WeaponPlaceholderBoxLeft |
Add a box that is connected to the left weapon, this item will also adds additional collision that follow the size of the box. The box can also be colored, scaled, and changed position. |
SmartWeaponScalingLeft |
Scale the left weapon accordingly, to set this up, change the scale for it. |
RemoveLeftWParticles |
Removes Left weapons particle. |
RemoveLeftWProj |
Removes Left weapons projectile. |
SmartWeaponWeightingLeft |
Set Mass, Drag and Angular Drag for Left weapon, to set this up, change the scale for it. (X=Mass, Y=Drag, Z=Angular Drag) |
WeaponHoldingUpRotationLeft |
Set Left Weapon Holding Up Rotation, to set this up, change the scale for it. (X, Y, Z) (Warning, the scaling is minimized, so 1 can be equal to 90 degree, try experimenting with it until you find correct usage slowly) |
WeaponHoldingForwardRotationLeft |
Set Left Weapon Holding Forward Rotation, to set this up, change the scale for it. (X, Y, Z) (Warning, the scaling is minimized, so 1 can be equal to 90 degree, try experimenting with it until you find correct usage slowly) |
WeaponHoldingRelativePositionLeft |
Set Left Weapon Holding Relative Position, to set this up, change the scale for it. (X, Y, Z) (Warning, the scaling is minimized, so 1 can be equal to 90 degree, try experimenting with it until you find correct usage slowly) |
SmartLeftMagSet |
Affects Left Ranged Weapon that uses mag as component, to set this up, change the scale for it. (X=MagSize, Y=MagReloadTime, Z=ProjectilePerFrame(the amount of projectile in a single shooting)) |
SmartLeftRangedSet |
Affects Left Ranged Weapon, to set this up, change the scale for it. (X=Force, Y=Cooldown, Z=Spread) |
SmartLeftMeleeSet |
Affects Left Melee Weapon, to set this up, change the scale for it. (X=Damage, Y=Cooldown, Z=SwingForce) |
SmartProjSetLeft |
Affects Left Ranged Projectile, to set this up, change the scale for it. (X=Force, Y=VelocityMultiplier, Z=Damage) |