
Updated 6 months ago

Capabilities 🧾

This section is dedicated to explaining a few complex and technical aspects of each unit. There's more to a unit than noted here which I haven't or decided not to due to some reasons. If some section is empty or wrong, please do notify me in discord.

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Unit Capabilities
Hermit Barrel Hide: When the enemy is near, he will hide in the barrel, becoming immune momentarily.
Titanoboa Feral Predation: Attack hit won't damage itself or teammates, the head is big and fast enough that touching it causes damage. It can even attack using its tail, unlike its predecessor!
Surfer Surf: Surfer rides his projectile, crashing and pushing the target with a windy wave upward or aside.
Fisherman Hook: Fisherman throws a hook at enemies and pulls them in, jumping back to drag them even further.
Rafflesia Rafflesic Infection: Rafflesia gas caused enemies to disperse, slowly poisoning themself and spreading its effects among its nearby army.
Totem Motivate: Highly increased allies attack speed for momentarily.
Succubus Tempt: She tempts her enemies in a certain range to change sides, which has a 30% chance of happening.
Wayang Twilight Sunlight: Passive movement ability to transcend reality, blinking for every second and making every body collision set ablaze any unit it touches.
Vulcan Imperator Magmatic Trample: Ability to gains a long-range, low-cooldown trampling capability. When activated, he encases his foot in fiery magma, granting him temporary immunity to fall damage. He then lunges towards an enemy, aiming to stomp them with his left foot. If he successfully hits, he follows up immediately with a right foot stomp. Each successful hit allows him to continue this chain of stomps.

Eruption: Fire burst spawned from his sword gets bigger for 3 times, increasing its scale by 25% for each phase.
Elven Forest Healing: When the sword hits a target, it causes a burst of a small healing pool that heals allies nearby a little, teammates hit by the sword directly will be healed based on sword damage.
Leonin Felyne Scratch: On attack hit, an additional 2 claw attacks are stacked against the target.
Harekin Bun Hop: Passive to constantly hops, occasionally slams downward, causing areal and serious knockback damage.
Myconid Spore Blast: On death, summons a spore that damages nearby enemies, if the enemies dead, they're transformed into a Myconid too. But when they died again, they only summons a shroom explosion that doesn't convert enemies.
Golem Tree Entangle: Golem spawns a tree on target, immobilizing them momentarily, causing small AoE damage around.

One with Nature: When died, Golem transforms into a stone statue, obstructing the path until sinking.
Verdant Fanatic Suspense: Verdant Fanatic passive ability to surround its target in the air, circling around them for opportunity to strike.

Thorns Ensnare: Ability to spawn a fast thorns that pierces enemies caught within, giving them Thorns effect that extorts thorns to damage nearby teammates.
Conjurer Gaia Spirit: Conjurer summons a homing spirit that constantly pushes and pulls units in its range into the air, while also making them confused for a bit.
Druid Melting Acid: Effect base when enemies are below 10% of max health or dead, they instantly melts unit body, killing them immediately.

Acidic Puddle: Druid's acid projectile leaves a puddle of acid that lingers for about 4 seconds.

Druidic Release: On death, Druid explodes a blooming acid particle that confuses every enemy on the battlefield.
Goblins Masses: When spawned, summon 4 of Goblins.
Throne Keeper Statue Mimicry: When enemies are far, they become invulnerable statues that slowly suffocate until they reached below 80% max health. On close range, they will suddenly break from statue mode and become aggressive.
Assassin Soulbind Dagger: A dagger thrown when hit would teleport Assassin to its position.
Sword Pontiff Decay: All of Sword Pontiff's attack, be it direct sword or spell causes decay effect on hit, for they does not come from the world of the living.
Midas Golden Curse: Enemies hit would instantly die, becoming golden statues of themself. Projectiles that are stuck in his body will also turn into gold.
Soulforged Sovereign Phantom Hover: A hover movement that freely lift the body, increasing mobility. Giant Sword Cast: An upgraded version of Swordcaster's swordcasting, upon impact, a ghost sword will also pops up in the opposite direction, sending enemies flying.
Ancestral Conquerer Divided: Vitalis Cataclysm Greatsword on swing would summon a trail of beamed energy, which after a few delay, will turn into an explosion that devastate any remains in its area.

Energy Blight: Ability to cast an overdriven energy effect on nearby enemies, greatly buffing their attack speed, but disabled attacks for the first 4 seconds and greatly damage them.

