fileStream = File.Create(path);
				ContainerResizer.Log.LogDebug((object)("Saving Container Registry to " + worldName + ".bin"));
				binaryFormatter.Serialize(fileStream, _containerRegistry);

		public static void LoadRegistry(string worldName)
			string path = Path.Combine(_saveFolder, worldName + ".bin");
			if (!File.Exists(path))
			ContainerResizer.Log.LogDebug((object)("Loading Container Registry from " + worldName + ".bin"));
				BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
				FileStream fileStream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open);
				Dictionary<uint, ContainerRecord> dictionary = binaryFormatter.Deserialize(fileStream) as Dictionary<uint, ContainerRecord>;
				if (dictionary == null)
				foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, ContainerRecord> item in dictionary)
					_containerRegistry[item.Key] = item.Value;
			catch (Exception ex)
				ContainerResizer.Log.LogError((object)("Unable to Load Container Registry: " + ex.Message));
namespace ContainerResizer.Patches
	public static class InventoryNavigatorPatches
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(InventoryNavigator), "Open")]
		public static class InventoryNavigatorOpen
			public static void Prefix(InventoryNavigator __instance, MachineInstanceRef<ChestInstance> machineRef)
				//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				Utils.GetOrAddComponent<SliderComponent>((MonoBehaviour)(object)__instance).OpenChest(machineRef, __instance);

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(InventoryNavigator), "OnClose")]
		public static class InventoryNavigatorOnClose
			public static void Postfix(InventoryNavigator __instance)
	public static class MachineDefinitionPatches
		[HarmonyPatch(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
		public static class MachineDefinitionBuildTypedInstancePatch
			public static void Postfix(MachineDefinition<ChestInstance, ChestDefinition> __instance, ref ChestInstance newInstance)
				//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0015: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0046: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_005a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				ChestInstance val = newInstance;
				int index = __instance.myMachineList.curCount - 1;
				if (!ContainerManager.TryGetContainer(val.commonInfo.instanceId, out var record))
					ContainerManager.AddContainer(val.commonInfo.instanceId, index, val, out record);
					ContainerRecord containerRecord = record;
					Vector2Int val2 = ((BuilderInfo)__instance).inventorySizes[0];
					int x = ((Vector2Int)(ref val2)).x;
					val2 = ((BuilderInfo)__instance).inventorySizes[0];
					containerRecord.OriginalSlotCount = x * ((Vector2Int)(ref val2)).y;
				ContainerManager.TryResizeChest(val, record.SlotCount, out var _);

		[HarmonyPatch(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
		public static class MachineDefinitionOnDeconstruct
			public static void Postfix(ref ChestInstance erasedInstance)
	public static class NetworkIdentityPatches
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(NetworkIdentity), "Awake")]
		public static class NetworkIdentityAwakeChanges
			public static void Prefix(NetworkIdentity __instance)
	public static class SaveStatePatches
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SaveState), "LoadFileData", new Type[]
		public static class SaveStateLoadFileData
			public static void Postfix(SaveState __instance, SaveMetadata saveMetadata)

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SaveState), "SaveToFile")]
		public static class SaveStateSaveToFile
			public static void Postfix(SaveState __instance)
				if (__instance != null && __instance.metadata?.worldName != null)
namespace ContainerResizer.Objects
	public class ContainerRecord
		private uint _instanceId;

		private int _indexId;

		private int _slotCount;

		private int _originalSlotCount;

		public bool AdjustedSlotCount => SlotCount != OriginalSlotCount;

		public int OriginalSlotCount
				return _originalSlotCount;
				_originalSlotCount = value;

		public int SlotCount => _slotCount;

		public int IndexId => _indexId;

		public uint InstanceId => _instanceId;

		public ContainerRecord(ChestInstance chest)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0018: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0019: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0045: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0046: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			_instanceId = chest.commonInfo.instanceId;
			_indexId = chest.commonInfo.index;
			_slotCount = chest.commonInfo.inventories[0].numSlots;
			OriginalSlotCount = chest.commonInfo.inventories[0].numSlots;

		public ContainerRecord(uint instanceID, int index, ChestInstance chest)
			//IL_0015: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0031: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0032: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			_instanceId = instanceID;
			_indexId = index;
			_slotCount = chest.commonInfo.inventories[0].numSlots;
			OriginalSlotCount = chest.commonInfo.inventories[0].numSlots;

		public ContainerRecord(uint instanceID, int index, int slotCount, int originalSlotCount)
			_instanceId = instanceID;
			_indexId = index;
			_slotCount = slotCount;
			OriginalSlotCount = originalSlotCount;

