Decompiled source of TootTallyLeaderboard v1.1.8
Decompiled 3 months ago
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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using BaboonAPI.Hooks.Initializer; using BaboonAPI.Hooks.Tracks; using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Bootstrap; using BepInEx.Configuration; using HarmonyLib; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using Newtonsoft.Json; using TMPro; using TootTallyAccounts; using TootTallyCore; using TootTallyCore.APIServices; using TootTallyCore.Graphics; using TootTallyCore.Graphics.Animations; using TootTallyCore.Utils.Assets; using TootTallyCore.Utils.Helpers; using TootTallyCore.Utils.TootTallyGlobals; using TootTallyCore.Utils.TootTallyModules; using TootTallyCore.Utils.TootTallyNotifs; using TootTallyDiffCalcLibs; using TootTallyGameModifiers; using TootTallyLeaderboard.Compatibility; using TootTallyLeaderboard.Replays; using TootTallySettings; using TrombLoader; using TrombLoader.CustomTracks; using TrombLoader.Data; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.Localization.Components; using UnityEngine.Networking; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.Video; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.8", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.8")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("TootTallyLeaderboard")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("TootTally Leaderboard and Replay module")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.1.8")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("TootTallyLeaderboard")] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("TootTallyLeaderboard")] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: UnverifiableCode] [module: RefSafetyRules(11)] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute { public readonly int Version; public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0) { Version = P_0; } } } namespace TootTallyLeaderboard { public static class BetterScrollSpeedSliderPatcher { private const string CONFIG_NAME = "BetterScrollSpeed.cfg"; private const string CONFIG_FIELD = "SliderValues"; private const uint DEFAULT_MAX = 250u; private const uint DEFAULT_MIN = 5u; private const float DEFAULT_VALUE = 100f; public static Options options; public static void PatchScrollSpeedSlider() { //IL_002e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0085: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0125: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0178: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) SetSliderOption(); Text component = GameObject.Find("MainCanvas/FullScreenPanel/ScrollSpeed-lbl").GetComponent<Text>(); Slider component2 = GameObject.Find("MainCanvas/FullScreenPanel/Slider").GetComponent<Slider>(); Navigation navigation = default(Navigation); ((Navigation)(ref navigation)).mode = (Mode)0; ((Selectable)component2).navigation = navigation; ((Graphic)((Component)component2.fillRect).gameObject.GetComponent<Image>()).color = Theme.colors.scrollSpeedSlider.fill; ((Graphic)((Component)((Component)component2).transform.Find("Background")).GetComponent<Image>()).color = Theme.colors.scrollSpeedSlider.background; ((Graphic)((Component)component2.handleRect).gameObject.GetComponent<Image>()).color = Theme.colors.scrollSpeedSlider.handle; component2.minValue = (float)options.Min.Value / 100f; component2.maxValue = (float)options.Max.Value / 100f; component2.value = options.LastValue.Value / 100f; Text scrollSpeedSliderText = Object.Instantiate<Text>(component, (Transform)(object)component2.handleRect); ((Component)scrollSpeedSliderText).GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition =; scrollSpeedSliderText.alignment = (TextAnchor)4; scrollSpeedSliderText.fontSize = 12; scrollSpeedSliderText.text = ((int)(GlobalVariables.gamescrollspeed * 100f)).ToString(); ((Graphic)scrollSpeedSliderText).color = Theme.colors.scrollSpeedSlider.text; scrollSpeedSliderText.text = SliderValueToText(component2.value); ((UnityEvent<float>)(object)component2.onValueChanged).AddListener((UnityAction<float>)delegate(float _value) { options.LastValue.Value = _value * 100f; scrollSpeedSliderText.text = SliderValueToText(_value); }); GameObject.Find("MainCanvas/FullScreenPanel/ScrollSpeed-lbl").gameObject.SetActive(false); } public static void SetSliderOption() { //IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002a: Expected O, but got Unknown if (options == null) { string text = Path.Combine(Paths.BepInExRootPath, "config/"); ConfigFile val = new ConfigFile(text + "BetterScrollSpeed.cfg", true); options = new Options { Max = val.Bind<uint>("SliderValues", "Max", 250u, (ConfigDescription)null), Min = val.Bind<uint>("SliderValues", "Min", 5u, (ConfigDescription)null), LastValue = val.Bind<float>("SliderValues", "LastValue", 100f, (ConfigDescription)null) }; if (options.Min.Value >= options.Max.Value) { Plugin.LogError("Slider MAX has to be greater than Slider MIN"); } else if (options.Min.Value <= 4) { Plugin.LogError("Slider MIN has to be greater or equal to 5"); } else if (options.Max.Value >= 1000) { Plugin.LogError("Buddy. What are you trying to do?? You're never gonna play with 1k+ scrollspeed..."); } if (options.Max.Value >= options.Min.Value || options.Min.Value <= 4 || options.Max.Value >= 1000) { options.Min.Value = 5u; options.Max.Value = 250u; } if (options.LastValue.Value < (float)options.Min.Value || options.LastValue.Value > (float)options.Max.Value) { options.LastValue.Value = 100f; } GlobalVariables.gamescrollspeed = options.LastValue.Value / 100f; } } public static string SliderValueToText(float value) { if (value >= 1f) { return Mathf.FloorToInt(value * 100f).ToString(); } return Mathf.CeilToInt(value * 100f).ToString(); } } public class Options { public ConfigEntry<uint> Max { get; set; } public ConfigEntry<uint> Min { get; set; } public ConfigEntry<float> LastValue { get; set; } } public class GlobalLeaderboard { public enum LeaderboardState { None, ErrorNoSongHashFound, ErrorNoLeaderboardFound, ErrorUnexpected, ReadyToRefresh, SongDataLoaded, SongDataMissing } private const string ERROR_NO_LEADERBOARD_FOUND_TEXT = "Could not find a leaderboard for this track.\n <size=15>Be the first one to set a score on the track!</size>"; private const string ERROR_NO_SONGHASH_FOUND_TEXT = "This chart is not uploaded to TootTally...\n <size=15>Please upload the chart to\n or use TootBender on discord to create the leaderboard.</size>"; private static Dictionary<string, Color> gradeToColorDict = new Dictionary<string, Color> { { "SSS", Color.yellow }, { "SS", Color.yellow }, { "S", Color.yellow }, { "A", }, { "B", new Color(0f, 0.4f, 1f) }, { "C", Color.magenta }, { "D", }, { "F", Color.grey } }; private static string[] tabsImageNames = new string[3] { "profile64.png", "global64.png", "local64.png" }; private static float[] _starSizeDeltaPositions = new float[11] { 0f, 20f, 58f, 96f, 134f, 172f, 210f, 248f, 285f, 324f, 361f }; private static GameObject _fullScreenPanelCanvas; private List<IEnumerator<UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation>> _currentLeaderboardCoroutines; private LevelSelectController _levelSelectControllerInstance; private List<ScoreDataFromDB> _scoreDataList; private GameObject _leaderboard; private GameObject _globalLeaderboard; private GameObject _scoreboard; private GameObject _errorsHolder; private GameObject _tabs; private GameObject _profilePopup; private GameObject _ratedIcon; private LoadingIcon _loadingSwirly; private LoadingIcon _profilePopupLoadingSwirly; private Text _errorText; private TMP_Text _diffRating; private Vector2 _starRatingMaskSizeTarget; private RectTransform _diffRatingMaskRectangle; private List<LeaderboardRowEntry> _scoreGameObjectList; private SongDataFromDB _songData; private Slider _slider; private Slider _gameSpeedSlider; private ScrollableSliderHandler _scrollableSliderHandler; private GameObject _sliderHandle; private Dictionary<int, float> _speedToDiffDict; private int _currentSelectedSongHash; private int _localScoreId; public bool IsMouseOver; private SecondDegreeDynamicsAnimation _starMaskAnimation; private static string _savedTrackref; public bool HasLeaderboard => (Object)(object)_leaderboard != (Object)null; public void Initialize(LevelSelectController __instance) { //IL_0087: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008d: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_008f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00bd: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00bf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01ae: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01bd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_023b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_026e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02c8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0342: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0347: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0395: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03af: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03da: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03e9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03ee: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0425: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_042a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0479: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_04aa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_04b1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_04c3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_04dd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_04e7: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_04fd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0502: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_050c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0543: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) _fullScreenPanelCanvas = GameObject.Find("MainCanvas/FullScreenPanel"); _levelSelectControllerInstance = __instance; _currentLeaderboardCoroutines = new List<IEnumerator<UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation>>(); _scoreGameObjectList = new List<LeaderboardRowEntry>(); _speedToDiffDict = new Dictionary<int, float>(); ClearBaseLeaderboard(); CustomizeGameMenuUI(__instance); _leaderboard.transform.SetAsLastSibling(); _globalLeaderboard = LeaderboardFactory.CreateSteamLeaderboardFromPrefab(_leaderboard.transform, "GlobalLeaderboard"); _globalLeaderboard.SetActive(true); EventTrigger val = _globalLeaderboard.AddComponent<EventTrigger>(); Entry val2 = new Entry(); val2.eventID = (EventTriggerType)0; ((UnityEvent<BaseEventData>)(object)val2.callback).AddListener((UnityAction<BaseEventData>)delegate { OnPointerEnter(); }); val.triggers.Add(val2); Entry val3 = new Entry(); val3.eventID = (EventTriggerType)1; ((UnityEvent<BaseEventData>)(object)val3.callback).AddListener((UnityAction<BaseEventData>)delegate { OnPointerExit(); }); val.triggers.Add(val3); GameObject