Elder Body: Upon dying (Under 30% health), Ancestral Conquerer will heals himself slowly. It can also maintain its original height, should it fall it would flies upward.
Raider Grapple: Raider can use her grappling hook to close distance in a quick throw, it could also be used to traverse rough terrain if you wanted to.
Chompion Chomp: Enemies hit by Chompion would lose their leg on a certain lower health percentage.
Wendigo Foggy Chase: When the prey is far away and health is above 50%, Wendigo went invinsible, leaving traces of fog, healing itself a little, and resetting its attack cooldown. If below 50%, Wendigo retreats to his original place while healing but still being vulnerable.
Earl Intimidation: Earl summons a circle of areal effect that makes enemies in the area back away.

Trio Axe: From the ground emerges 3 giant axe that damages and knock back enemies in their path.
Umbrellina Umbrellic Balleria: Ability to summon a circling tornado that swirl around her, freezing enemies nearby.

Boreal Vortex: For each swings, she spins around and summoned a few ice projectiles that also circles her and could freezes enemies on hit.
Forstenad Thunder Emerges: On a few occasions, 3 lightning strikes on a random position near him.

Aetherial Strike: As the spear pierces, it leaves a trail of air strike from above, causing explosions on the ground.

Shield Absorb: Valheimion Shield absorbs projectiles hit to heals himself by 5% of the projectile damage. Thunderous Stun: When Aetherial Thunder Spear hit a target, it stuns them for 1 second, causing several explosions nearby aswell.
Time Queen Time Dance: Time Queen teleports and damages every unit on the battlefield, becoming invulnerable at the moment, slowly freezing times at the moment.

Expert Duelist: Time Queen can parry almost every incoming attacks, be it light or heavy attack, and she can dodges and dash with relative ease.
Glacier Giant Ice Age: Glacier Giant can exert a giant storm inside his torso that freezes enemies in very large areas, before it starts, it have 7 seconds cooldown. This storm caused an effect called Glacing Freeze which would freeze unit for 9 seconds.
Prayeth Praythomb: Prayeth praying deals damage to enemies and teammates, although it maxes when teammates reached below 10 HP points.
Sacrificer Blood Contract: Sacrificer slits his wrist, damaging himself to lets out living blood, injecting themself, and hastily drains its host momentarily. Due to being a newborn, its aim sometimes misses.
Wraithwyrm Parasitic Tear: It plunges into target, dealing a measly 70 - 100 damage and additional 20% of target's lost HP.
Foul Soul Hunger: Foul Soul feasts on enemies, healing its health on hit, but any health alteration would make it lose health due to its fragile state.
Behemoth Lame De Flamme: Behemoth is surrounded by dark shrouds that sets ablaze foes close to him.
Evicted Gallant Rust: For every attacks, he dealt 10% damage based on target's lost health
Wretched Emmisary Pained Scream: Using its many eyes, he screams into the sky, pushing back enemies and even teammates.
Unnamed Peasant Void Of Soul: Unnamed Peasant sucks in enemies to him due to having a nullified physical body.
Dead Mourner Health Cocoon: Ability to behave as a cocoon of health, constantly healing target teammates by transferring health to them in exchange for his own health, and linking his soul to target teammates, which upon his death, he will heal the target 50% of their lost HP.
Rogue Betrayal: Upon death, Rogue spawns again which resides on the enemy team, but attacks residing team. He stays that way for 20 seconds.
Gravedigger Grave Disperse: Gravedigger turns into several bats, which after reaching the target they would become skeleton villagers with different weapons, each time he transforms, he fully reset his health.
Bloodwalker Bloodlord Tribute: Passive ability where he could link blood to his target in close range. If his health is lower than his target, he'll steal their health. Upon dead, the target would get anchored to him for 10 seconds, gradually getting its health drained and keeping it close if the target tries to escape.

Bloated Blood: Bloodwalker regenerates 20% of his lost health after 10 seconds.

Bloody Mary: Bloodwalker summons a bloody implosion that drags enemies to him.
Headless Horseman Horde: Ability to summon a horde of fear-inducing horses, and charge alongside them.

Phantom Head: A pumpkin that constantly follows, disturbing and knocking enemies and sometimes... himself.
Undertaker Soulstice: For every unit on the battlefield, he gains increased damage.
Brewer Random Pot: Every potion brew thrown has a random explosion and status effect.

Exotic Flurry: Brewer throws a load of her potions, absolutely harming targets near her.
Venturer Mapper: When the scroll of mapper is used, the targeted enemy will be pin-pointed, turning all teammates secondarily prioritize targeting towards the targeted enemy for 10 seconds.
Greathammer Trample: When hit, it would summon a shockwave that causes powerful knockback to enemies! Direct hit would cause the unit to be dizzy for 4 seconds, making them confused, unable to attack and walk momentarily!
Mongolian Expert Bowman: When near his target, they will increase arrow shots from just 1 to 3 arrows.

