Decompiled source of BaboonAPI v2.7.3
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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using <StartupCode$BaboonAPI>; using <StartupCode$BaboonAPI>.$BaboonAPI.Internal; using <StartupCode$BaboonAPI>.$BaboonAPI.Utility; using BaboonAPI; using BaboonAPI.Event; using BaboonAPI.Hooks.Entrypoints; using BaboonAPI.Hooks.Initializer; using BaboonAPI.Hooks.Saves; using BaboonAPI.Hooks.Tracks; using BaboonAPI.Internal; using BaboonAPI.Internal.BaseGame; using BaboonAPI.Patch; using BaboonAPI.Utility; using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Bootstrap; using BepInEx.Logging; using HarmonyLib; using Microsoft.FSharp.Collections; using Microsoft.FSharp.Control; using Microsoft.FSharp.Core; using Microsoft.FSharp.Core.CompilerServices; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Steamworks; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Localization; using UnityEngine.Localization.Settings; using UnityEngine.Networking; using UnityEngine.UI; [assembly: FSharpInterfaceDataVersion(2, 0, 0)] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("TromboneChamps")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("Trombone Champ modding API")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("2.7.3+114e70d35016701ae4b3ed23cb8ccd23cf8d7611")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("BaboonAPI")] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("BaboonAPI")] [assembly: AssemblyMetadata("RepositoryUrl", "")] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] namespace BaboonAPI.Event { [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public interface Event<T> { T invoker { get; } virtual void Register(T P_0); virtual void Unregister(T P_0); } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class EventFactory<T> : Event<T> { internal FSharpFunc<FSharpList<T>, T> reducer; internal FSharpList<T> handlers; public EventFactory(FSharpFunc<FSharpList<T>, T> reducer) { this.reducer = reducer; handlers = FSharpList<T>.Empty; } public static Event<T> create(FSharpFunc<FSharpList<T>, T> reducer) { return new EventFactory<T>(reducer); } [SpecialName] virtual T Event<T>.get_invoker() { return ((FSharpFunc<FSharpList<FSharpList<T>>, FSharpList<T>>)(object)reducer).Invoke((FSharpList<FSharpList<T>>)(object)handlers); } virtual void Event<T>.Register(T handler) { handlers = FSharpList<T>.Cons(handler, handlers); } virtual void Event<T>.Unregister(T handler) { handlers = ListModule.Filter<T>((FSharpFunc<T, bool>)new $EventBus.BaboonAPI-Event-Event<'T>-Unregister@18<T>(handler), handlers); } } } namespace BaboonAPI.Hooks.Tracks { [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public sealed class TrackAudio : IEquatable<TrackAudio>, IStructuralEquatable { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] internal AudioClip Clip@; [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] internal float Volume@; [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public AudioClip Clip { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] get { return Clip@; } } [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public float Volume { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] get { return Volume@; } } [DynamicDependency(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicFields | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicFields | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicProperties, typeof(TrackAudio))] public TrackAudio(AudioClip clip, float volume) { Clip@ = clip; Volume@ = volume; } [CompilerGenerated] public override string ToString() { return ExtraTopLevelOperators.PrintFormatToString<FSharpFunc<TrackAudio, string>>((PrintfFormat<FSharpFunc<TrackAudio, string>, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<FSharpFunc<TrackAudio, string>, Unit, string, string, TrackAudio>("%+A")).Invoke(this); } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed int GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer comp) { if (this != null) { int num = 0; num = -1640531527 + (HashCompare.GenericHashWithComparerIntrinsic<float>(comp, Volume@) + ((num << 6) + (num >> 2))); return -1640531527 + (HashCompare.GenericHashWithComparerIntrinsic<AudioClip>(comp, Clip@) + ((num << 6) + (num >> 2))); } return 0; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed override int GetHashCode() { return GetHashCode(LanguagePrimitives.GenericEqualityComparer); } [CompilerGenerated] public bool Equals(TrackAudio obj, IEqualityComparer comp) { if (this != null) { if (obj != null) { if (HashCompare.GenericEqualityWithComparerIntrinsic<AudioClip>(comp, Clip@, obj.Clip@)) { return Volume@ == obj.Volume@; } return false; } return false; } return obj == null; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed bool Equals(object obj, IEqualityComparer comp) { if (obj is TrackAudio obj2) { return Equals(obj2, comp); } return false; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed bool Equals(TrackAudio obj) { if (this != null) { if (obj != null) { if (HashCompare.GenericEqualityERIntrinsic<AudioClip>(Clip@, obj.Clip@)) { float volume@ = Volume@; float volume@2 = obj.Volume@; if (volume@ == volume@2) { return true; } if (volume@ != volume@) { return volume@2 != volume@2; } return false; } return false; } return false; } return obj == null; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj is TrackAudio obj2) { return Equals(obj2); } return false; } } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class BackgroundContext { internal GameController controller@23; public GameController controller => controller@23; public BackgroundContext(GameController controller) { controller@23 = controller; } } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public interface LoadedTromboneTrack : IDisposable { string trackref { get; } virtual TrackAudio LoadAudio(); virtual GameObject LoadBackground(BackgroundContext ctx); [CompilationArgumentCounts(new int[] { 1, 1 })] virtual void SetUpBackgroundDelayed(BGController controller, GameObject bg); } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public interface TromboneTrack { string trackref { get; } string trackname_long { get; } string trackname_short { get; } string year { get; } string artist { get; } string desc { get; } string genre { get; } int difficulty { get; } int tempo { get; } int length { get; } virtual SavedLevel LoadChart(); virtual LoadedTromboneTrack LoadTrack(); virtual bool IsVisible(); } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class PauseContext { internal PauseCanvasController controller; public GameController gameController => controller.gc; public BGController backgroundController => controller.gc.bgcontroller; public GameObject backgroundObj => controller.gc.bgcontroller.fullbgobject; public PauseContext(PauseCanvasController controller) { this.controller = controller; } } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public interface PauseAware { bool CanResume { get; } virtual void OnPause(PauseContext P_0); virtual void OnResume(PauseContext P_0); } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public interface Previewable { virtual BaboonAPI.Utility.Coroutines.YieldTask<FSharpResult<TrackAudio, string>> LoadClip(); } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public interface Sortable { int sortOrder { get; } } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public sealed class SongGraph : IEquatable<SongGraph>, IStructuralEquatable, IComparable<SongGraph>, IComparable, IStructuralComparable { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] internal int fury@; [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] internal int tears@; [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] internal int spunk@; [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] internal int doots@; [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] internal int slides@; [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public int fury { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] get { return fury@; } } [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public int tears { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] get { return tears@; } } [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public int spunk { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] get { return spunk@; } } [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public int doots { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] get { return doots@; } } [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public int slides { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] get { return slides@; } } public int[] asArray => new int[5] { fury@, tears@, spunk@, doots@, slides@ }; [DynamicDependency(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicFields | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicFields | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicProperties, typeof(SongGraph))] public SongGraph(int fury, int tears, int spunk, int doots, int slides) { fury@ = fury; tears@ = tears; spunk@ = spunk; doots@ = doots; slides@ = slides; } [CompilerGenerated] public override string ToString() { return ExtraTopLevelOperators.PrintFormatToString<FSharpFunc<SongGraph, string>>((PrintfFormat<FSharpFunc<SongGraph, string>, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<FSharpFunc<SongGraph, string>, Unit, string, string, SongGraph>("%+A")).Invoke(this); } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed int CompareTo(SongGraph obj) { if (this != null) { if (obj != null) { IComparer genericComparer = LanguagePrimitives.GenericComparer; int num = fury@; int num2 = obj.fury@; int num3 = ((num > num2) ? 1 : 0) - ((num < num2) ? 1 : 0); if (num3 < 0) { return num3; } if (num3 > 0) { return num3; } return $TrackRegistry.CompareTo$cont@107(this, obj, null); } return 1; } if (obj != null) { return -1; } return 0; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed int CompareTo(object obj) { return CompareTo((SongGraph)obj); } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed int CompareTo(object obj, IComparer comp) { SongGraph songGraph = (SongGraph)obj; if (this != null) { if ((SongGraph)obj != null) { int num = fury@; int num2 = songGraph.fury@; int num3 = ((num > num2) ? 1 : 0) - ((num < num2) ? 