gameObject = ((Component)_globalLeaderboard.transform.Find("PanelBody")).gameObject; gameObject.SetActive(true); _scoreboard = ((Component)gameObject.transform.Find("scoreboard")).gameObject; _scoreboard.SetActive(true); _errorsHolder = ((Component)gameObject.transform.Find("errors")).gameObject; _errorText = ((Component)_errorsHolder.transform.Find("error_noleaderboard")).GetComponent<Text>(); ((Component)_errorText).gameObject.SetActive(true); _tabs = ((Component)gameObject.transform.Find("tabs")).gameObject; SetTabsImages(); _loadingSwirly = GameObjectFactory.CreateLoadingIcon(gameObject.transform, new Vector2(-20f, 0f), new Vector2(128f, 128f), AssetManager.GetSprite("icon.png"), true, "LeaderboardLoadingSwirly"); _loadingSwirly.StartRecursiveAnimation(); _loadingSwirly.Show(); _slider = ((Component)gameObject.transform.Find("LeaderboardVerticalSlider")).gameObject.GetComponent<Slider>(); ((Graphic)((Component)((Component)_slider).transform.Find("Fill Area/Fill")).GetComponent<Image>()).color = Theme.colors.leaderboard.slider.fill; ((Graphic)((Component)((Component)_slider).transform.Find("Background")).GetComponent<Image>()).color = Theme.colors.leaderboard.slider.background; _scrollableSliderHandler = ((Component)_slider).gameObject.AddComponent<ScrollableSliderHandler>(); _sliderHandle = ((Component)((Component)_slider).transform.Find("Handle")).gameObject; ((Graphic)_sliderHandle.GetComponent<Image>()).color = Theme.colors.leaderboard.slider.handle; SetOnSliderValueChangeEvent(); GameObject gameObject2 = ((Component)_fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform.Find("diff bar")).gameObject; Object.DestroyImmediate((Object)(object)((Component)_fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform.Find("difficulty text")).gameObject); TMP_Text val4 = GameObjectFactory.CreateSingleText(gameObject2.transform, "Difficulty Text", "Difficulty:", (TextFont)1); val4.alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)513; val4.margin = Vector4.op_Implicit(new Vector2(80f, 4f)); val4.fontSize = 16f; GameObject gameObject3 = ((Component)_fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform.Find("difficulty stars")).gameObject; _diffRatingMaskRectangle = gameObject3.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); _diffRatingMaskRectangle.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-284f, -48f); _diffRatingMaskRectangle.sizeDelta = new Vector2(0f, 30f); Mask val5 = gameObject3.AddComponent<Mask>(); val5.showMaskGraphic = false; gameObject3.AddComponent<Image>(); RectTransform component = gameObject2.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); component.sizeDelta += new Vector2(41.5f, 0f); _diffRating = GameObjectFactory.CreateSingleText(gameObject2.transform, "diffRating", "", (TextFont)1); _diffRating.outlineColor = Color32.op_Implicit(Theme.colors.leaderboard.textOutline); _diffRating.outlineWidth = 0.2f; _diffRating.fontSize = 20f; _diffRating.alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)4100; _diffRating.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(450f, 30f); RectTransform rectTransform = _diffRating.rectTransform; RectTransform rectTransform2 = _diffRating.rectTransform; Vector2 val6 = default(Vector2); ((Vector2)(ref val6))..ctor(0f, 0.5f); rectTransform2.anchorMax = val6; rectTransform.anchorMin = val6; _diffRating.rectTransform.offsetMin =; _starMaskAnimation = new SecondDegreeDynamicsAnimation(1.23f, 1f, 1.2f); _ratedIcon = GameObjectFactory.CreateImageHolder(_globalLeaderboard.transform, new Vector2(350f, 180f), * 42f, AssetManager.GetSprite("rated64.png"), "RatedChartIcon"); BubblePopupHandler val7 = _ratedIcon.AddComponent<BubblePopupHandler>(); val7.Initialize(GameObjectFactory.CreateBubble(new Vector2(300f, 40f), "RatedIconBubble", "This chart is rated.", 6, true, 12), true); _levelSelectControllerInstance.sortdrop.transform.SetAsLastSibling(); } public void OnPointerEnter() { ((Behaviour)_scrollableSliderHandler).enabled = (IsMouseOver = true); } public void OnPointerExit() { ((Behaviour)_scrollableSliderHandler).enabled = (IsMouseOver = false); } public void ClearBaseLeaderboard() { //IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003e: Expected O, but got Unknown _leaderboard = ((Component)_fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform.Find("Leaderboard")).gameObject; foreach (Transform item in _leaderboard.transform) { Transform val = item; ((Component)val).gameObject.SetActive(false); } DestroyFromParent(_leaderboard, "......."); DestroyFromParent(_leaderboard, "\"HIGH SCORES\""); for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { ((Component)_leaderboard.transform.Find(i.ToString())).gameObject.SetActive(false); } } public void CustomizeGameMenuUI(LevelSelectController __instance) { //IL_0056: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0083: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_010f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_019f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0245: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02d6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02e0: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_031e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_032e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0352: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0370: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_037f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03db: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03ea: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_040a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0419: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0483: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_048d: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_04d6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_04e0: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0535: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0544: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0549: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) try { ((Component)_fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform.Find("Dial")).gameObject.SetActive(false); ((Component)_fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform.Find("capsules")).GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-275f, 32f); ((Component)_fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform.Find("btn_RANDOM")).GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-123f, -7f); ((Component)_fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform.Find("btn_TURBO")).GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-110f, 65f); BetterScrollSpeedSliderPatcher.PatchScrollSpeedSlider(); ((Component)_fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform.Find("Slider")).GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-115f, 23f); ((Component)_fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform.Find("txt_scrollspeed")).GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-112f, 36f); ((Component)_fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform.Find("btn_TURBO")).gameObject.SetActive(false); ((Component)_fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform.Find("btn_PRACTICE")).gameObject.SetActive(false); _gameSpeedSlider = Object.Instantiate<Slider>(((Component)_fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform.Find("Slider")).GetComponent<Slider>(), _fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform); ((Component)_gameSpeedSlider).gameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-110f, 65f); _gameSpeedSlider.wholeNumbers = true; _gameSpeedSlider.minValue = 0f; _gameSpeedSlider.maxValue = 30f; _gameSpeedSlider.value = (ReplaySystemManager.gameSpeedMultiplier - 0.5f) / 0.05f; GameObject val = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(((Component)_fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform.Find("txt_scrollspeed")).gameObject, _fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform); ((Object)val).name = "GameSpeedShad"; val.GetComponent<Text>().text = "Game Speed"; val.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-108f, 78f); GameObject gameObject = ((Component)val.transform.Find("txt_scrollspeed-top")).gameObject; ((Object)gameObject).name = "GameSpeed"; gameObject.GetComponent<Text>().text = "Game Speed"; Text scrollSpeedSliderText = ((Component)((Component)_gameSpeedSlider).transform.Find("Handle Slide Area/Handle/ScrollSpeed-lbl(Clone)")).GetComponent<Text>(); scrollSpeedSliderText.text = (_gameSpeedSlider.value * 0.05f + 0.5f).ToString("0.00"); _gameSpeedSlider.onValueChanged = new SliderEvent(); ((UnityEvent<float>)(object)_gameSpeedSlider.onValueChanged).AddListener((UnityAction<float>)delegate(float _value) { _gameSpeedSlider.value = Mathf.Round(_value * 20f) / 20f; TootTallyGlobalVariables.gameSpeedMultiplier = _gameSpeedSlider.value * 0.05f + 0.5f; scrollSpeedSliderText.text = ReplaySystemManager.gameSpeedMultiplier.ToString("0.00"); UpdateStarRating(__instance); }); GameObject val2 = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(_levelSelectControllerInstance.songtitlebar); ((Object)val2).name = "titlebarPrefab"; ((Transform)val2.GetComponent<RectTransform>()).eulerAngles =; ((Transform)val2.GetComponent<RectTransform>()).localScale =; ((Graphic)val2.GetComponent<Image>()).color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.001f); GameObject val3 = LeaderboardFactory.CreateDefaultPanel(_fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform, new Vector2(381f, -207f), new Vector2(72f, 72f), "ProfilePopupHitbox"); GameObjectFactory.CreateSingleText(val3.transform, "ProfilePopupHitboxText", "P", (TextFont)1); if ( == 0) { return; } _profilePopup = LeaderboardFactory.CreateDefaultPanel(_fullScreenPanelCanvas.transform, new Vector2(525f, -300f), new Vector2(450f, 270f), "TootTallyScorePanel"); _profilePopupLoadingSwirly = GameObjectFactory.CreateLoadingIcon(_profilePopup.transform,, new Vector2(96f, 96f), AssetManager.GetSprite("icon.png"), true, "ProfilePopupLoadingSwirly"); _profilePopupLoadingSwirly.Show(); _profilePopupLoadingSwirly.StartRecursiveAnimation(); GameObject scoresbody = ((Component)_profilePopup.transform.Find("scoresbody")).gameObject; HorizontalLayoutGroup val4 = scoresbody.AddComponent<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(); ((LayoutGroup)val4).padding = new RectOffset(2, 2, 2, 2); ((LayoutGroup)val4).childAlignment = (TextAnchor)4; bool childForceExpandHeight = (((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val4).childForceExpandWidth = true); ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val4).childForceExpandHeight = childForceExpandHeight; GameObject mainPanel = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(val2, scoresbody.transform); VerticalLayoutGroup val5 = mainPanel.AddComponent<VerticalLayoutGroup>(); ((LayoutGroup)val5).padding = new RectOffset(2, 2, 2, 2); ((LayoutGroup)val5).childAlignment = (TextAnchor)4; childForceExpandHeight = (((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val5).childForceExpandWidth = true); ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val5).childForceExpandHeight = childForceExpandHeight; ((MonoBehaviour)Plugin.Instance).StartCoroutine((IEnumerator)TootTallyAPIService.GetUserFromID(, (Action<User>)delegate(User user) { AssetManager.GetProfilePictureByID(, (Action<Sprite>)delegate(Sprite sprite) { //IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Transform transform = scoresbody.transform; Vector2 zero =; Rect rect = sprite.rect; float width = ((Rect)(ref rect)).width; rect = sprite.rect; CustomButton val8 = GameObjectFactory.CreateCustomButton(transform, zero, new Vector2(width, ((Rect)(ref rect)).height), sprite, false, "Pfp", (Action)delegate { OpenUserProfile(; }); ((Component)val8).transform.SetSiblingIndex(0); }); if (Plugin.Instance.option.SessionStartTT.Value == 0f || Plugin.Instance.ShouldUpdateSession) { Plugin.Instance.ShouldUpdateSession = false; Plugin.Instance.option.SessionDate.Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1.0).ToString(); Plugin.Instance.option.SessionStartTT.Value =; } float num = - Plugin.Instance.option.SessionStartTT.Value; TMP_Text val6 = GameObjectFactory.CreateSingleText(mainPanel.transform, "NameLabel", $"{user.username} #{user.rank}", (TextFont)0); TMP_Text val7 = GameObjectFactory.CreateSingleText(mainPanel.transform, "TTLabel", string.Format("{0}tt (<color=\"green\">{1}{2:0.00}tt</color>)",, (num > 0f) ? "+" : "", num), (TextFont)0); _profilePopupLoadingSwirly.Dispose(); })); new SlideTooltip(val3, _profilePopup, new Vector2(525f, -300f), new Vector2(282f, -155f)); } catch (Exception ex) { Plugin.LogError(ex.Message); } } private void UpdateStarRating(LevelSelectController __instance) { //IL_0082: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0052: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0197: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_019c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01c3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01c8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00be: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) for (int i = 0; i < 10 && (Plugin.Instance.option.ShowLeaderboard.Value || i < __instance.alltrackslist[__instance.songindex].difficulty); i++) { if (!Theme.isDefault) { ((Graphic)__instance.diffstars[i]).color = Color.Lerp(Theme.colors.diffStar.gradientStart, Theme.colors.diffStar.gradientEnd, (float)i / 9f); } else { ((Graphic)__instance.diffstars[i]).color = Color.white; } if (Plugin.Instance.option.ShowLeaderboard.Value) { ((Component)__instance.diffstars[i]).gameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2((float)(i * 19), 0f); ((MaskableGraphic)__instance.diffstars[i]).maskable = true; } } float num; if (_songData != null) { num = (_songData.is_rated ? _speedToDiffDict[(int)_gameSpeedSlider.value] : _speedToDiffDict[1]); _diffRating.text = num.ToString("0.0"); } else { num = ((Chart)(ref DiffCalcGlobals.selectedChart)).GetDiffRating(TootTallyGlobalVariables.gameSpeedMultiplier); _diffRating.text = $"~{num:0.0}"; } int num2 = (int)Mathf.Clamp(num + 1f, 1f, 10f); int num3 = (int)Mathf.Clamp(num, 0f, 9f); _starMaskAnimation.SetStartVector(Vector2.op_Implicit(_diffRatingMaskRectangle.sizeDelta)); _starRatingMaskSizeTarget = new Vector2(EasingHelper.Lerp(_starSizeDeltaPositions[num2], _starSizeDeltaPositions[num3], (float)num2 - num), 30f); } public void UpdateLeaderboard(LevelSelectController __instance, List<SingleTrackData> ___alltrackslist, Action<LeaderboardState> callback) { _globalLeaderboard.SetActive(true); _ratedIcon.SetActive(false); _scrollableSliderHandler.ResetAcceleration(); _savedTrackref = ___alltrackslist[_levelSelectControllerInstance.songindex].trackref; TromboneTrack val = TrackLookup.lookup(_savedTrackref); string songHash = SongDataHelper.GetSongHash(val); if (_currentLeaderboardCoroutines.Count != 0) { CancelAndClearAllCoroutineInList(); } _songData = null; _scoreDataList = null; _currentLeaderboardCoroutines.Add(TootTallyAPIService.GetHashInDB(songHash, val is CustomTrack, (Action<int>)delegate(int songHashInDB) { if (songHashInDB == 0) { _errorText.text = "This chart is not uploaded to TootTally...\n <size=15>Please upload the chart to\n or use TootBender on discord to create the leaderboard.</size>"; Plugin.LogInfo(" - " + DiffCalcGlobals.selectedChart.trackRef); if (DiffCalcGlobals.selectedChart.trackRef != "") { _diffRating.text = $"~{((Chart)(ref DiffCalcGlobals.selectedChart)).GetDiffRating(TootTallyGlobalVariables.gameSpeedMultiplier):0.0}"; } else { _diffRating.text = "NA"; } UpdateStarRating(__instance); callback(LeaderboardState.ErrorNoSongHashFound); } else { _currentSelectedSongHash = songHashInDB; _currentLeaderboardCoroutines.Add(TootTallyAPIService.GetSongDataFromDB(songHashInDB, (Action<SongDataFromDB>)delegate(SongDataFromDB songData) { if (songData != null) { OnSongInfoReceived(songData); } UpdateStarRating(__instance); if (_scoreDataList != null) { CancelAndClearAllCoroutineInList(); } })); ((MonoBehaviour)Plugin.Instance).StartCoroutine((IEnumerator)_currentLeaderboardCoroutines.Last()); _currentLeaderboardCoroutines.Add(TootTallyAPIService.GetLeaderboardScoresFromDB(songHashInDB, (Action<List<ScoreDataFromDB>>)delegate(List<ScoreDataFromDB> scoreDataList) { if (scoreDataList != null) { _scoreDataList = scoreDataList; _scrollableSliderHandler.accelerationMult = 8f / (float)_scoreDataList.Count; callback(LeaderboardState.ReadyToRefresh); } else { _errorText.text = "Could not find a leaderboard for this track.\n <size=15>Be the first one to set a score on the track!</size>"; callback(LeaderboardState.ErrorNoLeaderboardFound); } if (_songData != null) { CancelAndClearAllCoroutineInList(); } })); ((MonoBehaviour)Plugin.Instance).StartCoroutine((IEnumerator)_currentLeaderboardCoroutines.Last()); } })); ((MonoBehaviour)Plugin.Instance).StartCoroutine((IEnumerator)_currentLeaderboardCoroutines.Last()); } public void OnSongInfoReceived(SongDataFromDB songData) { _songData = songData; _speedToDiffDict.Clear(); _ratedIcon.SetActive(songData.is_rated); for (int i = 0; i <= 29; i++) { float num = (int)((float)i / 5f); float num2 = num * 0.25f + 0.5f; float num3 = (num + 1f) * 0.25f + 0.5f; float num4 = (float)i * 0.05f + 0.5f; float num5 = (num4 - num2) / (num3 - num2); float value = EasingHelper.Lerp(_songData.speed_diffs[(int)num], _songData.speed_diffs[(int)num + 1], num5); _speedToDiffDict.Add(i, value); } _speedToDiffDict.Add(30, _songData.speed_diffs.Last()); } public void ShowLoadingSwirly() { _loadingSwirly.Show(); } public void HideLoadingSwirly() { _loadingSwirly.Hide(); } public void RefreshLeaderboard() { //IL_004a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0105: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) int num = 1; _localScoreId = -1; foreach (ScoreDataFromDB scoreData in _scoreDataList) { LeaderboardRowEntry leaderboardRowEntry = LeaderboardFactory.CreateLeaderboardRowEntryFromScore(_scoreboard.transform, "RowEntry" + scoreData.player, scoreData, num, gradeToColorDict[scoreData.grade], _levelSelectControllerInstance); _scoreGameObjectList.Add(leaderboardRowEntry); if (scoreData.player == TootTallyUser.userInfo.username) { ((Graphic)leaderboardRowEntry.imageStrip).color = Theme.colors.leaderboard.yourRowEntry; ((Component)leaderboardRowEntry.imageStrip).gameObject.SetActive(true); _localScoreId = num - 1; } num++; } if (_scoreGameObjectList.Count > 8) { _slider.value = 0f; _sliderHandle.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-12f, 522f); ShowSlider(); } else { HideSlider(); } } public void SetOnSliderValueChangeEvent() { ((UnityEvent<float>)(object)_slider.onValueChanged).AddListener((UnityAction<float>)delegate(float _value) { //IL_004a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0066: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0081: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0086: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ef: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0135: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_010c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0153: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) _slider.value = Mathf.Clamp(_value, 0f, 1f); foreach (LeaderboardRowEntry scoreGameObject in _scoreGameObjectList) { RectTransform component = _sliderHandle.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); float num = (0f - ((Component)_slider).GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta.x) / 2f; float num2 = ((Component)_slider).GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta.y / 1.38f; Rect rect = _slider.fillRect.rect; component.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(num, num2 - ((Rect)(ref rect)).height); RectTransform component2 = scoreGameObject.singleScore.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); component2.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(component2.anchoredPosition.x, (float)((scoreGameObject.rowId - 1) * -35) + _slider.value * 35f * (float)(_scoreGameObjectList.Count - 8) - 17f); if (component2.anchoredPosition.y >= -15f) { ((Component)scoreGameObject).GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = Math.Max(1f - (component2.anchoredPosition.y + 15f) / 35f, 0f); } else if (component2.anchoredPosition.y - 35f <= 295f) { ((Component)scoreGameObject).GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = Math.Max((component2.anchoredPosition.y + 280f + 15f) / 35f, 0f); } else { ((Component)scoreGameObject).GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1f; } } }); } public void UpdateStarRatingAnimation() { //IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0021: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) _diffRatingMaskRectangle.sizeDelta = Vector2.op_Implicit(_starMaskAnimation.GetNewVector(Vector2.op_Implicit(_starRatingMaskSizeTarget), Time.deltaTime)); } public bool IsScrollingEnabled() { return ((Behaviour)_scrollableSliderHandler).enabled; } public void ClearLeaderboard() { _scoreGameObjectList.ForEach(delegate(LeaderboardRowEntry score) { Object.DestroyImmediate((Object)(object)score.singleScore); }); _scoreGameObjectList.Clear(); } public void CancelAndClearAllCoroutineInList() { _currentLeaderboardCoroutines.ForEach((Action<IEnumerator<UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation>>)((MonoBehaviour)Plugin.Instance).StopCoroutine); _currentLeaderboardCoroutines.Clear(); } public void ShowSlider() { ((Component)_slider).gameObject.SetActive(true); } public void HideSlider() { ((Component)_slider).gameObject.SetActive(false); } public void ShowErrorText() { _errorsHolder.SetActive(true); } public void HideErrorText() { _errorsHolder.SetActive(false); } public static void OpenUserProfile(int id) { Application.OpenURL($"{id}"); } public static void OpenLoginPage() { Application.OpenURL(""); } public void OpenSongLeaderboard() { Application.OpenURL("" + _currentSelectedSongHash); } public void OpenSongFolder() { string text = ((_savedTrackref != null) ? _savedTrackref : DiffCalcGlobals.selectedChart.trackRef); TromboneTrack val = TrackLookup.lookup(text); if (val != null) { CustomTrack val2 = (CustomTrack)(object)((val is CustomTrack) ? val : null); string text2 = ((val2 == null) ? (Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/trackassets/" + val.trackref) : val2.folderPath); if (Directory.Exists(text2)) { Process.Start(text2); } else { TootTallyNotifManager.DisplayNotif("Folder couldn't be found.", 6f); } } } public void ScrollToLocalScore() { if (_localScoreId == -1) { TootTallyNotifManager.DisplayNotif("You don't have a score on that leaderboard yet", 6f); } else if (_scoreGameObjectList.Count > 8) { _slider.value = (float)_localScoreId / ((float)_scoreGameObjectList.Count - 8f); ((UnityEvent<float>)(object)_slider.onValueChanged).Invoke(_slider.value); } } private void SetTabsImages() { //IL_003e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0062: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0098: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ba: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00d7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00dc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0109: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_011d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0149: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { GameObject val = _globalLeaderboard.GetComponent<LeaderboardManager>().tabs[i]; Button componentInChildren = val.GetComponentInChildren<Button>(); ((Selectable)componentInChildren).image.sprite = AssetManager.GetSprite(tabsImageNames[i]); ((Graphic)((Selectable)componentInChildren).image).color = Color.white; ColorBlock colors = default(ColorBlock); ((ColorBlock)(ref colors)).normalColor = ((ColorBlock)(ref Theme.colors.leaderboard.tabs)).normalColor; ((ColorBlock)(ref colors)).pressedColor = ((ColorBlock)(ref Theme.colors.leaderboard.tabs)).pressedColor; ((ColorBlock)(ref colors)).highlightedColor = ((ColorBlock)(ref Theme.colors.leaderboard.tabs)).highlightedColor; ((ColorBlock)(ref colors)).fadeDuration = 0.1f; ((ColorBlock)(ref colors)).colorMultiplier = 1f; ((Selectable)componentInChildren).colors = colors; } GameObject val2 = GameObjectFactory.CreateClickableImageHolder(_tabs.transform,, * 40f, AssetManager.GetSprite("folder64.png"), "Open Folder Button", ((ColorBlock)(ref Theme.colors.leaderboard.tabs)).normalColor, ((ColorBlock)(ref Theme.colors.leaderboard.tabs)).highlightedColor, (Action)OpenSongFolder); ((Graphic)val2.GetComponent<Image>()).color = ((ColorBlock)(ref Theme.colors.leaderboard.tabs)).normalColor; _tabs.SetActive(true); } private void DestroyFromParent(GameObject parent, string objectName) { Object.DestroyImmediate((Object)(object)((Component)parent.transform.Find(objectName)).gameObject); } } public static class GlobalLeaderboardManager { private static bool _hasLeaderboardFinishedLoading; private static GlobalLeaderboard globalLeaderboard; [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LevelSelectController), "Start")] [HarmonyPostfix] public static void OnLevelSelectControllerStartPostfix(List<SingleTrackData> ___alltrackslist, LevelSelectController __instance) { _hasLeaderboardFinishedLoading = false; if (!Plugin.Instance.option.ShowLeaderboard.Value) { BetterScrollSpeedSliderPatcher.PatchScrollSpeedSlider(); return; } globalLeaderboard = new GlobalLeaderboard(); globalLeaderboard.Initialize(__instance); globalLeaderboard.UpdateLeaderboard(__instance, ___alltrackslist, OnUpdateLeaderboardCallback); } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LevelSelectController), "populateScores")] [HarmonyPrefix] private static bool DontPopulateBaseGameLeaderboard() { return !Plugin.Instance.option.ShowLeaderboard.Value; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LevelSelectController), "Update")] [HarmonyPostfix] private static void UpdateLoadingSwirlyAnimationOnLevelSelectControllerUpdatePostfix() { if (globalLeaderboard != null && _hasLeaderboardFinishedLoading) { globalLeaderboard.UpdateStarRatingAnimation(); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LevelSelectController), "sortTracks")] [HarmonyPostfix] private static void OnTrackSortReloadLeaderboard(List<SingleTrackData> ___alltrackslist, LevelSelectController __instance) { if (globalLeaderboard != null && globalLeaderboard.HasLeaderboard) { UpdateLeaderboardOnAdvanceSongsPostfix(___alltrackslist, __instance); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LevelSelectController), "clickPlay")] [HarmonyPostfix] private static void OnLevelSelectControllerClickPlayDeleteLeaderboard(LevelSelectController __instance) { if (globalLeaderboard != null) { globalLeaderboard.CancelAndClearAllCoroutineInList(); globalLeaderboard = null; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LevelSelectController), "clickBack")] [HarmonyPostfix] private static void OnLevelSelectControllerClickBackDeleteLeaderboard(LevelSelectController __instance) { if (globalLeaderboard != null) { globalLeaderboard.CancelAndClearAllCoroutineInList(); globalLeaderboard = null; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LeaderboardManager), "clickTab")] [HarmonyPrefix] private static bool OverwriteClickLeaderboardTabs(int tabindex) { if (globalLeaderboard != null && globalLeaderboard.HasLeaderboard) { switch (tabindex) { case 0: if ( != 0) { GlobalLeaderboard.OpenUserProfile(; } else { GlobalLeaderboard.OpenLoginPage(); } break; case 1: globalLeaderboard.OpenSongLeaderboard(); break; case 2: globalLeaderboard.ScrollToLocalScore(); break; default: return true; } } return false; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LevelSelectController), "clickNext")] [HarmonyPrefix] private static bool OnClickNextSkipIfScrollWheelUsed() { return ShouldScrollSongs(); } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LevelSelectController), "clickPrev")] [HarmonyPrefix] private static bool OnClickBackSkipIfScrollWheelUsed() { return ShouldScrollSongs(); } private static bool ShouldScrollSongs() { //IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (globalLeaderboard != null && globalLeaderboard.IsMouseOver) { return Input.mouseScrollDelta.y == 0f; } return true; } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LevelSelectController), "showButtonsAfterRandomizing")] [HarmonyPostfix] private static void HideTurboButtonAfterRandomizing(LevelSelectController __instance) { if (globalLeaderboard != null) { __instance.btnturbo.SetActive(false); __instance.btnpractice.SetActive(false); __instance.btn_steamleaderboard.SetActive(false); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LevelSelectController), "doneRandomizing")] [HarmonyPostfix] private static void OnDoneRandomizingUpdateLeaderboard(List<SingleTrackData> ___alltrackslist, LevelSelectController __instance) { if (__instance.randomizing) { if (_hasLeaderboardFinishedLoading) { _hasLeaderboardFinishedLoading = false; globalLeaderboard?.ShowLoadingSwirly(); globalLeaderboard?.HideSlider(); globalLeaderboard?.HideErrorText(); globalLeaderboard?.ClearLeaderboard(); } globalLeaderboard?.UpdateLeaderboard(__instance, ___alltrackslist, OnUpdateLeaderboardCallback); } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LevelSelectController), "advanceSongs")] [HarmonyPostfix] private static void UpdateLeaderboardOnAdvanceSongsPostfix(List<SingleTrackData> ___alltrackslist, LevelSelectController __instance) { if (_hasLeaderboardFinishedLoading) { _hasLeaderboardFinishedLoading = false; globalLeaderboard?.ShowLoadingSwirly(); globalLeaderboard?.HideSlider(); globalLeaderboard?.HideErrorText(); globalLeaderboard?.ClearLeaderboard(); } if (!__instance.randomizing) { globalLeaderboard?.UpdateLeaderboard(__instance, ___alltrackslist, OnUpdateLeaderboardCallback); } } private static void OnUpdateLeaderboardCallback(GlobalLeaderboard.LeaderboardState state) { switch (state) { case GlobalLeaderboard.LeaderboardState.ErrorNoSongHashFound: case GlobalLeaderboard.LeaderboardState.ErrorNoLeaderboardFound: globalLeaderboard.ShowErrorText(); break; case GlobalLeaderboard.LeaderboardState.ReadyToRefresh: globalLeaderboard.RefreshLeaderboard(); break; case GlobalLeaderboard.LeaderboardState.ErrorUnexpected: Plugin.LogError("Unexpected Error during leaderboard Update request"); break; } if (state != GlobalLeaderboard.LeaderboardState.SongDataLoaded || state != GlobalLeaderboard.LeaderboardState.SongDataMissing) { _hasLeaderboardFinishedLoading = true; globalLeaderboard.HideLoadingSwirly(); } } } public class LeaderboardRowEntry : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject singleScore; public TMP_Text rank; public TMP_Text username; public TMP_Text score; public TMP_Text percent; public TMP_Text grade; public TMP_Text maxcombo; public Image imageStrip; public bool hasBackground; public string replayId; public int rowId; public void ConstructLeaderboardEntry(GameObject singleScore, TMP_Text rank, TMP_Text username, TMP_Text score, TMP_Text percent, TMP_Text grade, TMP_Text maxcombo, bool hasBackground = false) { //IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00d6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) this.singleScore = singleScore; this.rank = rank; ((Component)rank).GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(45f, 35f); rank.alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)4097; this.username = username; ((Component)username).GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(170f, 35f); username.alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)4097; this.score = score; ((Component)score).GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(170f, 35f); score.alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)4100; this.percent = percent; ((Component)percent).GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(85f, 35f); percent.alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)4100; this.grade = grade; ((Component)grade).GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(40f, 35f); this.maxcombo = maxcombo; ((Component)maxcombo).GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(55f, 35f); maxcombo.alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)4100; this.hasBackground = hasBackground; imageStrip = ((Component)this.singleScore.transform.Find("Image")).gameObject.GetComponent<Image>(); ((Component)imageStrip).gameObject.SetActive(hasBackground); } public void ToggleBackground() { hasBackground = !hasBackground; ((Component)imageStrip).gameObject.SetActive(hasBackground); } public void UpdateTheme() { //IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0062: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0069: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0070: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0071: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0072: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0079: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0080: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00be: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00bf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00c8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00c9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00d0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00d2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00d3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00da: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00dc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00dd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ee: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) ((Graphic)imageStrip).color = Theme.colors.leaderboard.rowEntry; ((Graphic)rank).color = Theme.colors.leaderboard.headerText; TMP_Text obj = username; TMP_Text obj2 = score; TMP_Text obj3 = percent; TMP_Text obj4 = grade; Color val = (((Graphic)maxcombo).color = Theme.colors.leaderboard.text); Color val3 = (((Graphic)obj4).color = val); Color val5 = (((Graphic)obj3).color = val3); Color color = (((Graphic)obj2).color = val5); ((Graphic)obj).color = color; TMP_Text obj5 = rank; TMP_Text obj6 = username; TMP_Text obj7 = score; TMP_Text obj8 = percent; TMP_Text obj9 = grade; Color32 val8 = (maxcombo.outlineColor = Color32.op_Implicit(Theme.colors.leaderboard.textOutline)); Color32 val10 = (obj9.outlineColor = val8); Color32 val12 = (obj8.outlineColor = val10); Color32 val14 = (obj7.outlineColor = val12); Color32 outlineColor = (obj6.outlineColor = val14); obj5.outlineColor = outlineColor; } } public static class LeaderboardFactory { private static TMP_Text _leaderboardHeaderPrefab; private static TMP_Text _leaderboardTextPrefab; private static GameObject _steamLeaderboardPrefab; private static GameObject _singleScorePrefab; private static GameObject _panelBodyPrefab; private static LeaderboardRowEntry _singleRowPrefab; private static bool _isInititialized; [HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameObjectFactory), "OnLevelSelectControllerInitialize")] [HarmonyPostfix] public static void OnLevelSelectStart() { if (!_isInititialized) { SetSteamLeaderboardPrefab(); SetSingleScorePrefab(); SetLeaderboardHeaderPrefab(); SetLeaderboardTextPrefab(); SetSingleRowPrefab(); _isInititialized = true; } UpdateTheme(); } private static void UpdateTheme() { //IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0053: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0058: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0073: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0085: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00d9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0103: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0108: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0118: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0128: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_012d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) LeaderboardColors leaderboard = Theme.colors.leaderboard; ((Graphic)_panelBodyPrefab.GetComponent<Image>()).color = leaderboard.panelBody; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { GameObject val = _steamLeaderboardPrefab.GetComponent<LeaderboardManager>().tabs[i]; ColorBlock colors = ((Selectable)((Component)val.transform.Find("Button")).gameObject.GetComponent<Button>()).colors; ((ColorBlock)(ref colors)).normalColor = ((ColorBlock)(ref leaderboard.tabs)).normalColor; ((ColorBlock)(ref colors)).pressedColor = ((ColorBlock)(ref leaderboard.tabs)).pressedColor; ((ColorBlock)(ref colors)).highlightedColor = ((ColorBlock)(ref leaderboard.tabs)).highlightedColor; ((Selectable)((Component)val.transform.Find("Button")).gameObject.GetComponent<Button>()).colors = colors; } ((Graphic)((Component)_panelBodyPrefab.transform.Find("scoresbody")).gameObject.GetComponent<Image>()).color = leaderboard.scoresBody; _singleRowPrefab.UpdateTheme(); ((Graphic)_leaderboardTextPrefab).color = leaderboard.text; _leaderboardTextPrefab.outlineColor = Color32.op_Implicit(leaderboard.textOutline); ((Graphic)_leaderboardHeaderPrefab).color = leaderboard.headerText; _leaderboardHeaderPrefab.outlineColor = Color32.op_Implicit(leaderboard.textOutline); } private static void SetSteamLeaderboardPrefab() { //IL_007f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0094: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0099: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Find("Camera-Popups").gameObject; GameObject gameObject2 = ((Component)gameObject.transform.Find("LeaderboardCanvas")).gameObject; _steamLeaderboardPrefab = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(gameObject2); ((Object)_steamLeaderboardPrefab).name = "CustomLeaderboardCanvas"; _steamLeaderboardPrefab.SetActive(true); GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(_steamLeaderboardPrefab, "BG"); Object.DestroyImmediate((Object)(object)_steamLeaderboardPrefab.GetComponent<CanvasScaler>()); RectTransform component = _steamLeaderboardPrefab.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); component.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(237f, -311f); ((Transform)component).localScale = Vector2.op_Implicit( * 0.5f); SetPanelBodyInSteamLeaderboard(); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad((Object)(object)_steamLeaderboardPrefab); } private static void SetPanelBodyInSteamLeaderboard() { //IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) _panelBodyPrefab = ((Component)_steamLeaderboardPrefab.transform.Find("PanelBody")).gameObject; _panelBodyPrefab.SetActive(true); RectTransform component = _panelBodyPrefab.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); component.anchoredPosition =; component.sizeDelta = new Vector2(750f, 300f); GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(_panelBodyPrefab, "CloseButton"); GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(_panelBodyPrefab, "txt_legal"); GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(_panelBodyPrefab, "txt_leaderboards"); GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(_panelBodyPrefab, "txt_songname"); GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(_panelBodyPrefab, "rule"); GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(_panelBodyPrefab, "HelpBtn"); GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(_panelBodyPrefab, "loadingspinner_parent"); SetTabsInPanelBody(); SetErrorsInPanelBody(); SetScoreboardInPanelBody(); AddSliderInPanelBody(); } private static void SetTabsInPanelBody() { //IL_0070: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0086: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_010b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) GameObject gameObject = ((Component)_panelBodyPrefab.transform.Find("tabs")).gameObject; gameObject.SetActive(false); Object.DestroyImmediate((Object)(object)gameObject.GetComponent<HorizontalLayoutGroup>()); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { GameObject val = _steamLeaderboardPrefab.GetComponent<LeaderboardManager>().tabs[i]; GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(val, "label"); GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(val, "rule"); RectTransform component = val.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); component.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(15f, -40f); component.sizeDelta = new Vector2(40f, 40f); } VerticalLayoutGroup val2 = gameObject.AddComponent<VerticalLayoutGroup>(); ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val2).childForceExpandWidth = false; bool childScaleWidth = (((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val2).childScaleHeight = false); ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val2).childScaleWidth = childScaleWidth; childScaleWidth = (((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val2).childControlHeight = false); ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val2).childControlWidth = childScaleWidth; ((LayoutGroup)val2).padding.left = 20; ((LayoutGroup)val2) = 36; RectTransform component2 = gameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); component2.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(328f, -10f); component2.sizeDelta = new Vector2(-676f, 280f); } private static void SetErrorsInPanelBody() { //IL_002c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0041: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) GameObject gameObject = ((Component)_panelBodyPrefab.transform.Find("errors")).gameObject; RectTransform component = gameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); component.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-30f, 15f); component.sizeDelta = new Vector2(-200f, 0f); gameObject.SetActive(false); ((Component)gameObject.transform.Find("error_noleaderboard")).gameObject.SetActive(true); } private static void SetScoreboardInPanelBody() { //IL_002c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0037: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0041: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0093: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) GameObject gameObject = ((Component)_panelBodyPrefab.transform.Find("scoresbody")).gameObject; RectTransform component = gameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); component.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, -10f); component.sizeDelta = * -20f; GameObject gameObject2 = ((Component)_panelBodyPrefab.transform.Find("scoreboard")).gameObject; gameObject2.AddComponent<RectMask2D>(); RectTransform component2 = gameObject2.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); component2.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-30f, -10f); component2.sizeDelta = new Vector2(-80f, -20f); } private static void AddSliderInPanelBody() { GameObjectFactory.CreateVerticalSliderFromPrefab(_panelBodyPrefab.transform, "LeaderboardVerticalSlider"); } private static void SetSingleScorePrefab() { //IL_0048: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_009b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) GameObject gameObject = ((Component)_panelBodyPrefab.transform.Find("scoreboard/SingleScore")).gameObject; _singleScorePrefab = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(gameObject); ((Object)_singleScorePrefab).name = "singleScorePrefab"; _singleScorePrefab.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta = new Vector2(_singleScorePrefab.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta.x, 35f); GameObject gameObject2 = ((Component)_singleScorePrefab.transform.Find("Image")).gameObject; LayoutElement val = gameObject2.AddComponent<LayoutElement>(); val.ignoreLayout = true; RectTransform component = gameObject2.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); component.sizeDelta = new Vector2(-5f, 0f); component.