Vital Poison: Arrow hit would cause a poison effect that disabled attack for a half of a second and disabled movement for 1 second.
Mage Effect Immunity: Immunity from all continous effects (Poison, Fire, ext).

Kinetic Magic: Enemies hit by his projectile would be cursed to be randomly pushed and pulled in random directions.
Spelungker Burrow : A chase ability with medium cooldown to burrow underground, leaving an areal ground damage wherever he goes and slowly goes to the furthest enemy last position and resurfaces back to the ground.
Guardian Absorption: For every damage taken beyond 50 point and have a 1 second cooldown per damage, Guardian increases his attack damage by 2 point, knockback by 10 point and mass cap by 5 point.

Holy Shield: Ability to summon a big wall of light shield that blocks physical attacks and movements. Aswell a constant rotating light shield.

Deflection: On weapon swing, all lightweight projectiles hitting will be deflected, with 50% chances to heal the wielder 25% 0f the projectile damage.
Excalibur Kill Aura: Excalibur summons a circling aura that automatically slices up enemies entering its area, stacking constant damage and pushing them outward. This aura last for 15 seconds, Excalibur cannot walk or attack during half of the duration.

Purifier: Enemies hit directly would get sliced several times afterward.
Snakeeye Hefty Snake: Snake shot from her rifle jump constantly and spawns 3 aggressive snake babies upon death.
Bounty Hunter Dead Sniped: The further the bullet traveled, the more damage it dealt.
Excavator Dynamite Disposal: Ability to dispose of many bunches of dynamites around him.
Rumbler Havoc: Rumbler's bombs slowly bounces in a direction, exploding each time it bounces.
Helldraw Hellbody: Passive ability when health is below 60% of max health to decrease bullet damage to the body by 70%, while also healing herself 70% of bullet damage, it will also reflect the bullet back to its original shooters with 50% more velocity and damage.
Dark Huntsman Mutilation: Every direct blow landed will permanently scar the unit, disabling healing. When target health is below 10%, it will decapitate target's arms, but if the health is below 5% then the decapitation would be directed towards head, instantly killing them.
Maximus Track Mark: Maximus shot a tracker mark, which if it hits the ground it would just normally explode, but if it hits enemy directly, he emits a whistle and then chases towards the last position of the mark, leaving trails of small explosions.

Furnace Express: An ultimate ability which upon activation, Maximus charges up while blowing a loud train sound, he then charges towards the furthest enemy position and runs back toward the opposite and then ends in original position, while also hooked every enemy in large vacinity to him during this state. At the end of it all, he jumps up and then slams downward, causing a nuke explosion!
Pyro Lingering Fire: Fire oil projectile shot would stay for 4 seconds on the ground, which constantly deals fiery damage to enemies.
Airhound Bomber: When enemies are near, he drops a bomb that demolishes ground enemies.
Sergeant Backup Call: Sergeant summons 4 soldiers around him to aid in his battle from the sky.

Weapon Exchange: Sergeant constantly changes his guns from his bag.
Submarine Ocean lurker: Submarine can be used on water and ground.
F22 Jet Ultrasonic Flight: F22 flies with extreme speed and random patterns, gaining huge air and distance superiority.
Tinkerl Upgrade: One-time ability that instantly starts on battle to tinker teammates attack and walking speed, upgrading both status by double permanently for the battle, if no teammates are found, she upgrades herself instead.
Stereo Stereo Doppelganger: Passive ability to have mirrored Static clones that anchored on target, for every swing she does, she switches place with her stasis self, dealing damage to target enemies based on the distance between herself and her doppelganger.
Blockbuster Projection Wall: Blockbuster shoots a clip projection that blocks and pushes enemies aside, acting as a wall when it stops.

Flash: Blockbuster's light projectile has a big radius and damage that greatly reduced over distance it traveled.
Noir Gundown: Noir surrounds his target in midair, constantly shooting down and using all of his revolvers, demolishing enemies.