		public ContainerRecord(string csvValue)
			string[] array = csvValue.Split(new char[1] { ',' });
			_instanceId = uint.Parse(array[0]);
			_indexId = int.Parse(array[1]);
			_slotCount = int.Parse(array[2]);
			OriginalSlotCount = int.Parse(array[3]);

		public void SetSlotCount(int newSlotCount)
			_slotCount = newSlotCount;

		public int GetMaxSlots()
			return OriginalSlotCount;

		public override string ToString()
			return $"{_instanceId},{_indexId},{_slotCount},{_originalSlotCount}";
namespace ContainerResizer.Network
	public class ContainerNetwork : NetworkBehaviour
		private static bool _isClient;

		private static bool _isServer;

		private static bool _isLocal;

		private static ContainerNetwork _instance;

		public string NetworkID;

		public PlatformUserId playerID;

		private HashSet<NetworkConnection> _clients = new HashSet<NetworkConnection>();

		public static bool IsClient => _isClient;

		public static bool IsServer => _isServer;

		public static bool IsLocal => _isLocal;

		public static ContainerNetwork Instance => _instance;

		private NetworkedPlayer _player => Player.instance.networkedPlayer;

		public string NetworkNetworkID
				return NetworkID;
			[param: In]
				if (!((NetworkBehaviour)this).SyncVarEqual<string>(value, ref NetworkID))
					_ = NetworkID;
					((NetworkBehaviour)this).SetSyncVar<string>(value, ref NetworkID, 1uL);

		protected override bool SerializeSyncVars(NetworkWriter writer, bool forceAll)
			bool result = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).SerializeSyncVars(writer, forceAll);
			if (forceAll)
				NetworkWriterExtensions.WriteString(writer, NetworkID);
				return true;
			NetworkWriterExtensions.WriteULong(writer, ((NetworkBehaviour)this).syncVarDirtyBits);
			if ((((NetworkBehaviour)this).syncVarDirtyBits & 1) != 0L)
				NetworkWriterExtensions.WriteString(writer, NetworkID);
				result = true;
			return result;

		protected override void DeserializeSyncVars(NetworkReader reader, bool initialState)
			((NetworkBehaviour)this).DeserializeSyncVars(reader, initialState);
			if (initialState)
				_ = NetworkID;
				NetworkNetworkID = NetworkReaderExtensions.ReadString(reader);
			else if ((NetworkReaderExtensions.ReadULong(reader) & 1) != 0L)
				_ = NetworkID;
				NetworkNetworkID = NetworkReaderExtensions.ReadString(reader);

		static ContainerNetwork()
			//IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0021: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0037: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0042: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0058: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0062: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0082: Expected O, but got Unknown
			RemoteCallHelper.RegisterCommandDelegate(typeof(ContainerNetwork), "RequestContainerRegistry", new CmdDelegate(InvokeUserCode_RequestContainerRegistry), true);
			RemoteCallHelper.RegisterCommandDelegate(typeof(ContainerNetwork), "UpdateContainer", new CmdDelegate(InvokeUserCode_UpdateContainer), true);
			RemoteCallHelper.RegisterRpcDelegate(typeof(ContainerNetwork), "LoadContainerRegistryFromServer", new CmdDelegate(InvokeUserCode_LoadContainerRegistryFromServer));
			RemoteCallHelper.RegisterRpcDelegate(typeof(ContainerNetwork), "UpdateContainerFromServer", new CmdDelegate(InvokeUserCode_UpdateContainerFromServer));

		private static void InvokeUserCode_RequestContainerRegistry(NetworkBehaviour obj, NetworkReader reader, NetworkConnectionToClient senderConnection)
			if (!
				ContainerResizer.Log.LogError((object)"Command RequestContainerRegistry called on client.");

		private static void InvokeUserCode_UpdateContainer(NetworkBehaviour obj, NetworkReader reader, NetworkConnectionToClient senderConnection)
			if (!
				ContainerResizer.Log.LogError((object)"Command UpdateContainer called on client.");
				((ContainerNetwork)(object)obj).UserCode_UpdateContainer(NetworkReaderExtensions.ReadUInt(reader), NetworkReaderExtensions.ReadInt(reader), senderConnection);

		protected static void InvokeUserCode_LoadContainerRegistryFromServer(NetworkBehaviour obj, NetworkReader reader, NetworkConnectionToClient senderConnection)
			if (!
				ContainerResizer.Log.LogError((object)"TargetRPC LoadContainerRegistryFromServer called on server.");
				((ContainerNetwork)(object)obj).UserCode_LoadContainerRegistryFromServer(NetworkClient.connection, NetworkReaderExtensions.ReadList<string>(reader));

