Decompiled source of ThronefallMultiplayer v1.0.5


Decompiled a year ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using HarmonyLib;
using I2.Loc;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using MPUIKIT;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using MoreMountains.Feedbacks;
using On;
using Pathfinding;
using Pathfinding.RVO;
using Rewired;
using Shapes;
using Steamworks;
using TMPro;
using ThronefallMP.Components;
using ThronefallMP.Network;
using ThronefallMP.Network.Packets;
using ThronefallMP.Network.Packets.Administration;
using ThronefallMP.Network.Packets.Game;
using ThronefallMP.Network.Packets.PlayerCommand;
using ThronefallMP.Network.Packets.Sync;
using ThronefallMP.Network.Sync;
using ThronefallMP.Patches;
using ThronefallMP.UI;
using ThronefallMP.UI.Controls;
using ThronefallMP.UI.Dialogs;
using ThronefallMP.UI.Panels;
using ThronefallMP.Utils;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Rikhardur Bjarni Einarsson (BadWolf)")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("All rights reserved")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Multiplayer mod for Thronefall")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.5")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("com.badwolf.thronefall_mp")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("com.badwolf.thronefall_mp")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	internal sealed class IsUnmanagedAttribute : Attribute
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace ThronefallMP
	public class CheatHandler
		private delegate bool CheatMessageHandler(string user, string[] parts);

		private Dictionary<string, CheatMessageHandler> _handlers = new Dictionary<string, CheatMessageHandler>();

		private static bool CheatsEnabled
				//IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				if (Plugin.Instance.Network.Online)
					if (SteamManager.Initialized)
						return SteamMatchmaking.GetLobbyData(Plugin.Instance.Network.Lobby, "cheats_enabled") == "yes";
					return false;
				return true;

		public CheatHandler()
			_handlers.Add("add_coins", AddCoins);
			Plugin.Instance.Network.AddChatMessageHandler(100, OnMessageReceived);

		private bool OnMessageReceived(string user, string message)
			if (!CheatsEnabled || !Plugin.Instance.Network.Server || !message.StartsWith("/"))
				return false;
			message = message.Remove(0, 1);
			Plugin.Log.LogInfo((object)("Parsing cheat '" + message + "'"));
			string[] array = message.Split(' ');
			Plugin.Log.LogInfo((object)("Command '" + array[0] + "'"));
			if (_handlers.TryGetValue(array[0], out var value))
				return value(user, array.Skip(1).ToArray());
			Plugin.Log.LogInfo((object)"Not found");
			return false;

		private bool AddCoins(string user, string[] parts)
			if (parts.Length != 1)
				Plugin.Log.LogInfo((object)"Too many arguments");
				return false;
			if (!int.TryParse(parts[0], out var result))
				Plugin.Log.LogInfo((object)"Failed to parse coins");
				return false;
			GlobalData.Balance += result;
			Plugin.Instance.Network.SendServerMessage($"{user} Cheated in {result} coins.");
			return true;
	public enum Equipment
	public static class Equip
		public static readonly HashSet<Equipment> Weapons = new HashSet<Equipment>

		private static readonly Dictionary<string, Equipment> NameToEquip = new Dictionary<string, Equipment>
				"Perk Point",
				"Long Bow",
				"Light Spear",
				"Heavy Sword",
				"Lightning Wand",
				"Universal Income",
				"Arcane Towers",
				"Heavy Armor",
				"Castle Fortifications",
				"Ring of Resurection",
				"Pumpkin Fields",
				"Architect's Council",
				"Gods Lotion",
				"Castle Blueprints",
				"Gladiator School",
				"War Horse",
				"Glass Canon",
				"Big Harbours",
				"Ellite Warriors",
				"Archery Skills",
				"Faster Research",
				"Fortified Houses",
				"Commander Mode",
				"Healing Spirits",
				"Ice Magic",
				"Melee Resistence",
				"Power Tower",
				"Ranged Resistence",
				"Treasure Hunter",
				"Indestructible Mines",
				"Warrior Mode",
				"Melee Damage",
				"Firewing Hero",
				"Anti Air Telescope",
				"Ranged Damage",
				"Stronger Heros",
				"LizzardRider Hero",
				"Pray to The God of Strength",
				"Taunt The Turtle God",
				"Taunt The Tiger God",
				"Taunt The Rat God",
				"Taunt The Falcon God",
				"Taunt God of Destruction",
				"Taunt The Cheese God",
				"Taunt The Disease God",
				"Taunt The Phoenix God",
				"No Walls Pact",
				"No Towers Pact",
				"No Units Pact",

		private static readonly Dictionary<Equipment, Equippable> EquipmentToEquippable = new Dictionary<Equipment, Equippable>();

		private static readonly Dictionary<Equippable, Equipment> EquippableToEquipment = new Dictionary<Equippable, Equipment>();

		private static bool _initialized;

		private static void InitializeDictionaries()
			_initialized = true;
			Traverse<List<MetaLevel>> val = Traverse.Create((object)PerkManager.instance).Field<List<MetaLevel>>("metaLevels");
			Plugin.Log.LogInfoFiltered("Equipment", "Initializing converter dictionary");
			Plugin.Log.LogInfoFiltered("Equipment", "Meta levels");
			foreach (MetaLevel item in val.Value)
				Equipment equipment = Convert(((Object)item.reward).name);
				Plugin.Log.LogInfoFiltered("Equipment", $"- {equipment} = {((Object)item.reward).name}");
				EquipmentToEquippable[equipment] = item.reward;
				EquippableToEquipment[item.reward] = equipment;
			Plugin.Log.LogInfoFiltered("Equipment", "Currently Unlocked");
			foreach (Equippable unlockedEquippable in PerkManager.instance.UnlockedEquippables)
				Equipment equipment2 = Convert(((Object)unlockedEquippable).name);
				Plugin.Log.LogInfoFiltered("Equipment", $"- {equipment2} = {((Object)unlockedEquippable).name}");
				EquipmentToEquippable[equipment2] = unlockedEquippable;
				EquippableToEquipment[unlockedEquippable] = equipment2;

		public static void ClearEquipments()
			Plugin.Log.LogInfoFiltered("Equipment", "Clearing equipment");

		public static void EquipEquipment(Equipment equipment)
			if (!_initialized)
			Plugin.Log.LogInfoFiltered("Equipment", $"Equipping {equipment} -> {EquipmentToEquippable[equipment].displayName}");

		public static Equipment Convert(Equippable equip)
			if (!_initialized)
			return GeneralExtensions.GetValueSafe<Equippable, Equipment>(EquippableToEquipment, equip);

		public static Equippable Convert(Equipment equip)
			if (!_initialized)
			return GeneralExtensions.GetValueSafe<Equipment, Equippable>(EquipmentToEquippable, equip);

		public static Equipment Convert(string name)
			return GeneralExtensions.GetValueSafe<string, Equipment>(NameToEquip, name);
	public struct InternalGlobalData
		public int Balance;

		public int NetWorth;
	public static class GlobalData
		public static InternalGlobalData Internal;

		public static int LocalBalanceDelta;

		public static int Balance
				if (!Plugin.Instance.Network.Server)
					return Internal.Balance + LocalBalanceDelta;
				return Internal.Balance;
				if (Plugin.Instance.Network.Server)
					Internal.Balance = value;
					LocalBalanceDelta = value - Internal.Balance;

		public static int NetWorth => Internal.NetWorth;
	[BepInPlugin("com.badwolf.thronefall_mp", "Thronefall Multiplayer", "1.0.5")]
	public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
		public delegate void LoadCallback();

		public const string VersionString = "thronefall_mp_1.0.5";

		public static readonly Random Random = new Random();

		public PingPongSync PingPongSync = new PingPongSync();

		public LevelDataSync LevelDataSync = new LevelDataSync();

		public ResourceSync ResourceSync = new ResourceSync();

		public InputSync InputSync = new InputSync();

		public PositionSync PositionSync = new PositionSync();

		public HpSync HpSync = new HpSync();

		public AllyPathfinderSync AllyPathfinderSync = new AllyPathfinderSync();

		public EnemyPathfinderSync EnemyPathfinderSync = new EnemyPathfinderSync();

		private static Dictionary<string, List<(bool waitForTransition, LoadCallback callback)>> _loadCallbacks = new Dictionary<string, List<(bool, LoadCallback)>>();

		public static Plugin Instance { get; private set; }

		public static ManualLogSource Log { get; private set; }

		public ThronefallMP.Network.Network Network { get; private set; }

		public PlayerManager PlayerManager { get; private set; }

		public TextureRepository TextureRepository { get; private set; }

		public CheatHandler CheatHandler { get; private set; }

		private void Awake()
			ConfigEntry<bool> val = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("Network", "EnableSimulation", false, "Enable simulation of a bad network for debugging");
			Instance = this;
			TextureRepository = new TextureRepository();
			Network = ((Component)Instance).gameObject.AddComponent<ThronefallMP.Network.Network>();
			PlayerManager = new PlayerManager();
			CheatHandler = new CheatHandler();
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"Plugin com.badwolf.thronefall_mp is loaded!");
			Log = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger;
			Log.LogInfo((object)$"Little Endian: {BitConverter.IsLittleEndian}");
			if (SteamManager.Initialized)
				if (val.Value)
			Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), (string)null);
			Application.runInBackground = true;
			SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneChanged;