1 : 0); if (num3 < 0) { return num3; } if (num3 > 0) { return num3; } return $TrackRegistry.CompareTo$cont@107-1(this, songGraph, null); } return 1; } if ((SongGraph)obj != null) { return -1; } return 0; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed int GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer comp) { if (this != null) { int num = 0; num = -1640531527 + (slides@ + ((num << 6) + (num >> 2))); num = -1640531527 + (doots@ + ((num << 6) + (num >> 2))); num = -1640531527 + (spunk@ + ((num << 6) + (num >> 2))); num = -1640531527 + (tears@ + ((num << 6) + (num >> 2))); return -1640531527 + (fury@ + ((num << 6) + (num >> 2))); } return 0; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed override int GetHashCode() { return GetHashCode(LanguagePrimitives.GenericEqualityComparer); } [CompilerGenerated] public bool Equals(SongGraph obj, IEqualityComparer comp) { if (this != null) { if (obj != null) { if (fury@ == obj.fury@) { if (tears@ == obj.tears@) { if (spunk@ == obj.spunk@) { if (doots@ == obj.doots@) { return slides@ == obj.slides@; } return false; } return false; } return false; } return false; } return false; } return obj == null; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed bool Equals(object obj, IEqualityComparer comp) { if (obj is SongGraph obj2) { return Equals(obj2, comp); } return false; } public static SongGraph all(int value) { return new SongGraph(value, value, value, value, value); } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed bool Equals(SongGraph obj) { if (this != null) { if (obj != null) { if (fury@ == obj.fury@) { if (tears@ == obj.tears@) { if (spunk@ == obj.spunk@) { if (doots@ == obj.doots@) { return slides@ == obj.slides@; } return false; } return false; } return false; } return false; } return false; } return obj == null; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj is SongGraph obj2) { return Equals(obj2); } return false; } } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public interface Graphable { virtual FSharpOption<SongGraph> CreateGraph(); } } namespace BaboonAPI.Hooks.Saves { [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public interface ICustomSaveData<a> { virtual a Save(); virtual void Load(a data); virtual a Convert(JObject o); } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public interface SaverCapability { [CompilationArgumentCounts(new int[] { 1, 1 })] virtual void Attach<a>(string name, ICustomSaveData<a> target); } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal class PluginSaverLoader { internal string pluginGuid; internal FSharpFunc<SaverCapability, Unit> attacher; public PluginSaverLoader(string pluginGuid, FSharpFunc<SaverCapability, Unit> attacher) { this.pluginGuid = pluginGuid; this.attacher = attacher; } internal FSharpMap<string, object> Save(FSharpMap<string, object> pluginData) { FSharpRef<FSharpMap<string, object>> val = new FSharpRef<FSharpMap<string, object>>(pluginData); attacher.Invoke((SaverCapability)new $CustomSaveData.Save@49(this, val)); return val.contents; } internal void Load(FSharpMap<string, JObject> pluginData) { attacher.Invoke((SaverCapability)new $CustomSaveData.Load@56(this, pluginData)); } } } namespace BaboonAPI.Hooks.Initializer { [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public sealed class LoadError : IEquatable<LoadError>, IStructuralEquatable { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] internal PluginInfo PluginInfo@; [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] internal string Message@; [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public PluginInfo PluginInfo { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] get { return PluginInfo@; } } [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public string Message { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] get { return Message@; } } [DynamicDependency(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicFields | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicFields | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicProperties, typeof(LoadError))] public LoadError(PluginInfo pluginInfo, string message) { PluginInfo@ = pluginInfo; Message@ = message; } [CompilerGenerated] public override string ToString() { return ExtraTopLevelOperators.PrintFormatToString<FSharpFunc<LoadError, string>>((PrintfFormat<FSharpFunc<LoadError, string>, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<FSharpFunc<LoadError, string>, Unit, string, string, LoadError>("%+A")).Invoke(this); } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed int GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer comp) { if (this != null) { int num = 0; num = -1640531527 + ((Message@?.GetHashCode() ?? 0) + ((num << 6) + (num >> 2))); return -1640531527 + (HashCompare.GenericHashWithComparerIntrinsic<PluginInfo>(comp, PluginInfo@) + ((num << 6) + (num >> 2))); } return 0; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed override int GetHashCode() { return GetHashCode(LanguagePrimitives.GenericEqualityComparer); } [CompilerGenerated] public bool Equals(LoadError obj, IEqualityComparer comp) { if (this != null) { if (obj != null) { if (HashCompare.GenericEqualityWithComparerIntrinsic<PluginInfo>(comp, PluginInfo@, obj.PluginInfo@)) { return string.Equals(Message@, obj.Message@); } return false; } return false; } return obj == null; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed bool Equals(object obj, IEqualityComparer comp) { if (obj is LoadError obj2) { return Equals(obj2, comp); } return false; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed bool Equals(LoadError obj) { if (this != null) { if (obj != null) { if (HashCompare.GenericEqualityERIntrinsic<PluginInfo>(PluginInfo@, obj.PluginInfo@)) { return string.Equals(Message@, obj.Message@); } return false; } return false; } return obj == null; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj is LoadError obj2) { return Equals(obj2); } return false; } } } namespace BaboonAPI.Hooks.Entrypoints { [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class BaboonEntryPointAttribute : Attribute { } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public sealed class EntryPointContainer<t> : IEquatable<EntryPointContainer<t>>, IStructuralEquatable { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] internal PluginInfo Source@; [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] internal t Instance@; [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public PluginInfo Source { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] get { return Source@; } } [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public t Instance { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] get { return Instance@; } } [DynamicDependency(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicFields | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicFields | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicProperties, typeof(EntryPointContainer<>))] public EntryPointContainer(PluginInfo source, t instance) { Source@ = source; Instance@ = instance; } [CompilerGenerated] public override string ToString() { return ((FSharpFunc<EntryPointContainer<EntryPointContainer<t>>, string>)(object)ExtraTopLevelOperators.PrintFormatToString<FSharpFunc<EntryPointContainer<t>, string>>((PrintfFormat<FSharpFunc<EntryPointContainer<t>, string>, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<FSharpFunc<EntryPointContainer<FSharpFunc<EntryPointContainer<t>, string>>, string>, Unit, string, string, EntryPointContainer<FSharpFunc<EntryPointContainer<t>, string>>>("%+A"))).Invoke((EntryPointContainer<EntryPointContainer<t>>)(object)this); } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed int GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer comp) { if (this != null) { int num = 0; t instance@ = Instance@; num = -1640531527 + (HashCompare.GenericHashWithComparerIntrinsic<t>(comp, instance@) + ((num << 6) + (num >> 2))); return -1640531527 + (HashCompare.GenericHashWithComparerIntrinsic<PluginInfo>(comp, Source@) + ((num << 6) + (num >> 2))); } return 0; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed override int GetHashCode() { return GetHashCode(LanguagePrimitives.GenericEqualityComparer); } [CompilerGenerated] public bool Equals(EntryPointContainer<t> obj, IEqualityComparer comp) { if (this != null) { if (obj != null) { if (HashCompare.GenericEqualityWithComparerIntrinsic<PluginInfo>(comp, Source@, obj.Source@)) { t instance@ = Instance@; t instance@2 = obj.Instance@; return HashCompare.GenericEqualityWithComparerIntrinsic<t>(comp, instance@, instance@2); } return false; } return false; } return obj == null; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed bool Equals(object obj, IEqualityComparer comp) { if (obj is EntryPointContainer<t> obj2) { return Equals(obj2, comp); } return false; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed bool Equals(EntryPointContainer<t> obj) { if (this != null) { if (obj != null) { if (HashCompare.GenericEqualityERIntrinsic<PluginInfo>(Source@, obj.Source@)) { t instance@ = Instance@; t instance@2 = obj.Instance@; return HashCompare.GenericEqualityERIntrinsic<t>(instance@, instance@2); } return false; } return false; } return obj == null; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj is EntryPointContainer<t> obj2) { return Equals(obj2); } return false; } } } namespace BaboonAPI.Internal.BaseGame { [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class BaseGameLoadedTrack : PauseAware, LoadedTromboneTrack { internal string trackref@13; internal AssetBundle bundle; internal BaseGameLoadedTrack(string trackref, AssetBundle bundle) { trackref@13 = trackref; this.bundle = bundle; } virtual TrackAudio LoadedTromboneTrack.LoadAudio() { GameObject val = bundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>(PrintfModule.PrintFormatToStringThen<string>((PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string, string>("music_%P()", new object[1] { trackref@13 }, (Type[])null))); AudioSource component = val.GetComponent<AudioSource>(); return new TrackAudio(component.clip, component.volume); } virtual GameObject LoadedTromboneTrack.LoadBackground(BackgroundContext _ctx) { return bundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>(PrintfModule.PrintFormatToStringThen<string>((PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string, string>("BGCam_%P()", new object[1] { trackref@13 }, (Type[])null))); } virtual void IDisposable.Dispose() { bundle.Unload(true); } [CompilationArgumentCounts(new int[] { 1, 1 })] virtual void LoadedTromboneTrack.SetUpBackgroundDelayed(BGController _arg2, GameObject _arg1) { } [SpecialName] virtual string LoadedTromboneTrack.get_trackref() { return trackref@13; } [SpecialName] virtual bool PauseAware.get_CanResume() { return true; } virtual void PauseAware.OnPause(PauseContext _arg3) { } virtual void PauseAware.OnResume(PauseContext _arg4) { } } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class BaseGameTrack : Graphable, Previewable, Sortable, TromboneTrack { internal string trackref@39; internal SavedLevelMetadata data; internal string trackPath; internal BaseGameTrack(SavedLevelMetadata data, string trackref) { = data; trackref@39 = trackref; trackPath = PrintfModule.PrintFormatToStringThen<string>((PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string, Tuple<string, string>>("%P()/trackassets/%P()", new object[2] { Application.streamingAssetsPath, trackref@39 }, (Type[])null)); } [SpecialName] virtual string TromboneTrack.get_trackname_long() { return data.trackname_long; } [SpecialName] virtual string TromboneTrack.get_trackname_short() { return data.trackname_short; } [SpecialName] virtual string TromboneTrack.get_trackref() { return trackref@39; } [SpecialName] virtual string TromboneTrack.get_year() { return data.year; } [SpecialName] virtual string TromboneTrack.get_artist() { return data.artist; } [SpecialName] virtual string TromboneTrack.get_genre() { return data.genre; } [SpecialName] virtual string TromboneTrack.get_desc() { return data.description; } [SpecialName] virtual int TromboneTrack.get_difficulty() { return