		protected static void InvokeUserCode_UpdateContainerFromServer(NetworkBehaviour obj, NetworkReader reader, NetworkConnectionToClient senderConnection)
			if (!
				ContainerResizer.Log.LogError((object)"TargetRPC LoadContainerRegistryFromServer called on server.");
				((ContainerNetwork)(object)obj).UserCode_UpdateContainerFromServer(NetworkClient.connection, NetworkReaderExtensions.ReadUInt(reader), NetworkReaderExtensions.ReadInt(reader));

		private void Awake()
			//IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			_instance = this;
			base.syncMode = (SyncMode)1;

		public override void OnStartClient()
			ContainerResizer.Log.LogDebug((object)$"OnStartClient() for Network ID {((NetworkBehaviour)this).netId}");
			if (((NetworkBehaviour)this).connectionToClient != null)
				_isClient = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).isClient;
				_isServer = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).isServer;
				_isLocal = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).isLocalPlayer;
				if (IsClient)

		public override void OnStartLocalPlayer()
			ContainerResizer.Log.LogDebug((object)$"OnStartLocalPlayer() for Network ID {((NetworkBehaviour)this).netId}");

		public override void OnStartServer()
			//IL_0099: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0052: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0072: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (((NetworkBehaviour)this).connectionToClient != null)
				ContainerResizer.Log.LogDebug((object)$"OnStartServer() for Network ID {((NetworkBehaviour)this).netId}");
				if (!((NetworkBehaviour)this).hasAuthority)
					NetworkNetworkID = (string)((NetworkBehaviour)this).connectionToClient.authenticationData;
					playerID = Platform.mgr.ClientIdFromString(NetworkID);
					ContainerResizer.Log.LogDebug((object)$"No Authority for Network ID {((NetworkBehaviour)this).netId} / Player ID {playerID}");
					NetworkNetworkID = "host";
					playerID = Platform.mgr.LocalPlayerId();
					ContainerResizer.Log.LogDebug((object)$"Has Authority for Network ID {((NetworkBehaviour)this).netId} / Player ID {playerID}");
				_isClient = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).isClient;
				_isServer = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).isServer;
				_isLocal = ((NetworkBehaviour)this).isLocalPlayer;

		public override void OnStopClient()
			if (((NetworkBehaviour)this).connectionToClient != null)
				ContainerResizer.Log.LogDebug((object)$"OnStopClient() for Network ID {((NetworkBehaviour)this).netId}");
				if (IsClient)

		public void UpdateContainer(uint instanceId, int slotCount, NetworkConnectionToClient sender = null)
			if (!((NetworkBehaviour)this).isServer)
				ContainerResizer.Log.LogDebug((object)$"Updating Container {instanceId}...");
				PooledNetworkWriter writer = NetworkWriterPool.GetWriter();
				NetworkWriterExtensions.WriteUInt((NetworkWriter)(object)writer, instanceId);
				NetworkWriterExtensions.WriteInt((NetworkWriter)(object)writer, slotCount);
				((NetworkBehaviour)this).SendCommandInternal(typeof(ContainerNetwork), "UpdateContainer", (NetworkWriter)(object)writer, 0, true);

		public void RequestContainerRegistry(NetworkConnectionToClient sender = null)
			if (!((NetworkBehaviour)this).isServer)
				ContainerResizer.Log.LogDebug((object)"Requesting Container Registry...");
				PooledNetworkWriter writer = NetworkWriterPool.GetWriter();
				((NetworkBehaviour)this).SendCommandInternal(typeof(ContainerNetwork), "RequestContainerRegistry", (NetworkWriter)(object)writer, 0, true);

		public void LoadContainerRegistryFromServer(NetworkConnection connection)
			ContainerResizer.Log.LogDebug((object)"Container Registry Requested by NetworkedPlayer");
			PooledNetworkWriter writer = NetworkWriterPool.GetWriter();
			List<string> list = new List<string>();
			foreach (ContainerRecord item in ContainerManager.ExportRegistry())
			NetworkWriterExtensions.WriteList<string>((NetworkWriter)(object)writer, list);
			((NetworkBehaviour)this).SendTargetRPCInternal(connection, typeof(ContainerNetwork), "LoadContainerRegistryFromServer", (NetworkWriter)(object)writer, 0);