		private void OnUIInitialized()
			ConfigEntry<bool> val = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("Network", "EnableSimulation", false, "Enable simulation of a bad network for debugging");
			if (val.Value)
				UIManager.CreateMessageDialog("Network Debug Simulation", "Simulation of a bad network is enabled");

		private void OnSceneChanged(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
			if (((Scene)(ref scene)).name == "_UI")
			if (!_loadCallbacks.TryGetValue(((Scene)(ref scene)).name, out List<(bool, LoadCallback)> value))
			foreach (var item in value)
				if (item.Item1)

		public static void CallbackOnLoad(string scene, bool waitForTransition, LoadCallback callback)
			if (!_loadCallbacks.TryGetValue(scene, out List<(bool, LoadCallback)> value))
				value = new List<(bool, LoadCallback)>();
				_loadCallbacks[scene] = value;
			value.Add((waitForTransition, callback));

		private static void CallbackOnFinishTransition(LoadCallback callback)

		private static IEnumerator WaitForTransition(LoadCallback callback)
			while (SceneTransitionManager.instance.SceneTransitionIsRunning)
				yield return null;

		private void SetSteamNetworkConfigValues()
			SetSteamNetworkValue((ESteamNetworkingConfigValue)24, (ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType)1, 1600);
			SetSteamNetworkValue((ESteamNetworkingConfigValue)25, (ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType)1, 3200);
			SetSteamNetworkValue((ESteamNetworkingConfigValue)9, (ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType)1, 4194304);

		private void SetSteamNetworkSimulationValues()
			SetSteamNetworkValue((ESteamNetworkingConfigValue)2, (ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType)3, ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<float>("Network", "PacketLossSendPercentage", 0.3f, (ConfigDescription)null).Value);
			SetSteamNetworkValue((ESteamNetworkingConfigValue)3, (ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType)3, ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<float>("Network", "PacketLossReceivePercentage", 0.3f, (ConfigDescription)null).Value);
			SetSteamNetworkValue((ESteamNetworkingConfigValue)4, (ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType)1, ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("Network", "PacketLagSendMs", 80, (ConfigDescription)null).Value);
			SetSteamNetworkValue((ESteamNetworkingConfigValue)5, (ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType)1, ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("Network", "PacketLagReceiveMs", 80, (ConfigDescription)null).Value);
			SetSteamNetworkValue((ESteamNetworkingConfigValue)6, (ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType)3, ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<float>("Network", "PacketReorderPercentageSend", 0.1f, (ConfigDescription)null).Value);
			SetSteamNetworkValue((ESteamNetworkingConfigValue)7, (ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType)3, ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<float>("Network", "PacketReorderPercentageReceive", 0.1f, (ConfigDescription)null).Value);
			SetSteamNetworkValue((ESteamNetworkingConfigValue)8, (ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType)1, ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("Network", "PacketReorderTime", 20, (ConfigDescription)null).Value);
			SetSteamNetworkValue((ESteamNetworkingConfigValue)26, (ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType)3, ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<float>("Network", "PacketDuplicatePercentSend", 0.1f, (ConfigDescription)null).Value);
			SetSteamNetworkValue((ESteamNetworkingConfigValue)26, (ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType)3, ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<float>("Network", "PacketDuplicatePercentReceive", 0.1f, (ConfigDescription)null).Value);
			SetSteamNetworkValue((ESteamNetworkingConfigValue)28, (ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType)1, ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<int>("Network", "PacketDuplicateTimeMax", 60, (ConfigDescription)null).Value);

		private static void SetSteamNetworkValue<T>(ESteamNetworkingConfigValue name, ESteamNetworkingConfigDataType type, T value) where T : unmanaged
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GCHandle gCHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(value, GCHandleType.Pinned);
			SteamNetworkingUtils.SetConfigValue(name, (ESteamNetworkingConfigScope)1, IntPtr.Zero, type, gCHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject());
	public class PrefabSpawner : MonoBehaviour
		public enum EnemyType

		private readonly Dictionary<string, EnemyType> _enemyNameToType = new Dictionary<string, EnemyType>();

		private readonly Dictionary<EnemyType, string> _enemyTypeToName = new Dictionary<EnemyType, string>();

		private readonly Dictionary<EnemyType, GameObject> _prefabs = new Dictionary<EnemyType, GameObject>();

		private void Awake()
			AddEnemyEntries(EnemyType.Unknown, "");
			AddEnemyEntries(EnemyType.Archer, "E Archer");
			AddEnemyEntries(EnemyType.Catapult, "E Catapult");
			AddEnemyEntries(EnemyType.Crossbow, "E Crossbow");
			AddEnemyEntries(EnemyType.Exploder, "E Exploder");
			AddEnemyEntries(EnemyType.Flyer, "E Flyer");
			AddEnemyEntries(EnemyType.Hunterling, "E Hunterling");
			AddEnemyEntries(EnemyType.Melee, "E Melee");
			AddEnemyEntries(EnemyType.MonsterRider, "E MonsterRider");
			AddEnemyEntries(EnemyType.Ogre, "E Ogre");
			AddEnemyEntries(EnemyType.ProjectileBow, "E ProjectileBow");
			AddEnemyEntries(EnemyType.Racer, "E Racer");
			AddEnemyEntries(EnemyType.Slime, "E Slime");
			AddEnemyEntries(EnemyType.StrongSlime, "E StrongSlime");
			AddEnemyEntries(EnemyType.Weakling, "E Weakling");

		private void AddEnemyEntries(EnemyType type, string enemy)
			_enemyTypeToName.Add(type, enemy);
			_enemyNameToType.Add(enemy, type);

		private GameObject GetPrefab(EnemyType type)
			if (!_prefabs.TryGetValue(type, out var value) || (Object)(object)value == (Object)null)
				value = GameObject.Find(_enemyTypeToName[type]);
				_prefabs.Add(type, value);
			return value;

		public EnemyType ToEnemy(string enemy)
			if (!_enemyNameToType.TryGetValue(enemy, out var value))
				return EnemyType.Unknown;
			return value;

		public GameObject Spawn(ushort id, EnemyType type)
			GameObject prefab = GetPrefab(type);
			if ((Object)(object)prefab == (Object)null)
				return null;
			GameObject val = Helpers.InstantiateDisabled<GameObject>(prefab, (Transform)null, worldPositionStays: false);
			Identifier identifier = val.AddComponent<Identifier>();
			identifier.SetIdentity(IdentifierType.Enemy, id);
			return val;
	public class TextureRepository
		public readonly Texture2D Crown = LoadTexture("crown.png");

		public readonly Texture2D Lock = LoadTexture("lock-icon.png");

		public readonly Texture2D Blank = LoadTexture("blank.png");

		private static Texture2D LoadTexture(string textureName)
			//IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003f: Expected O, but got Unknown
			Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
			string name = executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames().Single((string str) => str.EndsWith(textureName));
			Stream manifestResourceStream = executingAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(name);
			Texture2D val = new Texture2D(2, 2, (GraphicsFormat)8, 1, (TextureCreationFlags)0);
			using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
			ImageConversion.LoadImage(val, memoryStream.ToArray());
			return val;
	public static class PluginInfo
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "com.badwolf.thronefall_mp";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "com.badwolf.thronefall_mp";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.0.5";
namespace ThronefallMP.Utils
	public static class Ext
		public static bool LogErrorFiltered(string section)
			return ((BaseUnityPlugin)Plugin.Instance).Config.Bind<bool>("Debug", "ShowError" + section, true, (ConfigDescription)null).Value;

		public static void LogErrorFiltered(this ManualLogSource source, string section, object obj)
			ConfigEntry<bool> val = ((BaseUnityPlugin)Plugin.Instance).Config.Bind<bool>("Debug", "ShowError" + section, true, (ConfigDescription)null);
			if (val.Value)
				source.LogError((object)(section + "> " + obj));

		public static bool LogWarningFiltered(string section)
			return ((BaseUnityPlugin)Plugin.Instance).Config.Bind<bool>("Debug", "ShowWarning" + section, true, (ConfigDescription)null).Value;

		public static void LogWarningFiltered(this ManualLogSource source, string section, object obj)
			ConfigEntry<bool> val = ((BaseUnityPlugin)Plugin.Instance).Config.Bind<bool>("Debug", "ShowWarning" + section, true, (ConfigDescription)null);
			if (val.Value)
				source.LogWarning((object)(section + "> " + obj));

		public static bool LogInfoFiltered(string section)
			return ((BaseUnityPlugin)Plugin.Instance).Config.Bind<bool>("Debug", "ShowInfo" + section, true, (ConfigDescription)null).Value;

		public static void LogInfoFiltered(this ManualLogSource source, string section, object obj)
			ConfigEntry<bool> val = ((BaseUnityPlugin)Plugin.Instance).Config.Bind<bool>("Debug", "ShowInfo" + section, true, (ConfigDescription)null);
			if (val.Value)
				source.LogInfo((object)(section + "> " + obj));

		public static bool LogDebugFiltered(string section)
			return ((BaseUnityPlugin)Plugin.Instance).Config.Bind<bool>("Debug", "ShowDebug" + section, true, (ConfigDescription)null).Value;

		public static void LogDebugFiltered(this ManualLogSource source, string section, object obj)
			ConfigEntry<bool> val = ((BaseUnityPlugin)Plugin.Instance).Config.Bind<bool>("Debug", "ShowDebug" + section, true, (ConfigDescription)null);
			if (val.Value)
	public struct Half : IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable<Half>, IEquatable<Half>
		internal ushort value;