data.difficulty; } [SpecialName] virtual int TromboneTrack.get_length() { return data.length; } [SpecialName] virtual int TromboneTrack.get_tempo() { return data.tempo; } virtual LoadedTromboneTrack TromboneTrack.LoadTrack() { AssetBundle bundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(PrintfModule.PrintFormatToStringThen<string>((PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string, string>("%P()/contentbundle", new object[1] { trackPath }, (Type[])null))); return new BaseGameLoadedTrack(trackref@39, bundle); } virtual bool TromboneTrack.IsVisible() { string a = trackref@39; if (string.Equals(a, "einefinal") || string.Equals(a, "tchampmedley")) { return GlobalVariables.localsave.progression_trombone_champ; } return true; } virtual SavedLevel TromboneTrack.LoadChart() { //IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0042: Expected O, but got Unknown string path = PrintfModule.PrintFormatToStringThen<string>((PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string, string>("%P()/trackdata.tmb", new object[1] { trackPath }, (Type[])null)); using FileStream serializationStream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open); return (SavedLevel)new BinaryFormatter().Deserialize(serializationStream); } [SpecialName] virtual int Sortable.get_sortOrder() { return data.sort_order; } virtual BaboonAPI.Utility.Coroutines.YieldTask<FSharpResult<TrackAudio, string>> Previewable.LoadClip() { string path = PrintfModule.PrintFormatToStringThen<string>((PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string, string>("%P()/sample.ogg", new object[1] { trackPath }, (Type[])null)); BaboonAPI.Utility.Coroutines.YieldTask<FSharpResult<AudioClip, string>> task = BaboonAPI.Utility.Unity.loadAudioClip(path, (AudioType)14); FSharpFunc<AudioClip, TrackAudio> @_instance; @_instance = $BaseGame.BaboonAPI-Hooks-Tracks-Previewable-LoadClip@76-1.@_instance; return<FSharpResult<AudioClip, string>, FSharpResult<TrackAudio, string>>($BaseGame.func1@1(@_instance), task); } virtual FSharpOption<SongGraph> Graphable.CreateGraph() { string a = trackref@39; if (!string.Equals(a, "warmup")) { if (string.Equals(a, "einefinal")) { return FSharpOption<SongGraph>.Some(new SongGraph(104, 104, 104, 104, 104)); } return null; } return FSharpOption<SongGraph>.Some(new SongGraph(10, 10, 10, 10, 10)); } } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal class BaseGameTrackRegistry : TrackRegistrationEvent.Listener { internal string path; public BaseGameTrackRegistry(string path) { this.path = path; } virtual IEnumerable<TromboneTrack> TrackRegistrationEvent.Listener.OnRegisterTracks() { return (IEnumerable<TromboneTrack>)(object)new $BaseGame.BaboonAPI-Hooks-Tracks-TrackRegistrationEvent-Listener-OnRegisterTracks@88(this, null, null, null, null, 0, null); } } } namespace BaboonAPI.Patch { [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal class TrackCountAccessor { internal static int trackCount() { return BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.trackCount(); } internal static string trackrefByIndex(int i) { return BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.fetchTrackByIndex(i).trackref; } } [Serializable] [HarmonyPatch] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class TrackCountPatches { internal static FieldInfo tracktitles_f; internal static int init@13; [HarmonyTranspiler] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SaveSlotController), "checkScores")] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SaverLoader), "genBlankScores")] public static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> PatchLength(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions) { //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return new CodeMatcher(instructions, (ILGenerator)null).MatchForward(false, (CodeMatch[])(object)new CodeMatch[2] { new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$TrackCountPatches.PatchLength@26.Invoke, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Ldlen, (object)null, (string)null) }).ThrowIfInvalid("Could not find data_tracktitles length lookup").Repeat((Action<CodeMatcher>)$TrackCountPatches.PatchLength@30-1.Invoke, (Action<string>)null) .InstructionEnumeration(); } [HarmonyTranspiler] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SaveSlotController), "checkScores")] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SaverLoader), "genBlankScores")] public static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> PatchAccess(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions) { //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0053: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0067: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0084: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) CodeMatcher val = new CodeMatcher(instructions, (ILGenerator)null).MatchForward(false, (CodeMatch[])(object)new CodeMatch[5] { new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$TrackCountPatches.matcher@42.Invoke, (string)null), new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$TrackCountPatches.matcher@43-1.Invoke, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Ldelem_Ref, (object)null, (string)null), new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$TrackCountPatches.matcher@45-2.Invoke, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Ldelem_Ref, (object)null, (string)null) }).ThrowIfInvalid("Could not find data_tracktitles lookup"); return val.Repeat((Action<CodeMatcher>)$TrackCountPatches.PatchAccess@49.Invoke, (Action<string>)null).InstructionEnumeration(); } static TrackCountPatches() { $TrackCountPatches.init@ = 0; _ = $TrackCountPatches.init@; } } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal sealed class LevelSelectContext : IEquatable<LevelSelectContext>, IStructuralEquatable { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] internal LevelSelectController controller@; [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] internal List<SingleTrackData> allTracksList@; [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal LevelSelectController controller { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] get { return controller@; } } [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal List<SingleTrackData> allTracksList { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] get { return allTracksList@; } } [DynamicDependency(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicFields | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicFields | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicProperties, typeof(LevelSelectContext))] internal LevelSelectContext(LevelSelectController controller, List<SingleTrackData> allTracksList) { controller@ = controller; allTracksList@ = allTracksList; } [CompilerGenerated] public override string ToString() { return ExtraTopLevelOperators.PrintFormatToString<FSharpFunc<LevelSelectContext, string>>((PrintfFormat<FSharpFunc<LevelSelectContext, string>, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<FSharpFunc<LevelSelectContext, string>, Unit, string, string, LevelSelectContext>("%+A")).Invoke(this); } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed int GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer comp) { if (this != null) { int num = 0; num = -1640531527 + (HashCompare.GenericHashWithComparerIntrinsic<List<SingleTrackData>>(comp, allTracksList@) + ((num << 6) + (num >> 2))); return -1640531527 + (HashCompare.GenericHashWithComparerIntrinsic<LevelSelectController>(comp, controller@) + ((num << 6) + (num >> 2))); } return 0; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed override int GetHashCode() { return GetHashCode(LanguagePrimitives.GenericEqualityComparer); } [CompilerGenerated] internal bool Equals(LevelSelectContext obj, IEqualityComparer comp) { if (this != null) { if (obj != null) { if (HashCompare.GenericEqualityWithComparerIntrinsic<LevelSelectController>(comp, controller@, obj.controller@)) { return HashCompare.GenericEqualityWithComparerIntrinsic<List<SingleTrackData>>(comp, allTracksList@, obj.allTracksList@); } return false; } return false; } return obj == null; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed bool Equals(object obj, IEqualityComparer comp) { if (obj is LevelSelectContext obj2) { return Equals(obj2, comp); } return false; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed bool Equals(LevelSelectContext obj) { if (this != null) { if (obj != null) { if (HashCompare.GenericEqualityERIntrinsic<LevelSelectController>(controller@, obj.controller@)) { return HashCompare.GenericEqualityERIntrinsic<List<SingleTrackData>>(allTracksList@, obj.allTracksList@); } return false; } return false; } return obj == null; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj is LevelSelectContext obj2) { return Equals(obj2); } return false; } } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal class LevelSelectReloadBehaviour : MonoBehaviour, TracksLoadedEvent.Listener { internal static FieldInfo songindex_f; internal static MethodInfo populate_names_m; internal FSharpOption<LevelSelectContext> context; internal static int init@15; public LevelSelectReloadBehaviour() { context = null; } internal void Init(LevelSelectController controller, List<SingleTrackData> alltrackslist) { context = FSharpOption<LevelSelectContext>.Some(new LevelSelectContext(controller, alltrackslist)); } internal void Start() { TracksLoadedEvent.EVENT.Register(this); } internal void OnDestroy() { TracksLoadedEvent.EVENT.Unregister(this); } virtual void TracksLoadedEvent.Listener.OnTracksLoaded(FSharpList<TromboneTrack> _arg1) { FSharpOption<LevelSelectContext> val = context; if (val != null) { FSharpOption<LevelSelectContext> val2 = val; LevelSelectContext value = val2.Value; value.allTracksList@.Clear(); value.allTracksList@.AddRange(SeqModule.Map<BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack, SingleTrackData>((FSharpFunc<BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack, SingleTrackData>)$TrackrefPatches.BaboonAPI-Hooks-Tracks-TracksLoadedEvent-Listener-OnTracksLoaded@43.@_instance, SeqModule.Filter<BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack>((FSharpFunc<BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack, bool>)$TrackrefPatches.BaboonAPI-Hooks-Tracks-TracksLoadedEvent-Listener-OnTracksLoaded@42-1.