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-10f, 0f); Image component2 = gameObject2.GetComponent<Image>(); ((Behaviour)component2).enabled = true; ((MaskableGraphic)component2).maskable = true; _singleScorePrefab.gameObject.SetActive(false); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad((Object)(object)_singleScorePrefab.gameObject); } private static void SetLeaderboardHeaderPrefab() { //IL_0071: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Text val = Object.Instantiate<Text>(((Component)_singleScorePrefab.transform.Find("Num")).GetComponent<Text>()); _leaderboardHeaderPrefab = Object.Instantiate<TMP_Text>(GameObjectFactory.GetComfortaaFont); ((Object)_leaderboardHeaderPrefab).name = "LeaderboardHeaderPrefab"; _leaderboardHeaderPrefab.alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)514; ((MaskableGraphic)_leaderboardHeaderPrefab).maskable = true; _leaderboardHeaderPrefab.enableWordWrapping = false; ((Graphic)_leaderboardHeaderPrefab).color = Theme.colors.leaderboard.headerText; ((Component)_leaderboardHeaderPrefab).gameObject.SetActive(true); _leaderboardHeaderPrefab.enableAutoSizing = true; _leaderboardHeaderPrefab.fontSizeMax = _leaderboardHeaderPrefab.fontSize; Object.DestroyImmediate((Object)(object)((Component)val).gameObject); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad((Object)(object)((Component)_leaderboardHeaderPrefab).gameObject); } private static void SetLeaderboardTextPrefab() { //IL_0081: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Text val = Object.Instantiate<Text>(((Component)_singleScorePrefab.transform.Find("Name")).GetComponent<Text>()); _leaderboardTextPrefab = Object.Instantiate<TMP_Text>(GameObjectFactory.GetComfortaaFont); ((Object)_leaderboardTextPrefab).name = "LeaderboardTextPrefab"; _leaderboardTextPrefab.alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)514; ((MaskableGraphic)_leaderboardTextPrefab).maskable = true; _leaderboardTextPrefab.enableWordWrapping = false; ((Component)_leaderboardTextPrefab).gameObject.SetActive(true); ((Graphic)_leaderboardTextPrefab).color = Theme.colors.leaderboard.text; _leaderboardTextPrefab.enableAutoSizing = true; _leaderboardTextPrefab.fontSizeMax = _leaderboardTextPrefab.fontSize; DestroyNumNameScoreFromSingleScorePrefab(); Object.DestroyImmediate((Object)(object)((Component)val).gameObject); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad((Object)(object)((Component)_leaderboardTextPrefab).gameObject); } private static void DestroyNumNameScoreFromSingleScorePrefab() { GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(_singleScorePrefab, "Num"); GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(_singleScorePrefab, "Name"); GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(_singleScorePrefab, "Score"); } private static void SetSingleRowPrefab() { _singleRowPrefab = _singleScorePrefab.AddComponent<LeaderboardRowEntry>(); TMP_Text val = Object.Instantiate<TMP_Text>(_leaderboardHeaderPrefab, _singleScorePrefab.transform); ((Object)val).name = "rank"; TMP_Text val2 = Object.Instantiate<TMP_Text>(_leaderboardTextPrefab, _singleScorePrefab.transform); ((Object)val2).name = "username"; TMP_Text val3 = Object.Instantiate<TMP_Text>(_leaderboardTextPrefab, _singleScorePrefab.transform); ((Object)val3).name = "score"; TMP_Text val4 = Object.Instantiate<TMP_Text>(_leaderboardTextPrefab, _singleScorePrefab.transform); ((Object)val4).name = "percent"; TMP_Text val5 = Object.Instantiate<TMP_Text>(_leaderboardTextPrefab, _singleScorePrefab.transform); ((Object)val5).name = "grade"; TMP_Text val6 = Object.Instantiate<TMP_Text>(_leaderboardTextPrefab, _singleScorePrefab.transform); ((Object)val6).name = "maxcombo"; _singleRowPrefab.ConstructLeaderboardEntry(_singleScorePrefab, val, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6); ((Object)_singleRowPrefab.singleScore).name = "singleRowPrefab"; } public static GameObject CreateSteamLeaderboardFromPrefab(Transform canvasTransform, string name) { GameObject val = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(_steamLeaderboardPrefab, canvasTransform); ((Object)val).name = name; return val; } public static LeaderboardRowEntry CreateLeaderboardRowEntryFromScore(Transform canvasTransform, string name, ScoreDataFromDB scoreData, int count, Color gradeColor, LevelSelectController levelSelectControllerInstance) { //IL_004f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0055: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00cd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0349: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03ba: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03a7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_016c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0173: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_01cb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01d2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01db: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_020a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0419: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0234: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0239: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0243: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_058c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_059b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) LeaderboardRowEntry leaderboardRowEntry = Object.Instantiate<LeaderboardRowEntry>(_singleRowPrefab, canvasTransform); ((Object)leaderboardRowEntry).name = name; leaderboardRowEntry.username.text = scoreData.player; EventTrigger val = ((Component)leaderboardRowEntry.username).gameObject.AddComponent<EventTrigger>(); Entry val2 = new Entry(); val2.eventID = (EventTriggerType)4; ((UnityEvent<BaseEventData>)(object)val2.callback).AddListener((UnityAction<BaseEventData>)delegate { GlobalLeaderboard.OpenUserProfile(scoreData.player_id); }); val.triggers.Add(val2); leaderboardRowEntry.score.text = $"{scoreData.score:n0}" + $" ({scoreData.replay_speed:0.00}x)"; GameObject val3 = GameObjectFactory.CreateBubble(new Vector2(175f, 200f), ((Object)leaderboardRowEntry).name + "ScoreBubble", GetTallyBubbleText(scoreData.GetTally), 10, false, 22); bool childControlHeight; if (scoreData.modifiers != null && scoreData.modifiers.Length != 0 && !scoreData.modifiers.Contains("NONE")) { TMP_Text score = leaderboardRowEntry.score; score.text += "*"; GameObject val4 = new GameObject("HorizontalLayout", new Type[1] { typeof(HorizontalLayoutGroup) }); val4.transform.SetParent(val3.transform.Find("Window Body")); HorizontalLayoutGroup component = val4.GetComponent<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(); childControlHeight = (((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)component).childForceExpandHeight = false); ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)component).childControlHeight = childControlHeight; RectTransform component2 = val4.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); Vector2 val5 = default(Vector2); ((Vector2)(ref val5))..ctor(0.5f, 0f); component2.anchorMax = val5; component2.anchorMin = val5; component2.anchoredPosition =; ((Component)val3.transform.Find("Window Body/BubbleText")).GetComponent<TMP_Text>().rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(175f, 150f); string[] modifiers = scoreData.modifiers; foreach (string text in modifiers) { ((MaskableGraphic)GameObjectFactory.CreateImageHolder(val4.transform,, * 42f, AssetManager.GetSprite(text + ".png"), text + "Icon", true).GetComponent<Image>()).maskable = false; } } ((Component)leaderboardRowEntry.score).gameObject.AddComponent<BubblePopupHandler>().Initialize(val3, true); leaderboardRowEntry.rank.text = "#" + count; leaderboardRowEntry.percent.text = scoreData.percentage.ToString("0.00") + "%"; leaderboardRowEntry.grade.text = scoreData.grade; if (scoreData.grade == "SS") { leaderboardRowEntry.grade.text = "S"; GameObjectFactory.CreateDoubleText(leaderboardRowEntry.grade.transform, "DoubleS" + scoreData.player + "Text", "S", Color.yellow); } else if (scoreData.grade == "SSS") { leaderboardRowEntry.grade.text = "S"; GameObjectFactory.CreateTripleText(leaderboardRowEntry.grade.transform, "TripleS" + scoreData.player + "Text", "S", Color.yellow); } else { ((Graphic)leaderboardRowEntry.grade).color = gradeColor; } if (scoreData.is_rated) { leaderboardRowEntry.maxcombo.text = Mathf.RoundToInt( + "tt"; ((Component)leaderboardRowEntry.maxcombo).gameObject.AddComponent<BubblePopupHandler>().Initialize(GameObjectFactory.CreateBubble(new Vector2(225f, 75f), ((Object)leaderboardRowEntry).name + "ComboBubble", $"{scoreData.max_combo} combo, {}tt", 10, true, 22), true); } else { leaderboardRowEntry.maxcombo.text = scoreData.max_combo + "x"; } leaderboardRowEntry.replayId = scoreData.replay_id; leaderboardRowEntry.rowId = count; leaderboardRowEntry.singleScore.AddComponent<CanvasGroup>(); HorizontalLayoutGroup val6 = leaderboardRowEntry.singleScore.AddComponent<HorizontalLayoutGroup>(); ((LayoutGroup)val6).childAlignment = (TextAnchor)3; childControlHeight = (((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val6).childForceExpandHeight = false); ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val6).childForceExpandWidth = childControlHeight; childControlHeight = (((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val6).childScaleHeight = false); ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val6).childScaleWidth = childControlHeight; childControlHeight = (((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val6).childControlHeight = false); ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val6).childControlWidth = childControlHeight; ((HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup)val6).spacing = 8f; ((LayoutGroup)val6).padding.left = 8; ((LayoutGroup)val6) = 2; leaderboardRowEntry.singleScore.SetActive(true); ((Component)leaderboardRowEntry.singleScore.transform.Find("Image")).gameObject.SetActive(count % 2 == 0); string replayId = leaderboardRowEntry.replayId; if (replayId != "" && replayId != null) { GameObjectFactory.CreateCustomButton(leaderboardRowEntry.singleScore.transform,, new Vector2(26f, 26f), "►", "ReplayButton", (Action)delegate { Plugin.LogInfo("ID:" + replayId); ReplaySystemManager.ResolveLoadReplay(replayId, levelSelectControllerInstance); }); } return leaderboardRowEntry; } private static string GetTallyBubbleText(int[] tally) { if (tally == null) { return "No Tally"; } return $"Perfect: {tally[4]}\n" + $"Nice: {tally[3]}\n" + $"Okay: {tally[2]}\n" + $"Meh: {tally[1]}\n" + $"Nasty: {tally[0]}\n"; } public static GameObject CreateDefaultPanel(Transform canvasTransform, Vector2 anchoredPosition, Vector2 size, string name) { //IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) GameObject val = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(_panelBodyPrefab, canvasTransform); ((Object)val).name = name; RectTransform component = val.