		public static readonly Half Epsilon = ToHalf(1);

		public static readonly Half MaxValue = ToHalf(31743);

		public static readonly Half MinValue = ToHalf(64511);

		public static readonly Half NaN = ToHalf(65024);

		public static readonly Half NegativeInfinity = ToHalf(64512);

		public static readonly Half PositiveInfinity = ToHalf(31744);

		public Half(float value)
			this = HalfHelper.SingleToHalf(value);

		public Half(int value)
			: this((float)value)

		public Half(long value)
			: this((float)value)

		public Half(double value)
			: this((float)value)

		public Half(decimal value)
			: this((float)value)

		public Half(uint value)
			: this((float)value)

		public Half(ulong value)
			: this((float)value)

		public static Half Negate(Half half)
			return -half;

		public static Half Add(Half half1, Half half2)
			return half1 + half2;

		public static Half Subtract(Half half1, Half half2)
			return half1 - half2;

		public static Half Multiply(Half half1, Half half2)
			return half1 * half2;

		public static Half Divide(Half half1, Half half2)
			return half1 / half2;

		public static Half operator +(Half half)
			return half;

		public static Half operator -(Half half)
			return HalfHelper.Negate(half);

		public static Half operator ++(Half half)
			return (Half)((float)half + 1f);

		public static Half operator --(Half half)
			return (Half)((float)half - 1f);

		public static Half operator +(Half half1, Half half2)
			return (Half)((float)half1 + (float)half2);

		public static Half operator -(Half half1, Half half2)
			return (Half)((float)half1 - (float)half2);

		public static Half operator *(Half half1, Half half2)
			return (Half)((float)half1 * (float)half2);

		public static Half operator /(Half half1, Half half2)
			return (Half)((float)half1 / (float)half2);

		public static bool operator ==(Half half1, Half half2)
			if (!IsNaN(half1))
				return half1.value == half2.value;
			return false;

		public static bool operator !=(Half half1, Half half2)
			return half1.value != half2.value;

		public static bool operator <(Half half1, Half half2)
			return (float)half1 < (float)half2;

		public static bool operator >(Half half1, Half half2)
			return (float)half1 > (float)half2;

		public static bool operator <=(Half half1, Half half2)
			if (!(half1 == half2))
				return half1 < half2;
			return true;

		public static bool operator >=(Half half1, Half half2)
			if (!(half1 == half2))
				return half1 > half2;
			return true;

		public static implicit operator Half(byte value)
			return new Half((float)(int)value);

		public static implicit operator Half(short value)
			return new Half((float)value);

		public static implicit operator Half(char value)
			return new Half((float)(int)value);

		public static implicit operator Half(int value)
			return new Half((float)value);

		public static implicit operator Half(long value)
			return new Half((float)value);

		public static explicit operator Half(float value)
			return new Half(value);

		public static explicit operator Half(double value)
			return new Half((float)value);

		public static explicit operator Half(decimal value)
			return new Half((float)value);

		public static explicit operator byte(Half value)
			return (byte)(float)value;

		public static explicit operator char(Half value)
			return (char)(float)value;

		public static explicit operator short(Half value)
			return (short)(float)value;

		public static explicit operator int(Half value)
			return (int)(float)value;

		public static explicit operator long(Half value)
			return (long)(float)value;

		public static implicit operator float(Half value)
			return HalfHelper.HalfToSingle(value);

		public static implicit operator double(Half value)
			return (float)value;

		public static explicit operator decimal(Half value)
			return (decimal)(float)value;

		public static implicit operator Half(sbyte value)
			return new Half((float)value);

		public static implicit operator Half(ushort value)
			return new Half((float)(int)value);

		public static implicit operator Half(uint value)
			return new Half((float)value);

		public static implicit operator Half(ulong value)
			return new Half((float)value);

		public static explicit operator sbyte(Half value)
			return (sbyte)(float)value;

		public static explicit operator ushort(Half value)
			return (ushort)(float)value;

		public static explicit operator uint(Half value)
			return (uint)(float)value;

		public static explicit operator ulong(Half value)
			return (ulong)(float)value;

		public int CompareTo(Half other)
			int result = 0;
			if (this < other)
				result = -1;
			else if (this > other)
				result = 1;
			else if (this != other)
				if (!IsNaN(this))
					result = 1;
				else if (!IsNaN(other))
					result = -1;
			return result;

		public int CompareTo(object obj)
			int num = 0;
			if (obj == null)
				return 1;
			if (obj is Half)
				return CompareTo((Half)obj);
			throw new ArgumentException("Object must be of type Half.");

		public bool Equals(Half other)
			if (!(other == this))
				if (IsNaN(other))
					return IsNaN(this);
				return false;
			return true;

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			bool result = false;
			if (obj is Half half && (half == this || (IsNaN(half) && IsNaN(this))))
				result = true;
			return result;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return value.GetHashCode();

		public TypeCode GetTypeCode()
			return (TypeCode)255;

		public static byte[] GetBytes(Half value)
			return BitConverter.GetBytes(value.value);

		public static ushort GetBits(Half value)
			return value.value;

		public static Half ToHalf(byte[] value, int startIndex)
			return ToHalf((ushort)BitConverter.ToInt16(value, startIndex));

		public static Half ToHalf(ushort bits)
			Half result = default(Half);
			result.value = bits;
			return result;

		public static int Sign(Half value)
			if (value < 0)
				return -1;
			if (value > 0)
				return 1;
			if (value != 0)
				throw new ArithmeticException("Function does not accept floating point Not-a-Number values.");
			return 0;

		public static Half Abs(Half value)
			return HalfHelper.Abs(value);

		public static Half Max(Half value1, Half value2)
			if (!(value1 < value2))
				return value1;
			return value2;

		public static Half Min(Half value1, Half value2)
			if (!(value1 < value2))
				return value2;
			return value1;

		public static bool IsNaN(Half half)
			return HalfHelper.IsNaN(half);

		public static bool IsInfinity(Half half)
			return HalfHelper.IsInfinity(half);

		public static bool IsNegativeInfinity(Half half)
			return HalfHelper.IsNegativeInfinity(half);

		public static bool IsPositiveInfinity(Half half)
			return HalfHelper.IsPositiveInfinity(half);

		public static Half Parse(string value)
			return (Half)float.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

		public static Half Parse(string value, IFormatProvider provider)
			return (Half)float.Parse(value, provider);

		public static Half Parse(string value, NumberStyles style)
			return (Half)float.Parse(value, style, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

		public static Half Parse(string value, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider)
			return (Half)float.Parse(value, style, provider);

		public static bool TryParse(string value, out Half result)
			if (float.TryParse(value, out var result2))
				result = (Half)result2;
				return true;
			result = default(Half);
			return false;

		public static bool TryParse(string value, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, out Half result)
			bool result2 = false;
			if (float.TryParse(value, style, provider, out var result3))
				result = (Half)result3;
				result2 = true;
				result = default(Half);
			return result2;

		public override string ToString()
			return ((float)this).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

		public string ToString(IFormatProvider formatProvider)
			return ((float)this).ToString(formatProvider);

		public string ToString(string format)
			return ((float)this).ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

		public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
			return ((float)this).ToString(format, formatProvider);

		float IConvertible.ToSingle(IFormatProvider provider)
			return this;

		TypeCode IConvertible.GetTypeCode()
			return GetTypeCode();

		bool IConvertible.ToBoolean(IFormatProvider provider)
			return Convert.ToBoolean(this);

		byte IConvertible.ToByte(IFormatProvider provider)
			return Convert.ToByte(this);

		char IConvertible.ToChar(IFormatProvider provider)
			throw new InvalidCastException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Invalid cast from '{0}' to '{1}'.", "Half", "Char"));

		DateTime IConvertible.ToDateTime(IFormatProvider provider)
			throw new InvalidCastException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Invalid cast from '{0}' to '{1}'.", "Half", "DateTime"));

		decimal IConvertible.ToDecimal(IFormatProvider provider)
			return Convert.ToDecimal(this);

		double IConvertible.ToDouble(IFormatProvider provider)
			return Convert.ToDouble(this);

		short IConvertible.ToInt16(IFormatProvider provider)
			return Convert.ToInt16(this);

		int IConvertible.ToInt32(IFormatProvider provider)
			return Convert.ToInt32(this);

		long IConvertible.ToInt64(IFormatProvider provider)
			return Convert.ToInt64(this);

		sbyte IConvertible.ToSByte(IFormatProvider provider)
			return Convert.ToSByte(this);

		string IConvertible.ToString(IFormatProvider provider)
			return Convert.ToString(this, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

		object IConvertible.ToType(Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider)
			return ((IConvertible)(float)this).ToType(conversionType, provider);

		ushort IConvertible.ToUInt16(IFormatProvider provider)
			return Convert.ToUInt16(this);

		uint IConvertible.ToUInt32(IFormatProvider provider)
			return Convert.ToUInt32(this);

		ulong IConvertible.ToUInt64(IFormatProvider provider)
			return Convert.ToUInt64(this);
	internal static class HalfHelper
		private static readonly uint[] mantissaTable = GenerateMantissaTable();

		private static readonly uint[] exponentTable = GenerateExponentTable();

		private static readonly ushort[] offsetTable = GenerateOffsetTable();