@_instance, BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.allTracks()))); if (init@15 < 1) { IntrinsicFunctions.FailStaticInit(); } songindex_f.SetValue(value.controller@, 0); if (init@15 < 2) { IntrinsicFunctions.FailStaticInit(); } object obj = populate_names_m.Invoke(value.controller@, new object[1] { false }); } } static LevelSelectReloadBehaviour() { $TrackrefPatches.init@ = 0; _ = $TrackrefPatches.init@; } } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal class TrackrefAccessor { internal static int init@51-1; internal static int finalLevelIndex() { return BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.fetchTrackIndex("einefinal"); } internal static string trackrefForIndex(int i) { return BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.fetchTrackByIndex(i).trackref; } internal static string trackTitleForIndex(int i) { return BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.fetchTrackByIndex(i).trackname_long; } internal static int trackDifficultyForIndex(int i) { return BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.fetchTrackByIndex(i).difficulty; } internal static int trackLengthForIndex(int i) { return BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.fetchTrackByIndex(i).length; } internal static int trackCount() { return BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.trackCount(); } internal static SingleTrackData fetchChosenTrack(string trackref) { BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack registeredTrack = BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.fetchRegisteredTrack(trackref); return BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.makeTrackData(registeredTrack.track@, registeredTrack.trackIndex@); } internal static void doLevelSelectStart(LevelSelectController instance, List<SingleTrackData> alltrackslist) { ((Component)instance).gameObject.AddComponent<LevelSelectReloadBehaviour>().context = FSharpOption<LevelSelectContext>.Some(new LevelSelectContext(instance, alltrackslist)); alltrackslist.AddRange(SeqModule.Map<BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack, SingleTrackData>((FSharpFunc<BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack, SingleTrackData>)$TrackrefPatches.doLevelSelectStart@86.@_instance, SeqModule.Filter<BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack>((FSharpFunc<BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack, bool>)$TrackrefPatches.doLevelSelectStart@85-1.@_instance, BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.allTracks()))); } internal static int[][] populateSongGraphs() { return ArrayModule.OfSeq<int[]>(SeqModule.Map<BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack, int[]>((FSharpFunc<BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack, int[]>)$TrackrefPatches.populateSongGraphs@91.@_instance, BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.allTracks())); } [CompilerGenerated] internal static int[] makeSongGraph(BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack rt) { FSharpTypeFunc val = (FSharpTypeFunc)(object)new $TrackrefPatches.generate@55(rt); TromboneTrack track@ = rt.track@; object obj; if (track@ is Graphable graphable) { Graphable graphable2 = graphable; obj = graphable2.CreateGraph(); } else { obj = null; } FSharpOption<SongGraph> val2 = (FSharpOption<SongGraph>)obj; if (val2 != null) { FSharpOption<SongGraph> val3 = val2; return val3.Value.asArray; } FSharpFunc<int, int> val4 = (FSharpFunc<int, int>)val.Specialize<int>(); int[] array = new int[5]; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { array[i] = Mathf.Clamp(rt.track@.difficulty * 10 + Random.Range(-25, 5), 10, 104); } return array; } static TrackrefAccessor() { $TrackrefPatches.init@ = 0; _ = $TrackrefPatches.init@; } } [Serializable] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SaverLoader), "loadTrackData")] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class TrackLoaderPatch { public static bool Prefix(string trackref) { GlobalVariables.chosen_track = trackref; GlobalVariables.chosen_track_data = TrackrefAccessor.fetchChosenTrack(trackref); return false; } } [Serializable] [HarmonyPatch] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class TrackTitlePatches { internal static FieldInfo tracktitles_f; internal static int init@103-2; [HarmonyTranspiler] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LevelSelectController), "Start")] public static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> Transpiler(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions) { //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0051: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0065: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0104: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0109: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0116: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_011b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0137: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_017b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0188: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_018d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01aa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01c5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01e5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01ea: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01fd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0202: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_021c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0226: Expected O, but got Unknown CodeMatcher val = new CodeMatcher(instructions, (ILGenerator)null).MatchForward(true, (CodeMatch[])(object)new CodeMatch[4] { new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$TrackrefPatches.matcher@112-3.Invoke, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Ldlen, (object)null, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)null, (object)null, (string)null), new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$TrackrefPatches.matcher@115-4.Invoke, (string)null) }).ThrowIfInvalid("Could not find end of injection point in LevelSelectController#Start"); int pos = val.Pos; Label? label = null; if (!CodeInstructionExtensions.Branches(val.Instruction, ref label)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find branching instruction of for loop in LevelSelectController#Start"); } Label value = label.Value; int num = val.SearchBack((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)new $TrackrefPatches.startPos@127(value).Invoke).ThrowIfInvalid("Could not find start of injection point in LevelSelectController#Start").Pos - 3; return val.RemoveInstructionsInRange(num, pos).Start().Advance(num) .InsertAndAdvance((CodeInstruction[])(object)new CodeInstruction[7] { new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0, (object)null), new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0, (object)null), CodeInstruction.LoadField(typeof(LevelSelectController), "alltrackslist", false), CodeInstruction.Call(typeof(TrackrefAccessor), "doLevelSelectStart", new Type[2] { typeof(LevelSelectController), typeof(List<SingleTrackData>) }, (Type[])null), new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0, (object)null), CodeInstruction.Call(typeof(TrackrefAccessor), "populateSongGraphs", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), CodeInstruction.StoreField(typeof(LevelSelectController), "songgraphs") }) .MatchForward(false, (CodeMatch[])(object)new CodeMatch[2] { new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$TrackrefPatches.Transpiler@148.Invoke, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Ldlen, (object)null, (string)null) }) .ThrowIfInvalid("Could not find data_tracktitles length lookup in LevelSelectController#Start") .SetInstructionAndAdvance(new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0, (object)null)) .RemoveInstruction() .InstructionEnumeration(); } static TrackTitlePatches() { $TrackrefPatches.init@ = 0; _ = $TrackrefPatches.init@; } } [Serializable] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SaverLoader), "loadAllTrackMetadata")] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class LoaderPatch { public static bool Prefix() { string path = PrintfModule.PrintFormatToStringThen<string>((PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string, string>("%P()/trackassets", new object[1] { Application.streamingAssetsPath }, (Type[])null)); TrackRegistrationEvent.EVENT.Register(new BaseGameTrackRegistry(path)); return false; } } [Serializable] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LanguageChanger), "loadMetadata")] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class LanguageChangerPatch { public static bool Prefix() { BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.load(); return false; } } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal class FreePlayLoader : LoadedTromboneTrack { internal AssetBundle bundle; public FreePlayLoader() { bundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(PrintfModule.PrintFormatToStringThen<string>((PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string, string>("%P()/trackassets/freeplay/contentbundle", new object[1] { Application.streamingAssetsPath }, (Type[])null))); } [SpecialName] virtual string LoadedTromboneTrack.get_trackref() { return "freeplay"; } virtual TrackAudio LoadedTromboneTrack.LoadAudio() { return new TrackAudio(null, 1f); } virtual GameObject LoadedTromboneTrack.LoadBackground(BackgroundContext _ctx) { return bundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("BGCam_freeplay"); } [CompilationArgumentCounts(new int[] { 1, 1 })] virtual void LoadedTromboneTrack.SetUpBackgroundDelayed(BGController _arg2, GameObject _arg1) { } virtual void IDisposable.Dispose() { bundle.Unload(true); } } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal class GameControllerExtension { internal static FSharpOption<LoadedTromboneTrack> loadedTrack; internal static ManualLogSource logger; internal static int init@27; internal static string fetchTrackTitle(int i) { return BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.fetchTrackByIndex(i).trackname_long; } internal static float Infix(GameController instance) { //IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0093: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00af: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) LoadedTromboneTrack loadedTromboneTrack = ((!instance.freeplay) ? BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.fetchTrack(GlobalVariables.chosen_track).LoadTrack() : new FreePlayLoader()); if (!instance.freeplay) { TrackAudio trackAudio = loadedTromboneTrack.LoadAudio(); instance.musictrack.clip = trackAudio.Clip@; instance.musictrack.volume = trackAudio.Volume@ * GlobalVariables.localsettings.maxvolume_music; if (GlobalVariables.turbomode) { instance.musictrack.pitch = 2f; } } BackgroundContext ctx = new BackgroundContext(instance); GameObject val = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(loadedTromboneTrack.LoadBackground(ctx),, Quaternion.identity, instance.bgholder.transform); val.transform.localPosition =; instance.bgcontroller.fullbgobject = val; instance.bgcontroller.songname = loadedTromboneTrack.trackref; loadedTromboneTrack.SetUpBackgroundDelayed(instance.bgcontroller, val); Coroutine val2 = ((MonoBehaviour)instance).StartCoroutine("loadAssetBundleResources"); int track_is_pausable; if (loadedTromboneTrack is PauseAware pauseAware) { PauseAware pauseAware2 = pauseAware; track_is_pausable = (pauseAware2.CanResume ? 