		public void UpdateContainerFromServer(uint instanceId, int slotCount, NetworkConnection connection = null)
			ContainerResizer.Log.LogDebug((object)"Sending Updated Container...");
			PooledNetworkWriter writer = NetworkWriterPool.GetWriter();
			NetworkWriterExtensions.WriteUInt((NetworkWriter)(object)writer, instanceId);
			NetworkWriterExtensions.WriteInt((NetworkWriter)(object)writer, slotCount);
			foreach (NetworkConnection client in _clients)
				if (client != connection)
					((NetworkBehaviour)this).SendTargetRPCInternal(connection, typeof(ContainerNetwork), "UpdateContainerFromServer", (NetworkWriter)(object)writer, 0);

		private void UserCode_UpdateContainer(uint instanceId, int slotCount, NetworkConnectionToClient sender = null)
			if (ContainerManager.TryResizeChest(instanceId, slotCount, out var _))
				UpdateContainerFromServer(instanceId, slotCount, (NetworkConnection)(object)sender);

		private void UserCode_RequestContainerRegistry(NetworkConnectionToClient sender)

		private void UserCode_LoadContainerRegistryFromServer(NetworkConnection connection, List<string> importList)
			ContainerResizer.Log.LogDebug((object)"Container Registry Received by Host/Server");

		private void UserCode_UpdateContainerFromServer(NetworkConnection connection, uint instanceId, int slotCount)
			ContainerResizer.Log.LogDebug((object)"Container Update Received by Host/Server");
			ContainerManager.TryResizeChest(instanceId, slotCount, out var _);

		private IEnumerator PackageCoreCount(NetworkConnectionToClient sender)
			while (SaveState.isSaving)
				yield return null;
namespace ContainerResizer.Extensions
	public static class CanvasGroupExtensions
		public static CanvasGroup SetAlpha(this CanvasGroup canvasGroup, float alpha)
			canvasGroup.alpha = alpha;
			return canvasGroup;

		public static CanvasGroup SetBlocksRaycasts(this CanvasGroup canvasGroup, bool blocksRaycasts)
			canvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = blocksRaycasts;
			return canvasGroup;
	public static class ColorExtensions
		public static Color SetAlpha(this Color color, float alpha)
			//IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			color.a = alpha;
			return color;
	public static class ContentSizeFitterExtensions
		public static ContentSizeFitter SetHorizontalFit(this ContentSizeFitter fitter, FitMode fitMode)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			fitter.horizontalFit = fitMode;
			return fitter;

		public static ContentSizeFitter SetVerticalFit(this ContentSizeFitter fitter, FitMode fitMode)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			fitter.verticalFit = fitMode;
			return fitter;
	public static class GameObjectExtensions
		public static T SetEnabled<T>(this T behaviour, bool enabled) where T : Behaviour
			((Behaviour)behaviour).enabled = enabled;
			return behaviour;

		public static GameObject SetName(this GameObject gameObject, string name)
			((Object)gameObject).name = name;
			return gameObject;

		public static T SetName<T>(this T component, string name) where T : Component
			((Object)((Component)component).gameObject).name = name;
			return component;

		public static GameObject SetParent(this GameObject gameObject, Transform transform, bool worldPositionStays = false)
			gameObject.transform.SetParent(transform, worldPositionStays);
			return gameObject;

		public static IEnumerable<GameObject> Children(this GameObject gameObject)
			if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)gameObject))
				return Enumerable.Empty<GameObject>();
			return from Transform t in (IEnumerable)gameObject.transform
				select ((Component)t).gameObject;

		public static Button Button(this GameObject gameObject)
			if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)gameObject))
				return null;
			return gameObject.GetComponent<Button>();

		public static Image Image(this GameObject gameObject)
			if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)gameObject))
				return null;
			return gameObject.GetComponent<Image>();

		public static LayoutElement LayoutElement(this GameObject gameObject)
			if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)gameObject))
				return null;
			return gameObject.GetComponent<LayoutElement>();

		public static RectTransform RectTransform(this GameObject gameObject)
			//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			return (RectTransform)gameObject.transform;
	public static class GridLayoutGroupExtensions
		public static GridLayoutGroup SetCellSize(this GridLayoutGroup layoutGroup, Vector2 cellSize)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			layoutGroup.cellSize = cellSize;
			return layoutGroup;

		public static GridLayoutGroup SetConstraint(this GridLayoutGroup layoutGroup, Constraint constraint)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			layoutGroup.constraint = constraint;
			return layoutGroup;