		private static readonly ushort[] baseTable = GenerateBaseTable();

		private static readonly sbyte[] shiftTable = GenerateShiftTable();

		private static uint ConvertMantissa(int i)
			uint num = (uint)(i << 13);
			uint num2 = 0u;
			while ((num & 0x800000) == 0)
				num2 -= 8388608;
				num <<= 1;
			num &= 0xFF7FFFFFu;
			num2 += 947912704;
			return num | num2;

		private static uint[] GenerateMantissaTable()
			uint[] array = new uint[2048];
			array[0] = 0u;
			for (int i = 1; i < 1024; i++)
				array[i] = ConvertMantissa(i);
			for (int j = 1024; j < 2048; j++)
				array[j] = (uint)(939524096 + (j - 1024 << 13));
			return array;

		private static uint[] GenerateExponentTable()
			uint[] array = new uint[64];
			array[0] = 0u;
			for (int i = 1; i < 31; i++)
				array[i] = (uint)(i << 23);
			array[31] = 1199570944u;
			array[32] = 2147483648u;
			for (int j = 33; j < 63; j++)
				array[j] = (uint)(2147483648u + (j - 32 << 23));
			array[63] = 3347054592u;
			return array;

		private static ushort[] GenerateOffsetTable()
			ushort[] array = new ushort[64];
			array[0] = 0;
			for (int i = 1; i < 32; i++)
				array[i] = 1024;
			array[32] = 0;
			for (int j = 33; j < 64; j++)
				array[j] = 1024;
			return array;

		private static ushort[] GenerateBaseTable()
			ushort[] array = new ushort[512];
			for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
				sbyte b = (sbyte)(127 - i);
				if (b > 24)
					array[i | 0] = 0;
					array[i | 0x100] = 32768;
				else if (b > 14)
					array[i | 0] = (ushort)(1024 >> 18 + b);
					array[i | 0x100] = (ushort)((uint)(1024 >> 18 + b) | 0x8000u);
				else if (b >= -15)
					array[i | 0] = (ushort)(15 - b << 10);
					array[i | 0x100] = (ushort)((uint)(15 - b << 10) | 0x8000u);
				else if (b > sbyte.MinValue)
					array[i | 0] = 31744;
					array[i | 0x100] = 64512;
					array[i | 0] = 31744;
					array[i | 0x100] = 64512;
			return array;

		private static sbyte[] GenerateShiftTable()
			sbyte[] array = new sbyte[512];
			for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
				sbyte b = (sbyte)(127 - i);
				if (b > 24)
					array[i | 0] = 24;
					array[i | 0x100] = 24;
				else if (b > 14)
					array[i | 0] = (sbyte)(b - 1);
					array[i | 0x100] = (sbyte)(b - 1);
				else if (b >= -15)
					array[i | 0] = 13;
					array[i | 0x100] = 13;
				else if (b > sbyte.MinValue)
					array[i | 0] = 24;
					array[i | 0x100] = 24;
					array[i | 0] = 13;
					array[i | 0x100] = 13;
			return array;

		public unsafe static float HalfToSingle(Half half)
			uint num = mantissaTable[offsetTable[half.value >> 10] + (half.value & 0x3FF)] + exponentTable[half.value >> 10];
			return *(float*)(&num);

		public unsafe static Half SingleToHalf(float single)
			uint num = *(uint*)(&single);
			ushort bits = (ushort)(baseTable[(num >> 23) & 0x1FF] + ((num & 0x7FFFFF) >> (int)shiftTable[num >> 23]));
			return Half.ToHalf(bits);

		public static Half Negate(Half half)
			return Half.ToHalf((ushort)(half.value ^ 0x8000u));

		public static Half Abs(Half half)
			return Half.ToHalf((ushort)(half.value & 0x7FFFu));

		public static bool IsNaN(Half half)
			return (half.value & 0x7FFF) > 31744;

		public static bool IsInfinity(Half half)
			return (half.value & 0x7FFF) == 31744;

		public static bool IsPositiveInfinity(Half half)
			return half.value == 31744;

		public static bool IsNegativeInfinity(Half half)
			return half.value == 64512;
	public static class Helpers
		public const float Epsilon = 1.8E-43f;

		public const float EpsilonSqr = 9E-44f;

		private const float SpawnRadiusIncrement = 5f;

		private const int SpawnAngleIncrement = 60;

		private const int SpawnAngleEvenOffset = 30;

		public static Vector3 GetSpawnLocation(Vector3 position, int playerId)
			//IL_0004: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0039: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0049: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0055: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0060: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0065: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0066: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0067: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (playerId == -1)
				return position;
			float num = 5f;
			int num2 = 0;
			bool flag = false;
			while (playerId > 0)
				num2 += 60;
				if (num2 >= 360)
					num2 = 0;
					num += 5f;
					flag = !flag;
			Vector3 val = default(Vector3);
			val.x = num;
			Vector3 val2 = val;
			val2 = Quaternion.AngleAxis((float)(num2 + (flag ? 30 : 0)), Vector3.up) * val2;
			return position + val2;

		public static string GetPath(Transform tr)
			Transform parent = tr.parent;
			if (!((Object)(object)parent == (Object)null))
				return GetPath(parent) + "/" + ((Object)tr).name;
			return ((Object)tr).name;

		public static bool UnityNullCheck(object a)
			if (a != null)
				Object val = (Object)((a is Object) ? a : null);
				if (val != null)
					return val != (Object)null;
				return true;
			return false;

		public static PlayerInteraction FindClosest(PlayerInteraction[] players, Vector3 pos)
			//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			float num = float.MaxValue;
			PlayerInteraction result = null;
			foreach (PlayerInteraction val in players)
				Vector3 val2 = ((Component)val).transform.position - pos;
				float sqrMagnitude = ((Vector3)(ref val2)).sqrMagnitude;
				if (sqrMagnitude < num)
					num = sqrMagnitude;
					result = val;
			return result;

		public static T InstantiateDisabled<T>(T original, Transform parent = null, bool worldPositionStays = false) where T : Object
			if (!GetActiveState(original))
				return Object.Instantiate<T>(original, parent, worldPositionStays);
			(GameObject coreObject, Transform coreObjectTransform) tuple = CreateDisabledCoreObject(parent);
			GameObject item = tuple.coreObject;
			Transform item2 = tuple.coreObjectTransform;
			T val = Object.Instantiate<T>(original, item2, worldPositionStays);
			SetActiveState(val, state: false);
			SetParent(val, parent, worldPositionStays);
			return val;

		public static T InstantiateDisabled<T>(T original, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform parent = null) where T : Object
			//IL_0026: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0027: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0009: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (!GetActiveState(original))
				return Object.Instantiate<T>(original, position, rotation, parent);
			(GameObject coreObject, Transform coreObjectTransform) tuple = CreateDisabledCoreObject(parent);
			GameObject item = tuple.coreObject;
			Transform item2 = tuple.coreObjectTransform;
			T val = Object.Instantiate<T>(original, position, rotation, item2);
			SetActiveState(val, state: false);
			SetParent(val, parent, worldPositionStays: false);
			return val;

		private static (GameObject coreObject, Transform coreObjectTransform) CreateDisabledCoreObject(Transform parent = null)
			//IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			GameObject val = new GameObject(string.Empty);
			Transform transform = val.transform;
			return (val, transform);

		private static bool GetActiveState<T>(T @object) where T : Object
			object obj = @object;
			GameObject val = (GameObject)((obj is GameObject) ? obj : null);
			if (val != null)
				return val.activeSelf;
			object obj2 = @object;
			Component val2 = (Component)((obj2 is Component) ? obj2 : null);
			if (val2 != null)
				return val2.gameObject.activeSelf;
			return false;

		private static void SetActiveState<T>(T @object, bool state) where T : Object
			object obj = @object;
			GameObject val = (GameObject)((obj is GameObject) ? obj : null);
			if (val == null)
				object obj2 = @object;
				Component val2 = (Component)((obj2 is Component) ? obj2 : null);
				if (val2 != null)

		private static void SetParent<T>(T @object, Transform parent, bool worldPositionStays) where T : Object
			object obj = @object;
			GameObject val = (GameObject)((obj is GameObject) ? obj : null);
			if (val == null)
				object obj2 = @object;
				Component val2 = (Component)((obj2 is Component) ? obj2 : null);
				if (val2 != null)
					val2.transform.SetParent(parent, worldPositionStays);
				val.transform.SetParent(parent, worldPositionStays);
namespace ThronefallMP.UI
	public abstract class BaseUI : MonoBehaviour
		public Canvas Canvas { get; set; }

		public GameObject PanelRoot { get; set; }

		public bool Enabled
				return PanelRoot.activeSelf;

		public abstract string Name { get; }

		public abstract void ConstructPanelContent();

		public static T Create<T>(GameObject canvas, GameObject container) where T : BaseUI
			//IL_0018: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001e: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0081: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ab: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject val = new GameObject("Temp", new Type[1] { typeof(RectTransform) });
			val.transform.SetParent(container.transform, false);
			T val2 = val.AddComponent<T>();
			val2.Canvas = canvas.GetComponent<Canvas>();
			val2.PanelRoot = val;
			((Object)val2.PanelRoot).name = val2.Name;
			RectTransform component = val.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			component.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
			component.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
			component.offsetMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
			component.offsetMax = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
			val2.Enabled = false;
			return val2;
	public static class UIHelper
		public static GameObject CreateBox(GameObject root, string name, Color color)
			//IL_0004: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject val = CreateUIObject(name, root);
			bool? childControlWidth = true;
			bool? childControlHeight = true;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(val, (bool?)null, (bool?)null, childControlWidth, childControlHeight, (int?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, (TextAnchor?)null);
			Image val2 = val.AddComponent<Image>();
			val2.type = (Type)1;
			((Graphic)val2).color = color;
			return val;