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); component.anchoredPosition = anchoredPosition; component.sizeDelta = size; ((Transform)component).localScale = Vector2.op_Implicit( * 0.5f); GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(val, "scoreboard"); GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(val, "tabs"); GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(val, "errors"); GameObjectFactory.DestroyFromParent(val, "LeaderboardVerticalSlider"); return val; } } [BepInPlugin("TootTallyLeaderboard", "TootTallyLeaderboard", "1.1.8")] [BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] [BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin, ITootTallyModule { public class Options { public ConfigEntry<bool> ShowLeaderboard { get; set; } public ConfigEntry<bool> ShowCoolS { get; set; } public ConfigEntry<bool> SubmitScores { get; set; } public ConfigEntry<string> SessionDate { get; set; } public ConfigEntry<float> SessionStartTT { get; set; } public ConfigEntry<bool> ShowcaseMode { get; set; } } public static Plugin Instance; private const string CONFIG_NAME = "TootTally.cfg"; public Options option; private Harmony _harmony; public bool ShouldUpdateSession; public static TootTallySettingPage settingPage; public ConfigEntry<bool> ModuleConfigEnabled { get; set; } public bool IsConfigInitialized { get; set; } public string Name { get { return "TootTally Leaderboard"; } set { Name = value; } } public static void LogInfo(string msg) { ((BaseUnityPlugin)Instance).Logger.LogInfo((object)msg); } public static void LogError(string msg) { ((BaseUnityPlugin)Instance).Logger.LogError((object)msg); } public static void LogWarning(string msg) { ((BaseUnityPlugin)Instance).Logger.LogWarning((object)msg); } public static void LogDebug(string msg) { if (Plugin.Instance.DebugMode.Value) { ((BaseUnityPlugin)Instance).Logger.LogDebug((object)msg); } } private void Awake() { //IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002f: Expected O, but got Unknown if (!((Object)(object)Instance != (Object)null)) { Instance = this; _harmony = new Harmony(((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Info.Metadata.GUID); GameInitializationEvent.Register(((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Info, (Action)TryInitialize); } } private void TryInitialize() { ModuleConfigEnabled = ((BaseUnityPlugin)Plugin.Instance).Config.Bind<bool>("Modules", "TootTally Leaderboard", true, "Leaderboard and Replay features for TootTally"); TootTallyModuleManager.AddModule((ITootTallyModule)(object)this); } public void LoadModule() { //IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0022: Expected O, but got Unknown string text = Path.Combine(Paths.BepInExRootPath, "config/"); ConfigFile val = new ConfigFile(text + "TootTally.cfg", true); option = new Options { ShowLeaderboard = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "Show Leaderboard", true, "Show TootTally Leaderboard on Song Select."), ShowCoolS = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "Show Cool S", false, "Show special graphic when getting SS and SSS on a song."), SubmitScores = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "Suibmit Scores", true, "Submit your scores to the Toottally leaderboard."), SessionDate = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<string>("General", "Session Date", DateTime.Now.ToString(), "The last time that the session started recording."), SessionStartTT = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<float>("General", "TT Session Start", 0f, "The amount of TT you started the session with."), ShowcaseMode = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "Replay Showcase Mode", false, "Hides the replay HUD and mouse cursor when viewing a replay.") }; Plugin.MainTootTallySettingPage.AddToggle("Show Leaderboard", option.ShowLeaderboard, (UnityAction<bool>)null); Plugin.MainTootTallySettingPage.AddToggle("Show Cool S", option.ShowCoolS, (UnityAction<bool>)null); Plugin.MainTootTallySettingPage.AddToggle("Submit Scores", option.SubmitScores, (UnityAction<bool>)null); Plugin.MainTootTallySettingPage.AddToggle("Replay Showcase Mode", option.ShowcaseMode, (UnityAction<bool>)null); AssetManager.LoadAssets(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(((BaseUnityPlugin)Instance).Info.Location), "Assets")); ShouldUpdateSession = DateTime.Parse(Instance.option.SessionDate.Value).Date.CompareTo(DateTime.Now.Date) < 0; _harmony.PatchAll(typeof(LeaderboardFactory)); _harmony.PatchAll(typeof(ReplaySystemManager)); _harmony.PatchAll(typeof(GlobalLeaderboardManager)); LogInfo("Module loaded!"); } public void UnloadModule() { _harmony.UnpatchSelf(); settingPage.Remove(); LogInfo("Module unloaded!"); } } public static class PluginInfo { public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "TootTallyLeaderboard"; public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "TootTallyLeaderboard"; public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.1.8"; } } namespace TootTallyLeaderboard.Replays { public class NewReplaySystem { [Serializable] private class ReplayVersion { public string version { get; set; } } [Serializable] private class ReplayData { public string version { get; set; } public string username { get; set; } public string starttime { get; set; } public string endtime { get; set; } public string input { get; set; } public string song { get; set; } public string uuid { get; set; } public float samplerate { get; set; } public float scrollspeed { get; set; } public int defaultnotelength { get; set; } public float gamespeedmultiplier { get; set; } public string gamemodifiers { get; set; } public float audiolatency { get; set; } public int pluginbuilddate { get; set; } public string gameversion { get; set; } public string songhash { get; set; } public int finalscore { get; set; } public int maxcombo { get; set; } public int[] finalnotetallies { get; set; } public List<dynamic[]> framedata { get; set; } public List<dynamic[]> notedata { get; set; } public List<dynamic[]> tootdata { get; set; } public int screenwidth { get; set; } public int screenheight { get; set; } public ReplayData(float sampleRate) { framedata = new List<object[]>(); notedata = new List<object[]>(); tootdata = new List<object[]>(); pluginbuilddate = Plugin.BUILDDATE; version = "2.1.0"; username = TootTallyUser.userInfo.username; audiolatency = GlobalVariables.localsettings.latencyadjust; gameversion = Application.version; samplerate = sampleRate; screenwidth = 0; screenheight = 0; } public void ClearData() { framedata?.Clear(); notedata?.Clear(); tootdata?.Clear(); } public void SetStartTime() { starttime = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()).ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToString(); } public void SetEndTime() { endtime = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()).ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToString(); } } public enum FDStruct { T, N, P, MX, MY } public enum TDStruct { T, N, O } public enum NDStruct { NS, R, I, C, M, S, H, HC, TL } public enum ReplayState { None, ReplayLoadErrorIncompatible, ReplayLoadError, ReplayLoadSuccess, ReplayLoadNotFound } public static List<string> incompatibleReplayVersions = new List<string> { "1.0.0" }; public const string REPLAY_VERSION = "2.1.0"; private int _frameIndex; private int _tootIndex; private ReplayData _replayData; private dynamic[] _lastFrame; private dynamic[] _currentFrame; private dynamic[] _currentToot; private dynamic[] _currentNote; private bool _wasTouchScreenUsed; private bool _wasTabletUsed; private int _maxCombo; private bool _isLastNote; public bool _isTooting; public Vector3 _mousePos; public BackgroundPuppetController _backgroundPuppetController; private const float FLOAT_PRECISION = 1000f; private int _lastTally; public float GetReplaySpeed => _replayData.gamespeedmultiplier; public bool GetIsTooting => _isTooting; public string GetUsername => _replayData.username; public string GetSongName =>; public bool IsFullCombo { get { if (GlobalVariables.gameplay_notescores[0] == 0 && GlobalVariables.gameplay_notescores[1] == 0) { return GlobalVariables.gameplay_notescores[2] == 0; } return false; } } public bool IsTripleS { get { if (GlobalVariables.gameplay_notescores[0] == 0 && GlobalVariables.gameplay_notescores[1] == 0 && GlobalVariables.gameplay_notescores[2] == 0) { return GlobalVariables.gameplay_notescores[3] == 0; } return false; } } public bool GetIsOldReplay => TootTallyGlobalVariables.isOldReplay; public int ScreenWidth => _replayData.screenwidth; public int ScreenHeight => _replayData.screenheight; public string GetVersion => _replayData.version; public NewReplaySystem() { _replayData = new ReplayData(60f); } public void SetupRecording(int targetFramerate) { _replayData = new ReplayData(targetFramerate); _replayData.gamemodifiers = GameModifierManager.GetModifiersString(); _replayData.scrollspeed = GlobalVariables.gamescrollspeed; _replayData.gamespeedmultiplier = float.Parse(ReplaySystemManager.gameSpeedMultiplier.ToString("0.00")); TromboneTrack val = TrackLookup.lookup(GlobalVariables.chosen_track_data.trackref); = val.trackname_long; if (val is CustomTrack) { _replayData.songhash = SongDataHelper.GetSongHash(val); } else { _replayData.songhash = val.trackref; } _currentFrame = new object[5]; _currentNote = new object[9]; _currentToot = new object[3]; _replayData.screenwidth = Screen.width; _replayData.screenheight = Screen.height; Plugin.LogInfo("Started recording replay"); } public void SetReplayDefaultNoteLength(int spacing) { _replayData.defaultnotelength = spacing; } public int GetDefaultNoteLength() { return _replayData.defaultnotelength; } public void SetStartTime() { _replayData.SetStartTime(); Plugin.LogInfo("Replay started recording at " + _replayData.starttime); } public void SetEndTime() { _replayData.SetEndTime(); Plugin.LogInfo("Replay recording finished at " + _replayData.endtime); } public void SetUsernameAndSongName(string username, string songname) { _replayData.username = username; = songname; } public void RecordFrameData(GameController __instance, float time, float noteHolderPosition) { //IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0067: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (Input.touchCount > 0) { _wasTouchScreenUsed = true; } object[] array = new object[5] { Round(time, 10f), Round(noteHolderPosition, 10f), Round(__instance.pointer.transform.localPosition.y), (int)Input.mousePosition.x, (int)Input.mousePosition.y }; bool flag = _lastFrame == null; if (flag || ((flag | ((dynamic)array[2] != _lastFrame[2] && (dynamic)array[1] != _lastFrame[1] && (dynamic)array[4] != _lastFrame[4])) ? true : false)) { _replayData.framedata.Add(array); _lastFrame = array; } } public float Round(float f, float mult = 1f) { return Mathf.Round(f * 1000f * mult) / (1000f * mult); } public void RecordNoteDataPrefix(GameController __instance) { _currentNote = new object[9] { Round(__instance.notescoreaverage), __instance.released_button_between_notes ? 1 : 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0f, 0, 0 }; } public void RecordNoteDataPostfix(GameController __instance) { _currentNote[2] = __instance.currentnoteindex; _currentNote[3] = __instance.highestcombocounter; _currentNote[4] = __instance.multiplier; _currentNote[5] = __instance.totalscore; _currentNote[6] = Round(__instance.currenthealth); _currentNote[7] = (_maxCombo = __instance.highestcombo_level); _currentNote[8] = _lastTally; _replayData.notedata.Add(_currentNote); } public void SaveLastNoteTally(int tallyIndex) { _lastTally = tallyIndex; } public void RecordToot(float time, float noteHolderPosition, bool isTooting) { object[] item = new object[3] { Round(time, 10f), Round(noteHolderPosition, 10f), isTooting ? 