1 : 0); } else { track_is_pausable = 0; } instance.track_is_pausable = (byte)track_is_pausable != 0; if (init@27 < 1) { IntrinsicFunctions.FailStaticInit(); } FSharpOption<LoadedTromboneTrack> val3 = loadedTrack; if (val3 != null) { FSharpOption<LoadedTromboneTrack> val4 = val3; LoadedTromboneTrack value = val4.Value; if (init@27 < 2) { IntrinsicFunctions.FailStaticInit(); } logger.LogWarning((object)PrintfModule.PrintFormatToStringThen<string>((PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string, string>("Loaded track %P() wasn't cleaned up properly", new object[1] { value.trackref }, (Type[])null))); value.Dispose(); } if (init@27 < 1) { IntrinsicFunctions.FailStaticInit(); } loadedTrack = FSharpOption<LoadedTromboneTrack>.Some(loadedTromboneTrack); if (GlobalVariables.turbomode) { return 2f; } return GlobalVariables.practicemode; } internal static SavedLevel LoadChart(string trackref) { return BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.fetchTrack(trackref).LoadChart(); } internal static void PauseTrack(PauseCanvasController controller) { if (init@27 < 1) { IntrinsicFunctions.FailStaticInit(); } FSharpOption<LoadedTromboneTrack> val = loadedTrack; if (val != null) { FSharpOption<LoadedTromboneTrack> val2 = val; if (val2.Value is PauseAware pauseAware) { PauseAware pauseAware2 = pauseAware; pauseAware2.OnPause(new PauseContext(controller)); } } } internal static void ResumeTrack(PauseCanvasController controller) { if (init@27 < 1) { IntrinsicFunctions.FailStaticInit(); } FSharpOption<LoadedTromboneTrack> val = loadedTrack; if (val != null) { FSharpOption<LoadedTromboneTrack> val2 = val; if (val2.Value is PauseAware pauseAware) { PauseAware pauseAware2 = pauseAware; pauseAware2.OnResume(new PauseContext(controller)); } } } internal static void Unload() { if (init@27 < 1) { IntrinsicFunctions.FailStaticInit(); } FSharpOption<LoadedTromboneTrack> val = loadedTrack; if (val != null) { FSharpOption<LoadedTromboneTrack> val2 = val; LoadedTromboneTrack value = val2.Value; value.Dispose(); if (init@27 < 1) { IntrinsicFunctions.FailStaticInit(); } loadedTrack = null; } } static GameControllerExtension() { $GameControllerPatch.init@ = 0; _ = $GameControllerPatch.init@; } } [Serializable] [HarmonyPatch] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class GameControllerPatch { internal static FieldInfo freeplay_f; internal static MethodInfo file_exists_m; internal static int init@107-1; [HarmonyTranspiler] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameController), "Start")] public static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> TranspileStart(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions) { //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0027: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0040: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0045: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0058: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0071: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0076: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0089: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00cc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00d1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ea: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00fd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0102: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0141: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0146: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0153: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0158: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0175: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0190: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) CodeMatcher val = new CodeMatcher(instructions, (ILGenerator)null); int pos = val.Start().MatchForward(false, (CodeMatch[])(object)new CodeMatch[5] { new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Ldstr, (object)"", (string)null), new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$GameControllerPatch.startIndex@122.Invoke, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Ldarg_0, (object)null, (string)null), new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$GameControllerPatch.startIndex@124-1.Invoke, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Brtrue, (object)null, (string)null) }).ThrowIfInvalid("Could not find start of injection point in GameController#Start") .Pos; List<Label> labels = val.Labels; int num = val.MatchForward(true, (CodeMatch[])(object)new CodeMatch[3] { new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Ldnull, (object)null, (string)null), new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$GameControllerPatch.endIndex@137.Invoke, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Br, (object)null, (string)null) }).ThrowIfInvalid("Could not find end of injection point in GameController#Start").Pos - 1; return val.RemoveInstructionsInRange(pos, num).Start().Advance(pos) .Insert((CodeInstruction[])(object)new CodeInstruction[4] { new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0, (object)null), new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0, (object)null), CodeInstruction.Call(typeof(GameControllerExtension), "Infix", (Type[])null, (Type[])null), CodeInstruction.StoreField(typeof(GameController), "smooth_scrolling_move_mult") }) .AddLabels((IEnumerable<Label>)labels) .InstructionEnumeration(); } [HarmonyTranspiler] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameController), "tryToLoadLevel")] public static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> LoadChartTranspiler(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions) { //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0037: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0054: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0097: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_009c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00af: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00fc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_010f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0114: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0127: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_012c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0140: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0145: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0184: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0189: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01bc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01cf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01d4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) CodeMatcher val = new CodeMatcher(instructions, (ILGenerator)null); List<Label> labels = val.MatchForward(false, (CodeMatch[])(object)new CodeMatch[3] { new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Ldloc_0, (object)null, (string)null), new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$GameControllerPatch.existsLabels@164.Invoke, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Brfalse, (object)null, (string)null) }).ThrowIfInvalid("Could not find File.Exists call in GameController#tryToLoadLevel").Labels; CodeMatcher val2 = val.RemoveInstructions(3).AddLabels((IEnumerable<Label>)labels).MatchForward(false, (CodeMatch[])(object)new CodeMatch[2] { new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Ldarg_2, (object)null, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Brtrue, (object)null, (string)null) }) .ThrowIfInvalid("Could not find start of injection point in GameController#tryToLoadLevel"); int pos = val.Pos; List<Label> labels2 = val.Labels; int pos2 = val.MatchForward(true, (CodeMatch[])(object)new CodeMatch[4] { new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$GameControllerPatch.endPos@186.Invoke, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Callvirt, (object)null, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Ldnull, (object)null, (string)null), new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$GameControllerPatch.endPos@189-1.Invoke, (string)null) }).ThrowIfInvalid("Could not find end of injection point in GameController#tryToLoadLevel").Pos; return val.RemoveInstructionsInRange(pos, pos2).Start().Advance(pos) .Insert((CodeInstruction[])(object)new CodeInstruction[3] { new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_1, (object)null), CodeInstruction.Call(typeof(GameControllerExtension), "LoadChart", new Type[1] { typeof(string) }, (Type[])null), new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Stloc_S, (object)12) }) .AddLabels((IEnumerable<Label>)labels2) .InstructionEnumeration(); } [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameController), "unloadBundles")] public static bool UnloadPrefix(GameController __instance, ref AssetBundle ___mySoundAssetBundle) { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) GameControllerExtension.Unload(); ___mySoundAssetBundle.Unload(true); ___mySoundAssetBundle = null; return false; } static GameControllerPatch() { $GameControllerPatch.init@ = 0; _ = $GameControllerPatch.init@; } } [Serializable] [HarmonyPatch] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class PausePatches { [HarmonyPostfix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(PauseCanvasController), "showPausePanel")] public static void PausePostfix(PauseCanvasController __instance) { GameControllerExtension.PauseTrack(__instance); } [HarmonyPostfix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(PauseCanvasController), "resumeFromPause")] public static void ResumePostfix(PauseCanvasController __instance) { GameControllerExtension.ResumeTrack(__instance); } } [Serializable] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SaverLoader))] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class SaverLoaderPatch { internal static ManualLogSource logger; internal static int init@61; [HarmonyPostfix] [HarmonyPatch("loadSavedGame")] public static void LoadPostfix() { try { CustomSaveController.LoadPluginData(SaverLoader.global_saveindex); } catch (object obj) { Exception ex = (Exception)obj; if (!(ex is FileNotFoundException)) { if (!