		public static GridLayoutGroup SetConstraintCount(this GridLayoutGroup layoutGroup, int constraintCount)
			layoutGroup.constraintCount = constraintCount;
			return layoutGroup;

		public static GridLayoutGroup SetStartAxis(this GridLayoutGroup layoutGroup, Axis startAxis)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			layoutGroup.startAxis = startAxis;
			return layoutGroup;

		public static GridLayoutGroup SetStartCorner(this GridLayoutGroup layoutGroup, Corner startCorner)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			layoutGroup.startCorner = startCorner;
			return layoutGroup;

		public static GridLayoutGroup SetPadding(this GridLayoutGroup layoutGroup, int? left = null, int? right = null, int? top = null, int? bottom = null)
			if (!left.HasValue && !right.HasValue && !top.HasValue && !bottom.HasValue)
				throw new ArgumentException("Value for left, right, top or bottom must be provided.");
			if (left.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)layoutGroup).padding.left = left.Value;
			if (right.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)layoutGroup).padding.right = right.Value;
			if (top.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)layoutGroup) = top.Value;
			if (bottom.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)layoutGroup).padding.bottom = bottom.Value;
			return layoutGroup;

		public static GridLayoutGroup SetSpacing(this GridLayoutGroup layoutGroup, Vector2 spacing)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			layoutGroup.spacing = spacing;
			return layoutGroup;
	public static class HorizontalLayoutGroupExtensions
		public static HorizontalLayoutGroup SetChildControl(this HorizontalLayoutGroup layoutGroup, bool? width = null, bool? height = null)
			if (!width.HasValue && !height.HasValue)
				throw new ArgumentException("Value for width or height must be provided.");
			if (width.HasValue)
				((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)layoutGroup).childControlWidth = width.Value;
			if (height.HasValue)
				((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)layoutGroup).childControlHeight = height.Value;
			return layoutGroup;

		public static HorizontalLayoutGroup SetChildForceExpand(this HorizontalLayoutGroup layoutGroup, bool? width = null, bool? height = null)
			if (!width.HasValue && !height.HasValue)
				throw new ArgumentException("Value for width or height must be provided.");
			if (width.HasValue)
				((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)layoutGroup).childForceExpandWidth = width.Value;
			if (height.HasValue)
				((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)layoutGroup).childForceExpandHeight = height.Value;
			return layoutGroup;

		public static HorizontalLayoutGroup SetChildAlignment(this HorizontalLayoutGroup layoutGroup, TextAnchor alignment)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			((LayoutGroup)layoutGroup).childAlignment = alignment;
			return layoutGroup;

		public static HorizontalLayoutGroup SetPadding(this HorizontalLayoutGroup layoutGroup, int? left = null, int? right = null, int? top = null, int? bottom = null)
			if (!left.HasValue && !right.HasValue && !top.HasValue && !bottom.HasValue)
				throw new ArgumentException("Value for left, right, top or bottom must be provided.");
			if (left.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)layoutGroup).padding.left = left.Value;
			if (right.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)layoutGroup).padding.right = right.Value;
			if (top.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)layoutGroup) = top.Value;
			if (bottom.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)layoutGroup).padding.bottom = bottom.Value;
			return layoutGroup;

		public static HorizontalLayoutGroup SetSpacing(this HorizontalLayoutGroup layoutGroup, float spacing)
			((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)layoutGroup).spacing = spacing;
			return layoutGroup;
	public static class ImageExtensions
		public static Image SetColor(this Image image, Color color)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			((Graphic)image).color = color;
			return image;

		public static Image SetFillAmount(this Image image, float amount)
			image.fillAmount = amount;
			return image;

		public static Image SetFillCenter(this Image image, bool fillCenter)
			image.fillCenter = fillCenter;
			return image;

		public static Image SetFillMethod(this Image image, FillMethod fillMethod)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			image.fillMethod = fillMethod;
			return image;

		public static Image SetFillOrigin(this Image image, OriginHorizontal origin)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Expected I4, but got Unknown
			image.fillOrigin = (int)origin;
			return image;

		public static Image SetFillOrigin(this Image image, OriginVertical origin)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Expected I4, but got Unknown
			image.fillOrigin = (int)origin;
			return image;

		public static Image SetMaskable(this Image image, bool maskable)
			((MaskableGraphic)image).maskable = maskable;
			return image;

		public static Image SetPreserveAspect(this Image image, bool preserveAspect)
			image.preserveAspect = preserveAspect;
			return image;

		public static Image SetRaycastTarget(this Image image, bool raycastTarget)
			((Graphic)image).raycastTarget = raycastTarget;
			return image;

