SetProjHoming |
Change projectiles and spawned object to auto targets and homes in on target when exist. |
UnbindVehicleHealth |
Change so vehicle won't die when rider die. |
UnbindRiderHealth |
Change so rider won't die when vehicle die. |
BindVehicleHealth |
Change so vehicle die when rider die. |
BindRiderHealth |
Change so rider die when vehicle die. |
SummonRider |
Delete rider and then summon it every 5 seconds. |
NullifyAllDelay |
Set all delayed events to 0. |
KeepNormalUnitColorInstance |
Removes all unit color coloration instance from external effects. |
AbilityRemoveSound |
Remove Play Sound Effect and Audio Source from all abilities. |
TransformAddDelay |
Add 1 second delay to all transformation (or unit spawned component), this item can be stacked. |
DoublesMeleeKnockback |
Doubles the melee hit knockback shake. |
HalvesMeleeKnockback |
Reduces the melee hit knockback by half. |
DoublesMeleeScreenshake |
Doubles the melee hit screen shake. |
HalvesMeleeScreenshake |
Reduces the melee hit screen shake by half. |
DoublesProjectileScale |
Doubles the projectile scale. |
HalvesProjectileScale |
Reduces the projectile scale by half. |
NulifyWeaponRecoil |
Sets the range weapon recoil to 0. |
DoublesWeaponRecoil |
Doubles the range weapon recoil. |
HalvesWeaponRecoil |
Reduces the range weapon recoil by half. |
NulifyWeaponSwingforce |
Sets the melee swing force to 0. |
DoublesWeaponSwingforce |
Doubles the melee swing force. |
HalvesWeaponSwingforce |
Reduces the melee swing force by half. |
NulifyRightHand |
Disables right arm and elbow. |
NulifyLeftHand |
Disables left arm and elbow. |
NulifyHead |
Disables head. |
TornadoDisables |
Disables tornado event. |
DoublesUnitSpawning |
Doubles spawning or transformations spawns. |
HideAbilityModel |
Hides some abilities models that is connected to the unit. |
HalvesProjectiles |
Reduces the amount of projectile shot by half. |
MultiplyProjectiles |
Multiplies the amount of projectile shot by 2. |
NoFallDamage |
Removes unit fall damage. |
StandStill |
Turns unit to stand in one place. |
FusionWithRider |
Instantly fused into one with the rider. |
WeaponDoubledRange |
Doubles all weapons range. |
WeaponHalvedRange |
Reduces all weapons range by half. |
MeleeAddDash |
Make every melee weapon currently used by the units to dash upon swing in enemy direction. |
MeleeAddDissarm |
Make every melee weapon currently used by the units to disarm enemies on hit. |
MeleeAddBlink |
Make every melee weapon currently had by the units have blink teleportation. |
WeaponSwapWhenBelowHalf |
Make the unit able to swap the current right weapon to the left weapon when the current health is below 50% of max health. |
WeaponSwapWhenTargetDistance |
Make the unit able to swap the current right weapon to the left weapon when the target is close. |
AlwaysTansferHP |
Make all Unit Spawning component transfers current unit health to the unit spawned. (also affects transformation) |
NeverShowHealthBar |
Changes unit to not show the health bar at all. |
TransformToRiderWhenDies |
Make the base unit transform into the Rider unit when the dies. |
TransformToRiderWhenTargetFarCondition |
Make the base unit transform into the Rider unit when the enemy target is far. |
TransformToRiderWhenTargetCloseCondition |
Make the base unit transform into the Rider unit when the enemy target is close. |
TransformToRider10SecondsCondition |
Make the base unit transform into the Rider unit within 10 seconds. |
TransformToRiderChronoCondition |
Make the base unit transform into the Rider unit with Chronomancer's condition. |
TransformToRiderDarkKingCondition |
Make the base unit transform into the Rider unit with the Dark King's condition. |
TransformToRiderWhenHealthHalfCondition |
Make the base unit transform into the Rider unit when health reaches 50% of max health. |
TransformToRiderWhenHealthQuarterCondition |
Make the base unit transform into the Rider unit when health reaches 25% of max health. |
AdaptivePirateQueenThrow |
Pirate Queen's projectile ability but based on the projectile unit throws (random chances for each projectile if it has several different projectiles). |
AdaptiveSenseiBurstThrow |
Sensei's projectile ability but based on the projectile unit throws (random chances for each projectile if it has several different projectiles). |
AdaptiveOrbCasting |
Celestial Aegis's projectile ability but based on the projectile unit throws (random chances for each projectile if it has several different projectiles). |
AdaptiveSwordCasting |
Swordcaster's projectile ability but based on the projectile unit throws (random chances for each projectile if it has several different projectiles). |
MultiplyRangedDelay |
Multiply Ranged weapon delay. |
HalvesRangedDelay |
Halves Ranged weapon delay. |
MeleeHitFaster |
Make all melee weapon cooldown goes faster when successfully hit an enemy. |
MeleeAddStick |
Make all melee weapon set units sticks to weapon point on hit. |