(ex is CustomSaveController.IncompatibleVersion)) { throw; } int data = ((CustomSaveController.IncompatibleVersion)ex).Data0; int data2 = ((CustomSaveController.IncompatibleVersion)ex).Data1; if (init@61 < 1) { IntrinsicFunctions.FailStaticInit(); } logger.LogError((object)PrintfModule.PrintFormatToStringThen<string>((PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string, Tuple<int, int>>("The plugin save data is version %P(), but this BaboonAPI version expects %P().", new object[2] { data2, data }, (Type[])null))); } else { if (init@61 < 1) { IntrinsicFunctions.FailStaticInit(); } logger.LogInfo((object)"No custom save file yet, continuing"); } } } [HarmonyPostfix] [HarmonyPatch("updateSavedGame")] public static void SavePostfix() { CustomSaveController.SavePluginData(SaverLoader.global_saveindex); } [HarmonyPostfix] [HarmonyPatch("deleteSavedGame")] public static void DeletePostfix(int whichindex) { CustomSaveController.DeletePluginData(whichindex); } static SaverLoaderPatch() { $SaverLoaderPatch.init@ = 0; _ = $SaverLoaderPatch.init@; } } [Serializable] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(BrandingController))] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class BrandingPatch { internal static MethodInfo loadlevel_m; internal static int init@90; public static void RunInitialize() { //IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) ModInitializer.initResult = FSharpOption<FSharpResult<Unit, LoadError>>.Some(GameInitializationEvent.EVENT.invoker.Initialize()); } [HarmonyPatch("Start")] [HarmonyTranspiler] public static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> PatchStart(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions) { //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return new CodeMatcher(instructions, (ILGenerator)null).MatchForward(false, (CodeMatch[])(object)new CodeMatch[1] { new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$InitializerPatch.PatchStart@102.Invoke, (string)null) }).Set(OpCodes.Call, (object)AccessTools.Method(typeof(BrandingPatch), "RunInitialize", (Type[])null, (Type[])null)).InstructionEnumeration(); } [HarmonyPatch("doHolyWowAnim")] [HarmonyTranspiler] public static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> PatchSequence(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions) { //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0021: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0051: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0056: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0069: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return new CodeMatcher(instructions, (ILGenerator)null).MatchForward(false, (CodeMatch[])(object)new CodeMatch[4] { new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Ldarg_0, (object)null, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Ldstr, (object)"killandload", (string)null), new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$InitializerPatch.PatchSequence@115.Invoke, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Call, (object)null, (string)null) }).RemoveInstructions(4).InstructionEnumeration(); } [HarmonyPatch("epwarning")] [HarmonyPostfix] public static void WarningPostfix(BrandingController __instance) { IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> enumerator = ModInitializer.ShowResult(__instance); Coroutine val = ((MonoBehaviour)__instance).StartCoroutine((IEnumerator)enumerator); } [HarmonyPatch("killandload")] [HarmonyPrefix] public static bool KillPrefix() { return ModInitializer.IsInitialized(); } static BrandingPatch() { $InitializerPatch.init@ = 0; _ = $InitializerPatch.init@; } } [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal class TrackScoresAccessor { internal static int countSRanks() { return SeqModule.Length<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank>(SeqModule.Filter<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank>((FSharpFunc<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank, bool>)$TrackScorePatch.countSRanks@28.@_instance, SeqModule.Choose<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.TrackScores, BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank>((FSharpFunc<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.TrackScores, FSharpOption<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank>>)$TrackScorePatch.countSRanks@27-1.@_instance, BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.allTrackScores()))); } internal static List<string> fetchHighScoresFormatted(string trackref) { FSharpList<string> collection = ListModule.Map<int, string>((FSharpFunc<int, string>)$TrackScorePatch.fetchHighScoresFormatted@33.@_instance, BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.getStorageFor(trackref).Load(trackref).highScores@); return new List<string>((IEnumerable<string>)collection); } internal static int fetchHighestScore(string trackref) { return BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.getStorageFor(trackref).Load(trackref).highScores@.Head; } } [Serializable] [HarmonyPatch] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class TrackScorePatches { [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LevelSelectController), "checkForS")] public static bool CheckForS(string tag, out bool __result) { __result = TrackScoresUtility.checkForS(tag); return false; } [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LevelSelectController), "pullLetterScore")] public static bool PullLetterScore(string tag, out string __result) { __result = BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.rankString(BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.getStorageFor(tag).Load(tag).highestRank@); return false; } [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SaveSlotController), "checkScores")] public static bool SkipCheckingScores() { FSharpOption<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.BaseTrackScoreStorage> baseGameStorage = BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.baseGameStorage; if (baseGameStorage != null) { FSharpOption<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.BaseTrackScoreStorage> val = baseGameStorage; if (val.Value.migrateScores()) { SaverLoader.updateSavedGame(); } } return false; } [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SaverLoader), "grabHighestScore")] public static bool GrabHighestScore(string songtag, out int __result) { __result = BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.getStorageFor(songtag).Load(songtag).highScores@.Head; return false; } [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SaverLoader), "checkForUpdatedScore")] public static bool UpdateScore(string songtag, int newscore, string newletterscore) { FSharpOption<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank> val = BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank.from(newletterscore); BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.AchievedScore score = new BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.AchievedScore(songtag, val.Value, newscore); BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.getStorageFor(songtag).Save(score); return false; } [HarmonyTranspiler] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LevelSelectController), "populateScores")] public static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> PatchPopulateScores(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions) { //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0037: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0054: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0084: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0089: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_009d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ba: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00fb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0108: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_010d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0129: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0136: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_013b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0157: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0197: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01c0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01c5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01e2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01f0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01f5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0213: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_022f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) CodeMatcher val = new CodeMatcher(instructions, (ILGenerator)null); int pos = val.MatchForward(false, (CodeMatch[])(object)new CodeMatch[3] { new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$TrackScorePatch.startIndex@97-2.Invoke, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Stloc_2, (object)null, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Br, (object)null, (string)null) }).ThrowIfInvalid("Could not find start of for loop in LevelSelectController#populateScores").Pos; int pos2 = val.MatchForward(true, (CodeMatch[])(object)new CodeMatch[3] { new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Ldloc_3, (object)null, (string)null), new CodeMatch((Func<CodeInstruction, bool>)$TrackScorePatch.endIndex@105-1.Invoke, (string)null), new CodeMatch((OpCode?)OpCodes.Blt, (object)null, (string)null) }).ThrowIfInvalid("Could not find end of 2nd for loop in LevelSelectController#populateScores").Pos; CodeMatcher obj = val.RemoveInstructionsInRange(pos, pos2).Start().Advance(pos); CodeInstruction[] obj2 = new CodeInstruction[12] { new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0, (object)null), new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0, (object)null), CodeInstruction.LoadField(typeof(LevelSelectController), "alltrackslist", false), new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Ldarg_0, (object)null), CodeInstruction.LoadField(typeof(LevelSelectController), "songindex", false), default(CodeInstruction), default(CodeInstruction), default(CodeInstruction), default(CodeInstruction), default(CodeInstruction), default(CodeInstruction), default(CodeInstruction) }; CodeInstruction val2 = CodeInstruction.Call(typeof(List<SingleTrackData>), "get_Item", new Type[1] { typeof(int) }, (Type[])null); val2.opcode = OpCodes.Callvirt; obj2[5] = val2; obj2[6] = CodeInstruction.LoadField(typeof(SingleTrackData), "trackref", false); obj2[7] = new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Dup, (object)null); obj2[8] = CodeInstruction.Call(typeof(TrackScoresAccessor), "fetchHighScoresFormatted", (Type[])null, (Type[])null); obj2[9] = new CodeInstruction(OpCodes.Stloc_1, (object)null); obj2[10] = CodeInstruction.Call(typeof(TrackScoresAccessor), "fetchHighestScore", (Type[])null, (Type[])null); obj2[11] = CodeInstruction.StoreField(typeof(LevelSelectController), "highestscore"); return obj.InsertAndAdvance((CodeInstruction[])(object)obj2).InstructionEnumeration(); } [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LatchController), "getNumberOfSScores")] public static bool PatchLatchCheck(out int ___num_s) { if (GlobalVariables.localsettings.acc_unlockhatches) { ___num_s = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)GlobalVariables.localsave.tracks_played * 0.25f); } else { ___num_s = TrackScoresAccessor.countSRanks(); } return false; } } [Serializable] [HarmonyPatch] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class PreviewPatch { internal static ManualLogSource logger; internal static FieldInfo clip_volume_f; internal static FieldInfo clip_player_f; internal static MethodInfo start_fade_m; internal static int init@11; [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LevelSelectClipPlayer), "beginClipSearch")] public static bool ClipSearchPrefix(LevelSelectClipPlayer __instance, in string ___current_trackref) { FSharpOption<BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack> val = BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.tryFetchRegisteredTrack(___current_trackref); object obj; if (val == null) { obj = null; } else { FSharpOption<BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack> val2 = val; BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack value = val2.Value; obj = FSharpOption<TromboneTrack>.Some(value.track@); } FSharpOption<TromboneTrack> val3 = (FSharpOption<TromboneTrack>)obj; if (val3 != null) { FSharpOption<TromboneTrack> val4 = val3; if (val4.Value is Previewable previewable) { Previewable preview = previewable; IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> enumerator = SeqModule.Delay<YieldInstruction>((FSharpFunc<Unit, IEnumerable<YieldInstruction>>)new $PreviewPatch.ClipSearchPrefix@42(__instance, preview)).GetEnumerator(); Coroutine val5 = ((MonoBehaviour)__instance).StartCoroutine((IEnumerator)enumerator); goto IL_0071; } } doClipNotFound(__instance); goto IL_0071; IL_0071: return false; } [CompilationArgumentCounts(new int[] { 1, 1 })] [CompilerGenerated] internal static void setClipAndFade(TrackAudio clip, LevelSelectClipPlayer player) { //IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0051: Expected O, but got Unknown if (init@11 < 2) { IntrinsicFunctions.FailStaticInit(); } clip_volume_f.SetValue(player, clip.Volume@); if (init@11 < 3) { IntrinsicFunctions.FailStaticInit(); } AudioSource val = (AudioSource)clip_player_f.GetValue(player); val.clip = clip.Clip@; val.volume = 0f; val.Play(); if (init@11 < 4) { IntrinsicFunctions.FailStaticInit(); } object obj = start_fade_m.Invoke(player, new object[1] { 1f }); } [CompilerGenerated] internal static void doClipNotFound(LevelSelectClipPlayer player) { ((MonoBehaviour)player).Invoke("doDefaultClipNotFoundEvent", 0f); } static PreviewPatch() { $PreviewPatch.init@ = 0; _ = $PreviewPatch.init@; } } } namespace BaboonAPI { [Serializable] [BepInPlugin("ch.offbeatwit.baboonapi.plugin", "BaboonAPI", "")] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public class BaboonPlugin : BaseUnityPlugin, GameInitializationEvent.Listener { internal Harmony harmony; public BaboonPlugin() { //IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0018: Expected O, but got Unknown harmony = new Harmony("ch.offbeatwit.baboonapi.plugin"); } public void Awake() { GameInitializationEvent.EVENT.Register(this); CustomSaveRegistry.Register(((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Info, $Library.Awake@18.@_instance); harmony.PatchAll(typeof(BrandingPatch)); } public Coroutine TestReload() { IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> enumerator = BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.loadAsync(); return ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine((IEnumerator)enumerator); } public FSharpResult<Unit, LoadError> TryLoadTracks() { //IL_00ca: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00cf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00dd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) try { BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.load(); FSharpOption<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.BaseTrackScoreStorage> baseGameStorage = BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.baseGameStorage; if (baseGameStorage != null) { FSharpOption<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.BaseTrackScoreStorage> val = baseGameStorage; val.Value.firstTimeBackup(); } return FSharpResult<Unit, LoadError>.NewOk((Unit)null); } catch (object obj) when (((Func<bool>)delegate { // Could not convert BlockContainer to single expression Exception ex = (Exception)obj; System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.SkipInit(out int result); if (ex is BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.DuplicateTrackrefException) { string data = ((BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.DuplicateTrackrefException)ex).Data0; result = 1; } else { result = 0; } return (byte)result != 0; }).Invoke()) { Exception ex3 = (Exception)obj; if (ex3 is BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.DuplicateTrackrefException) { string data = ((BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.DuplicateTrackrefException)ex3).Data0; string message = StringModule.Concat("\n", (IEnumerable<string>)FSharpList<string>.Cons(PrintfModule.PrintFormatToStringThen<string>((PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string, string>("Duplicate tracks found with track ID '%P()'", new object[1] { data }, (Type[])null)), FSharpList<string>.Cons("Please check your songs folder for duplicates!", FSharpList<string>.Empty))); return FSharpResult<Unit, LoadError>.NewError(new LoadError(((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Info, message)); } throw; } } virtual FSharpResult<Unit, LoadError> GameInitializationEvent.Listener.Initialize() { //IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) ManualLogSource logger = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger; logger.LogInfo((object)"Unlocking the secrets of the baboon..."); FSharpResult<Unit, LoadError> val = GameInitializationEvent.attempt(((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Info, new $Library.BaboonAPI-Hooks-Initializer-GameInitializationEvent-Listener-Initialize@48(this, logger)); if (val.Tag != 0) { return FSharpResult<Unit, LoadError>.NewError(val.ErrorValue); } return TryLoadTracks(); } } } namespace <StartupCode$BaboonAPI> { internal static class $Library { [Serializable] internal sealed class Awake@18 : FSharpFunc<SaverCapability, Unit> { internal static readonly Awake@18 @_instance = new Awake@18(); [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] internal Awake@18() { } public override Unit Invoke(SaverCapability cap) { cap.Attach("scores", BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.customStorage); return null; } } [Serializable] internal sealed class BaboonAPI-Hooks-Initializer-GameInitializationEvent-Listener-Initialize@63-1 : FSharpFunc<Type, Unit> { [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] public Harmony objectArg; [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] internal BaboonAPI-Hooks-Initializer-GameInitializationEvent-Listener-Initialize@63-1(Harmony objectArg) { this.objectArg = objectArg; } public override Unit Invoke(Type assembly) { objectArg.PatchAll(assembly); return null; } } [Serializable] internal sealed class BaboonAPI-Hooks-Initializer-GameInitializationEvent-Listener-Initialize@48 : FSharpFunc<Unit, Unit> { public BaboonPlugin @this; public ManualLogSource logger; [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] internal BaboonAPI-Hooks-Initializer-GameInitializationEvent-Listener-Initialize@48(BaboonPlugin @this, ManualLogSource logger) { this.@this = @this; this.logger = logger; } public override Unit Invoke(Unit unitVar0) { BaboonAPI.Internal.Debug.printDebug(logger); FSharpList<Type> val = FSharpList<Type>.Cons(typeof(TrackCountPatches), FSharpList<Type>.Cons(typeof(TrackLoaderPatch), FSharpList<Type>.Cons(typeof(TrackTitlePatches), FSharpList<Type>.Cons(typeof(LoaderPatch), FSharpList<Type>.Cons(typeof(LanguageChangerPatch), FSharpList<Type>.Cons(typeof(GameControllerPatch), FSharpList<Type>.Cons(typeof(PausePatches), FSharpList<Type>.Cons(typeof(PreviewPatch), FSharpList<Type>.Cons(typeof(SaverLoaderPatch), FSharpList<Type>.Cons(typeof(TrackScorePatches), FSharpList<Type>.Empty)))))))))); Harmony harmony = this.@this.harmony; FSharpFunc<Type, Unit> val2 = new BaboonAPI-Hooks-Initializer-GameInitializationEvent-Listener-Initialize@63-1(harmony); FSharpList<Type> val3 = val; for (FSharpList<Type> tailOrNull = val3.TailOrNull; tailOrNull != null; tailOrNull = val3.TailOrNull) { Type headOrDefault = val3.HeadOrDefault; val2.Invoke(headOrDefault); val3 = tailOrNull; } SaverLoader.loadAllTrackMetadata(); return null; } } } } namespace BaboonAPI.Hooks.Entrypoints { [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public static class Entrypoints { [Serializable] internal sealed class get@29<t> : FSharpFunc<EntryPointContainer<t>, t> { internal static readonly get@29<t> @_instance = new get@29<t>(); [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] internal get@29() { ((FSharpFunc<EntryPointContainer<EntryPointContainer<t>>, EntryPointContainer<t>>)(object)this)..ctor(); } public override t Invoke(EntryPointContainer<t> c) { return c.Instance@; } } public static IReadOnlyList<EntryPointContainer<t>> getEntrypointContainers<t>() { return (IReadOnlyList<EntryPointContainer<t>>)BaboonAPI.Internal.EntryPointScanner.scanAll<t>(); } public static IReadOnlyList<t> get<t>() { return (IReadOnlyList<t>)ListModule.Map<EntryPointContainer<t>, t>((FSharpFunc<EntryPointContainer<t>, t>)get@29<t>.@_instance, BaboonAPI.Internal.EntryPointScanner.scanAll<t>()); } } } namespace <StartupCode$BaboonAPI>.$BaboonAPI.Hooks.Entrypoints { internal static class Entrypoints { } } namespace BaboonAPI.Hooks.Initializer { [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public static class BaboonInitializer { public static bool IsInitialized() { return ModInitializer.IsInitialized(); } } } namespace <StartupCode$BaboonAPI> { internal static class $Initializer___2 { } } namespace BaboonAPI.Hooks.Tracks { [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public static class TrackLookup { [Serializable] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public sealed class SavedTrackScore : IEquatable<SavedTrackScore>, IStructuralEquatable, IComparable<SavedTrackScore>, IComparable, IStructuralComparable { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] internal string highestRank@; [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] internal FSharpList<int> highScores@; [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public string highestRank { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] get { return highestRank@; } } [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] public FSharpList<int> highScores { [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] get { return highScores@; } } [DynamicDependency(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicFields | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicFields | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicProperties | DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.NonPublicProperties, typeof(SavedTrackScore))] public SavedTrackScore(string highestRank, FSharpList<int> highScores) { highestRank@ = highestRank; highScores@ = highScores; } [CompilerGenerated] public override string ToString() { return ExtraTopLevelOperators.PrintFormatToString<FSharpFunc<SavedTrackScore, string>>((PrintfFormat<FSharpFunc<SavedTrackScore, string>, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<FSharpFunc<SavedTrackScore, string>, Unit, string, string, SavedTrackScore>("%+A")).Invoke(this); } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed int CompareTo(SavedTrackScore obj) { if (this != null) { if (obj != null) { IComparer genericComparer = LanguagePrimitives.GenericComparer; int num = string.CompareOrdinal(highestRank@, obj.highestRank@); if (num < 0) { return num; } if (num > 0) { return num; } genericComparer = LanguagePrimitives.GenericComparer; FSharpList<int> val = highScores@; FSharpList<int> val2 = obj.highScores@; return val.CompareTo((object)val2, genericComparer); } return 1; } if (obj != null) { return -1; } return 0; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed int CompareTo(object obj) { return CompareTo((SavedTrackScore)obj); } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed int CompareTo(object obj, IComparer comp) { SavedTrackScore savedTrackScore = (SavedTrackScore)obj; if (this != null) { if ((SavedTrackScore)obj != null) { int num = string.CompareOrdinal(highestRank@, savedTrackScore.highestRank@); if (num < 0) { return num; } if (num > 0) { return num; } FSharpList<int> val = highScores@; FSharpList<int> val2 = savedTrackScore.highScores@; return val.CompareTo((object)val2, comp); } return 1; } if ((SavedTrackScore)obj != null) { return -1; } return 0; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed int GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer comp) { if (this != null) { int num = 0; num = -1640531527 + (highScores@.GetHashCode(comp) + ((num << 6) + (num >> 2))); return -1640531527 + ((highestRank@?.GetHashCode() ?? 