		public static TextMeshProUGUI CreateText(GameObject root, string name, string text, TMP_FontAsset font = null)
			//IL_0004: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0069: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0074: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject val = CreateUIObject(name, root);
			TextMeshProUGUI val2 = val.AddComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
			((TMP_Text)val2).text = text;
			((Graphic)val2).color = UIManager.TextColor;
			((TMP_Text)val2).font = (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)font) ? font : UIManager.DefaultFont);
			((TMP_Text)val2).fontSize = 24f;
			((TMP_Text)val2).alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)514;
			RectTransform component = val.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			component.anchorMin =;
			component.anchorMax =;
			component.sizeDelta =;
			return val2;

		public static ButtonControl CreateButton(GameObject root, string name, string text)
			//IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0045: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0054: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0056: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0095: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ad: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d3: Expected O, but got Unknown
			GameObject val = CreateUIObject(name, root, new Vector2(25f, 25f));
			GameObject val2 = CreateUIObject("text", val);
			Button button = val.AddComponent<Button>();
			Navigation navigation = ((Selectable)button).navigation;
			((Navigation)(ref navigation)).mode = (Mode)4;
			Navigation navigation2 = navigation;
			((Selectable)button).navigation = navigation2;
			TextMeshProUGUI val3 = val2.AddComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
			((TMP_Text)val3).text = text;
			((TMP_Text)val3).font = UIManager.DefaultFont;
			((TMP_Text)val3).alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)514;
			RectTransform component = val2.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			component.anchorMin =;
			component.anchorMax =;
			component.sizeDelta =;
			SetLayoutElement(val, 20, 20);
			return val.AddComponent<ButtonControl>();

		public static GameObject CreateCheck(GameObject root, string name, bool startsOn = false)
			//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0089: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00fe: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0104: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_011e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0134: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0146: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_014c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0166: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_017c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject val = CreateUIObject(name, root, new Vector2(25f, 25f));
			Toggle val2 = val.AddComponent<Toggle>();
			((Graphic)val.AddComponent<Image>()).color = Color.clear;
			val2.isOn = startsOn;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(val, (bool?)false, (bool?)false, (bool?)true, (bool?)true, (int?)10, (int?)0, (int?)0, (int?)0, (int?)0, (TextAnchor?)(TextAnchor)3);
			Navigation navigation = ((Selectable)val2).navigation;
			((Navigation)(ref navigation)).mode = (Mode)4;
			Navigation navigation2 = navigation;
			((Selectable)val2).navigation = navigation2;
			GameObject val3 = CreateUIObject("checkmark", val);
			int? flexibleWidth = 0;
			int? flexibleHeight = 0;
			SetLayoutElement(val3, null, null, flexibleWidth, flexibleHeight);
			RectTransform component = CreateUIObject("background", val3).GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			component.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.1f);
			component.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.9f, 0.9f);
			RectTransform component2 = CreateUIObject("check", val3).GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			component2.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.3f, 0.3f);
			component2.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.7f, 0.7f);
			Image val4 = val3.gameObject.AddComponent<Image>();
			val4.type = (Type)1;
			val4 = ((Component)component).gameObject.AddComponent<Image>();
			val4.type = (Type)1;
			val4 = ((Component)component2).gameObject.AddComponent<Image>();
			val4.type = (Type)1;
			return val;

		public static ToggleControl CreateLeftToggle(GameObject root, string name, string text, bool startsOn = false)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject val = CreateCheck(root, name, startsOn);
			GameObject val2 = CreateUIObject("text", val);
			TextMeshProUGUI val3 = val2.AddComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
			((TMP_Text)val3).text = text;
			((TMP_Text)val3).font = UIManager.DefaultFont;
			((TMP_Text)val3).alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)513;
			ContentSizeFitter val4 = val2.AddComponent<ContentSizeFitter>();
			val4.horizontalFit = (FitMode)2;
			val4.verticalFit = (FitMode)2;
			SetLayoutElement(val, 20, 20);
			return val.AddComponent<ToggleControl>();

		public static ToggleControl CreateRightToggle(GameObject root, string name, string text, bool startsOn = false)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject val = CreateCheck(root, name, startsOn);
			GameObject val2 = CreateUIObject("text", val);
			TextMeshProUGUI val3 = val2.AddComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
			((TMP_Text)val3).text = text;
			((TMP_Text)val3).font = UIManager.DefaultFont;
			((TMP_Text)val3).alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)513;
			ContentSizeFitter val4 = val2.AddComponent<ContentSizeFitter>();
			val4.horizontalFit = (FitMode)2;
			val4.verticalFit = (FitMode)2;
			SetLayoutElement(val, 20, 20);
			return val.AddComponent<ToggleControl>();

		public static ToggleControl CreateToggle(GameObject root, string name, bool startsOn = false)
			GameObject val = CreateCheck(root, name, startsOn);
			SetLayoutElement(val, 20, 20);
			return val.AddComponent<ToggleControl>();

		public static TMP_InputField CreateInputField(GameObject panel, string name, string label, string value, int? labelWidth = null, int limit = 32, TMP_FontAsset font = null)
			//IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_026e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0275: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_029d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02b8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02d3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_030b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_034c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0362: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0378: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject val = CreateUIObject(name + "Group", panel);
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(val, (bool?)false, (bool?)false, (bool?)true, (bool?)false, (int?)20, (int?)5, (int?)5, (int?)5, (int?)5, (TextAnchor?)(TextAnchor)3);
			int? flexibleWidth = 1;
			SetLayoutElement(val, null, null, flexibleWidth);
			if (label != null)
				GameObject val2 = CreateBox(val, name + "_label_bg", Color.clear);
				bool? childControlWidth = true;
				TextAnchor? childAlignment = (TextAnchor)3;
				UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(val2, (bool?)null, (bool?)null, childControlWidth, (bool?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, childAlignment);
				GameObject gameObject = val2.gameObject;
				flexibleWidth = 0;
				SetLayoutElement(gameObject, labelWidth, null, flexibleWidth);
				val2.AddComponent<ContentSizeFitter>().verticalFit = (FitMode)2;
				TextMeshProUGUI val3 = CreateText(val2, name + "_label", label + ": ", font);
				((TMP_Text)val3).alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)513;
			GameObject val4 = CreateBox(val, name + "_bg", new Color(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f));
			flexibleWidth = 1;
			SetLayoutElement(val4, null, null, flexibleWidth);
			val4.AddComponent<ContentSizeFitter>().verticalFit = (FitMode)2;
			TMP_InputField val5 = val4.AddComponent<TMP_InputField>();
			val5.textViewport = ((Component)((Component)val5).transform.parent).GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			((Selectable)val5).targetGraphic = (Graphic)(object)val4.GetComponent<Image>();
			GameObject val6 = new GameObject("area", new Type[1] { typeof(RectTransform) });
			val5.textViewport = val6.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			((Transform)val5.textViewport).localPosition =;
			val5.textViewport.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
			val5.textViewport.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
			val6.AddComponent<ContentSizeFitter>().verticalFit = (FitMode)2;
			TextMeshProUGUI val7 = CreateText(val6, name ?? "", value ?? "", font);
			((Graphic)val7).color = UIManager.TextColor;
			((TMP_Text)val7).fontSize = 20f;
			val5.textComponent = (TMP_Text)(object)val7;
			val5.text = ((TMP_Text)val7).text;
			val5.characterLimit = limit;
			RectTransform component = ((Component)val7).GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			((Transform)component).localPosition =;
			component.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
			component.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
			val5.onFocusSelectAll = false;
			return val5;

		public static void AddEvent(GameObject button, EventTriggerType type, UnityAction<BaseEventData> action)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0021: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0026: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0032: Expected O, but got Unknown
			EventTrigger component = button.GetComponent<EventTrigger>();
			TriggerEvent val = new TriggerEvent();
			component.triggers.Add(new Entry
				eventID = type,
				callback = val

		public static T SetLayoutGroup<T>(GameObject gameObject, bool? forceWidth = null, bool? forceHeight = null, bool? childControlWidth = null, bool? childControlHeight = null, int? spacing = null, int? padTop = null, int? padBottom = null, int? padLeft = null, int? padRight = null, TextAnchor? childAlignment = null) where T : HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup
			T val = gameObject.GetComponent<T>();
			if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val))
				val = gameObject.AddComponent<T>();
			return SetLayoutGroup(val, forceWidth, forceHeight, childControlWidth, childControlHeight, spacing, padTop, padBottom, padLeft, padRight, childAlignment);