		public static Image SetSprite(this Image image, Sprite sprite)
			image.sprite = sprite;
			return image;

		public static Image SetType(this Image image, Type type)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			image.type = type;
			return image;
	public static class InputFieldExtensions
		public static InputField SetTextComponent(this InputField inputField, Text textComponent)
			inputField.textComponent = textComponent;
			return inputField;
	public static class LayoutElementExtensions
		public static LayoutElement SetPreferred(this LayoutElement layoutElement, float? width = null, float? height = null)
			if (!width.HasValue && !height.HasValue)
				throw new ArgumentException("Value for width or height must be provided.");
			if (width.HasValue)
				layoutElement.preferredWidth = width.Value;
			if (height.HasValue)
				layoutElement.preferredHeight = height.Value;
			return layoutElement;

		public static LayoutElement SetFlexible(this LayoutElement layoutElement, float? width = null, float? height = null)
			if (!width.HasValue && !height.HasValue)
				throw new ArgumentException("Value for width or height must be provided.");
			if (width.HasValue)
				layoutElement.flexibleWidth = width.Value;
			if (height.HasValue)
				layoutElement.flexibleHeight = height.Value;
			return layoutElement;

		public static LayoutElement SetMinimum(this LayoutElement layoutElement, float? width = null, float? height = null)
			if (!width.HasValue && !height.HasValue)
				throw new ArgumentException("Value for width or height must be provided.");
			if (width.HasValue)
				layoutElement.minWidth = width.Value;
			if (height.HasValue)
				layoutElement.minHeight = height.Value;
			return layoutElement;

		public static LayoutElement SetIgnoreLayout(this LayoutElement layoutElement, bool ignoreLayout)
			layoutElement.ignoreLayout = ignoreLayout;
			return layoutElement;
	public static class MaskExtensions
		public static Mask SetShowMaskGraphic(this Mask mask, bool showMaskGraphic)
			mask.showMaskGraphic = showMaskGraphic;
			return mask;
	public static class OutlineExtensions
		public static Outline SetEffectColor(this Outline outline, Color effectColor)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			((Shadow)outline).effectColor = effectColor;
			return outline;

		public static Outline SetEffectDistance(this Outline outline, Vector2 effectDistance)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			((Shadow)outline).effectDistance = effectDistance;
			return outline;

		public static Outline SetUseGraphicAlpha(this Outline outline, bool useGraphicAlpha)
			((Shadow)outline).useGraphicAlpha = useGraphicAlpha;
			return outline;
	public static class RectTransformExtensions
		public static RectTransform SetAnchorMin(this RectTransform rectTransform, Vector2 anchorMin)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			rectTransform.anchorMin = anchorMin;
			return rectTransform;

		public static RectTransform SetAnchorMax(this RectTransform rectTransform, Vector2 anchorMax)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			rectTransform.anchorMax = anchorMax;
			return rectTransform;

		public static RectTransform SetPivot(this RectTransform rectTransform, Vector2 pivot)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			rectTransform.pivot = pivot;
			return rectTransform;

		public static RectTransform SetPosition(this RectTransform rectTransform, Vector2 position)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			rectTransform.anchoredPosition = position;
			return rectTransform;

		public static RectTransform SetSizeDelta(this RectTransform rectTransform, Vector2 sizeDelta)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			rectTransform.sizeDelta = sizeDelta;
			return rectTransform;
	public static class SelectableExtensions
		public static T SetColors<T>(this T selectable, ColorBlock colors) where T : Selectable
			//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			((Selectable)selectable).colors = colors;
			return selectable;

		public static T SetImage<T>(this T selectable, Image image) where T : Selectable
			((Selectable)selectable).image = image;
			return selectable;

		public static T SetInteractable<T>(this T selectable, bool interactable) where T : Selectable
			((Selectable)selectable).interactable = interactable;
			return selectable;

		public static T SetTargetGraphic<T>(this T selectable, Graphic graphic) where T : Selectable
			((Selectable)selectable).targetGraphic = graphic;
			return selectable;

		public static T SetTransition<T>(this T selectable, Transition transition) where T : Selectable
			//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			((Selectable)selectable).transition = transition;
			return selectable;

		public static T SetNavigationMode<T>(this T selectable, Mode mode) where T : Selectable
			//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Navigation navigation = ((Selectable)selectable).navigation;
			((Navigation)(ref navigation)).mode = mode;
			((Selectable)selectable).navigation = navigation;
			return selectable;
	public static class ShadowExtensions
		public static Shadow SetEffectColor(this Shadow shadow, Color effectColor)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			shadow.effectColor = effectColor;
			return shadow;