1 : 0 }; _replayData.tootdata.Add(item); } public string GetRecordedReplayJson(string uuid) { _replayData.uuid = uuid; _replayData.input = GetInputTypeString(); _replayData.finalscore = GlobalVariables.gameplay_scoretotal; _replayData.maxcombo = _maxCombo; _replayData.finalnotetallies = new int[5] { _replayData.notedata.Count((dynamic[] x) => x[8] == 4), _replayData.notedata.Count((dynamic[] x) => x[8] == 3), _replayData.notedata.Count((dynamic[] x) => x[8] == 2), _replayData.notedata.Count((dynamic[] x) => x[8] == 1), _replayData.notedata.Count((dynamic[] x) => x[8] == 0) }; return JsonConvert.SerializeObject((object)_replayData); } private string GetInputTypeString() { if (_wasTabletUsed) { return "Tablet"; } if (_wasTouchScreenUsed) { return "Touch"; } return "Mouse"; } public void OnReplayPlayerStart() { _frameIndex = 0; _tootIndex = 0; _isTooting = false; _isLastNote = false; _currentFrame = ((_replayData.framedata.Count > 0) ? _replayData.framedata.First() : null); _currentNote = ((_replayData.notedata.Count > 0) ? _replayData.notedata.First() : null); _currentToot = new object[3] { 0, 0, 0 }; } public void OnReplayRewind(float newTiming, GameController __instance) { if (_replayData.framedata.Count != 0) { _frameIndex = Mathf.Clamp(_replayData.framedata.FindIndex((dynamic[] frame) => (float)frame[0] > newTiming) - 1, 0, _replayData.framedata.Count - 1); _currentFrame = _replayData.framedata[_frameIndex]; } if (_replayData.tootdata.Count != 0) { _tootIndex = Mathf.Clamp(_replayData.tootdata.FindIndex((dynamic[] frame) => (float)frame[0] > newTiming) - 1, 0, _replayData.tootdata.Count - 1); _currentToot = _replayData.tootdata[_tootIndex]; } _isTooting = false; if (_replayData.notedata.Count != 0 && __instance.currentnoteindex != 0) { __instance.currentscore = (int)_replayData.notedata.Find((dynamic[] note) => (int)note[2] == __instance.currentnoteindex - 1)[5]; IEnumerable<object> source = from note in _replayData.notedata where (int)note[2] <= __instance.currentnoteindex - 1 select note[8]; __instance.scores_A = source.Count((dynamic tally) => tally == 4); __instance.scores_B = source.Count((dynamic tally) => tally == 3); __instance.scores_C = source.Count((dynamic tally) => tally == 2); __instance.scores_D = source.Count((dynamic tally) => tally == 1); __instance.scores_F = source.Count((dynamic tally) => tally == 0); } } public ReplayState LoadReplay(string replayFileName) { string text = Path.Combine(Paths.BepInExRootPath, "Replays/"); if (!Directory.Exists(text)) { Plugin.LogInfo("Replay folder not found"); return ReplayState.ReplayLoadError; } if (!File.Exists(text + replayFileName + ".ttr")) { Plugin.LogInfo("Replay File does not exist"); return ReplayState.ReplayLoadNotFound; } string text2 = FileHelper.ReadJsonFromFile(text, replayFileName + ".ttr"); string version = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ReplayVersion>(text2).version; _replayData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ReplayData>(text2); if (_replayData.screenwidth == 0 || _replayData.screenheight == 0) { _replayData.screenwidth = 1920; _replayData.screenheight = 1080; } TootTallyGlobalVariables.isOldReplay = IsOldReplayFormat(version); if (GetIsOldReplay) { ConvertToCurrentReplayVersion(ref _replayData); GlobalVariables.gamescrollspeed = _replayData.scrollspeed; } if (incompatibleReplayVersions.Contains(_replayData.pluginbuilddate.ToString())) { TootTallyNotifManager.DisplayNotif($"Replay incompatible:\nReplay Build Date is {_replayData.pluginbuilddate}\nCurrent Build Date is {Plugin.BUILDDATE}", 6f); Plugin.LogError("Cannot load replay:"); Plugin.LogError(" Replay Build Date is " + _replayData.pluginbuilddate); Plugin.LogError(" Current Plugin Build Date " + Plugin.BUILDDATE); return ReplayState.ReplayLoadErrorIncompatible; } GameModifierManager.LoadModifiersFromString(_replayData.gamemodifiers ?? ""); return ReplayState.ReplayLoadSuccess; } private bool IsOldReplayFormat(string version) { if (version != null) { return string.Compare(version, "2.0.0") < 0; } return true; } private void ConvertToCurrentReplayVersion(ref ReplayData replayData) { TootTallyNotifManager.DisplayNotif("Converting old replay format...", 6f); object[][] array = new object[replayData.framedata.Count][]; for (int i = 0; i < replayData.framedata.Count; i++) { array[i] = new object[5] { (int)Math.Abs(replayData.framedata[i][0]), (int)replayData.framedata[i][0], (float)replayData.framedata[i][1] / 100f, 0, 0 }; } object[][] array2 = new object[replayData.notedata.Count][]; for (int j = 0; j < replayData.notedata.Count; j++) { array2[j] = new object[9] { (float)replayData.notedata[j][5] / 1000f, -1, (int)replayData.notedata[j][0], -1, (int)replayData.notedata[j][2], (int)replayData.notedata[j][1], (int)replayData.notedata[j][3], -1, (int)replayData.notedata[j][4] }; } object[][] array3 = new object[replayData.tootdata.Count][]; for (int k = 0; k < replayData.tootdata.Count; k++) { array3[k] = new object[3] { (int)Math.Abs(replayData.tootdata[k][0]), replayData.tootdata[k][0], (k % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 0 }; } replayData.framedata = array.ToList(); replayData.notedata = array2.ToList(); replayData.tootdata = array3.ToList(); } public void PlaybackReplay(GameController __instance, float time) { //IL_0076: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (Plugin.Instance.option.ShowcaseMode.Value) { Cursor.visible = false; } else { Cursor.visible = true; } __instance.previous_high_score_surpassed = true; if (!__instance.controllermode) { __instance.controllermode = true; } time = ((!GetIsOldReplay) ? (time - ((float)GlobalVariables.localsettings.latencyadjust / 1000f - _replayData.audiolatency / 1000f)) : (((_replayData.pluginbuilddate < 20230705) ? Math.Abs(__instance.noteholder.transform.position.x) : Math.Abs(__instance.noteholderr.anchoredPosition.x)) * GetNoteHolderPrecisionMultiplier())); PlaybackTimeFrameData(time); PlaybackTimeTootData(time); if (_replayData.framedata.Count > _frameIndex && _lastFrame != null && _currentFrame != null) { InterpolateTimeCursorPosition(time, __instance); } } public static float GetNoteHolderPrecisionMultiplier() { return 10f / ((GlobalVariables.gamescrollspeed <= 1f) ? GlobalVariables.gamescrollspeed : 1f); } private void InterpolateTimeCursorPosition(float time, GameController __instance) { //IL_04e7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_04ec: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03ba: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03bf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (_currentFrame[0] - _lastFrame[0] > 0) { float num = (time - (float)_lastFrame[0]) / ((float)_currentFrame[0] - (float)_lastFrame[0]); float num2 = EasingHelper.Lerp((float)_lastFrame[2], (float)_currentFrame[2], num); float num3 = EasingHelper.Lerp((float)_lastFrame[3], (float)_currentFrame[3], num); float num4 = EasingHelper.Lerp((float)_lastFrame[4], (float)_currentFrame[4], num); SetCursorPosition(__instance, num2); _mousePos = new Vector3(num3, num4, 0f); __instance.puppet_humanc.doPuppetControl((0f - num2) / 225f); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)_backgroundPuppetController)) { _backgroundPuppetController.DoPuppetControl((0f - num2) / 225f, __instance.vibratoamt); } } else { SetCursorPosition(__instance, (float)_currentFrame[2]); } _mousePos = new Vector3((float)_currentFrame[3], (float)_currentFrame[4], 0f); } private void PlaybackTimeFrameData(float time) { if (_lastFrame != _currentFrame && time >= _currentFrame[0]) { _lastFrame = _currentFrame; } if (_replayData.framedata.Count > _frameIndex && (_currentFrame == null || time >= _currentFrame[0])) { _frameIndex = _replayData.framedata.FindIndex((_frameIndex > 1) ? (_frameIndex - 1) : 0, (dynamic[] x) => time < x[0]); if (_replayData.framedata.Count > _frameIndex && _frameIndex != -1) { _currentFrame = _replayData.framedata[_frameIndex]; } } } private void PlaybackTimeTootData(float time) { if (_currentToot != null && time >= _currentToot[0] && _isTooting != (_currentToot[2] == 1)) { _isTooting = _currentToot[2] == 1; } if (_replayData.tootdata.Count > _tootIndex && time >= _currentToot[0]) { _currentToot = _replayData.tootdata[_tootIndex++]; } } public void SetNoteScorePrefix(GameController __instance) { if (_replayData.notedata.Count != 0 && !_isLastNote) { _currentNote = _replayData.notedata.Find((dynamic[] x) => x[2] == __instance.currentnoteindex); _isLastNote = _replayData.notedata.Last()[2] == __instance.currentnoteindex; } if (_currentNote != null) { __instance.notescoreaverage = (float)_currentNote[0]; if (!GetIsOldReplay) { __instance.released_button_between_notes = _currentNote[1] == 1; } } } public void SetNoteScorePostFix(GameController __instance) { if (_currentNote != null) { __instance.rainbowcontroller.champmode = _currentNote[6] == 100; __instance.multiplier = (int)_currentNote[4]; if (__instance.currentscore < 0) { __instance.currentscore = (int)_currentNote[5]; } __instance.totalscore = (int)_currentNote[5]; __instance.currenthealth = (float)_currentNote[6]; if (!GetIsOldReplay) { __instance.highestcombocounter = (int)_currentNote[3]; __instance.highestcombo_level = (int)_currentNote[7]; } _currentNote = null; } } public void SetCursorPosition(GameController __instance, float newPosition) { //IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0015: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Vector2 val = Vector2.op_Implicit(__instance.pointer.transform.localPosition); val.y = newPosition; __instance.pointer.transform.localPosition = Vector2.op_Implicit(val); } public void ClearData() { Plugin.LogInfo("Replay data cleared"); _replayData?.ClearData(); } } public static class ReplaySystemManager { public enum ReplayManagerState { None, Paused, Recording, Replaying, Spectating } [Serializable] [CompilerGenerated] private sealed class <>c { public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c(); public static UnityAction<float> <>9__39_0; public static UnityAction<float> <>9__39_1; public static Action<string> <>9__65_1; public static Action<int> <>9__65_0; public static UnityAction <>9__80_0; internal void <OnSetUpBGControllerRefsDelayedPostFix>b__39_0(float value) { _videoPlayer.playbackSpeed = value; } internal void <OnSetUpBGControllerRefsDelayedPostFix>b__39_1(float value) { _videoPlayer.time = _videoPlayer.length * (double)value; } internal void <StartAPICallCoroutine>b__65_0(int songHashInDB) { if (songHashInDB == 0) { _replayUUID = null; return; } ((MonoBehaviour)Plugin.Instance).StartCoroutine((IEnumerator)TootTallyAPIService.GetReplayUUID(Plugin.GetAPIKey, SongDataHelper.GetChoosenSongHash(), gameSpeedMultiplier, (Action<string>)delegate(string UUID) { _replayUUID = UUID; })); } internal void <StartAPICallCoroutine>b__65_1(string UUID) { _replayUUID = UUID; } internal void <OnPauseAddReplayButton>b__80_0() { _replayFileName = "TempReplay"; _replay.SetUsern