Gunfight: For every gun shoot, he also shoots 3 additional bullets using an extra gun.
Cyborg Self Destruct: Upon malfunction or expiration, they explode, knocking down nearby enemies.
Cyber Punk Home Run: He charges his bat, making the next swing to deal double damage to enemies and flinging the target upward.
Biomaniac Body Transformation: Enemies hit would be radiated, slowly losing their health and having random body parts size increased or smaller.
Avira Combo Slash: Ability to execute 20 consecutive slices against chosen targets in range, bringing them up for a final slash on top.
Puppeteer Puppetry: Puppeteer controls 2 regenerative parent doll that instantly deactivated when she dies. One being ranged and one being melee.

Puppet Body: All damage is reduced by 50%.
Ionic Tyrant Ionic Forcefield: The armor protect itself, reflecting projectiles back to its agressor. It's not invincible though, any projectile reduces the size of the forcefield. It slowly regenerates again until it reaches its max size.

Hybrid Adaptation: Depending on the target range, he could switch his projectile from a condensed ion laser that dealt high damage to a burst of ionic spray that stun the unit hit by it.
Dubghost Cacophonic Rhythm: A passive ability connected to her guitar, it makes herself and her enemies bop their heads and arms downward for each beat, the closer the stronger the effect.

Echoed Encore Remix: An ability connected to her guitar, it also has the passive of summoning a melody around her which is up to 10 melodies, upon activation (condition is reached when 10 is gotten and the limit is breached), all the collected melodies explode.

Discordant Laugh: Ability to turn her music box to let out a series of laughs which causes a Seizure effect on her nearby enemies which for 1 second causes the unit to constantly bop down.

Final Melody: On death, bursts into a musical explosion and gone into nothing.
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Headhunter Hunt: Passive to keep sword sheated and runs fast until the target is close.

Critical Slash: A passive effect with 20% chance of activation on sword hit that causes an extra damage to a random body part, the further its distance to target main body, the more damage it dealt.

Pained Path: Headhunter charges and released a continuously forward strike from the sky towards his target.

Absolute Eclipse: Upon dying, Headhunter cloaks himself, regaining back full health while flying upward, gaining wings and additional abilities, marking the sky with Darkness yet sharpened the Sun. When he's finished, he slams downward, creating a big crater around himself.
Romeo & Juliet Blightened Bride: When reached 50% health lost, Juliet transform from her phantom form to aids Romeo in battle, she also heals Romeo by 25% of lost HP.

Slaes Cyflym: A quick series of slash when his target is in close proximity, pushing back enemies and dealing damage.

Frenzy: A passive ability for Romeo Greatsword to instantly reset cooldown upon weapon collision with anything. But if he misses it's a full 2 seconds cooldown.
Eastwood Haste: Indicated by target particles, he could reset his weapons cooldown whenever the ability is active.

Ricoshred: For every bullet ricochet, it gained a slight damage buff or reduced damage.
Doomed Scholar Nightstalk: A medium cooldown ability to conjurs a circling dark fog on his position, target position, and inbetween that confuses enemies in its vacinity, while also swapping position with the initial target.
Hercules Namean Slam: A medium-time ability to jumps up toward his target and then slams downward, making great earthquake and throwing enemies airborne, the further the higher they goes. The ability activates twice in succession.

Gladiator Prowess: A medium-time ability when enemies close to goes upward and then slams downward into his target, causing an earthquake to all enemies in large vacinity, the closer, the more powerful they will be fling upward, it has 4 seconds delay in activation.
Marina Seagal Water Affinity: Marina could recover herself underwater.

Tidal Wave: Marina dashes forward and then calls forth a strong whirlpool of ghoulish waves that forcefully vacuum units into its center.

Oceanic Chantation: When her anchor swings, it enlarges, covering a huge area. It also spawns a tornado that she used to maneuver slowly in the forward direction.
Pastel Colorless Gale: Passive ability to push enemies nearby against wherever her direction is facing, the closer they are the more powerful it becomes.

Paintstrike: An ability when enemy is on medium range where Pastel called upon paint strikes around her toward her target last position, piercing anything in its trace.
Sherlock Discombobulate: Every hit landed could disarm the target, breaking random joints in the unit body. If health is low enough, he could land a blow that disables target foot support.
Drunken Master Drunk: For every few moments, he keeps getting drunk, making him more unstable in the process.
Coedsworn Hex: For each attack she steals 10% of the target's max health, taking 50% of stolen health as her own, adding to his max health.
Kitsune Ink-lussion: Her bubble ink attack has 45% chance of summoning a clone of her which have downward katana.
Geomancer Ground Shield: A ground dome that surrounds its creator, protecting it against physical attacks and alike.

Earthen Palm: Geomancer could throw a rocky hand towards the target, dragging them when it reached himself.
Hangman Hang: He hangs his target, making them stuck in the air and immobile for a few moments.