		public static Shadow SetEffectDistance(this Shadow shadow, Vector2 effectDistance)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			shadow.effectDistance = effectDistance;
			return shadow;
	public static class ScrollRectExtensions
		public static ScrollRect SetScrollSensitivity(this ScrollRect scrollRect, float sensitivity)
			scrollRect.scrollSensitivity = sensitivity;
			return scrollRect;

		public static ScrollRect SetVerticalScrollPosition(this ScrollRect scrollRect, float position)
			scrollRect.verticalNormalizedPosition = position;
			return scrollRect;

		public static ScrollRect SetViewport(this ScrollRect scrollRect, RectTransform viewport)
			scrollRect.viewport = viewport;
			return scrollRect;

		public static ScrollRect SetContent(this ScrollRect scrollRect, RectTransform content)
			scrollRect.content = content;
			return scrollRect;

		public static ScrollRect SetHorizontal(this ScrollRect scrollRect, bool horizontal)
			scrollRect.horizontal = horizontal;
			return scrollRect;

		public static ScrollRect SetVertical(this ScrollRect scrollRect, bool vertical)
			scrollRect.vertical = vertical;
			return scrollRect;
	public static class SpriteExtensions
		public static Sprite SetName(this Sprite sprite, string name)
			((Object)sprite).name = name;
			return sprite;
	public static class TextExtensions
		public static Text SetAlignment(this Text text, TextAnchor alignment)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			text.alignment = alignment;
			return text;

		public static Text SetColor(this Text text, Color color)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			((Graphic)text).color = color;
			return text;

		public static Text SetFont(this Text text, Font font)
			text.font = font;
			return text;

		public static Text SetFontStyle(this Text text, FontStyle fontStyle)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			text.fontStyle = fontStyle;
			return text;

		public static Text SetFontSize(this Text text, int fontSize)
			text.fontSize = fontSize;
			return text;

		public static Text SetResizeTextForBestFit(this Text text, bool resizeTextForBestFit)
			text.resizeTextForBestFit = resizeTextForBestFit;
			return text;

		public static Text SetSupportRichText(this Text text, bool supportRichText)
			text.supportRichText = supportRichText;
			return text;

		public static Text SetText(this Text text, string value)
			text.text = value;
			return text;
	public static class TMPTextExtensions
		public static T SetColor<T>(this T tmpText, Color color) where T : TMP_Text
			//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			((Graphic)(object)tmpText).color = color;
			return tmpText;
	public static class Texture2DExtensions
		public static Texture2D SetName(this Texture2D texture, string name)
			((Object)texture).name = name;
			return texture;

		public static Texture2D SetWrapMode(this Texture2D texture, TextureWrapMode wrapMode)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			((Texture)texture).wrapMode = wrapMode;
			return texture;

		public static Texture2D SetFilterMode(this Texture2D texture, FilterMode filterMode)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			((Texture)texture).filterMode = filterMode;
			return texture;
	public static class ToggleExtensions
		public static Toggle SetIsOn(this Toggle toggle, bool isOn)
			return toggle;
	public static class VerticalLayoutGroupExtensions
		public static VerticalLayoutGroup SetChildControl(this VerticalLayoutGroup layoutGroup, bool? width = null, bool? height = null)
			if (!width.HasValue && !height.HasValue)
				throw new ArgumentException("Value for width or height must be provided.");
			if (width.HasValue)
				((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)layoutGroup).childControlWidth = width.Value;
			if (height.HasValue)
				((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)layoutGroup).childControlHeight = height.Value;
			return layoutGroup;

		public static VerticalLayoutGroup SetChildForceExpand(this VerticalLayoutGroup layoutGroup, bool? width = null, bool? height = null)
			if (!width.HasValue && !height.HasValue)
				throw new ArgumentException("Value for width or height must be provided.");
			if (width.HasValue)
				((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)layoutGroup).childForceExpandWidth = width.Value;
			if (height.HasValue)
				((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)layoutGroup).childForceExpandHeight = height.Value;
			return layoutGroup;

		public static VerticalLayoutGroup SetChildAlignment(this VerticalLayoutGroup layoutGroup, TextAnchor alignment)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			((LayoutGroup)layoutGroup).childAlignment = alignment;
			return layoutGroup;