		public static T SetLayoutGroup<T>(T group, bool? forceWidth = null, bool? forceHeight = null, bool? childControlWidth = null, bool? childControlHeight = null, int? spacing = null, int? padTop = null, int? padBottom = null, int? padLeft = null, int? padRight = null, TextAnchor? childAlignment = null) where T : HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup
			//IL_0119: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (forceWidth.HasValue)
				((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)group).childForceExpandWidth = forceWidth.Value;
			if (forceHeight.HasValue)
				((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)group).childForceExpandHeight = forceHeight.Value;
			if (childControlWidth.HasValue)
			if (childControlHeight.HasValue)
			if (spacing.HasValue)
				((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)group).spacing = spacing.Value;
			if (padTop.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)(object)group) = padTop.Value;
			if (padBottom.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)(object)group).padding.bottom = padBottom.Value;
			if (padLeft.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)(object)group).padding.left = padLeft.Value;
			if (padRight.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)(object)group).padding.right = padRight.Value;
			if (childAlignment.HasValue)
				((LayoutGroup)(object)group).childAlignment = childAlignment.Value;
			return group;

		public static GameObject CreateUIObject(string name, GameObject parent, Vector2 sizeDelta = default(Vector2))
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0016: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject val = new GameObject(name)
				layer = 5,
				hideFlags = (HideFlags)61
			if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)parent))
				val.transform.SetParent(parent.transform, false);
			val.AddComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = sizeDelta;
			return val;

		public static LayoutElement SetLayoutElement(GameObject gameObject, int? minWidth = null, int? minHeight = null, int? flexibleWidth = null, int? flexibleHeight = null, int? preferredWidth = null, int? preferredHeight = null, bool? ignoreLayout = null)
			LayoutElement val = gameObject.GetComponent<LayoutElement>();
			if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val))
				val = gameObject.AddComponent<LayoutElement>();
			if (minWidth.HasValue)
				val.minWidth = minWidth.Value;
			if (minHeight.HasValue)
				val.minHeight = minHeight.Value;
			if (flexibleWidth.HasValue)
				val.flexibleWidth = flexibleWidth.Value;
			if (flexibleHeight.HasValue)
				val.flexibleHeight = flexibleHeight.Value;
			if (preferredWidth.HasValue)
				val.preferredWidth = preferredWidth.Value;
			if (preferredHeight.HasValue)
				val.preferredHeight = preferredHeight.Value;
			if (ignoreLayout.HasValue)
				val.ignoreLayout = ignoreLayout.Value;
			return val;

		public static void SetChildControlHeight(this HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup group, bool value)
			group.childControlHeight = value;

		public static void SetChildControlWidth(this HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup group, bool value)
			group.childControlWidth = value;
	public static class UIManager
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static UnityAction <>9__34_0;

			internal void <Initialize>b__34_0()

		public static bool ExitHandled = false;

		public static readonly Color DarkBackgroundColor = new Color(0.06f, 0.06f, 0.06f, 1f);

		public static readonly Color BackgroundColor = new Color(0.11f, 0.11f, 0.11f, 1f);

		public static readonly Color TransparentBackgroundColor = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.3f);

		public static readonly Color SelectedTransparentBackgroundColor = new Color(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.3f);

		public static readonly Color TextColor = new Color(0.78f, 0.65f, 0.46f, 1f);

		public static readonly Color ButtonTextColor = new Color(0.97f, 0.88f, 0.75f, 1f);

		public static readonly Color NoninteractiveButtonTextColor = new Color(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 1f);

		public static readonly Color ButtonHoverTextColor = new Color(0f, 0.41f, 0.11f);

		public static readonly Color ExitButtonColor = new Color(0.176f, 0.165f, 0.149f);

		public static TMP_FontAsset DefaultFont;

		private static bool _initialized;

		private static GameObject _canvas;

		private static GameObject _container;

		public static GameObject TitleScreen { get; private set; }

		public static LobbyListPanel LobbyListPanel { get; private set; }

		public static HostPanel HostPanel { get; private set; }

		public static ChatPanel ChatPanel { get; private set; }

		public static GameStatusPanel GameStatusPanel { get; private set; }

		public static void Initialize()
			//IL_004c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0056: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_007d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0092: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00bc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0221: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0226: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_022c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0264: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (_initialized)
			_canvas = GameObject.Find("UI Canvas");
			if ((Object)(object)_canvas.GetComponent<StandaloneInputModule>() == (Object)null)
			_container = new GameObject("Mod UI", new Type[1] { typeof(RectTransform) });
			RectTransform component = _container.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			((Transform)component).SetParent(_canvas.transform, false);
			component.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
			component.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
			component.offsetMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
			component.offsetMax = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
			TitleScreen = GameObject.Find("UI Canvas/Title Frame").gameObject;
			ThronefallUIElement component2 = ((Component)TitleScreen.transform.Find("Menu Items/Play")).GetComponent<ThronefallUIElement>();
			ThronefallUIElement component3 = ((Component)TitleScreen.transform.Find("Menu Items/Settings")).GetComponent<ThronefallUIElement>();
			DefaultFont = ((TMP_Text)((Component)component3).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).font;
			LobbyListPanel = BaseUI.Create<LobbyListPanel>(_canvas, _container);
			HostPanel = BaseUI.Create<HostPanel>(_canvas, _container);
			ChatPanel = BaseUI.Create<ChatPanel>(_canvas, _container);
			GameStatusPanel = BaseUI.Create<GameStatusPanel>(_canvas, _container);
			ChatPanel.Enabled = true;
			GameStatusPanel.Enabled = true;
			GameObject val = Helpers.InstantiateDisabled<GameObject>(((Component)component3).gameObject, ((Component)component3).transform.parent, worldPositionStays: false);
			((Object)val).name = "Multiplayer";
			TextMeshProUGUI component4 = val.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
			((TMP_Text)component4).text = "Multiplayer";
			TFUITextButton component5 = val.GetComponent<TFUITextButton>();
			UnityEvent onApply = ((ThronefallUIElement)component5).onApply;
			object obj = <>c.<>9__34_0;
			if (obj == null)
				UnityAction val2 = delegate
				<>c.<>9__34_0 = val2;
				obj = (object)val2;
			((ThronefallUIElement)component5).rightNav = component3;
			if (SteamManager.Initialized)
				component2.rightNav = (ThronefallUIElement)(object)component5;
				component3.leftNav = (ThronefallUIElement)(object)component5;
				((ThronefallUIElement)component5).ignoreMouse = true;
				((ThronefallUIElement)component5).cannotBeSelected = true;
				((Graphic)component4).color = NoninteractiveButtonTextColor;
			_initialized = true;

		public static void CloseAllPanels()
			LobbyListPanel.Enabled = false;
			HostPanel.Enabled = false;

		public static WeaponDialog CreateWeaponDialog()
			WeaponDialog weaponDialog = BaseUI.Create<WeaponDialog>(_canvas, _container);
			weaponDialog.Enabled = true;
			return weaponDialog;

		public static PasswordDialog CreatePasswordDialog(PasswordDialog.Confirm confirm, PasswordDialog.Cancel cancel)
			PasswordDialog passwordDialog = BaseUI.Create<PasswordDialog>(_canvas, _container);
			passwordDialog.OnConfirm = (PasswordDialog.Confirm)Delegate.Combine(passwordDialog.OnConfirm, confirm);
			passwordDialog.OnCancel = (PasswordDialog.Cancel)Delegate.Combine(passwordDialog.OnCancel, cancel);
			passwordDialog.Enabled = true;
			return passwordDialog;

		public static MessageDialog CreateMessageDialog(string title, string message, string button = null, Color? color = null, MessageDialog.ClickDelegate onClick = null)
			//IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			MessageDialog messageDialog = BaseUI.Create<MessageDialog>(_canvas, _container);
			messageDialog.Title = title;
			messageDialog.Message = message;
			if (color.HasValue)
				messageDialog.Color = color.Value;
			if (button != null)
				messageDialog.ButtonText = button;
			if (onClick != null)
				messageDialog.OnClick = (MessageDialog.ClickDelegate)Delegate.Combine(messageDialog.OnClick, onClick);
			messageDialog.Enabled = true;
			return messageDialog;
namespace ThronefallMP.UI.Panels
	public class ChatPanel : BaseUI
		private class Message
			public GameObject Line;

			public TMP_Text Text;

			public float Time;

			public bool Faded;

		private const int MaxLines = 8;

		private const float MessageTimeout = 3f;

		private const float MessageFadeTime = 0.5f;

		private static readonly Color BackgroundColor = new Color(0.07f, 0.07f, 0.07f, 1f);

		private static readonly Color InputColor = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1f);

		private static readonly Color ChatColor = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1f);

		private static readonly Color32 ChatBorderColor = new Color32((byte)0, (byte)0, (byte)0, byte.MaxValue);

		private GameObject _container;

		private GameObject _chatBoxContainer;

		private TMP_InputField _chatBox;

		private readonly List<Message> _lines = new List<Message>();

		private TMP_FontAsset _chatBoxFont;

		private TMP_FontAsset _chatFont;

		private bool _justClosed;

		public override string Name => "Chat Panel";

		private Font CreateFont()
			//IL_00a0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a6: Expected O, but got Unknown
			Dictionary<string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, int>
				{ "arial", 0 },
				{ "times", 1 },
				{ "verdana", 2 },
				{ "cour", 3 }
			int num = int.MaxValue;
			string text = Font.GetPathsToOSFonts()[0];
			string[] pathsToOSFonts = Font.GetPathsToOSFonts();
			foreach (string text2 in pathsToOSFonts)
				string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(text2);
				if (dictionary.TryGetValue(fileNameWithoutExtension, out var value) && value < num)
					text = text2;
					num = value;
					if (num == 0)
			Plugin.Log.LogInfo((object)("Loaded font '" + text + "' for chat messages."));
			return new Font(text);

