
Updated 2 months ago


Items Function
RigScale{RigType} Affects the scale of a specific unit body parts, to set it, change the scale of the item.
SmartOnHitEffect Affects all Collision in the unit, also affects projectile and adds in the same parent, to set it, change the scale of the item. (X=EffectIndex, Y=ExplosionScaleMultiplier, Z=AmountToSpawn)

Available effects index: Effect Indexes.
ColorableProjModel Customize the models (Mesh and Skinned Mesh renderer) material to all ranged projectiles (also spawned object).
ColorableProjParticle Customize the trails (or all particles) material to all ranged projectiles (also spawned object).
MeleeTrailLeft Add a customizable trail to the melee weapon on the left hand.
MeleeTrailRight Add a customizable trail to the melee weapon on the right hand.
AlwaysOpenedEyes Make eyes keep open.
SkinChanges Changes the skin to a few unit bases, as long as they tag their model to "UnitBase".
ForceSkinChange Changes the skin to a few unit bases based on rendering component and its incompetency of parents being item.
AddPlaceholderBox{PropsPlacement} Adds a colorable prop box that is positioned on center. Useful to fill a gap or add a detail other prop cannot do.
ForcePointAddReaperScytheEffect Add a reaper scythe trail effect on every force point. This item can be colorable and resized.