		public static VerticalLayoutGroup SetPadding(this VerticalLayoutGroup layoutGroup, int? left = null, int? right = null, int? top = null, int? bottom = null)
			if (!left.HasValue && !right.HasValue && !top.HasValue && !bottom.HasValue)
				throw new ArgumentException("Value for left, right, top or bottom must be provided.");
			if (left.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)layoutGroup).padding.left = left.Value;
			if (right.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)layoutGroup).padding.right = right.Value;
			if (top.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)layoutGroup) = top.Value;
			if (bottom.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)layoutGroup).padding.bottom = bottom.Value;
			return layoutGroup;

		public static VerticalLayoutGroup SetSpacing(this VerticalLayoutGroup layoutGroup, float spacing)
			((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)layoutGroup).spacing = spacing;
			return layoutGroup;
namespace ContainerResizer.Components
	public class SliderComponent : MonoBehaviour
		public GameObject storageUnit;

		public GameObject sliderContainer;

		public GameObject sliderLabel;

		public GameObject sliderValue;

		public TMP_Text sliderLabelText;

		public TMP_Text sliderValueText;

		public Slider storageSlider;

		private TextMeshProUGUI _sortText;

		private int _machineIndex;

		private bool _initalOpen = true;

		private InventoryNavigator _inventoryNavigator;

		private void Awake()
			//IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Transform obj = ((Component)this).transform.Find("Top Level Container/Container/Storage Unit");
			storageUnit = ((obj != null) ? ((Component)obj).gameObject : null);
			Transform val = ((Component)this).transform.Find("Top Level Container/Container/Storage Unit/Storage Sort Button/Sort Text");
			if ((Object)(object)val != (Object)null)
				_sortText = ((Component)val).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
			if ((Object)(object)storageUnit != (Object)null)
				sliderContainer = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(ContainerResizer.Assets.LabeledSlider, storageUnit.transform);
				sliderContainer.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(300f, 50f);
				sliderLabel = ((Component)sliderContainer.transform.Find("TMP Label")).gameObject;
				sliderLabelText = (TMP_Text)(object)sliderLabel.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
				sliderValue = ((Component)sliderContainer.transform.Find("TMP ValueLabel")).gameObject;
				sliderValueText = (TMP_Text)(object)sliderValue.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
				storageSlider = ((Component)sliderContainer.transform.Find("Slider")).GetComponent<Slider>();
				sliderLabelText.text = "Adjust Storage Size:";
				sliderLabelText.font = ((TMP_Text)_sortText).font;
				sliderLabelText.fontSize = 17f;
				sliderLabelText.fontSizeMax = 18f;
				sliderLabelText.fontSizeMin = 3f;
				sliderLabelText.enableAutoSizing = true;
				sliderValueText.font = ((TMP_Text)_sortText).font;
				sliderValueText.fontSize = 20f;
				sliderValueText.fontSizeMax = 30f;
				sliderValueText.fontSizeMin = 3f;
				sliderValueText.enableAutoSizing = true;
				sliderValueText.text = $"{storageSlider.value}";

		private void UpdateValue(float value)
			int num = (int)value;
			if (_machineIndex >= 0)
				sliderValueText.text = $"{num}";
				int newMinimumSlots;
				if (_initalOpen)
					_initalOpen = false;
				else if (ContainerManager.TryResizeChest(_machineIndex, num, out newMinimumSlots))
					storageSlider.minValue = ((newMinimumSlots == 0) ? 1 : newMinimumSlots);

		public void OpenChest(MachineInstanceRef<ChestInstance> machineRef, InventoryNavigator invNavigator)
			//IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0030: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0056: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00cc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00cd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			_inventoryNavigator = invNavigator;
			_machineIndex = machineRef.index;
			ChestInstance index = MachineManager.instance.GetMachineList<ChestInstance, ChestDefinition>((MachineTypeEnum)3).GetIndex(_machineIndex);
			if (!ContainerManager.TryGetContainer(machineRef._instanceId, out var record))
				ContainerManager.AddContainer(machineRef.instanceId, machineRef.index, index, out record);
			int num = index.commonInfo.inventories[0].numSlots - ((Inventory)(ref index.commonInfo.inventories[0])).GetNumberOfEmptySlots();
			storageSlider.maxValue = record.GetMaxSlots();
			storageSlider.value = index.commonInfo.inventories[0].numSlots;
			storageSlider.minValue = ((num == 0) ? 1 : num);

		public void CloseChest()
			_machineIndex = -1;
			_initalOpen = true;
			storageSlider.value = -1f;
namespace ContainerResizer.Assets
	public class TTModAssets
		public GameObject LabeledSlider;