		public override void ConstructPanelContent()
			//IL_008b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0091: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_012b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0131: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_014c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0162: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01f8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_027d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Font val = CreateFont();
			_chatBoxFont = TMP_FontAsset.CreateFontAsset(val, 90, 9, (GlyphRenderMode)4165, 1024, 1024, (AtlasPopulationMode)1, true);
			_chatFont = TMP_FontAsset.CreateFontAsset(val, 90, 9, (GlyphRenderMode)4165, 1024, 1024, (AtlasPopulationMode)1, true);
			((TMP_Asset)_chatFont).material.SetFloat(ShaderUtilities.ID_FaceDilate, 0.3f);
			_container = UIHelper.CreateUIObject("container", base.PanelRoot);
			RectTransform component = _container.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			component.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0.5f);
			component.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.35f, 0.8f);
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<VerticalLayoutGroup>(_container, (bool?)true, (bool?)false, (bool?)true, (bool?)true, (int?)0, (int?)10, (int?)10, (int?)10, (int?)10, (TextAnchor?)(TextAnchor)6);
			GameObject val2 = UIHelper.CreateUIObject("chat_box_container", base.PanelRoot);
			RectTransform component2 = val2.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			component2.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.4f, 0.4f);
			component2.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.6f, 0.5f);
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(val2, (bool?)true, (bool?)false, (bool?)true, (bool?)true, (int?)0, (int?)0, (int?)0, (int?)0, (int?)0, (TextAnchor?)(TextAnchor)4);
			TMP_FontAsset chatBoxFont = _chatBoxFont;
			_chatBox = UIHelper.CreateInputField(val2, "chat_box", null, "", null, 32, chatBoxFont);
			((Graphic)_chatBox.textComponent).color = InputColor;
			_chatBox.textComponent.alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)513;
			_chatBox.characterLimit = 0;
			_chatBox.lineLimit = 1;
			_chatBoxContainer = ((Component)((Component)_chatBox).transform.parent).gameObject;
			Image val3 = _chatBoxContainer.AddComponent<Image>();
			val3.type = (Type)1;
			((Graphic)val3).color = BackgroundColor;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(_chatBoxContainer, (bool?)true, (bool?)false, (bool?)true, (bool?)false, (int?)0, (int?)3, (int?)3, (int?)3, (int?)3, (TextAnchor?)(TextAnchor)4);
			RectTransform component3 = _chatBoxContainer.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			Plugin.Instance.Network.AddChatMessageHandler(0, OnMessageReceived);

		public void Update()
			if (!Plugin.Instance.Network.Online)
				foreach (Message line in _lines)
			foreach (Message line2 in _lines)
				if (line2.Faded && _chatBoxContainer.activeSelf)
					line2.Time = Time.unscaledTime;
					((Graphic)line2.Text).CrossFadeAlpha(1f, 0f, true);
					line2.Faded = false;
				else if (!line2.Faded && line2.Time + 3f < Time.unscaledTime)
					((Graphic)line2.Text).CrossFadeAlpha(0f, 0.5f, true);
					line2.Faded = true;
			if (!_chatBoxContainer.activeSelf)
				if (_justClosed)
					_justClosed = Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode)13);
				else if (Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode)13))
			else if (!_chatBox.isFocused)

		private void OnSendMessage(string text)
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
			_chatBox.text = "";
			_justClosed = true;

		private bool OnMessageReceived(string user, string message)
			//IL_0063: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0079: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			while (_lines.Count >= 8)
				Message message2 = _lines[0];
			TextMeshProUGUI val = UIHelper.CreateText(_container, "message", user + ": " + message, _chatFont);
			((TMP_Text)val).alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)513;
			((Graphic)val).color = ChatColor;
			((TMP_Text)val).fontSize = 20f;
			((TMP_Text)val).outlineColor = ChatBorderColor;
			((TMP_Text)val).outlineWidth = 0.3f;
			_lines.Add(new Message
				Line = ((Component)val).gameObject,
				Text = (TMP_Text)(object)val,
				Time = Time.unscaledTime
			return true;
	public class GameStatusPanel : BaseUI
		private static readonly Color BackgroundColor = new Color(0.11f, 0.11f, 0.11f, 0.95f);

		private static readonly Color EntryColor = new Color(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1f);

		private GameObject _playerList;

		public override string Name => "Game Status Panel";

		public override void ConstructPanelContent()
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0045: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ed: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00f9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_015c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0162: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject val = UIHelper.CreateUIObject("container", base.PanelRoot);
			RectTransform component = val.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			component.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0.5f);
			component.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.25f, 1f);
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<VerticalLayoutGroup>(val, (bool?)true, (bool?)false, (bool?)true, (bool?)true, (int?)0, (int?)10, (int?)10, (int?)10, (int?)10, (TextAnchor?)(TextAnchor)0);
			_playerList = UIHelper.CreateUIObject("background", val);
			Image val2 = _playerList.AddComponent<Image>();
			val2.type = (Type)1;
			((Graphic)val2).color = BackgroundColor;
			RectTransform component2 = _playerList.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			component2.anchorMin =;
			component2.anchorMax =;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<VerticalLayoutGroup>(_playerList, (bool?)true, (bool?)false, (bool?)true, (bool?)true, (int?)5, (int?)10, (int?)10, (int?)10, (int?)10, (TextAnchor?)(TextAnchor)0);
			GameObject val3 = UIHelper.CreateUIObject("player_header", _playerList);
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(val3, (bool?)false, (bool?)false, (bool?)true, (bool?)true, (int?)0, (int?)0, (int?)0, (int?)15, (int?)15, (TextAnchor?)(TextAnchor)1);
			TextMeshProUGUI val4 = UIHelper.CreateText(val3, "name", "Name", UIManager.DefaultFont);
			((TMP_Text)val4).alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)513;
			((Component)val4).gameObject.AddComponent<ContentSizeFitter>().verticalFit = (FitMode)2;
			GameObject gameObject = ((Component)val4).gameObject;
			int? flexibleWidth = 1;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutElement(gameObject, null, null, flexibleWidth);
			TextMeshProUGUI val5 = UIHelper.CreateText(val3, "ping", "Ping", UIManager.DefaultFont);
			((TMP_Text)val5).alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)514;
			((Component)val5).gameObject.AddComponent<ContentSizeFitter>().verticalFit = (FitMode)2;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutElement(((Component)val5).gameObject, 40);
			foreach (PlayerManager.Player allPlayer in Plugin.Instance.PlayerManager.GetAllPlayers())
			Plugin.Instance.PlayerManager.OnPlayerAdded += CreatePlayerLine;

		private void Update()
			if (Plugin.Instance.Network.Online && Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode)96))
				Plugin.Log.LogInfo((object)$"List toggled {_playerList.activeSelf}");

		public void CreatePlayerLine(PlayerManager.Player player)
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0080: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00cf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject val = UIHelper.CreateBox(_playerList, $"player_{player.Id}", EntryColor);
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(val, (bool?)false, (bool?)false, (bool?)true, (bool?)true, (int?)5, (int?)5, (int?)5, (int?)15, (int?)15, (TextAnchor?)(TextAnchor)4);
			GameObject val2 = UIHelper.CreateUIObject("is_host", val);
			Image val3 = val2.AddComponent<Image>();
			val3.type = (Type)3;
			Texture2D crown = Plugin.Instance.TextureRepository.Crown;
			val3.sprite = Sprite.Create(crown, new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)((Texture)crown).width, (float)((Texture)crown).height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));
			UIHelper.SetLayoutElement(val2, 24);
			TextMeshProUGUI val4 = UIHelper.CreateText(val, "name", "", UIManager.DefaultFont);
			((TMP_Text)val4).alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)513;
			((Component)val4).gameObject.AddComponent<ContentSizeFitter>().verticalFit = (FitMode)2;
			GameObject gameObject = ((Component)val4).gameObject;
			int? flexibleWidth = 1;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutElement(gameObject, null, null, flexibleWidth);
			TextMeshProUGUI val5 = UIHelper.CreateText(val, "ping", "", UIManager.DefaultFont);
			((TMP_Text)val5).alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)514;
			((Component)val5).gameObject.AddComponent<ContentSizeFitter>().verticalFit = (FitMode)2;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutElement(((Component)val5).gameObject, 40);
			PlayerInfoControl playerInfoControl = val.AddComponent<PlayerInfoControl>();
			playerInfoControl.playerId = player.Id;
			playerInfoControl.hostIdentifier = val2;
			playerInfoControl.container = val;
			playerInfoControl.playerName = (TMP_Text)(object)val4; = (TMP_Text)(object)val5;
	public class HostPanel : BaseUI
		private struct LobbyCreationRequest
			public string Name;

			public string Password;

			public int MaxPlayers;

			public bool CheatsEnabled;

			public ELobbyType Type;

		private const int LabelWidth = 140;

		private readonly CallResult<LobbyCreated_t> _onLobbyCreatedCallResult;

		private LobbyCreationRequest? _currentRequest;

		private GameObject _window;

		public override string Name => "Host Panel";

		public ButtonControl Host { get; private set; }

		public HostPanel()
			if (SteamManager.Initialized)
				_onLobbyCreatedCallResult = CallResult<LobbyCreated_t>.Create((APIDispatchDelegate<LobbyCreated_t>)OnLobbyCreated);