0) + ((num << 6) + (num >> 2))); } return 0; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed override int GetHashCode() { return GetHashCode(LanguagePrimitives.GenericEqualityComparer); } [CompilerGenerated] public bool Equals(SavedTrackScore obj, IEqualityComparer comp) { if (this != null) { if (obj != null) { if (string.Equals(highestRank@, obj.highestRank@)) { FSharpList<int> val = highScores@; FSharpList<int> val2 = obj.highScores@; return val.Equals((object)val2, comp); } return false; } return false; } return obj == null; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed bool Equals(object obj, IEqualityComparer comp) { if (obj is SavedTrackScore obj2) { return Equals(obj2, comp); } return false; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed bool Equals(SavedTrackScore obj) { if (this != null) { if (obj != null) { if (string.Equals(highestRank@, obj.highestRank@)) { return HashCompare.GenericEqualityERIntrinsic<FSharpList<int>>(highScores@, obj.highScores@); } return false; } return false; } return obj == null; } [CompilerGenerated] public sealed override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj is SavedTrackScore obj2) { return Equals(obj2); } return false; } } public static TromboneTrack lookup(string trackref) { return BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.fetchTrack(trackref); } public static FSharpOption<TromboneTrack> tryLookup(string trackref) { FSharpOption<BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack> val = BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.tryFetchRegisteredTrack(trackref); if (val == null) { return null; } FSharpOption<BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack> val2 = val; BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack value = val2.Value; return FSharpOption<TromboneTrack>.Some(value.track@); } public static SingleTrackData toTrackData(TromboneTrack track) { return BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.makeTrackData(track, BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.fetchTrackIndex(track.trackref)); } public static FSharpList<TromboneTrack> allTracks() { ListCollector<TromboneTrack> val = default(ListCollector<TromboneTrack>); using (IEnumerator<BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack> enumerator = BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.allTracks().GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.RegisteredTrack current = enumerator.Current; val.Add(current.track@); } IEnumerable<TromboneTrack> enumerable = null; } return val.Close(); } public static void reload() { BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.load(); } public static IEnumerator<YieldInstruction> reloadAsync() { return BaboonAPI.Internal.TrackAccessor.loadAsync(); } public static FSharpOption<SavedTrackScore> lookupScore(string trackref) { BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.IScoreStorage storageFor = BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.getStorageFor(trackref); if (storageFor.IsSaved(trackref)) { BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.TrackScores trackScores = storageFor.Load(trackref); return FSharpOption<SavedTrackScore>.Some(new SavedTrackScore(BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.rankString(trackScores.highestRank@), trackScores.highScores@)); } return null; } } } namespace <StartupCode$BaboonAPI>.$BaboonAPI.Hooks.Tracks { internal static class TrackLookup { } } namespace <StartupCode$BaboonAPI> { internal static class $PreviewPatch { [Serializable] internal sealed class ClipSearchPrefix@44-1 : FSharpFunc<FSharpResult<TrackAudio, string>, IEnumerable<YieldInstruction>> { public LevelSelectClipPlayer __instance; [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] internal ClipSearchPrefix@44-1(LevelSelectClipPlayer __instance) { this.__instance = __instance; } public override IEnumerable<YieldInstruction> Invoke(FSharpResult<TrackAudio, string> clip) { if (clip.Tag != 1) { TrackAudio resultValue = clip.ResultValue; PreviewPatch.setClipAndFade(resultValue, __instance); return SeqModule.Empty<YieldInstruction>(); } string errorValue = clip.ErrorValue; if (PreviewPatch.init@11 < 1) { IntrinsicFunctions.FailStaticInit(); } PreviewPatch.logger.LogError((object)PrintfModule.PrintFormatToStringThen<string>((PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string>)(object)new PrintfFormat<string, Unit, string, string, string>("Failed to load song preview clip: %P()", new object[1] { errorValue }, (Type[])null))); PreviewPatch.doClipNotFound(__instance); return SeqModule.Empty<YieldInstruction>(); } } [Serializable] internal sealed class ClipSearchPrefix@42 : FSharpFunc<Unit, IEnumerable<YieldInstruction>> { public LevelSelectClipPlayer __instance; public Previewable preview; [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] internal ClipSearchPrefix@42(LevelSelectClipPlayer __instance, Previewable preview) { this.__instance = __instance; this.preview = preview; } public override IEnumerable<YieldInstruction> Invoke(Unit unitVar) { return BaboonAPI.Utility.Coroutines.coroutine.Bind(preview.LoadClip(), new ClipSearchPrefix@44-1(__instance)); } } [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)] [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] internal static int init@; static $PreviewPatch() { PreviewPatch.logger = Logger.CreateLogSource("BaboonAPI.PreviewPatch"); PreviewPatch.init@11 = 1; PreviewPatch.clip_volume_f = AccessTools.Field(typeof(LevelSelectClipPlayer), "clip_volume"); PreviewPatch.init@11 = 2; PreviewPatch.clip_player_f = AccessTools.Field(typeof(LevelSelectClipPlayer), "clipPlayer"); PreviewPatch.init@11 = 3; PreviewPatch.start_fade_m = AccessTools.Method(typeof(LevelSelectClipPlayer), "startCrossFade", (Type[])null, (Type[])null); PreviewPatch.init@11 = 4; } } } namespace BaboonAPI.Patch { [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal static class TrackScoresUtility { internal static BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.TrackScores get(string trackref) { return BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.getStorageFor(trackref).Load(trackref); } [CompilationArgumentCounts(new int[] { 1, 1 })] internal static void put(string trackref, BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.AchievedScore score) { BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.getStorageFor(trackref).Save(score); } internal static bool checkForS(string trackref) { FSharpOption<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank> highestRank@ = BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.getStorageFor(trackref).Load(trackref).highestRank@; if (highestRank@ != null) { FSharpOption<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank> val = highestRank@; return HashCompare.GenericGreaterOrEqualIntrinsic<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank>(val.Value, BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank.S); } return false; } internal static string pullLetterScore(string trackref) { return BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.rankString(BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.getStorageFor(trackref).Load(trackref).highestRank@); } } } namespace <StartupCode$BaboonAPI> { internal static class $TrackScorePatch { [Serializable] internal sealed class countSRanks@28 : FSharpFunc<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank, bool> { internal static readonly countSRanks@28 @_instance = new countSRanks@28(); [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] internal countSRanks@28() { } public override bool Invoke(BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank r) { return HashCompare.GenericGreaterOrEqualIntrinsic<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank>(r, BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank.S); } } [Serializable] internal sealed class countSRanks@27-1 : FSharpFunc<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.TrackScores, FSharpOption<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank>> { internal static readonly countSRanks@27-1 @_instance = new countSRanks@27-1(); [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] internal countSRanks@27-1() { } public override FSharpOption<BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.Rank> Invoke(BaboonAPI.Internal.ScoreStorage.TrackScores s) { return s.highestRank@; } } [Serializable] internal sealed class fetchHighScoresFormatted@33 : FSharpFunc<int, string> { internal static readonly fetchHighScoresFormatted@33 @_instance = new fetchHighScoresFormatted@33(); [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] internal fetchHighScoresFormatted@33() { } public override string Invoke(int i) { if (i > 0) { return i.ToString("n0"); } return "-"; } } [Serializable] [SpecialName] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal static class startIndex@97-2 { internal static bool Invoke(CodeInstruction ins) { return CodeInstructionExtensions.LoadsConstant(ins, 0L); } } [Serializable] [SpecialName] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal static class endIndex@105-1 { internal static bool Invoke(CodeInstruction ins) { return CodeInstructionExtensions.LoadsConstant(ins, 7L); } } } } namespace BaboonAPI.Patch { [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal static class ModInitializer { [Serializable] [SpecialName] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal sealed class ShowResult@38-1 { public RectTransform rect; public ShowResult@38-1(RectTransform rect) { this.rect = rect; base..ctor(); } internal void Invoke(float value) { //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) rect.offsetMin = new Vector2(10f, value); } } [Serializable] [SpecialName] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] [CompilationMapping(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)] internal sealed class ShowResult@45-2 { public RectTransform rect; public ShowResult@45-2(RectTransform rect) { this.rect = rect; base..ctor(); } internal void Invoke(float value) { //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) rect.offsetMin = new Vector2(value, 30f); } } [Serializable] internal sealed class ShowResult@83-3 : FSharpFunc<Unit, IEnumerable<YieldInstruction>> { internal static readonly ShowResult@83-3 @_instance = new ShowResult@83-3(); [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] internal ShowResult@83-3() { } public override IEnumerable<YieldInstruction> Invoke(Unit unitVar) { return SeqModule.Empty<YieldInstruction>(); } } [Serializable] internal sealed class ShowResult@17 : FSharpFunc<Unit, IEnumerable<YieldInstruction>> { public BrandingController bc; [CompilerGenerated] [DebuggerNonUserCode] internal ShowResult@17(BrandingController bc) { this.b