		public override void ConstructPanelContent()
			//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0058: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0081: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0087: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00aa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0115: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_012b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0142: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0148: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0162: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01c7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01dd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02cc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_037d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0393: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04a1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04c7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04da: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04df: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04fb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_050e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0513: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0534: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject val = UIHelper.CreateUIObject("background", base.PanelRoot);
			Image val2 = val.AddComponent<Image>();
			val2.type = (Type)1;
			((Graphic)val2).color = UIManager.TransparentBackgroundColor;
			RectTransform component = val.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			component.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
			component.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
			_window = UIHelper.CreateUIObject("panel", val);
			Image val3 = _window.AddComponent<Image>();
			val3.type = (Type)1;
			((Graphic)val3).color = UIManager.DarkBackgroundColor;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<VerticalLayoutGroup>(_window, (bool?)true, (bool?)true, (bool?)true, (bool?)true, (int?)0, (int?)5, (int?)5, (int?)5, (int?)5, (TextAnchor?)(TextAnchor)3);
			RectTransform component2 = _window.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			component2.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.35f, 0.3f);
			component2.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.65f, 0.7f);
			GameObject val4 = UIHelper.CreateUIObject("panel", _window);
			Image val5 = val4.AddComponent<Image>();
			val5.type = (Type)1;
			((Graphic)val5).color = UIManager.BackgroundColor;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<VerticalLayoutGroup>(val4, (bool?)false, (bool?)false, (bool?)true, (bool?)true, (int?)5, (int?)20, (int?)80, (int?)60, (int?)60, (TextAnchor?)(TextAnchor)3);
			RectTransform component3 = val4.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			component3.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
			component3.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
			string text = (SteamManager.Initialized ? SteamFriends.GetPersonaName() : "Unavailable");
			TMP_InputField nameField = UIHelper.CreateInputField(val4, "name", "Name", text + "'s Game", 140, 24);
			TMP_InputField passwordField = UIHelper.CreateInputField(val4, "password", "Password", "", 140, 24);
			passwordField.contentType = (ContentType)7;
			TMP_InputField maxPlayersField = UIHelper.CreateInputField(val4, "max_players", "Players", "8", 140, 2);
			maxPlayersField.contentType = (ContentType)3;
			ToggleControl friendsOnlyToggle = CreateToggle(val4, "friends_only", "Friends Only", value: false);
			ToggleControl enableCheatsToggle = CreateToggle(val4, "cheats_enabled", "Enable Cheats", value: false);
			GameObject val6 = UIHelper.CreateUIObject("buttons", val4);
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(val6, (bool?)false, (bool?)false, (bool?)true, (bool?)true, (int?)20, (int?)0, (int?)0, (int?)0, (int?)0, (TextAnchor?)(TextAnchor)4);
			bool? ignoreLayout = true;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutElement(val6, null, null, null, null, null, null, ignoreLayout);
			RectTransform component4 = val6.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
			component4.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0.1f);
			component4.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 0.3f);
			Host = UIHelper.CreateButton(val6, "host", "Host");
			UIHelper.SetLayoutElement(((Component)Host).gameObject, 100);
			Host.OnClick += delegate
				//IL_00af: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				Plugin.Log.LogInfo((object)("Creating " + (friendsOnlyToggle.Toggle.isOn ? "friends only" : "public") + " lobby"));
				CreateLobby(new LobbyCreationRequest
					Name = nameField.text,
					MaxPlayers = int.Parse(maxPlayersField.text),
					Password = passwordField.text,
					CheatsEnabled = enableCheatsToggle.Toggle.isOn,
					Type = (ELobbyType)(friendsOnlyToggle.Toggle.isOn ? 1 : 2)
			ButtonControl buttonControl = UIHelper.CreateButton(val6, "back", "Back");
			UIHelper.SetLayoutElement(((Component)buttonControl).gameObject, 100);
			buttonControl.OnClick += delegate
				base.Enabled = false;
			TMP_InputField obj = nameField;
			Navigation navigation = ((Selectable)nameField).navigation;
			((Navigation)(ref navigation)).selectOnDown = (Selectable)(object)passwordField;
			((Navigation)(ref navigation)).selectOnUp = (Selectable)(object)Host.Button;
			((Selectable)obj).navigation = navigation;
			TMP_InputField obj2 = passwordField;
			navigation = ((Selectable)passwordField).navigation;
			((Navigation)(ref navigation)).selectOnDown = (Selectable)(object)maxPlayersField;
			((Navigation)(ref navigation)).selectOnUp = (Selectable)(object)nameField;
			((Selectable)obj2).navigation = navigation;
			TMP_InputField obj3 = maxPlayersField;
			navigation = ((Selectable)maxPlayersField).navigation;
			((Navigation)(ref navigation)).selectOnDown = (Selectable)(object)friendsOnlyToggle.Toggle;
			((Navigation)(ref navigation)).selectOnUp = (Selectable)(object)passwordField;
			((Selectable)obj3).navigation = navigation;
			friendsOnlyToggle.NavUp = (Selectable)(object)maxPlayersField;
			friendsOnlyToggle.NavDown = (Selectable)(object)Host.Button;
			Host.NavUp = (Selectable)(object)friendsOnlyToggle.Toggle;
			Host.NavDown = (Selectable)(object)nameField;
			Host.NavLeft = (Selectable)(object)buttonControl.Button;
			Host.NavRight = (Selectable)(object)buttonControl.Button;
			buttonControl.NavUp = (Selectable)(object)friendsOnlyToggle.Toggle;
			buttonControl.NavDown = (Selectable)(object)nameField;
			buttonControl.NavLeft = (Selectable)(object)Host.Button;
			buttonControl.NavRight = (Selectable)(object)Host.Button;

		private static ToggleControl CreateToggle(GameObject panel, string name, string label, bool value)
			//IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01c2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			GameObject val = UIHelper.CreateUIObject(name + "Group", panel);
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(val, (bool?)false, (bool?)false, (bool?)true, (bool?)false, (int?)20, (int?)5, (int?)5, (int?)5, (int?)5, (TextAnchor?)(TextAnchor)3);
			int? flexibleWidth = 1;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutElement(val, null, null, flexibleWidth);
			GameObject val2 = UIHelper.CreateBox(val, name + "_label_bg", Color.clear);
			GameObject gameObject = val2;
			bool? childControlWidth = true;
			TextAnchor? childAlignment = (TextAnchor)3;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(gameObject, (bool?)null, (bool?)null, childControlWidth, (bool?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, childAlignment);
			GameObject gameObject2 = val2.gameObject;
			int? minWidth = 140;
			flexibleWidth = 0;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutElement(gameObject2, minWidth, null, flexibleWidth);
			val2.AddComponent<ContentSizeFitter>().verticalFit = (FitMode)2;
			TextMeshProUGUI val3 = UIHelper.CreateText(val2, name + "_label", label + ": ");
			((TMP_Text)val3).alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)513;
			val2 = UIHelper.CreateBox(val, name + "_bg", Color.clear);
			GameObject gameObject3 = val2;
			childControlWidth = true;
			childAlignment = (TextAnchor)4;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(gameObject3, (bool?)null, (bool?)null, childControlWidth, (bool?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, childAlignment);
			GameObject gameObject4 = val2.gameObject;
			flexibleWidth = 1;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutElement(gameObject4, null, null, flexibleWidth);
			val2.AddComponent<ContentSizeFitter>().verticalFit = (FitMode)2;
			ToggleControl toggleControl = UIHelper.CreateToggle(val2, name ?? "", value);
			GameObject gameObject5 = ((Component)toggleControl).gameObject;
			childAlignment = (TextAnchor)4;
			UIHelper.SetLayoutGroup<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(gameObject5, (bool?)null, (bool?)null, (bool?)null, (bool?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, (int?)null, childAlignment);
			return toggleControl;

		public void Update()
			if (!UIManager.ExitHandled && Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode)27))
				base.Enabled = false;
				UIManager.ExitHandled = true;

		private bool CreateLobby(LobbyCreationRequest request)
			//IL_0048: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0053: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (_currentRequest.HasValue)
				return false;
			_currentRequest = request;
			if (request.Password == string.Empty)
				request.Password = null;
			_onLobbyCreatedCallResult.Set(SteamMatchmaking.CreateLobby(request.Type, request.MaxPlayers), (APIDispatchDelegate<LobbyCreated_t>)null);
			return true;

		private void OnLobbyCreated(LobbyCreated_t created, bool ioFailure)
			//IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0039: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003f: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_006e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0074: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0079: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ee: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0126: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (ioFailure)
				UIManager.CreateMessageDialog("Error creating lobby", "Lobby creation failed with io error'");
			if ((int)created.m_eResult != 1)
				UIManager.CreateMessageDialog("Error creating lobby", $"Lobby creation failed with error '{created.m_eResult}'");
			CSteamID id = new CSteamID(created.m_ulSteamIDLobby);
			string password = _currentRequest.Value.Password;
			string text = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) ? "no" : "yes");
			SteamMatchmaking.SetLobbyData(id, "name", _currentRequest.Value.Name);
			SteamMatchmaking.SetLobbyData(id, "password", text);
			SteamMatchmaking.SetLobbyData(id, "version", "thronefall_mp_1.0.5");
			SteamMatchmaking.SetLobbyData(id, "cheats_enabled", _curr